Chambers County AlArchives Obituaries.....Redmond, Nancy L. April 8, 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Brewer August 29, 2018, 2:22 pm The LaFayette Sun "The LaFayette Sun" - April 16, 1902: Miss Nancy L. Redmond. Miss Nancy L. Redmond was born August 4, 1844 and died March 4, 1902. At eleven years of age, she found great peace in believing upon the Lord Jesus Christ as a personal Savior. She then sought the communion of the people of God and joined the Methodist Church, South, and was faithful and true to her church vows to the end of her early pilgrimage. She loved God with her whole heart, therefore she loved the church, and as she had opportunity she waited about her altars and in proportion to her ability she worked for her good. Her devotion to her aged mother was beautiful and praiseworthy. She never seemed to tire in her attentions to her but ever ready to cheerfully minister to her wants. She was an obedient child, a loving, kind sister, a considerate, good neighbor, a true friend and a devout Christian. She died of pneumonia, being sick only about one week. She was rational until a few minutes before she died and gave testimony of her complete preparation for the reward of the pure and the good. Truly may it be said of her she was consistent in life and triumphant in death. - R. A. Timmons, LaFayette, Ala., April 8, 1902. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb