Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery aka Liberty-Minter Cemetery, Jefferson, Alabama ==================================================================== USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file was contributed and copyrighted by: Dave Baikie ==================================================================== March 2002 LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY / LIBERTY-MINTER CEMETERY 1990 Self Creek Road, Morris, Jefferson Co., Alabama Partial Survey 1995 updated thru the use of Obits from Birmingham News and SSDI March 2002 NAME BIRTH DEATH OTHER INFO SOURCE OTHER THAN STONE Anderson, Jackie Ray 04-11-1936 01-08-2000 Obit Arnold, Ethel Doss 08-01-1909 03-22-1965 OES Arnold, T. R. 03-23-1906 04-19-1963 Mason Arnold, Thomas J. 04-04-1862 09-25-1936 Barnwell, Allison P. 08-06-1922 08-11-1999 Obit Barnwell, Flora Mae 01-28-2002 (78); Obit Barnwell, Joyce 08-07-1942 01-06-1998 Obit Barnwell, Laura Lucille 09-14-1920 09-14-1999 Obit Bennett, Ruby Lee 05-12-1912 01-04-1997 Obit Branon, Connie Dale 07-04-1999 US Marines (60); Obit; Brasher, Gena Mary 07-13-1916 10-08-2001 Obit Brodie, Thomas "Tom" 06-26-2000 (50); Obit Burgett, Matthew H. 10-27-1896 07-24-1998 Obit Burnett, Aline Marie 09-23-1925 08-28-2000 Mother of Everett Obit Burnett, Everett "Oneal" 12-18-1950 05-28-2001 Son of Aline and Everett Burnett Byce, James Thomas 03-27-1919 04-26-1999 Obit Carter, Cecil W. 09-26-1916 01-03-1990 SS Ruby Carter, Ruby Marie 04-06-1924 11-30-1998 SS Cecil Obit Cato, Eva A. 11-26-1900 09-09-2000 Obit Chamblee, Jerry Myles 05-31-1998 (52); Obit Chamblee, Larry Earl "Peewee" 10-18-1961 09-26-1998 Obit Cleveland, Watie Savala M."Aunt Dink" 04-28-1908 11-17-1998 Wife of Robert H. Obit Cleveland Cordar, Charles William 09-26-1998 (53); Obit Cordar, Jimmy Earl 11-27-1957 10-06-2000 Obit Cotton, Lillian Beatrice Brasher 11-30-1926 04-08-1994 Obit Creel, Edith Carraway 08-30-1901 01-08-1995 Obit Creel, Robert Leon 08-09-1933 10-31-1998 Obit Creel, Robert P. 01-04-1910 06-11-1998 Obit Creel, William Emmett 03-19-1899 02-20-1994 Obit Davis, Richard C. 09-19-1936 03-10-2000 Obit Doss, Annie 08-27-1896 03-08-1965 Doss, Clarence Albert 10-06-1912 10-07-1912 Doss, Claude 04-18-1918 09-27-1951 Pvt 57th Inf Training Batn, WWII Doss, Erskine C. 09-08-1999 (74); Obit Doss, Etta 12-11-1879 07-11-1945 Doss, Gladys 02-08-1918 03-20-1923 D/o Dee & Ellen Doss, Henry R. 10-20-1888 12-11-1965 Doss, Ivan A. 11-05-1919 02-06-1941 Doss, Jessie M. 09-17-1916 08-27-1988 Doss, L. A. 09-17-1854 09-30-1936 Doss, LaFayette 1885 1947 Doss, Lillie Hambrick 07-11-1893 09-07-1955 Doss, Lula V. 08-18-1897 08-30-1897 Doss, Mace L. 06-29-1914 03-28-1970 Doss, Mae P. Only one date: 01-14-1902 Doss, Mamie Mae Guthrie 01-14-1902 01-08-1996 Obit Doss, Mary Etta 11-08-1882 10-09-1955 Doss, Mary Jane Only one date 02-02-1900 [no additional date]; W/o LaFayette Doss, O.V.; (Artist) Only one date: 09-27-1898 Doss, Pearl Whisenant 1890 1983 Doss, Ranzy 02-09-1892 04-15-1967 Doss, S.M. 09-24-1881 11-02-1940 Glass, James Arthur 05-30-1908 03-24-2000 Obit Godsey, Robert H. "Tony" 12-06-1939 04-05-1999 Obit Graham, Arthur Lee, Jr. 04-28-1935 02-17-1998 USAF Obit Graham, Herbert 12-14-2001 WWII US Army (87); Obit Greenberg, Virginia Sharp 04-08-1920 04-30-1997 Obit Gunn, James Daniel 02-01-2002 (28); Obit Guthrie, Mable H, 06-06-1911 06-04-2001 Obit Hardin, L. D. 05-09-1920 06-20-1999 US Army (79); Obit Hayes, Willie Frances 01-31-1906 11-01-1997 Obit Higginbotham, Maggie Louise 10-28-1923 03-11-1999 Obit Higgins, Christine C 02-15-1885 12-20-1956 Higgins, Dolphus E. 08-11-1917 07-26-1972 PFC 278 Port Co TC, WWII Higgins, Frank C. 08-03-1884 06-29-1971 Higgins, Mary Lou Only one date: 3-28-1921 Hight, Infant Courtney Jasmine 02-22-1999 (Dau of Patricia (8 mos); Obit and Robert Hight) Holsomback, Lucinda 02-02-1998 (77); Obit Holsomback, William 02-02-1909 05-28-1998 Obit Hughes, Clara Bell 01-04-1907 05-18-1998 Obit Hughes, Jones Aaron 11-30-1933 07-17-2000 Obit Kennedy, Jo Ann 03-23-2000 (40); Obit Layman, Ruth Hollingsworth 07-11-1909 10-07-1997 Obit Leslie, Judith Myra 04-12-1998 (58); Obit Loggins, James Edward 08-27-1998 (66); Obit Mann, Doris Nell Suddeth 08-27-1932 05-16-1999 Obit McCay, Rebecca Darlene 02-09-1999 (38); Obit McClellan, Sudie, 12-20-2001 (87); Obit McCombs, Jack Perry 03-24-1926 06-23-2001 Obit McCullar, Adriane Deann Odom 05-23-1979 06-04-1994 Obit McFarland, Robert L. 10-31-1946 03-15-1997 Obit Minor, Charles R., Sr. 03-10-1930 09-10-1997 Korea US Navy, Obit Mason Minor, Louraney Doss [no dates recorded] Mosley, Amy B. 12-23-1907 01-21-1991 Mosley, Doris R. (Rosie) 12-17-1939 10-10-1993 Mosley, Douglas M. 05-31-1943 12-21-1964 Mosley, G. W. 08-16-1888 08-22-1902 Mosley, Gertrude L. 02-10-1898 11-06-1985 mrd 7-20-1913 Mosley, H. Mace 01-16-1867 03-29-1931 Mosley, James Michael 12-11-1955 12-16-1955 S/o Clyde & Ruth Mosley, John M. 03-12-1907 11-26-1915 S/o Mace & Lenor Mosley, Lenor (Lena) 01-11-1872 12-14-1935 Mosley, Mary Sue 1848 1942 Mosley, T. Forrest, Sr. 04-09-1895 11-16-1979 Mosley, W. L. Co K 22 Al Inf, CSA [no dates recorded] Mulvehill, Velela M. 12-01-1913 06-21-1997 Obit Payne, Raymond 05-20-1938 02-12-2001 Obit Pharris, Iva Lee 10-13-1928 12-12-1998 Obit Posey, Clinton Gilder 09-20-1913 06-16-1998 Obit Ragland, Phillip Eugene 06-20-1999 (19); Obit Reid, Arthur John 01-29-1918 10-14-1998 Obit Smith, Ada S. Taylor 05-22-1899 07-07-1975 Smith, Albert 02-02-1870 03-03-1931 Smith, Audrey 1906 1930 Smith, Cacimira I. 06-14-1932 09-12-1993 Smith, Charlie E. 09-10-1908 06-25-1970 Smith, David G. 1867 1934 Smith, E. C. 7-10-1838 2-11-1923 Smith, Ethel Higgins Only one date: 11-27-1913 Smith, Inf Son Only one date: 09-02-1919 Smith, Joanna 1860 1950 Smith, Joseph Bernard 05-28-1926 06-13-1998 Pvt, US Army, WWII; SS Reba Smith Smith, Kimberly Whitecloud 12-23-1999 (60); Obit Smith, Lily 1871 1948 SS Thomas Smith, Lottie C. 03-11-1894 01-06-1982 Smith, Mack 03-04-1884 06-24-1971 Smith, Madge Mae Hughes 05-19-1900 02-05-1982 Smith, Mary Eliza 11-19-1845 04-14-1929 Smith, Melvin W. 02-13-1912 11-05-1986 Smith, Raymond D. 01-25-1926 02-17-1980 S2 USN WWII Smith, Reba J. Moore 03-01-1939 08-15-1999 SS Joseph B. Smith Smith, Roy Only one date: 11-8-1927 Smith, Samuel F. 05-21-1894 10-06-1973 PFC US Army Smith, Sarah C. 12-20-1905 02-06-1995 Smith, Thomas 1872 1941 SS Lily Smith Smith, W. L. 03-20-1895 08-29-1967 Sorensen, Myrtle Delilah Jones 01-23-1933 02-04-1999 Obit Stack, Artie Mae 06-07-1994 (71) Obit Suddeth, Kenneth Milton 02-26-1921 03-27-1998 Mason Obit Suel, Ed K., Jr. 07-21-2001 WWII US Army, Mason (72); Obit Taylor, Omie G. 12-12-1912 09-27-2001 Obit Thomas, Douglas W., Jr. 01-06-1999 (25); Obit Thrift, Jerry Wayne 03-22-1946 06-11-2001 Obit Wilder, Irene 1898 1954 Wilder, William G. 09-10-1892 08-09-1975 Wisner, Minnie Joy 08-17-1998 (73); Obit Yarborough, Mary Lou Barnwell 01-18-2002 (83); Obit