Dale County AlArchives News.....Our Boys with the Colors, Apr. 1, 1943 1943 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Christine Thacker http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00033.html#0008100 May 30, 2004, 3:33 pm The Southern Star 55 Years Ago, April I, 1943...Reprinted Apr.1, 1998 BROTHER AND SISTER IN THE SeRVICE Cecil Deloney a nd Miss Lillian Deloney, son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Deloney, of Atlanta, formerly of Ozark, are now in the service. Cecil is with the supply division of the Army and is stationed in South America. Miss Lillian has joined the WAAC's and is in training in Texas. CORPORAL BAREFIELD PROMOTED TO SERGEANT Corporal Luther B. Barefield, of the U. S. Army now stationed in Africa has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Corporal Barefield was stationed in England before going to North Africa. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Barefield, of Newville, Ala., Route 1. YOUNG DALE COUNTY BOY MAKES GOOn RECORD IN ARMY SGT. Daninel W. Ezell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Ezell, of Ozark, route one, entered the Army on January 29, 1943 and was promoted to Private First Class on March 20th and to Corporal Technician March 24. On March 27 was promoted to Technical Sergeant. Sgt. Ezell is only 19 years old and is making a splendid record in the Army. He is stationed at Camp Blanding, Fla. OZARKIAN TRAINING AT WILL ROGERS FIELD, WILL ROGERS FIELD, Okla.. - Private Harvey G. Whittington, formerly of Ozark, Alabama is one of the soldiers stationed at the Army Air Force bombardment base. Private Whittington is assigned to a bombardment squadron here for basic training. He is the son of H.G. Whittington, Ozark, Alabama. Before entering the army January 11, 1943 Private Whittington was employed by the Camp Rucker Co., as a sheet metal worker. MIDLAND CITY BOY RECEIVES SERGEANT STRIPES Jerry G. Riley, of the United States Army Air Corps, stationed at Lake Charles, Army Air Base, Louisiana, has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant, according to information released by his Squadron Cam-mander, Sgt. Riley enlisted In the Armed Forces on August 25, 1942, at Fort McClellan, Ala., and received his basic training at Atlantic City, New Jersey. The son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Riley, of Midland City, Ala., Route 1, he graduated from the Dale County High in Ozark, Ala. PFC. EDWIN HATTON HOME ON FURLOUGH- Pfc. Edwin Hatton, who entered the Army on October 31, 1942. has been granted a 16 day furlough for the purpose of visiting his family at Route 5, Box 152, Dothan, Ala. Upon entering the Army Pfc. Hatton was sent to Fort McClellan, Ala., for his 6 weeks basic training. After completing the six weeks course he was then transferred to Camp Livingston, La. He Is now in the Signal Corps and has been congratulated for the outstanding work he is doing. While in Ft. McClellan he won a medal for qualiting as a rifle marksmaship. Pfc. Hatton states "There is nothing in the Army too tough. The tougher we get the sooner we will see victory. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 3.3 Kb