Clay County AlArchives Obituaries.....Stockdale, Jefferson Lark June 24, 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby May 30, 2018, 11:18 pm Clay County Advance (Ashland, AL) Fri Jul 5, 1893 In Memoriam Jefferson Lark Stockdale, son of Col. and Mrs. A. S. Stockdale, was born February 6th, 1880, and died at the home of his parents in Ashland, Monday evening, June 24th, 1895. He was born in the house in which he died, and the few years of his life were all spent in our midst. We knew him when and innocent baby, and later when he grew to be a model boy, devoted to his parents and obedient to their will, thoughtful in his words and considerate in his actions leading a quiet peacable and exemplary life, he was loved by his associates and held in high esteem by all who knew him. He was a regular and interested attendant upon both our Sunday Schools, and on all occasions of worship he was careful to duly respect God's house, and in other ways manifested his regard for the Christian religion. His parents are communicants of the Episcopal church, and there being no church organization of that faith in our county, Jeff had never been formally admitted into their church. Only a day or two before his death he spoke gratefully and feelingly of the benign influence of a Christian mother upon his life, and gave happy expressions of his readiness to die. But had he left no words of assurance of his future bliss, his life was sufficient to inspire a lively and well grounded hope of his entrance into abundant peace. His last illness was only of a few days duration, having been overcome by a violent attack of typhoid fever. Notwithstanding skilled physicians, loving hands and sym- pathizing hearts did all they could to keep him here, God saw fit to take him to a better place and in doing so, suffered him to walk so few steps, for so few hours, through pain and suffering. There was no long months of sickness, but almost out of fullness of health he dropped into the fullness of heaven. His remains were interred in the cemetery at Talladega, beside loved ones who outstripped im in life's race, and now united, stand on the blissful shores of eternal deliverance anxiously watching and waiting to welcome loved ones left behind to that happy home. Let the bereaved parents remember that God does not err, and that this severe affliction, if sanctified, will be good. God plucks from us our earthly idols and lays them up as treasures in heaven that our affections may be lifted toward Him. We are given many bitter draughts from life's cup only to give us a keener relish for the sweets of the life beyond. Truly has it been said that, if sanctified, every trial is a treasure; each would a scar of glory; each drop of grief will glitter as a diamond in the Christian's crown of bliss. M. Ashland, Ala., June 27th, 1895 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb