Jefferson County AlArchives Biographies.....Blount, Richard Anderson ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 15, 2008, 9:00 pm Author: Clement Richardson, Editor RICHARD ANDERSON BLOUNT IT was Robert Browning, who expressing his fondness for Italy, said, "If you open my heart you will find the word Italy written therein." If you made an incison in the heart of Richard Anderson Blount of Birmingham, Alabama, you would find "Knights of Pythias." For nearly twenty years now Mr. Blount has thought Knights of Pythias, talked Knights of Pythias, traveled for Knights of Pythias, and what the order of the Knights of Pythias in Alabama is today, is traceable very largely to Richard Anderson Blount. Back in 1887 Mr. Blount came into Birmingham to seek his fortune, attracted by the prospects of the town. He found employment with the Laweson Carpet Company and spent some time in their service. He worked also for sixteen years for Ben M. Jacobs & Brothers. It was during his employ with the Jacobs Brothers that Mr. Blount became engrossed in the work of the Knights of Pythias. His zeal for the order and his business acumen soon attracted attention, with the result that in 1898 he was elected Grand Keeper of Records and Seal. In three years he had given such good service and had established the records on such a sound business basis that the body of the state made him Grand Chancellor, a post at which he has served now for fifteen years. The records show that when Mr. Blount assumed office there were in the state some sixty-five lodges, with a total membership of 16000 people. In fifteen years through the efforts of Mr. Blount the Knights of Pythias of Alabama have three hundred and forty-five lodges with a total membership of ten thousand. The order of Knights of Pythias is much better known, more popular, enjoys a wider confidence of the people, both of those who are members and those who are not. Of course the Knights of Pythias of Alabama must have a building of their own. It just chances that the Alabama Penny Savings Bank is available. Mr. Blount and his helpers are pressing home plans to secure this building. To secure a splendid four story brick structure like the Alabama Penny Savings Bank Building, which has an office rent of several hundred, requires money, backing, appreciation of values, and confidence. All this the Knights of Pythias have and they have it very largely through Richard Anderson Blount. Mr. Blount is not a native of Birmingham. He came from Montgomery where he was born in the early seventies. He attended the Swayne school in his native town. While he was going to school, Mr. Blount had to work. He somehow got into carpet laying; a trade which did him great service in the early years of his manhood. His affiliation with and leadership of the Knights of Pythias do not blind him to the merits of other fraternities and organizations. He is an active member of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, a staunch member of the Masonic Lodge of the Shriners, of the Odd Fellows and of the Elks. One of the most conspicuous things about Richard Anderson Blount is the beautiful home he has erected and paid for. In going up Seventh Avenue the passer-by turns round to look again and again as he passes this residence. This house is by no means the extent of Mr. Blount's ownership of property. He owns several rent houses and lots in and about town. But the home and the home life were a vision of long ago. He saw big and handsome homes and happy families about. Into his own spirit crept the vision of such a home with a happy family. Both he now has. He has been married for more than twenty years. His first wife who was Miss Lucy Massey, died some eight years ago. The daughter of this union is now a student at Spelman Seminary in Atlanta, Ga. He recently married Miss Mary Lue Crawford. Mr. Blount has traveled much in the South and in the East and has to do so in the interest of and for the development of his lodge. Additional Comments: Extracted from: The National Cyclopedia of The Colored Race Editor-in-Chief CLEMENT RICHARDSON President of Lincoln Institute Jefferson City, Mo. ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr. C. V. ROMAN, Nashville, Tenn. Professor of Meharry Medical College. W. T. B. WILLIAMS, Hampton Institute, Va. Field Agent of the Jeannes and Slater Funds. H. M. MINTON, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Board of Directors Mercy Hospital. SILAS X. FLOYD, Augusta, Ga. Principal of City Schools. DR. R. E. JONES, New Orleans, La. Editor of South Western Christian Advocate. DR. A. F. OWENS, Selma, Ala. Dean of Theological Dept. Selma university. FRED MOORE, New York City. Editor New York Age. ADVISORY BOARD EMMETT J. SCOTT, Chairman, Secretary of Tuskegee Institute, Tuskegee Institute, Ala. N. B. YOUNG, Tallahassee, Fla. President of A. and M. College. DR. J. W. E. BOWEN, Atlanta, Ga. Dean of Gammon Theological Seminary. J. R. E. LEE, Kansas City, Mo. Principal of Lincoln High School. J. S. CLARK, Baton Route, La. President of Southern University. DR. M. W. DOGAN, Marshall, Texas. President of Wiley University. Volume One NATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. PUBLISHERS MONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 1919 COPYRIGHT 1919 NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Inc. MONTGOMERY, ALA. Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.8 Kb