Jackson County AlArchives Biographies.....Gunter, R. C. May 8 1846 - living in 1893 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ann Anderson alabammygrammy@aol.com May 27, 2004, 8:28 pm Author: Brant & Fuller (1893) R. C. GUNTER, a wealthy and prominent citizen of Bridgeport, Ala., was born in Jackson county, this state, May 8, 1846. He was reared on the farm and received his education in the common schools of his native county. Early in 1862 he entered the service of the Confederacy as a member of company H, Fourth Tennessee cavalry, and served as a private soldier until May 3, 1865, when he surrendered at Charlotte, N. C. He participated in the battles of Chickamauga and Bentonville, beside numerous smaller ones and skirmishes. He served as a scout under Gen. J. E. Johnston about a year. In 1864, he was captured near La Fayette, Ga., and sent to Camp Morton, Indiana. After the surrender he returned to his home in Jackson county, Ala., where he found nothing left on the farm, not a fence rail, not a house, not a horse, not a mule, simply nothing. That year, however, he raised a crop, and then went into business for himself in Jackson county, and remained at the same business eight years. He then became a steamboat owner, and ran three boats, the R. C. Gunter, the J. H. Johnston and the Wyeth City, between Chattanooga and Decatur, and continued in that business until November. 1888. Since that time he has devoted his attention to his large landed interests. He, in company with several others, was instrumental in starting the movement which resulted in the present growing little city of Bridgeport, in which he is a considerable property owner. He was the first president of the Bridgeport Land and Improvement company, and he is a director in the First National bank of Bridgeport. He was married in 1878 to Fannie M. Johnson, daughter of Dr. J. R. Johnson, of Lebanon, Ala., The father of R. C. Gunter was Augustus Gunter, who was born in Warren county, Tenn., in 1814, and came to Alabama with his parents in 1821, they settling in Jackson county. He followed farming all his life. He served as a soldier in the Florida war. He was a justice of the peace for many years, and he was for many years agent for the Nashville & Chattanooga railroad at Bridgeport. He married Elizabeth Hobbs, a native of Tennessee, and to this marriage there were born three children, viz.: W. M., R. C. and John H., all of Bridgeport. The mother of R. C. Gunter died in February, 1889. Additional Comments: from "Memorial Record of Alabama", Vol. I, p. 1137-1138 Published by Brant & Fuller (1893) Madison, WI This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 2.9 Kb