Sitka County AK Archives History - Businesses .....Sitka 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher June 29, 2007, 3:20 am SITKA. The capital of Alaska, lies at the base of Mount Verstovia, on the w side of Baranoff island, 980 miles n w of Seattle, Wash, and 178 s w of Juneau, the nearest banking point. Was first settled by the Russians in 1804 and named New Archangel. Has a fine harbor and excellent wharfage. Contains 2 saw mills, a brewery, a salmon cannery, 3 hotels, a hospital, Episcopal, Presbyterian, Greek and Roman Catholic churches and a weekly newspaper, The Alaskan. The principal building of interest is the Greek church. The interior is very pretty, the style and decorations showing its Russian origin. The U S land office, marine barracks and customs office are also located here; also some mines in the vicinity. Has semi-monthly steamer connection with all Alaskan and Puget Sound points. Exp, Alas Pac. Pop, l,396. Mail, semi-monthly. Mrs Pauline Archangelsky. P M. Alaska District Historical Library & Museum, John G Brady mngr. Alaska Pacific Express Co, Edward De Groff agt. ALASKAN PUBLISHING CO, Miss C Patton Mngr, Publishers The Alaskan. ALASKAN THE, Alaskan Publishing Co Publishers. Miss C Patton Editor. ALBERTSTONE REUBEN, Propr Sitka Hotel. Archangelsky Mrs Pauline, propr The Baranoff. Baranoff Packing Co. salmon canners. Baranoff The, Mrs Pauline Archangelsky propr, hotel. BRADY JOHN G. Governor of Alaska and Lumber Mnfr. Bronson F E, dep colr U S customs. Callsen Peter, contr. CHAMBERLAIN EDWARD, Lawyer. Clements John, saloon. Cox Albert C, dentist. DE GROFF EDWARD. Drugs and Groceries and U S Commissioner. Distin Wm L, U S Surveyor General and ex-officio Sec of State. Dorian Edward, curios. Fitts Henry B. phys. FITZGERALD JAMES, General Store. Guertin Frank, gen store. Gurnee Clinton, purveyor. HILDRETH HENRY H, Notary Public. Hirst Bernard, gen store. Holm, Oscar, tailor. HOTEL MILLMORE. Mrs A. H Solberg Propr. Howard George, music tchr. Industrial Training School, Wm A Kelly prin. Kasnakoff John, tailor. Kelly Wm A. lawyer. Kostrometinoff Peter J, gen store. McGuire Thomas F, barber. McNair Walton D, lawyer. Merrill Edward W, photogr. MILLS WM P & CO (Wm P amd W R Mills), General Store and Saw Mill. Piehl Alexander saloon. Raber Peter, dray line. Roll Bros (Fred and George), gen store. Shields James M. contr. Simon Joseph, saloon. Sitka Cornet Band, George Howard leader. SITKA HOTEL, Reuben Albertstone Propr. SITKA MISSION HOSPITAL, Bertrand K Wilbur Phys. Sitka & Providemce Mining Co. E O Smith supt. Society of Alaskan Natural History & Ethnology, Wm A Kelly, pres; Mrs Margaret Saxman, sec and treas. Solberg Adolph H, shoemkr. SOLBERG MRS A H, Propr Hotel Millmore. Stowell G W, surveyor. Thompson Thomas J. barber. Turtle Calvin W. U S Commr. United States Customs Office, J W Ivey colr. United States Land Office, John W Dudley, register; A J Apperson, receiver. United States Marine Barracks, Capt Joseph H Pendleton commaning. Walton Rudolph, jeweler and grocer. WILBUR BERTRAND K, Physician. WITZ ROBERT, Brewery and Saloon. Additional Comments: Extracted from: R. L. Polk & Co.'s District of Alaska Gazetteer and Business Directory for 1901-1902 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.7 Kb