Pleasant Grove Methodist Cemtetery, Chilton, Alabama ==================================================================== USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store this file permanently for free access. File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Pam Long ================================================================================ August 1998 Surveyed by Mark Hosey, Pamela (Hosey) Long and Daniel Broughton Long III June 23, 1998, and November 27, 1998. To reach the cemetery, go west of Clanton on Highway 22 for 4½ miles, turn left (south) on County Road 37 (Thorsby road) for 2½ miles. Turn right at the white church. Durbin, Ralph, 29 June 1947-26 June 1969 Durbin, J.C. 1909-1959 Durbin, Bobby A. 18 Feb 1938-9 April 1981 Durbin, Norene H. 1909-1980 Hosey, Mark 1888-1964/Gone but not forgotten Hosey, Sallie 1892-1967/Gone but not forgotten Hosey, John Earl, 13 Oct 1919-3 Dec. 1993/Daddy Hosey, Iris C. 5 Sept. 1920-/Mother Ledbetter, Thomas R. PFC USA WWII 27 July 1922-29 Sept. 1977 Ledbetter, Elizabeth 7 April 1926-6 July 1990 Ledbetter, William Thomas 18 Nov. 1948-18 Nov. 1948 Ledbetter, Carolyn Louise 15 Dec. 1947-15 Dec. 1947 Cooper, Lucy P. 21 May 1889-30 April 1961 Cooper, Edward W. 2 May 1881-20 Oct. 1970 Atkinson, Roy Eugene 27 Mar. 1952-13 Feb. 1963 Atkinson, Woodrow W. Alabama SSgt 1306 Base Unit AAF WWII 14 Aug. 1916-31 July 1962/(Cross in a circle) Hosey, Fred L. 21 Mar. 1921-21 April 1965/Married 22 June 1955 Hosey, Martha M. 16 Feb. 1917- Cooper, Charlie 31 Dec. 1877-16 Jan. 1963 Cooper, Effie 20 Oct. 1887-23 Nov. 1970 Cooper, Odis Maze 30 Mar 1910-17 Sept 1981/Respectfully placed by Joyce, Winfred & Larry Headley, Harmon O. 25 Jan 1920- Headley, Edwina C. 25 Aug 1926-29 July 1989/Together yesterday, today & tomorrow Lockhart, Edna 15 Nov. 1913-12 Mar. 1958 Lockhard, D.C. "Dick", 25 Dec. 1902-9 Dec. 1979 Holt, Ethel Mae 3 Feb. 1899-12 July 1974/Mother as forever Payton, Robert Lee (Gus), 17 Aug 1928-7 Nov. 1993/(Heart with Gus and Nan) Payton, Rev. Ocie 25 Nov. 1895-8 Feb. 1974 Payton, Minnie Lee 12 Sept. 1885-15 Mar. 1972/Children, trust in God and ye shall be saved (praying hands) Mims, Houston, 4 Aug 1919-26 Aug. 1982 Mims, W. Dean 23 Jan 1924-/Together forever Jones, Jack A. 5 Nov. 1907- Jones, Margaret Ruth, 22 Feb. 1927-11 May 1988/I love you (Sign language "I love you") Dismukes, Betty Lois 5 Oct. 1958-24 Oct. 1958 Chasteen, Martha J. 5 Nov. 1892-11 June 1982 Chasteen, Evans S. 13 Mar. 1888-10 May 1957 Chasteen, R. 1892-1947 Roper, inf. of W.C. Roper 3 June 1898 Henley, Jesse C. 7 Sept. 1852-14 Jan. 1929 