Chambers County AlArchives Obituaries.....Redmon, Lurie Griffin April 1, 1920 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Brewer August 29, 2018, 2:37 pm The LaFayette Sun From the June 2, 1920 issue of The LaFayette Sun: Her death came as a shock to her many friends. After a short illness of acute indigestion the sweet spirit winged its way to the dreamland of the soul, where it will seek the slumber of peace until the resurrection morn. Come, my dear Lord, and comfort me, In my afflicted state I am bereft, as you may see, Of my loving mate. Her heart was bound with mine by love Good works to maintain, But she is gone to Christ above, Forever there to reign. My children cry, no mother by To comfort or to keep; The sorrow is great - it doeth create Much grief, as all may see. But dearest wife, I know not why That thou wert called from me, But God His will doth fulfill These things we ought to know, That he has carried thee safely home. Where troubles are no more. Thou wert the idol of my heart, The comfort of my mind. But now I'm left to mourn alone Till Jesus calls me to His arms. Where thou hast gone to wait for me On Canaan's happy shore Thy memory, dear, shall be cherished here As long as life shall be, And then I hope with thee to be, Nevermore to part. One who loved her dearly, Her old teacher, M.C.B. Married: Married December 25th, 1902 Son: Nonus (see link) Daughter: Ivis Redmon Sisters: Nevada Griffin Todd, & Leamon Griffin File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb