Clay County AlArchives News.....Oak Grove School Reunion November 13, 1957 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Ayres March 28, 2023, 1:58 pm Anniston Star November 13, 1957 The annual homecoming was observed at Oak Grove Methodist Church Sunday four miles from Lineville. Hundreds of former students and several of the former teachers returned for the event. The beautiful rock Methodist church elevated on a high hill among the colorful, autumn trees was the scene of the activity. A large number of former students at the Oak Grove School attended from other states and all over Alabama to reminisce their ear her school days and community activity here. The Oak Grove school consolidated with the Lineville schools in 1924, but the wholesome school spirit remains among the citizens of the Oak Grove Community who have actively supported the Lineville Schools where their children now attend. The one teacher, one room frame, unpainted schoolhouse was located one-fourth mile from the church. The all-day event included addresses by former teachers and students and devotional services. The group enjoyed eating their lunch under the beautiful trees similar to the way they had done when attended school there more than 60 years ago...... File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb