Old Brown Cemetery, Lamar, Alabama http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/lamar/cemetery/oldbrown.txt ==================================================================== USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives to store this file permanently for free access. This file is copyrighted and contributed by: Sabra Sudberry ================================================================================= JANUARY 2003 Old Brown Cemetery, near Beaverton, Lamar County, Alabama Located east of Beaverton-on Hwy. 278. Transcribed 1/20/03 by Sabra Sudberry and Bo Morris. Recorded by Elizabeth Welsh. William P. (Hughey) husband of N. D. Hughey May 25, 1831 June 16, 1887 Newton Cliff Hughes Nov. 21, 1878 Aug. 22, 1884 William H. Cantrell Jun. 25, 1854 Feb. 20, 1908 Adaline Cantrell nee Brown Oct. 3, 1836 Oct. 25, 1904 Matilda Cantrell Mar. 1, 1884 Mar. 2, 1884 T. Virginius Bradley Aug. 22, 1860 Mar. 15, 1888 William R. Bradley Sep. 14, 1804 Aug. 21, 1888 Mary F. Jones born 9-29-1851 in AL John Za'dock' Jones born 10-20-1859 in AL George Jones born 3-13-1857 in AL died 1-8-1900 in AL Amanda Ann Brown Jones born 3-9-1833 died 6-17-1910 Mark Jones born 8-10-1827 in TN married 12-26-1850 in AL died 4-14-1867 in AL James M. Jones born 5-21-1853 in AL died 7-1-1856 in AL William Brown born Oct. 23, 1806 died Sep. 6, 1899 Matilda Brown married to William Brown born Mar. 22, 1809 died Jun. 9, 1875 William Earnest 1788-1820 Father of Matilda Earnest Brown, John, Peter Summers, William F., Mary A. E., and Richard