Cleburne County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Notices for MARCH 5th to MARCH 12th 1925 March 1925 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle October 19, 2004, 8:50 pm The Cleburne News NEWSPAPER NOTICES FROM "THE CLEBURNE NEWS" for MARCH 5th 1925 to MARCH 12, 1925 NEWSPAPER Issue of March 5, 1925 CIVIL WAR VET, 85, CALLED TO REWARD; A.J. NORTON, BELOVED AND HONORED CITIZEN, DIED LAST FRIDAY A.J. Norton (Uncle Jack) one of the county's oldest and most highly esteemed citizens, passed quietly at his home on Cane Creek, Friday, February 27th at 7 o'clock in the afternoon. The funeral and burial took place at old Cane Creek Primitive Baptist church Saturday afternoon, Elder T.A. Cook officiating. He was laid to rest beside his wife who preceded him to the grave more than twenty years ago. Andrew Jackson Norton was born in Fulton County, Georgia on January the 19th 1840. His parents moved to Georgia from North Carolina, coming to Cleburne after the civil war. Mr. Norton enlisted in the army in 1861 and fought bravely for the Southern Cause until the surrender. While in that terrible confluct he suffered a wound in the hand. In 1868 he met and married Emily Jane Barker, a daughter of Jack Barker. To this union were born thirteen children, their first child dying at an early age; those surviving are: The boys, Jim, Jack, Henry, Bob, Neal, Hamp and Homer Norton, all of whom reside in and near Heflin. The girls are: Emma Burchfield of Fruithurst; Anna Edwards of Louisville, Miss.; Rosa Thrasher, of Anniston; Lizzie Weathers of Ai; Ella Holcombe, of Bowdon. Eleven of the children were present at their father's death, Mrs. Edwards being the only child absent. Besides the children, there are 55 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren to mourn his death. Uncle Jack was cheerful up to the last and a short time before the end came he called the children to his bedside and bade them farewell until the meeting on the other side. In the death of Mr. Norton, one of the county's best citizens has been called to his reward. _____ IN MEMORY OF ARTHUR GILMER Arthur Gilmer was born and reared near Oak Level, where he lived until December 1922 when he moved with his parents to Coats Bend near Gadsden where he met a tragic death, being drowned in the Coosa River Wednesday night Feb 4, 1925. He was buried at Camp Creek cemetery Feb 6th 1925, services being conducted by Rev. A.T. Warmack. Arthur ws the much loved and respected son of B.F. and Annie Gilmer and was born near Oak Level on July 22, 1904. He joined the Missionary Baptist church last summer; he also was a member of the B.Y.P.U. he is survived by his parents and one sister, Mrs. Stella Moore and many other relatives and friends to mourn his untimely death. His life was one of pleasantness, he seemingly enjoyed heaven on earth, but the angel of death cut him down in the bloom of young manhood and carried him over the valley of the shadow of death, where he will no know no more sorrow and where there is no more evil or temptation. We knew Arthur all of his life and considered it a pleasant privilege to be numbered among his friends. His many friends sympathize with the bereaved parents and relatives in their hour of sorrow. One by one earth's ties are broken, as we near the shining shore, for across the river await us the loved ones gone before. J.B. and Ola Rogers ________ WORLD WAR VET ANSWERS LAST CALL Word was received here Tuesday morning of the death of William Barnes, 34, a World War veteran, on Monday in Albertville, after a lingering illness suffered from the effects of gas received while fighting the Huns. Besides his wife and one four year old son, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bart Barnes, formerly residents of the Pounds settlement in this county. Will was a nephew of J.W. Barnes of Heflin. The deceased has many other relatives in Cleburne county, to all of whom the News extends sympathy. _____ CALHOUN MAN PAROLED Anniston, March 2nd - - Henry McWhorter, of Calhoun County, who received a sentence of 9 months of hard labor for violation of the prohibition law in circuit court last fall has been paroled by Gov. Brandon it was learned here Saturday. Govenor Brandon's action was based on the recommendation of the trial judge and solicitor it is said. ____ CLEBURNE MAN AWAY for 45 YEARS; BACK AGAIN When R.R. (Jep) Butler, brother of Uncle Harrison Butler, stepped off the train at Edwardsville a few evenings ago, it was his second visit back to Cleburne County since he moved away in 1880, which was 45 years ago, his first trip back here was in 1907. Although gone a long time, he has not lived beyond the borders of Alabama; he now resides with family in Birmingham, moving to the Magic City from Gadsden several years ago. Uncle Jep says that he came over to Cleburne for health and his brother Harrison says he certainly brought his appetite along with him, judging from the manner in which he devours butter milk, corn bread and ham and eggs. ____ LOCAL NEWS Mrs. E.H. Vance has been very ill the past week, but is reported better at this writing. __ Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Crumbley and daughter Susie spent Saturday and Sunday with E.I. Crumbley and family. __ The family of Will Williams are proud to boast of a very fine baby boy, born last Monday night. ___ NOTICE - - The public is hereby warned not to hire, harbor nor feed my son Clifford Lumpkin, a minor, who has left home without cause. This March 3, 1925. J.H. Lumpkin, Heflin, Ala. ___ Mrs. J.H. Crumpton returned the latter part of this week from Anniston where she visited relatives and friends. __ COUNTY COURT DOCKET LIGHT LAST MONDAY The following cases were before Judge Baber in county court on Monday: Marion Surrett, distilling, held for the grand jury; bond $500. Marion Surrett, carrying a concealed weapon; case continued George Kilgore, distilling, waived to grand jury; $500. bond John Henry Laminack, distilling, $500. bond Leon Boman, distilling, bond $500. Willie Pritchard, distilling; acquitted Hez Brown, destroying public property, Decision deferred. Howard Palmer, violating prohibition laws, fined $50. and costs. ________ LOCAL NEWS Bud Blake of Heflin was here Tuesday. __ Oscar Butler of Trickem was in town on Monday. __ Sylvan Beason, a Beason Mills merchant was here on Saturday. __ Mrs. Terrell Dougherty and son Buster spent the weekend with relatives at Alabama city. __ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Crumpton and John Rooks of Brighton have been visiting relatives near Beason Mills. __ Luther George of Route 3 was in town on Wednesday. __ Will Yarbrough of Easonville was here on business Monday. __ BORN - - to Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Green of near Cedar creek, a son, the little chap having been named John Edward Green. __ BORN - - to Mr. and Mrs. Matt Gaines of Ai have a new son at their home who has been named Calvin Coolidge Gaines. ___ NEWSPAPER Issue of Thursday, March 12, 1925 DEATH CLAIMS A BELOVED MUSCADINE WOMAN, MRS. MARTIN ON FEB 27th Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Martin was born in South Carolina on December 4, 1857 and died February 27, 1925. She was married to A.J. Martin on July 19, 1875 and is survived by her husband and nine children. She bore her last sickness with christian fortitude and all was done for her recovery that loving hands could do. She was a good neighbor, a loving wife and mother and will be greatly missed in church and community, but our loss is her eternal gain. Weep not for her, dear father and children, for she is far from sickness and the toils of life. She was buried at Muscadine cemetery, Rev. Warmack conducting the funeral service. His text was "she hath done what she could". The floral offering was beautiful. The pallbearers were Wiley Dodd, Carl and Herman Brown and Alton Albright. A friend. _____ FRUITHURST Community News Andrew Wallace of Anniston, visited his sister, Mrs. Arthur Laminack and family last Tuesday and Wednesday. __ Mrs. R.W. Savage hsa been very ill for the past week but is reported better at this writing. __ Mrs. Barry, a former resident who now lives in Atlanta, motored to Fruithurst Sunday with her children, Raymond, Lillian, Lucretia and Marie for a couple of days stay with Mrs. Charles Hooper who is her daughter. ___ Raymond Carlson, formerly a Mayor of Fruithurst, who is now employed at the Southern Magnesium plant in Anniston, is spending a few days with his homefolks and convalescing from serious burns received at his employment when a bottle of acid was accidently upset. ____ PINHOOK Community News Sidney Culver of Sand Mountain is visiting relatives here. ___ Mrs. Dorotha Moore visited Mrs. Ella Pesnell on Tuesday afternoon. __ R.E. Pesnell and family spent Saturday night with Chester Grimes and family. __ Ira Pope family spent Saturday night with W.A. Moore and family. ___ LOCAL NEWS "Uncle" Wash Cook, formerly a resident of Cleburne county but now residing in Carroll County, GA was a visitor here last week, the guest of Mrs. Margaret Cook. ___ Mr. and Mrs. W. Owen Black of Birmingham spent the weekend with Heflin relatives. ___ Jim Tom Turner of Hopewell was in to see us on Monday. _____ Mrs. Olive Blake of Ada, Oklahoma, arrived at Heflin, on Tuesday. She is visiting her mother, Mrs. Rogers at Corinth, who is ill. _____ "Uncle" Lisha Jenkins returned Saturday from a five weeks visit with relatives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. He reports a most splendid trip. ______ BORN - - to Mr. and Mrs. Forney Thompson, a boy. _______ We regret to announce the serious illness of Mrs. Mitchell Blake. At last report on Wednesday, she was not expected to live through the day. ______ LEBANON Community News Theodore Gentry of Bowdon, GA was a guest of Buren Grizzard on Sunday. __ Mrs. Etta Price spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Emily Lanier. __ LOCAL NEWS Mrs. John Lovejoy, 58, suffered a stroke of paralysis late Monday afternoon and was reported Wednesday morning as resting as well as could be expected. ______ MARRIED - - Mr. Buster Smith and Miss Jewell Byrd, residing near Macedonia, were married Sunday. ______ File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 10.7 Kb