Chasteen, Mariah Henley 1864-1938 Chasteen, Andrew 1863-1893 Headley, Emily C. 1851-1929 Headley, Albert 1853-1939 Cooper, Susan Giles 1844-1934 Cooper, Ezekiel Maze (star) 1834-1896/Co. D 21 Ala. Regt. CSA Mims, Dr. James, son of C.B. & Elizabeth J. Mims 18 Mar. 1866-1 Oct. 1905 Culp, Walter L., Pvt Cen. Officers Tng. Sch. WWI 16 mar. 1894-12 Feb. 1951 Culp, John L. 1861-1933/Father Culp, Alonza 1887-1907 Culp, inf. son of J.L. & Emma Culp 1901 Culp, Martha Ann Headley 1840-14 Dec. 1922/Our beloved grandmother Culp, W.A. 13 Nov. 1840-10 Nov. 1907/(Crown and city) Culp, Mary Ida 2 June 1875-12 Feb. 1892/(Clasped hands over a city) Culp, M.B. 26 Mar. 1878-16 Oct. 1918 Mims, Elizabeth, wife of A.C. Mims 27 Oct. 1834-24 Dec. 1900 Popwell, Clyde M. 30 Aug. 1913-24 Sept. 1933 Popwell, Tipton L. 19 Sept. 1909-3 Feb. 1932 Popwell, Tonie K. 1 July 1886-22 Dec. 1977 Popwell, Walter, 10 Sept. 1875-17 Oct. 1948 Popwell, Madison 27 Apr. 1842-25 Mar. 1933 Hosey, inf. dau. of Mark & Sallie Hosey born & died 13 Dec. 1917 Hosey, Addie, wife of Mark Hosey 13 Sept. 1892-8 Jan. 1916/(Dove, "hope") Hosey, Alice Louise 4 Apr. 1929-8 Aug. 1929 Jones, Minnie, dau of B.L. and E.J. Jones 26 Oct. 1890-26 Sept. 1931 Edwards, Martha, wife of John Edwards 1866-17 Oct. 1907/Mother (crown) Edwards, John, 11 Mar. 1855-11 July 1928/Here I lay my burdens down, change the cross into the crown Cooper, Stanley, 17 Aug. 1896-10 Mar. 1938 Culp, J.A. Dec. 1871-11 Oct. 1908 Cooper, Callie 2 Dec. 1882-26 Apr. 1951 Culp, Emma H. 1863-1848 Headley, Loyde I. 17 Nov. 1934-21 Nov. 1941 Best, A.B. 21 May 1885-17 Sept. 1918/It is not the whole of life to live, nor the whole of death to die Best, L.P. 18 May 1837-24 Dec. 1921/Here I lay my burdens down, change the cross into the crown Best, Angueline 5 July 1853-5 July 1947 Hosey, Minnie Mims 24 Sept. 1893-3 Apr. 1984 Johnson, Sallie Stewart 1870-1930/(Star) In memory of... Mims, W.S. 1 Jan 1860-30 Nov. 1914/Gone but not forgotten Lockhart, Filmore M. 8 Jan. 1884-9 Mar. 1939 Culp, Della 1 Oct. 1881-27 Sept. 1968 Dobbs, Mrs. E.S. 17 Feb 1822-24 Nov. 1914 Dobbs, Rev. N.A. 16 Aug. 1825-7 Feb. 1917 Headley, Terry Wayne 21 May 1953-14 June 1976 Devaughn, Melvin 16 Feb. 1912-31 Mar. 1955 Blackwell, Colonel W. 1865-1951 Roper, Emma Lee, 3 July 1892-17 Aug. 1892 Roper, Ina Belle 22 Nov. 1897-12 Dec. 1897 Tunnell, H.L., wife of J.S. Tunnell, no dates. b. Elmore Co; d. Montgomery Tunnell, ??, child of J.S. & H.L. Tunnell 22 Mr. 1869-28 June 1888 Tunnell, Mollie C. 27 Apr. 1875-16 Sept. 1953 Tunnell, Rev. J.T. 11 Aug. 1874-20 Aug. 1969 Culp, Jadie M. 22 Sept. 1892-1 Aug. 1974 Culp, Mattie E. Frith 7 Sept. 1894- Mims, inf. son of Howard Mims no dates Coggins, Barbara Ann 25 Jan 1942-18 Nov. 1970 Henley, Joseph D. 12 Feb. 1978-26 Dec. 1965 Culp, James Harmon 26 May 1898-25 Feb. 1967 Culp, R.L. 11 Feb. 1865-29 Mar. 1929 Culp, Emma, wife of R.L. Culp 29 Oct. 1871-16 Jan. 1916 Henley, Cassandra 14 Oct. 1832-18 Feb. 1904 Henley, Mary, wife of Joshua Henley 1808-14 Aug. 1881 Henley, Lee Roy 2 Jan. 1918-10 Dec. 1918 Durbin, Morgan 18 July 1889-25 Oct. 1890 Henley, Felix C. 19 July 1887-11 Aug. 1962 Henley, Eva C. 8 Dec. 1890-26 Feb. 1969 Milford, Louise 13 Nov. 1923-24 Aug. 1940 Milford, Mandy wife of M.L. Milford 3 Apr. 1930 Milford, Marcus L., Co.C 2nd Ala. Inf. Sp. Am. War no dates Headley, Peelied 1914-1932 Culp, Nathan 23 Aug. 1846-19 Jan. 1887 Henley, J.H. 2 May 1876-22 Mar. 1916 Henley, Lula G. Tunnell wife of J.H. Henley 3 Apr. 1888-11 oct. 1918 Henley, Wineyford frances Culp, wife of L.W. Henley 4 Mar 1850-7 Jan 1922 Henley, Lindsay W. 13 Dec. 1841-25 Nov. 1923/They who knew him best/ will bless his name/ And heep is memory dear/while life shall rest. Glenn, Charlie N. 1 Feb. 1877-26 Dec. 1951 Glenn, Ella 1875-1947 Jones, Ronder 12 Mar. 1900-3 May 1957 Jones, Vela Mae 5 May 1905-14 Oct. 1981 Culp, Melitee M. 15 Dec. 1881-15 Sept 1964 Culp, Craton C. 21 Mar. 1875-2 Mar. 1946 Culp, Carson 5 July 1950 Culp, Clarice 5 July 1950 Culp, Gary Lane 8 June 1948-13 Nov. 1949 McLendon, Linda Gail Culp 17 Feb. 1947-18 Nov. 1970 Henley, inf. son of J.F. Henley 2 Jan 1918-10 Dec. 1918 Mims, Margaret A. d. 12 Mar. 1887 age 47 yrs. Headley, Annie E. 21 July 1822-11 mar. 1888 Headley, Sylvesta 20 June 1817-3 Nov. 1887 Henley, Mary R. Murphy, wife of Jesse C. Henley 14 July 1846-17 July 1902 Young, James M. 29 Nov. 1915-2 Sept. 1970 Headley, Larry W. US Army 18 Dec. 1940-4 Mar. 1982 (cross) Culp, T. Grady 19 July 1890-23 Oct. 1973/I will lift mine eyes unto the hills Culp, Mary L. 1893-1981/My help cometh from the Lord Culp, inf son of T.G. & Mary L. Culp 12 Sept. 1931-13 Sept. 1931/He carries the lamb in his bosom Broadhead, inf. son of J.R. & M.F. Broadhead 16 Nov. 1878 Bavar, Henry Edward 28 Dec. 1874-19 June 1950 Bavar, Janie Johnson 25 Mar. 1876-12 June 1950 Henley, Harlom Whitfield, son of D.S. Henley 12 Nov. 1908-24 June 1910 Henley, Mary R. Murphy, wife of C. Henley 14 July 1846-17 July 1902 Henley, Siras Monroe 1884-1972 Culp, Olympia 1900-1900 Culp, Jettie Christine 1912-1923 Culp, inf. of C.C. & M.E. Culp 30 Mar. 1901 Headley, Mamie Purvis, mother of Minnie H. Clack no dates Headley, Elenial Lawton, son of A.C. Headley 16 Aug. 1921-8 Dec. 1914 Best, Jeff, Co. L 5 US Vol. Inf. Sp. Am. War no dates Best, Lula 19 Aug. 1886-27 Nov. 1979 Clack, Edna E., mother of Clack, M.D. no dates Williams, Mary A. 18 jan. 1875-23 Feb. 1952 Milford, Bob no dates Milford, Fannie no dates Milford, Mattie no dates Milford, John Ala. 2nd Lt. Co. H 29 Regt. Ala. Inf. C.S.A 15 Apr. 1824-28 mar. 1908 Milford, Susie no dates Milford, M.E., wife of John Milford 30 Aug. 1827-26 Dec. 1898 Milford, Mary A., wife of J.F. Milford 12 July 1865-13 Mar. 1885 Headley, Tirsie, wife of J.T. Headley 14 Nov. 1842-22 May 1894 Headley, J.T. 12 Sept. 1848-22 Feb. 1921 Williams, Nancy E. 17 Oct. 1883-7 Nov. 1970 Henson, Martha 5 May 1869-22 Jan. 1961 Payton, Robert M. 22 Sept. 1869-10 June 1949 Payton, A. Porter 18 May 1900- Payton, Gladys W. 23 Oct. 1907-20 Mar. 1974 Durbin, Etta H. 25 Dec. 1904-24 apr. 1978 Durbin, Mack Clayton 20 Nov. 1897-14 Sept. 1955 Pike, Hazel Durbin 3 Jan. 1934-18 Nov. 1968 Gandy, Sarah Allie 8 July 1890-28 Dec. 1934/Mother, The sweetest person we will ever know Atkinson, Robert F. 6 Feb. 1869-14 May 1949 Atkinson, Cora P. 26 Aug. 1878-20 July 1967 Gibson, Rev. Francis Augustine 1 Dec. 1855-29 June 1933/The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. At rest. Gibson, Mary 14 Feb. 1854-28 Sept. 1937 Gibson, Rev. J.W. 9 Oct. 1885-27 Nov. 1958 Gibson, Etta 20 Apr. 1887-10 Apr. 1960 Bates, Floyd A. 26 Aug. 1875-1 Dec. 1962 Bates, Sarah E. 8 Aug. 1892-20 Dec. 1967 Bates, Raymond Clyde, Ala. PFC US Army WWII 27 Oct. 1919-18 Dec. 1968 Bates, Harold A. 7 Feb. 1913- (buried, but no dates) Bates, Myrtis C. 13 Apr. 1914-30 Dec. 1975 Bates, Doris C. 14 June 1925-1 Oct. 1997 Hayes, Ollie J. 29 Sept. 1913-30 Dec. 1979 Hayes, Annie Lee 23 Dec. 1917- Hutchins, Freeman Jr. 17 June 1932-6 Mar 1987 Hutchins, Sharon H. 2 April 1944- Roseberry, Mrs. J.A. 16 May 1858-15 Aug. 1911 Roseberry, J.A. 7 Sept. 1852-8 Feb. 1931 Roseberry, Robert 19 Nov. 1897-28 Nov. 1933 Brown, Katie Roseberry wife of J.O. Brown 5 May 1889-10 May 1937 Wilkins, W.M. (Sam) 23 Oct. 1888-25 Feb. 1963 Wilkins, Anna J. 13 Feb. 1885-20 Feb. 1970 Wilkins, Verginia M. 22 Aug. 1867-4 Apr. 1947 Wilkins, Harvie 19 Sept. 1920-/Father Wilkins, Evelyn D. 19 May 1926-24 Mar 1995/Mother Wilkins, Ethel May 21 Jan. 1924-21 Feb. 1924 Payton, J.G. 15 May 1840-30 Sept. 1917 Payton, Fadie, dau of J.G. & A.M. Payton 14 June 1873-14 Jan. 1914 Payton, Julius 25 Jan. 1892-25 June 1908/A precious one Headley, Harmon 8 Sept. 1885-8 Sept. 1957 Headley, Nora E. 3 Mar. 1886-27 May 1961 Swint, Beulah C. 19 oct. 1877-20 Apr. 1910 Milford, Nixxie C. 1886-1909 Milford, A.G. 1906-1906/Baby (lamb) Milford, Russell 1908-1931 AJM (infant) Headley, Powell H. 10 Feb. 1839-5 Feb. 1914/Father (cross and crown) Headley, Sarah, wife of P.H. Headley 1 Jan 1830-21 Feb. 1901 (clasped hands) Broadhead, Marvin D. 2 Mary 1903-28 Aug. 1964/Gone but not forgotten Broadhead, Etta L. 3 Feb. 1901-11 Jan. 1969/Mother/Gone but not forgotten Blackmon, Savannah Culp 22 Mar. 1875-11 Oct. 1921 Blackmon, Etharea 8 Nov. 1903-15 Aug. 1926 Cauthen, Sue Seale 16 June 1916-20 May 1968 Raspberry, Ruth 6 Jan 1913-27 Oct. 1978 Scott, William H. 26 Nov. 1887-25 Apr. 1980 Scott, Zella M. 11 Dec. 1886-24 Sept. 1936/At rest Scott, Arthur 11 June 1912-28 Aug. 1960 Scott, Simmie 16 Aug. 1913-29 June 1972 Hines, Maudie D. 4 Oct. 1902-8 Apr. 1960 Hines, Frank C. 27 June 1889-31 Aug. 1944 Alabama Mech Co. L 167 Infantry WWI Culp, Oscar 19 Apr. 1900-25 Feb. 1978 Culp, Ruth, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. O.L. Culp 23 Apr. 1923-24 Apr. 1925 Culp, Mrs. Annie 16 May 1872-17 May 1931/Mother Culp, Berry 29 Feb. 1889-27 Sept. 1922/Father Culp, Elbert C. no dates Culp, J.W. 15 Nov. 1837-15 Nov. 1909, Co. G 44th Ala. C.S.A. Culp, wife of J.W. Culp no dates Headley, T.J. 1911-1959 Headley, Earl Orell 21 July 1924-9 Apr. 1942 Headley, inf. of M.H. Headley 21 Mar. 1922-21 Aug. 1922 Headley, inf. of M.H. Headley 3 Sept. 1938-26 Sept. 1938 Popwell, Laura W. 3 Jan 1857-5 Apr. 1947 Popwell, John 21 Dec. 1847-17 Sept. 1892 Edwards, Georgia, wife of John Edwards 11 Dec. 1861-18 Nov. 1889 Popwell, Ada dau of M. & L. Popwell 13 Sept. 1870-14 Sept. 1881 Broadhead, J.S. 1 apr. 1871-10 Feb. 1906/Dear Dad, gone but not forgotten Broadhead, Sular M. 20 May 1871-22 Mar. 1901/Dear Mother, gone but not forgotten Broadhead, C.A. 29 Jan. 1901-23 may 1901/Dear Sister, gone but not forgotten Henley, Robert Olin b&d 17 Sept. 1939 Headley, Martha Payne 5 Aug. 1907-15 Oct. 1962 Culp, Johnie 18 Dec. 1911-23 July 1928 Billingsley, Gladys Culp, wife of Alvin A. Billingsley 28 Mar. 1909-4 Feb. 1936 Culp, George W. 17 July 1876-29 mar. 1957 Culp, Isabell Edwards 12 June 1880- Henley, William Byron 10 Feb. 1905-3 June 1970 Henley, Ruth Williams 9 Apr. 1906 Henley, James 16 Jan 1945-?? Headley, Jubal Robert b. 13 July 1836 Headley, inf. dau. of Mr. & Mrs. R.S. Headley 1934 Headley, Realious S. 20 Sept. 1907-2 May 1967 Henley, John William 16 Aug. 1870-19 July 1944 Henley, Sina Popwell 29 Mar. 1881-20 Sept. 1970 Henley, Leverah, dau. of J. & S. Henley 20 Aug. 1900-9 Feb. 1915 Chapman, Donald Edwin, PFC 10 Adm. Tng. Sq. 19 Dec. 1929-2 Aug. 1958 (This grave is missing) Chapman, Robert L. 19 June 1901-28 Sept. 1954 Broadhead, Arthur L., son of J.R. & M.P. Broadhead 21 Apr. 1889-14 Aug. 1901 Headley, Wilburn G. PFC Co. A. 324 Inf. WWI 20 June 1890-29 jan. 1960 Headley, Ira 8 Sept. 1837-11 Sept. 1930/An honest man is the noblest work of God Headley, Mrs. Emily 1856-21 Mar 1832/Mother Dobbs, Claudius R., son of C.R. & G.J. Dobbs 9 Sept. 1878-11 Jan. 1879 Headley, inf. son of F.M. & E.E. Headley b&d 5 Apr. 1889 Headley, F.M. (Ran) 1855-1901 Headley, Eliza E. 1868-1950 Mims, James R. 1883-1932/Gone from our arms but not from our hearts Mims, Lettie H. 1885-1966 Gardner, L. Jack 1912-1968/Together forever Barrett, Charles Wayne A1C US Air Force Vietnam 17 Dec. 1954-25 May 1976 Powell, Emmett C. 1894-1974 Powell, Emma Edwards 1899-1990/Always in the spirit of love Culp, Escoe F. 22 Dec. 1907-5 Dec. 1974/Together forever Culp, Callie L. 4 Nov. 1912-16 Oct. 1973 Bowles, Addie Culp 9 May 1891-2 Dec. 1981 Tunnell, Clarence H. 15 Jan. 1900-24 Mar. 1965 Hale, Virginia Owen 13 Nov. 1914-2 June 1958 Land, Ophelia Owen 24 Oct. 1906-10 March 1930/daughter of Mr. & Mrs. U.R. Owen Elott, Ila Mae Owen 18 may 1905-7 Nov. 1936./daughter of Mr. & Mrs. U.R. Owen Hayes, Ollie 36 Apr. 1911-6 Nov. 1968/Gone but not forgotten Mims, Mary E. Henley, wife of C.R. Mims 18 July 1883-18 Jan. 1928 Mims, Charlie Raymond 30 Jan. 1885-11 Dec. 1975 Mims, Ada F. 11 Mar 1903-3 Jan 1995 Wyatt, Calvin, son of J.M. & Elizabeth Wyatt, 13 Nov. 1880-28 July 1888 Callahan, Dora Broadhead, wife of W.C. Callahan, 30 Nov. 1883-1 Nov. 1904 Broadhead, Samuel L. 11 July 1882-7 Dec. 1955 Broadhead, Roberta C. 13 July 1898-7 Mar. 1971 Headley, Saphonia, age about 40 years. no dates. Hayes, Johnnie Cyrus 26 qug 1902-7 oct. 1975 Hayes, Lera Lee Headley 14 Sept. 1903-22 Nov. 1960 Hayes, Henry 1869-1946 Hayes, Mrs. Colotte 1888-1943 Hayes, James Carl no dates Hayes, Wayne 18 Feb-1948- Hayes, Clarence 22 Jan. 1942- Wright, Allen W. 25 Apr. 1937-18 Sept. 1994 Wright, Myra N. 15 Dec. 1940 Poe, Johnnie E. 3 Feb. 1914-10 Oct. 1997 Poe, Virlie D. 4 Nov. 1917- Terry, Barney 13 Dec. 1908-16 Feb. 1988 Terry, H.T. 1869-1943/Father/Gone to a better land Terry, A. Nora 1871-1939/Mother Terry, Annie 1898-1940/Asleep in blessed thought Jones, Nannie L. 1864-1953/At rest Vance, Metta J. wife of W. B. Vance 4 May 1885-12 Aug. 1904/Sleep on dear and take thy rest, In Jesus' arms forever rest Henley, William A. 2 Sept. 1860-1894 Henley, William A. son of W.A. & L.E. Henley 1 mo. 23 da. no dates Henley, Charlie, son of J.L. & M.E. Henley 2 mo. 22 da. no dates Henley, Rev. James L. 1865-17 Nov. 1898 (star of David) Clack, Marvin D. Ala. Pvt. US Army WWI 31 July 1894-2 Feb. 1970 Clack, Minnie H., wife of M.D. Clack 1902-1964 Jackson, John Pitts 10 Feb. 1886-3 Feb. 1936 Scott, Rosa B. Jackson 13 Dec. 1902-6 May 1994 Jackson, John, Jr. Ala. PFC 263 Inf. 66 Div. WWII 1 Aug. 1924-25 July 1948 Pitts, W. Hamilton 2 Feb. 1885-8 June 1943 Henley, M. Walter 31 July 1875-10 Oct. 1949 Henley, Eliza Ann 5 June 1882-30 Apr. 1954 Maddox, E.J. no dates Maddox, Henry no dates Hardy, Hester A., dau. of H. & M.J. Hardy 18 Sept. 1884-5 Jan. 1895/Asleep in Jesus Hardy, Allice L., dau. of H. & M.J. Hardy 14 Jan. 1874-15 Jan. 1896/Weep not, father and mother, for me, for I am waiting in glory for thee. Williams, Thomas L. 12 Feb. 1871-10 Apr. 1938 Williams, inf. son of T.L. and E.D. Williams 10 Sept. 1899 Hardy, H.(enry) 15 Oct. 1840-26 June 1928/A friend to his country and a believer in Christ Hardy, Mary J. Maddox, wife of H. Hardy 3 Oct. 1850-9 Mar. 1926/Gone but not forgotten Smitherman, R.E. 17 Aug. 1918- Smitherman, Nellie 13 June 1914-21 Feb. 1991 Payton, Alice no dates Payton, Nathan 1887-1953 Payton, Annie G. 1892-1979 Payton, Nathal L. 24 Dec. 1904-1 Oct. 1965 Payton, Nellie 12 Feb. 1904-28 June 1978 Payton, Clarence J. 2 Jan 1908-2 Jan 1970 Payton, N.P. no dates Stewart, Charity A., wife of Wesley 1848-1923/In loving memory of our mother & grandmother/Gone but not forgotten Milford, Frank Lee "Frankie" 1 Dec. 1964-17 Mar 1988/Alexander/(photo) Benson, Kenneth 2 April 1929-16 Feb. 1985 Benson, Frances H. 21 Jan 1930-/In loving memory/married 8 June 1946 Barrett, Lewis E. 11 April 1935-30 oct. 1983/In loving memory/Sp2 US Army Korea Barrett, Charles Wayne A1C US Air Force Vietnam 17 Dec. 1954-25 May 1976/An inspiration to all who knew him Barret, Charles H. 4 Feb. 1933-27 July 1992/A devoted father A1C US Air Force Korea Barrett, Katie H. 15 April 1933-/A Loving Mother/When we all get together Smith, Ellie Marzelle (Fulmer) 17 June 1931-9 June 1994 Fulmer, Joseph A. 18 Dec. 1894-20 Jan 1980 Fulmer, Ida Belle 14 Sept. 1897-3 Dec. 1994 Durbin, Levert, inf. son of M.M. & A.E. Durbin Oct. 1889 Durbin, Andrew 19 July 1889-25 Oct. 1890 Durbin, M.M. d. 1902 Durbin, Annie E. Headley "Wife" [Sylvesta's daughter] d. 1944 Henley, Felix C. "Daddy" 19 July 1887-11 Aug. 1962/Asleep in Jesus Henley, Eva C. 8 Dec. 1890-26 Feb. 1969 Gaddy, Thomas C. 12 Dec. 1919-2 May 1990/He was my reason for living. Gaddy, Omega H. 4 Aug. 1913- Hall, Virginia Owen 13 Nov. 1914-2 June 1958 Henley, Charles no dates/son of J? & M? Henley, aged 3 mos 22 days Henley, William A. no dates/son of ? & M.E. Henley, 1 mo. 22 days Littleton, Danielle D. 1994-1994