Conecuh County AlArchives History .....History of Conecuh County 1881 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher May 25, 2004, 12:56 pm CHAPTER XXV. Present Representative Men of Conecuh-Rev. Andrew Jay-Dr. J. L. Shaw, etc. Approaching, as we are, the conclusion of our county history, so thrilling in historic event, and so conspicuous in the biography of prominent spirits, it has been thought proper to devote attention to those who are at present recognized as the representative men of Conecuh. Prominent among these is REV. ANDREW JAY, who is a native of the county, and has shared largely in its fortunes and its reverses. He was born within three miles of his present home, at Jayvilla, on February 16th, 1820. His father was one of the earliest emigrants to the county, and upon his removal hither was quite poor. But he was not lacking in those qualities of industry and economy, which invariably find expression in accumulation. His father surrounded himself and family with a competency of life's necessities. His son was early taught the habits of industry, and has led quite an active life. His mental acquirements were secured within the narrow compass presented by the school facilities of his boyhood days. When he had attained man-hood the academy was established at Evergreen, and for three successive sessions, he studied there with vast advantage to himself. After his marriage to Miss Ashley-daughter of Capt. Wilson Ashley-he devoted his attention to planting. At different periods of his life he has been elevated to positions of trust and distinction. During the period when considerable attention was bestowed upon the organization of an efficient militia, Mr. Jay was selected as the major of a battalion. He was successively commissioner of roads and revenue, tax assessor and Representative to the General Assembly. For two consecutive terms he served Conecuh in the Legislature. Mr. Garrett, in his "Reminiscences of Public Men of Alabama," pays him a deserved compliment when he speaks of his ability as a legislator, and the marked attention bestowed by himself upon the interests with which his position was invested. Up to the period of the formal emancipation of the slaves, Mr. Jay had gathered about him a respectable fortune. And during the period of his prosperity, his liberality was proverbial. Whatever enterprise was inaugurated for the public weal, found a generous response at the hands of Mr. Jay. No one advocated with more profound earnestness the establishment of the railroad through Conecuh, than did he. He was one of the most liberal contributors to the enterprise. He gave largely to the endowment of Howard College, and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, at Louisville, Kentucky. Aided by his noble wife, he found peculiar delight, during the war, in raising supplies of clothing and food for the Confederate soldiers, and shipping them to their distant encampments. Perhaps no one in the county has suffered more keenly the misfortunes entailed by the war, than Mr. Jay. Like many others, he was left by the cessation of hostilities, involved in financial embarrassments, arising mainly from security obligations. The burdens which he has borne would have crushed the spirit of many another man; but he has borne all with philosophic and Christian fortitude, and now the dawn of a brighter day is beginning to tinge the darkness of years. After retiring from the political arena, Mr. Jay was ordained to the Baptist ministry, and now his attention is divided between the farm and the pulpit. Throughout his life, his career has been such as should excite the profoundest admiration. He never swore an oath; was never engaged in a fight; was never intoxicated; never gambled in the least; was prompt in meeting all appointments made by himself. He is said never to have refused lodging to any one, upon application, except one time-then his family was quite sick, and the applicant quite drunk. His life has been largely devoted to the weal of his county. DR. JOHN L. SHAW is a native of North Carolina. He was born in Robinson county, in that State, on December 22nd, 1814. He was educated at Donaldson Academy, in Fayetteville, North Carolina. After engaging in teaching for a period of years, in his native State, he removed to Alabama in 1841, and taught again at Prattville. Being desirous of fitting himself for the practice of medicine, he engaged to study with Dr. Kelly, of Coosa county. Subsequently he attended lectures at Louisville, Kentucky, returned to Alabama and practiced one year in Talladega, and in April, 1845, removed to Conecuh and located at Evergreen. After his marriage to Miss Permelia Crosby, he removed to Bellville, where, for quite a number of years, he engaged in an extensive and lucrative practice. In 1858 he removed to Pineville, Monroe county, thence to Evergreen in 1867, thence again to Pineville, in 1868, and finally to Bellville, in 1874. He was, perhaps, the first to suggest the preparation of the history of Conecuh. Dr. Shaw is appreciated for his disinterestedness in the public good, and for the uprightness of his daily life. Since his residence in the county, few men have been more active than himself, in the promotion of every public interest. Though quite advanced in years, he is still ardently devoted to the duties of his favorite profession. YOUNG M. RABB. The subject of this sketch was born in Old Town Beat, five miles east of Evergreen, on April 4th, 1826. His educational training was commensurate with the advantages enjoyed at that period. He was among the matriculates at the Evergreen Academy in 1840. Here he was fitted for a collegiate course, but was prevented taking such a course by the untimely death of a brother. By this event the management of his father's estate fell completely upon himself. But having naturally a sprightly mind, he continued to address himself to literary pursuits, as he had opportunity. In September, 1847, he connected himself with the Baptist Church at Evergreen, and shortly after became one of its deacons, which position he has held to the present. He was married, in 1848, to Miss Polly H. Stallworth, and at once turned his attention to planting. He was regarded a successful planter during the palmiest period of that pursuit in Conecuh. In 1856, we find him a citizen of Evergreen, whither he had removed for the education of his children. Here he formed a partnership with S. A. Barnett (now a citizen of Mobile), in a mercantile interest, which was conducted with success until the beginning of the late war. For many years Mr. Rabb was a member of the Commissioners' Court of the county, where he was exceedingly scrupulous in regard to the expenditure of the people's money. After the close of the war, he relinquished his farming interest, and embarked in a timber enterprise in Escambia county, Florida, as the partner of W. D. Mann. Here the failure of the contractors, under whose auspices the firm operated, involved it in serious embarrassment, thereby rendering Mr. Rabb unable to sustain that spirit of hospitality and benevolence for which he was characteristic during more prosperous periods. In 1880, Mr. Rabb offered himself to the people of Conecuh as a candidate for the Judgeship of the Probate Court. He was, however, defeated by Judge Walker, a former incumbent of the office, and the regular nominee of the people. The many virtues of Mr. Rabb, his devotion to the public interest, and his intellectual qualifications, make him one of the representative men of Conecuh. DR. A. J. ROBINSON. This gentleman is a native Georgian. He was born in Fayette county, in that State, on January 16th, 1833. His parents were poor-but his father, by no means, humble in his influence. He was repeatedly elected to the State Legislature. For his public services he realized but little remuneration, and hence was unable to give his children the intellectual advantages which they might have otherwise enjoyed. The subject of our sketch was the eldest of the family of children, and upon him devolved the necessity of laboring upon the farm for the support of the younger children. He was an industrious laborer upon the farm until he was fully nineteen years of age, enjoying at brief intervals the advantages of country schools. But with his father absent as a public servant, and himself the first of a family of thirteen children, these opportunities for scholastic training were exceeding scant. At the age of nineteen, Dr. Robinson removed to McDonough, Georgia, where he attended a good school for six months. On the 17th of August of that year, he was married to Miss Josephine Moffett, of Crawford, Georgia. She is the cousin of Col. J. S. Boynton, the President of the Georgia Senate.* _________ * In 1881 During the winter following his marriage, Dr. Robinson removed to Stewart county, Georgia, and began work upon a little farm, in connection with occasional intervals of school-teaching. In 1856 he sold his interest in Georgia, and removed to Covington county, in this State, settling upon Pigeon creek. In the midst of his varied reading he had acquired a peculiar fondness for the investigation of the science of medicine. Resolving to adopt the practice of medicine as a profession, he disposed of his place on Pigeon creek, and removed to Brooklyn, for the purpose of pursuing a more systematic course of study. Here, by stress of necessity, he was forced to divide his time between his studies and labors in the wagon shop of D. M. Dodson-his wife, meanwhile, assisting as teacher in the academy at Brooklyn. In 1857 and 1858 he attended lectures in Memphis, Tennessee. Here license to practice was granted him, and he returned to his home, and entered at once his chosen profession. In 1859 Dr. Robinson formed a partnership with Dr. John Scott; but after a year's connection with this gentleman, the copartnership was dissolved by the withdrawal of Dr. Scott. During the summer of 1859 Dr. Robinson attended another course of lectures at Atlanta, Georgia. Returning to his home, he found himself rapidly introduced into an extensive practice. For several years his practice in the portion of the county in which he resided was simply overwhelming. Declining health forced him gradually to retire. Since his retirement from the duties of a physician, he has been honored by the people of Conecuh during two different sessions with the position of Representative to the General Assembly. In this capacity he has proved to be quite useful, and has won for himself considerable distinction as a legislator. He served Conecuh during the last session of the General Assembly. Dr. Robinson is a gentleman of many sterling qualities. His usefulness has been realized not only in direction of public affairs, but also in the sacred matters of the church. He is profoundly interested in the spiritual elevation of the masses. Possessing the highest sense of right, he is admirably fitted to become a prominent director in all matters relating to the public weal. NICHOLAS STALLWORTH, familiarly known as "Nick," is the third child of Hon. James A. Stallworth. He was born at Evergreen on the 9th of August, 1845, and hence is now but thirty- six years of age. He left school at the early age of fourteen, to accompany his father-then in declining health-to Washington. He spent the winters of 1859-'60-'61 in the National Metropolis. Returning with his father in 1861 to Conecuh, he at once joined the "Conecuh Guards," though he was a lad of only fifteen. His honored father accompanied him to Montgomery, and there meeting several of his quondam associates in the United States Congress-who were then members of the Confederate Congress --they proposed to secure for "Nick" the commission of lieutenant in the regular army. This was communicated to him by his father and friends; but the offer he politely refused, saying that he preferred a place in the ranks with the companions of his boyhood days. Upon the organization of the Fourth Alabama Regiment, he was found to be the youngest member in the entire command. He went with the Fourth Alabama Regiment to Virginia, and served in all the campaigns and battles in which it participated until the battle of Cold Harbor, where he was wounded and discharged. For some time prior to this he had been suffering from a bowel affection, and was in feeble health when he received the wound. Returning to his home, he found his mother stricken with grief by the double affliction of the loss of her husband and eldest son. The mother communicated to her son the dying request of his father, that if he should survive the bloody scenes of the war, he should go at once to the University of Alabama and complete his education. Regaining his health, "Nick" repaired to the University, and entered the Junior Class, in 1863. But his university course was cut short by sickness, and after an attendance of only eight months, he returned to his home. After the recuperation of his health, again he was offered a position on the staff of Gen. Samuel Adams. But before the offer was responded to, General Adams was killed. He was also tendered a position on the staff of Gen. Thomas C. Hindman, but declined. Subsequently he accepted the Adjutancy of the Twenty- third Regiment of Alabama, then under the command of Maj. Nick Stallworth. Leaving at once for Virginia, he reached Petersburg; but the communication being cut between that place and Richmond, he was forced to turn his face homewards after several vain attempts to reach his command. The death of his brother-in-law, Captain Broughton, left him the oldest male member of the family, and he was forced to remain at home by the sad dependency of the family, combined with the shattered condition of his health. The war closing soon after this, he found himself ladened with unusual responsibilities for one so young. With no resources at command, he addressed himself with heroic spirit to whatever his hands found to do. After varied struggles with adverse circumstances, and hard labor with his own hands, for some time, he determined to address himself to the study of law. This he did with P. D. Page, Esq., and was soon admitted to practice. In 1872, and again in 1874, he was chosen Representative from Conecuh to the Legislature. At the session of 1875-'76 he was elected Solicitor of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit. In this circuit he had to cope with many of the ablest legal spirits of the State, and yet his course was attended with remarkable success from the beginning. By the respectfulness of his deportment, and the urbanity of his disposition, he won the esteem of his legal brethren in all parts of the circuit; and by his efficiency and impartiality as a judicial officer, he secured almost universal popular esteem. He is justly regarded one of the most promising young men in the State. COL. P. D. BOWLES. Pinckney Downie Bowles is a native of South Carolina. His place of birth was Edgefield District. He received his educational training at the Citadel of Charleston, South Carolina, and at the University of Virginia. His collegiate course completed, he returned to his native State, and engaged in the study of law under Gen. Samuel McGowan. (Now on the Supreme Bench of South Carolina.) He came to Alabama in April, 1859, and went into the office of Hon. James A. Stallworth, where he remained until the beginning of the war. In 1860 he was elected Colonel of the Twenty-eighth Regiment of Alabama Militia; and also 2nd lieutenant in the "Conecuh Guards," in the summer of 1860. In January, 1861, he went in that capacity with the company to Pensacola. When the company returned home, and upon its reorganization, he was chosen captain, and went with his gallant company to Virginia. Henceforth the war record of Colonel Bowles is inseparably connected with the illustrious career of the Fourth Alabama Infantry "of which he was the brave and faithful commander" almost throughout the entire war. He led his regiment into the majority of the fiercest battles fought on the soil of Virginia. The regiment belonged to the famous brigade commanded by General Bee, who was so conspicuous at the first battle of Manassas. It was in the battle of Seven Pines, Cold Harbor, Malvern Hill, Second Manassas, Boonsboro, Sharpsburg, Fredericksburg, and Suffolk. It joined in the invasion of Pennsylvania, and was engaged in the fierce conflict at Gettysburg. It went with Longstreet when he was sent to reinforce Bragg in North Georgia; it returned with him when he marched through East Tennessee, via Knoxville. Rejoining the Army of Northern Virginia, it was engaged in the battle of the Wilderness, and at Spottsylvania. In the operations of the Second Cold Harbor it was again engaged; and then lay for ten months behind the defences of Petersburg, sharing in the various movements and assaults connected with that eventful period. And finally, with ranks depleted by death and disability, it surrendered with the rest of the army at Appomattox Court House, with two hundred and two men. During this long and bloody period, Colonel Bowles was ever found at the head of his regiment. I believe only one brief respite from service was given him and that was on the occasion of an amorous mission to his adopted county in February, 1863, when he was married to Miss Stearns, daughter of the late Judge Stearns. Though Colonel Bowles did not receive his commission as brigadier, he was placed in the command of five regiments, near the close of the war, and a full brigade staff ordered to report to him. When he returned to Conecuh, in 1865, he had but fifty cents in his pocket. Without delay, he opened an office at Sparta, and resumed the practice of law. The following year he was elected county solicitor for Conecuh, in which position he served for a long period, with efficiency. Though having so eventful a record, Colonel Bowles is still comparatively a young man. He is now a resident of Evergreen, and is a successful practitioner of law. GEORGE ROBERT FARNHAM. This prominent young attorney was born near Bellville, on January 23rd, 1845. He was reared by his great-grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Savage, whose piety and usefulness were proverbially known for many years, throughout Conecuh. His course of instruction was cut short at the Bellville Academy, by enfeebled health, when he had reached the age of fifteen, and was recuperated by active work on the farm. When a youth of only sixteen, he enlisted in the Confederate army, having joined the "Monroe Guards," under Capt. Giles Goode. He went with his command to Pensacola, whence, after a brief service of three weeks, it was ordered to Virginia. Near the close of 1861 he was prostrated by a protracted attack of measles; he was discharged and returned to his home. The following year he resumed his studies at the Bellville Academy, and in the fall of 1862 was entered as a cadet upon the matriculation roll of the University of Alabama. In the early part of 1865 he graduated in the regular course of that institution, with the exception of mathematics, and was pursuing the last studies in that branch when he retired. His course at the University was marked with distinction. He was appointed first a sergeant in the corps, then promoted to a second lieutenancy, afterwards to the adjutancy, and when he left the University he was senior 1st lieutenant. While at the University the corps of cadets did service, as soldiers, for three weeks in Mobile, and again at Jacksonville. In 1864, while going home upon a tour of vacation, about fifty or sixty of the cadets reached Montgomery, where they found the city in the midst of the most intense excitement, growing out of the threatening demonstrations of General Rousseau. Governor Watts ordered the cadets to remain in Montgomery and assist in its defence against Rousseau, who was then at Chehaw. Arms having been furnished them, a soldier of the regular army was appointed to the command, and they were permitted to elect their other officers. Mr. Farnham was at once chosen 1st lieutenant, and the buoyant cadets leaped upon the train and started at once for Chehaw. They were accompanied by some regulars, who happened to have been in Montgomery at the time, and also by some raw reserves. But for the military training and thorough efficiency of the cadets, the entire command would have been captured, and the city of Montgomery would have fallen. Subsequent to this, Mr. Farnham served as adjutant in the corps of cadets, near Spanish Fort. In the early part of 1865 he raised a cavalry company among the students of the University, which was designed to serve as the body-guard to General Buford, and the company left the University, to return to their homes to secure horses and equipments; but just at this juncture the State was overrun by the Federal troops, and before a thorough organization could be effected, the war closed. In 1866, Captain Farnham commenced the study of law in the office of General Martin, at Sparta, and in September, of the same year, was admitted to practice. The first year of his legal career was spent as a partner of General Martin, after which he practiced alone, until his late connection with M. S. Rabb, Esq. In 1868 he was elected a member of the Executive Committee of the Democratic Party of Conecuh, and in this capacity served without intermission, for ten years-the last four of which he was the chairman of the committee. In 1870 he was unanimously nominated for the county solicitorship, by the Democratic Party, but was defeated by the Radicals. In August, 1876, Captain Farnham, underwent the greatest of all changes-the renovation of his spiritual character. He became at once an active member of the Baptist Church at Evergreen, and finds peculiar delight in the work pertaining to the office of Sunday School Superintendent. In 1880 he was elected the President of the State Sunday School Convention. During the same year he was nominated for the Senatorship of his district, and was overwhelmingly elected-having received the largest vote ever cast in the district, 5,435. He was sustained by both the Democratic and Republican Parties. During the approaching session he signalized his usefulness as a legislator, by securing the passage of a bill providing for the humane treatment of prisoners-the proper ventilation, heating of cells, and the proper supply of pure water for drinking purposes. He also secured an amendment to the section of the code relating to the regulation of the hire of convict laborers, so limiting the time as not to remand persons to slavery under the color of law. He earnestly strove to secure the passage of bills relative to reformation in the voting system of Alabama. In this he encountered strong opposition in the State Senate. His object was to secure an amendment to sections 274-276 of the code, relative to numbering and the size of ballots. By dilatory motions and parliamentary manoeuvring, the action upon the bills was delayed. By resolute effort he forced a vote upon them toward the close of the session, and lacked only a few votes of securing the passage of the bill providing for the numbering of ballots. His speech upon the election law was published in the Montgomery Advertiser, and won alike the approbation of the press and the people. For one so gifted, so young, and energetic, and withal so virtuous in his life, there is a future of the most radiant promise. Additional Comments: Extracted from: History of Conecuh County, Alabama By Rev. B. F. Riley Pastor of the Opelika Baptist Church Columbus, Ga.; Thos. Gilbert, Steam Printer and Book-Binder 1881 This file has been created by a form at File size: 24.2 Kb