Dallas County AlArchives Wills.....King, John D. 1834 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rick Richter kingbuie@troycable.net December 27, 2015, 2:07 pm Source: Alabama Wills & Probate Records Written: 1834 Last Will and Testament of John D. King Alabama Wills & Probate Records Book A, P. 99 - 101 Dallas County, Alabama Having determined to settle a controversy that has been long standing, and knowing that my life must be in jeopardy I have thought best to give to my friends the necessary instruction how to how to arrange my worldly affairs. It is my will and desire that they that they will take this as my last will and testament. First I give to my brother William R. King all the land purchased in my name in the State of Alabama with the exception of the northeast quarter of Section 10 Township 15 on Range ten which I give to my brother Thomas D. King. To my beloved relative Thomas K. Kornegay I give a certian tract of land in Florida near Talahasse Viz Section five Township one Range One south and east with the exception of the East half of the North E quarter. To my freind Jame G. Cowan I give my interest in the Selma Ferry and a negro fellow by the name of Luck. To the hiers of my friend John King and Edmund Vann of North Carolina I give all my lands in the County of Sampson and State of North Carolina to be equally divided between the two families until the youngest children becomes of age then to be divided between the several heirs by selling the land for division. It is my will and desire that my brother William R. King apportion to my sister T. kornegay land for a residence and have her a comfortable frame house put on the same, the land is now unimproved she having the sixteenth say 50 acres more or less. It is my will that all my negroes with the exception of Relia and her four youngest children be kept on the farm and the proceeds taken by my brother William R. King and my debts what they are paid. Relia and her children are to be sent to my relative William G. Parrish which is to be valued to him as his part of my estate. To my nephew William S Parrish I give a negro boy by the name of Demond(?) and a girl by the name of Henryetta. To to the Heirs of my sister Margaret Beck I give one thousand dollars in money. To my relative Catherine Parrish I give in right of her mother I give one hundred dollars in money. To my nephew Thomas K. Kornegay I give Law and his wife Lucy and their two children and Ben. To my sister Helen L. King I give Sikes his wife and children. To my brother Thomas D. King I give Mehely(?) Zilph and Peter - The rest of my negroes I give to my brother William R. King when the Estate is settled together with my stock of every kind. And I do hereby Constitute and appoint William R. King and Thomas K. Beck my executors and to enforce the same for which for which I do give my nephew Thos K. Beck five hundred dollars to paid him by my brother William R. King when the estate is settled. Have gotten through to my God I commit my soul this 27th July 1832. The State of Alabama Dallas County Personally appeared in open Court Alanson Saltmarsh who being duly sworn deposeth saith, that the foregoing hereto attached instrument was found amongst the valuable of the late John D. King after his decease, that the same was sealed up and directed to William R. King and represented to be his last will and testament. And this deponent further states that the envelope which enclosed the last will and testament was broken open in the presence of him the said deponent and Thomas K. Kornegay and Horace Ward who also deposeth to all the foregoing facts. And these deponents further say that they are well aquainted with the handwriting of the of the said John D. King and that the said will is in his the said testators own handwriting, and that the same is signed in his on proper handwriting. Sworn to & subscribed in open Court before me this 10th day of September 1833. Signed A. Saltmarsh & H. Ward James D. Craig Clk The foregoing will of J. D. King was proved & ordered to be recorded see minutes C page 66 Recorded 2 Oct 1834 James D. Craig, ClK Additional Comments: John D. King, son of William and Margaret DeVane King, and brother to V.P. William R. King. John was born in Sampson County, North Carolina and died in Dallas County, Alabama. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/dallas/wills/king364gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 4.7 Kb