Jefferson County AlArchives Photo Document.....Isaac Mitchell Pool III - Letter Dated April 19, 1884 April 19, 1884 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Shirley Mellon Dewberry April 19, 2010, 6:38 pm Source: Personal Document Photo can be seen at: Image file size: 54.5 Kb Letter Cover Postmarked: April 25, 1884 From: J.W. Knox (John Wilson Knox) Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries & Gen Merchandise Duluth, - Georgia To: I.M. Pool (Isaac Mitchell Pool III) Cedar Grove, Ala. Jefferson Co. April 19, 1884 (Four of Isaac Mitchell "Mitch" Pool's family members died Feb 19, 1884 from the results of a tornado in the Cahaba Valley near Leeds, Alabama.) Dear Mitchell, I read your letter about two weeks since and have been expecting to hear from you again before this time. We are very anxious to hear from you often. You ought to let Uncle Isaac (Isaac Strickland 1813-1891)hear from you once a week of no more. He inquires every time he comes to town about you. We are getting along tolerably well. John Craft is staying in the store with us. He makes a pretty good hand considering. I think it suits him very well to stay in a store. We are making slow progress with the lumber yard, but all soon getting ___ bank, and lumber to build with. We are troubled about a carpenter to do the wood work. W.E. Johnson is the only chance and he has been sick some time. Not very sick but not able to work. Zack (Zachariah Taylor Roberts - married Sarah Frances Lenois, aug. of Ann Chapel Rogers and John Wilson Lenoir) and Alex Roberts (Alexander Pitcairn Roberts - married Emma Elizabeth Lenoir, dau. of Ann Chapel Rogers and John Wilson Lenoir) have gone to Florida. We had a terrible rain here last Monday night. The creek and rivers were higher than they have been for many years so the old settlers say. I have got your watch & pistol. Will take care of them till some chance to get them to you. We are selling a great deal on credit again this year as usual. I have not collected anything on last years accounts. Scrap City since you left. I am afraid the farmers are going to heavy on time. The grain trade is pretty good. Banker and I have sold 86 sacks today. We have sold about one hundred tons in all. There has been right smart sickness around here this spring and several deaths but none that you are intimately acquainted with. The school here and farmers academy are holding up very well. Mitchell I know you like to get letters from out here, but it looks like I can't write anything to interest you. The youngsters are very quite even since you left. When you write to me again you write to me to get your money from Fly (Madison "Fly" Strickland, son of Isaac Strickland Jr. and Mitchell's uncle) and I will get after him for you. I don't know as it will do any good but we can try and see. W.E. Jones has sold his plantation to Bill Bone of Lawrenceville and is fixing to go to Florida. Write soon as you can. J.W. Know (John Wilson Knox) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb