Butler County AlArchives Biographies.....Little, John G. December 3 1825 - living in 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson alabammygrammy@aol.com May 14, 2004, 12:16 pm Author: Brant & Fuller (1893) JOHN G. LITTLE is a representative gentleman of the old school and for over half a century has been an honored citizen of Butler county. His father, Amos Little, a farmer by occupation, was born in Union district, S. C., in the year 1801, and came to Butler county, Ala., in 1820, settling near the town of Ridgeville, where he lived till 1855. He then changed his residence to Conecuh county, where his death occurred in 1879. His wife, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Hayes, accompanied her husband to Alabama, and departed this life in Conecuh county in the year 1861. John G. Little was born near the town of Ridgeville, Butler county, December 3, 1825, and grew to manhood on a farm, receiving in such schools as the country at that time afforded but limited educational adavntages. He remained with his parents until 1846, in which year he engaged as overseer with Col. Estey of Mississippi, in whose employ he remained eighteen months, after which he did service at intervals for W. H. Crenshaw, Esq., a prominent planter of southern Alabama. Husbanding his earnings, he subsequently invested them in lands near Cedar, Butler county, but for sometime acted in the capacity of overseer for Thomas Crenshaw, and during the war raised provisions for the army in the county of Lowndes. For five years following the war Mr. Little was engaged in the pursuit of agriculture, and then gave up the farm and moved to the town of Monterey, which he made his home for a period of fifteen years. In 1888, he removed to Greenville, where he has since resided in peaceful retirement from active life. Mr. Little was married, December 16, 1853, to Sophronia E. Howell, who died January 10, 1892. She was a most estimable lady and bore her husband five children: Teresa, wife of Dr. Garrett; Susan, wife of William Stewart; J. B., a graduate of the university of Alabama, and for three years professor of chemistry in that institution; Charles L., also a graduate of the state university, and Anna B., a graduate of the A. C. F. college, Tuscaloosa. Mr. Little has been a prominent factor in the local politics of Butler county, and as a democrat has at different times represented his party as a delegate to state conventions. He is an earnest worker in the cause of temperance, and it was through his efforts that a bill was passed by the general assembly making it unlawful to vend intoxicating liquors of any kind within five miles of the town of Monterey. In matters educational he has likewise been deeply interested, and, appreciating the value of training, of which he in youth was deprived, has given all his children the benefits of full courses in the best colleges and universities of the state. Having begun life as a poor boy, with but a limited education, Mr. Little, by his own exertion, has not only become a well-to-do citizen and large property holder, but has also advanced the material interests and added to the wealth of his county. He is a consistent member of the Baptist church, in which he holds the office of deacon. Additional Comments: from "Memorial Record of Alabama", Vol. I, p. 564 This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 3.6 Kb