Coffee County AlArchives Biographies.....Carmichael, John Henry 1847 - living in 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson May 15, 2004, 11:56 pm Author: Brant & Fuller (1893) JOHN HENRY CARMICHAEL, general merchant and farmer, of Enterprise, was born in Sumter county, Ga., in 1847. He came with his parents to Coffee county when but a child, was reared on the farm, and remained with them until he was twenty-six years old. He then, in 1873, married Josephine E., daughter of James L. and Eliza (Brown) Carmichael, natives of Georgia, whence they moved to Coffee county in 1854, where they are still living. Mr. Brown is now a merchant at Haw Ridge, Ala. He served in the home guards during the war. Mrs. Carmichael was born in Coffee county and has six children, all living. After marriage, Mr. Carmichael lived in the vicinity of Haw Ridge until 1882; when he settled where he now resides. He was the first to settle in the neighborhood, the land having been previously considered unproductive, but he soon established a contrary opinion and was followed by others from different parts until now this part of the county is one of the most populous portions. Mr. Carmichael has now a fine farm of some 680 acres, mostly valuable timber lands. In 1885 he established Enterprise post-office and was made postmaster. Since 1887 he has conducted a general store and is now doing a good business. He is one of the foremost business men of this county and, though somewhat retired in disposition, takes considerable interest in public affairs. Mr. Carmichael is the fourth of six sons and two daughters, viz.: Mary; Daniel and Joseph, both in company K, Thirty-third Alabama, and both killed in the charge on Atlanta, July 22nd, 1864; John Henry; Norman, deceased; Gilbert, deceased; Charles and Nancy J., deceased wife of Simeon Fields. John M. Carmichael is the father of these children. He was born in Marion district, S. C., in 1817, and was a son of John C. and Margaret (Morrison) Carmichael, the former born in Scotland in 1785 and the latter in North Carolina. Mr. Carmichael was brought to this country by his parents when he was seven years old, was married in South Carolina, and afterward removed to Sumter county, Ga., where he died in 1857, aged seventy-two years. His father died in South Carolina. Daniel Morrison, the maternal grandfather of John Henry Carmichael, was probably a native of North Carolina and died in that state. Mr. Carmichael, father of our subject, came to Georgia with his parents and married in 1839, Sarah, daughter of Palmer and Mary Hayes, natives of South Carolina, but who died, the former in Georgia and the latter in Florida. Mrs. Carmichael is the mother of eight children, of whom two sons and one daughter are living. In 1853 Mr. Carmichael came to Coffee county and settled upon the farm upon which he has since lived. He has been a Mason for more than fifty years, and they have both been prominent Methodists nearly all their lives. The latter has always been in delicate health. Mr. Carmichael served in the home guards during the war and was once county commissioner for four years. He is universally esteemed for his honesty of purpose and general good character. Additional Comments: from "Memorial Record of Alabama", Vol. I, p. 658 This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb