Calhoun County AlArchives Biographies.....Williams, Joseph February 4, 1862 - December 27, 1941 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: David Norton May 25, 2008, 8:29 pm Author: Brant & Fuller, Madison Wisconsin The second son of Zebulon B Williams of North Carolina and Emmaline Permilia Dunkin of Spartanburg, SC (Union,SC) JOSEPH GARDNER WILLIAMS, one of the citizens of the Lawn district of Taylor county was born in Calhoun county, Alabama, on the 4th of February, 1862. His father, Z. B. Williams, was born October 31, 1824, in South Carolina, whence ZB removed to Alabama in middle life, being accompanied by his wife and three children. Mrs. Williams had borne the maiden name of Permelia Emmaline Dunkin and was a native of South Carolina. They settled in Calhoun county, Alabama. The father engaged in freighting before the advent of railroads but later his principal occupation was farming. His death occurred December 27, 1887, when he was sixty-three years of age and his wife passed away in the spring of 1901. They reared a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters. Joseph G. Williams made his home with his father until about twenty-two years of age, during which time he was educated in the public schools. He was then married, and after his marriage resided in Alabama for about two years, devoting his time to agricultural pursuits. In the fall of 1885 he came to Texas. He first settled in Kaufman county, where he began farming and met with fair success. He left Kaufman, and in the latter part of December, 1890, arrived in Taylor county. He first put in a crop about eight miles west of Abilene, but this did not prove productive. Later he leased land from Dr. Bowlin in the Jim Ned valley, and there he made his home for four years. By that time he managed to save capital sufficient, and accordingly, on the 16th of January, 1896, he removed to his last place, situated two miles northwest of Lawn. He owned two hundred and fifty-five acres of land, of which one hundred and sixty-five acres were under cultivation. Mr. Williams was married in Alabama on the 13th of December, 1883, to Miss Lucy Permelia Landers, a native of that state, and a sister of the Landers living in the Lawn country. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were the parents of six sons and two daughters, namely: Jessie, born October 19, 1884; William Z.,, born September 29, 1887; Draper D., born March 5, 1890; Lucy P., born July 12, 1892; Hammon B., born September 18, 1894; Thomas J., born January 10, 1897; Lulu E., born December 14, 1901; and Miles R., born October 1, 1903. Mr. Williams was a Baptist. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb