Lamar County AlArchives News.....THE VERNON COURIER February 8, 1889 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Veneta McKinney November 9, 2010, 3:41 pm Microfilm From AL Dept Of Archives And Hisotry February 8, 1889 Microfilm Ref Call #371 Microfilm Order #M1992.4966 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON COURIER COURIER PUBLISHING COMPANY [Limited] VERNON, LAMAR COUNTY, ALABAMA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1889 Vol. III, No. 36 PAGE 1 THE COURIER ONE DOLLAR A YEAR The robbing of ELI JOHNSON in Sizemore Beat sometime --- caused a great deal --- to be put into circu-----. The Beat has been the ---- goodly numbers of citizens who were examples of --- economy, and each has seen more dollars added to yearly savings, which is ever deposited in anything stronger than a stocking or a wooden trunk. Those --- of thrift and economy be --- ded down from father --- together with the savings and rare old coins such as ---llar gold pieces of 1798, ---- of 1801, and quarters of --- without number. But --- of these degenerate --- to the general verdict, ---- man should keep any --- about his house, and ---way them, contrary to --- oms of the world at --- out in quest of ---- men --- their money instead --- a loan. No waiver --- asked, neither do they --- mortgages but a plan old --- note of hand and a --- counting out of all the --- lender has is the--- requirement. ------------ ------YOUNG made application to the Governor for a ---- $100 each for the person who robbed ELI JOHNSON on the 16th of January. The ---- met the approval of the Governor and the matter transferred to Solicitor Smith for approval, which of course was given. This is a step in the right direction, and is --- to the good people of the county. We suggest --- who have an eye to --- and have any clew (sic) --- once, for the matter --- worked for all it is. There is now $45,000 in the State Treasury of the five percent fund paid to the state by the U. S. Government on the purchase of public land. Under the law this money is to internal improvements in the state, in building roads in and out of the state. There will be seven or eight hundred dollars coming to Lamar County if it is equitable divided out in accordance with a bill pending in the House at the present time. We suggest that the Lamar County share be given the first railroad that is built to Vernon. If the Vernon and Birmingham Mineral could get to be the beneficiary, a dummy line would be in operation to the K. C. or G. P. in less than one year. The Montgomery Advertiser is speaking of the different members of the legislature, passed the following well deserved compliment on Lamar’s representative, Mr. BRADLEY. “Lamar County is represented in the House by Mr. BRADLEY who is not only an excellent gentleman but a sound and staunch Democrat as well, and he will faithfully look after the interests of his constituency in that end of the Capitol. There are several counties around him not so fortunate however, who have independents here, and they have to look to the Senator or go outside to get someone to take care of their matters before the Legislature.” THE FLORIDA RETURNS FATAL ACCIDNETS AT TALLADEGA L. R. BOWIE SHOOTS A ---- TO SAVE HIS FATHER’S LIFE UNDER THE WHEELS THE COST OF A FEUD – -------- A GIRL WITH ONE STOCKIN G – (poem) WILL PRACTICE LAW LAND SALE On Friday the 1st day of March 1889 I will offer for sale at the Court House in Vernon between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. all my real estate situated in the town of Vernon; also 400 acres of land lying 5 miles south of Vernon; also 30 acres, in Sec. 24, T 12 R 13, one and one half miles from the Kansas City Railroad. A lot of personal property will be offered for sale. Saturday March the 2, 1889, I will offer for sale at my mill one and one half miles southeast of Vernon the tract of land on which said mill is situated, containing 220 acres also a lot of household furniture. Terms of sale will be one third cash, balance on one and two years credit. Personal property will be sold for cash. For further information concerning said property apply to: ANDREW WHEELER, Vernon, Ala. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Huntsville, Ala January 21, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named setter has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, Ala at Vernon, Alabama, on April 10, 1889 viz: Homestead No. 13, 689 CARRIE DUNCAN for the W ½ of SW ¼ and Se ¼ of SW ¼ Section 19 T 12 R 15 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: L. D. BYRD, post office Detroit, Ala; WILL EVANS, J. W. PAUL, JAMES. R. CLARK, all of Detroit, Alabama. FRANK COLEMAN, Register To our friends and patrons, having recently received our well assorted stock of dry goods, boots and shoes, hats and caps, Notices, etc. Also our immense stock of groceries and plantation supplies, to the old and well known stand of HUMPHRIES & HUDSON, corner Market and Main, lately occupied by NATHAN & OPPENHEIMER. We are better prepared than ever to offer the trade anything in said lines at prices to please; and with a superior selection we purpose not to be undersold by anybody. We call the attention of the public more particular to our stock of shoes and boots. We are the sole Agents in this city for the celebrated Bay State Hoe and Leather Co., and Suller Lewin & Co. We guarantee goods of said firms for desirability and pleasant wear. To the jobbing trade we can offer special inducements thus enabling the small merchants to buy at home as cheap as they could from any source. Come and see us and be convinced. SIMON, LOEB & Bro., Corner Market and Main street Columbus, Miss. LAMAR DIRECTORY W. A. YOUNG Judge of Probate R. E. BRADLEY Circuit Clerk LEE S. METCALF Sheriff P. M. WOODS Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON Tax Collector W. Y. ALLEN Tax Assessor JAMES M. MORTON, Reg in Chancery B. H. WILKERSON Co. Supt of Ed. R. L. BRADLEY Representative WILLIAM RUSSEL Coroner N. L. TRULL County Surveyor COMMISSIONERS J. A. MCCOLLUM J. A. COLLINS W. M. STONE L. C. BLAKENEY VERNON LODGE, NO. 45 I. O. O. F. Meet at 8 pm the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month. J. D. MCCLUSKEY, N. G. M. W. MORTON, Sec. VERNON LODGE, no. 389 A. F. and A. M. Regular Communications 8 pm 1st Saturday in each month. T. W. SPRINGFIELD, W. M. M. W. MORTON, Sec. DR. R. L. BRADLEY, Dental Surgeon. Vernon, Alabama. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent counties. All work neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed; but in no case will responsibility for breaks, warps or shrinkage be assured. Positively no work done on time, unless a satisfactory note be given. Grateful for the liberal patronage extended heretofore. Hope to merit a continuance of the same. R. L. BRADLEY, Vernon Alabama keeps constantly on had a full stock of Music books of all kinds. Blackboards, ruled music paper, music stands, tuning forks, pitch pipes and other musical merchandise. Will fill orders of wholesale prices. Musical Journals ordered at club or other rates. Also a full line of school books, slates, pencils, chalk, steel pens, blank books, writing paper of all kind. Envelopes, etc. Prices as low as can be given on first-class goods. Will exchange new books for old books. Will buy and sell old books. Fertilizers – LANN & CARTER – have established fertilizer depots at Gattman, Sulligent and Crews stations, where they will keep in stock the most popular high grade goods to be found in the markets and prices as low as such quality of fertilizers can be sold, either for cash or time no money or cotton payable at stations where sold, next fall. LANN & CARTER, Aberdeen, Miss. Ad for Philadelphia Sewing Machine – (picture of sewing machine) PAGE 2 THE VERNON COURIER Published Weekly at Vernon, Ala. ----------(small news items)------------ A thousand Indians, who have been Christianized and civilized under the labors of a layman, Dr. Duncan, formerly a missionary of the Church Missionary Society of England, have left Metla Katlah and moved into Alaska under American control. They are said to be a very peacefully, industrious people. They left British Columbia because of disagreements with the people of that province. OUR SOUTHLAND – news from southern states GENERAL NEWS – general news items DEFRAUDING FARMERS OUR NATION’S CAPITOL – news from Washington A FIGHTING EDITOR SWINDLING SCHEMES BEFORE PETERSBURG – Remarkable Displays of Personal Courage in the Civil War A CURIOUS DISEASE BITING THE FINGER NAILS NOTES AND COMMENTS PAGE 3 ROSELAND – (poem) -----MP AND MILLIONAIRE –--------- (short story)------- FOOTSTEPS OF SCIENCE A TURTLE HUNTER A TARTAR BREAKFAST ONLY A WOMAN – (poem) HUMOR OF THE DAY – (jokes) Small advertisements PAGE 4 THE COURIER Published Every Friday LOCALS THE TRAMP – (poem) TO THE PUBLIC The report now being circulated that OSCAR BURNS entered my dwelling recently and stole there from some money is a malicious lie, as I have not lost nay money. JAMES M. BAKER, Vernon, Ala. Feb. 6, 1889 February the 8, 1889 Commissioner’s Court next Monday. Remember the $5 prize will be given March the 1st. See Tax Assessor’s notice this week. Blank mortgages and deeds for sale at this office. Mr. JAMES M. MORTON of Kennedy spent Saturday night in town. Mr. WALTER NUCKOLS of Fayette Court House is in town this week. The Bradley Musical Club is practicing for a concert, which it held at an early day. Mrs. RHODA MACE is visiting her daughter, Mrs. NANNIE RECTOR in Columbus this week. Three cases were disposed of in the Court Monday, one acquittal and two convictions. A large crowd of people were in town Monday, it being the regular term of County Court. The young folks had an enjoyable singing at the Church Sunday evening. Last week was examination week at the Institute, and the result was gratifying to both, the principals and patrons. The new road leading from Vernon to the Moscow road four miles north of town, is now open to the traveling public. The negro boy LEWIS WALKER, who was jailed on the charge of “Skirasky” (he said) was bailed out last week Prof. C. C. HOLLIDAY of Sulligent was in town Saturday attending the meeting of the Board of Education of which he is a member. Rev. Mr. DAVIS, agent for the American Bible Society was in town the first of the week, and occupied the Methodist pulpit Monday night. Two of Vernon’s absent society favorites, Misses JALA GUIN and IDA GUYTON, delighted their many friends by spending Saturday and Sunday last at home in town. Miss BEE JOYNER, a charming young lady from Pickens county, is the guest of Mrs. FANNIE BROCK in town this week. Miss JOYNER will spend several months in town pursuing her musical studies. The Rev. T. W. MERCHANT, of Arkansas, who has been visiting his brother, Rev. A J. MERCHANT, five miles west of town, has returned to his home in Arkansas. Marriage license have been issued since last report as follows; J. T. YERBY and MOLLIE BEARID, white; M. C. SHACKELFORD and GENEVIA BOBO; JIM MYATT and ELLEN BANKHEAD, colored. Mr. W. WHITE, an insane man whose home is near Detroit, was brought to town last week and placed in jail while arrangements were being made to get him admitted into the Asylum for insane at Tuscaloosa. The arrangements being perfected, Messrs. HUGH PENNINGTON and DAVID SUMMERS left for Tuscaloosa Tuesday with him in charge. WORSE THAN MARRIAGE – (poem) ROASTED TO DEATH – A Girl At Warrior Meets a Horrible Fate – (Martha Frazier) FACIAL PARALYSIS FROM CHEWING GUM BIG VALUE IN GEORGE WASHIGNTON’S WATCH A CREW THAT KEPT HER – [Philadelphia Times] TAX ASSESSOR’S NOTICE I will be present at the times and places given below, for the purpose of assessing the State and County taxes for the fiscal year 1889, as follows………….. S. SELIG, Dealer in dry goods, clothing, and plantation supplies. 55 Market Street, Columbus, Mississippi. Highest market price paid for cotton, goods sold at a very small profit. Will furnish the farmers with bagging and ties as cheap as they can be had anywhere. No. 20. FERN BANK HIGH SCHOOL – Male and Female – Primary and Advance. W. A. DUNN, Principal. Session for 1888- 89 will open October 8th , 1888. Tuition for Primary Grade, per month $1.25 Tuition for Intermediate per month 1.50 Tuition for Advanced per month 2.00 Tuition for High school per month 2.50 This school offers advantages to those who wish to prepare for teaching, and others who desire a more thorough preparations for business than is attainable in common schools; and offer inducements among which are Normal and Practical mode of instruction. The subject is pursued rather than the text book, thus making the course more applicable to everyday business life. The location is healthful and accessible by rail and the expenses are the minimum. Students on entering are graded and classed with special reference to their preparations and ability to master the subject. The Primary department is specially adapted for elementary instruction, while the High School department give a practical education fitting young ladies and gentlemen for the various occupation is of life. For information call on, or address the Principal of the school. TALK WITH A MAN WHO WAS HANGED A SCOOP GONE CRAZY AS A BEDBUG – A Brilliant Atlanta Newspaper Man Imagines He is the Apostle Paul ----------- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Huntsville, Alabama, January 28, 1889 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge or in his absence the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar county, Ala. at Vernon, Ala. on April 16, 1889, viz: Homestead No. 6202, JOSEPH BYFORD, for the E ½ of NW ¼ and SW ¼ of NW ¼ Section 30 T 13 R 14 West. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: THOMAS FLINN, GEORGE BLACK, REUBEN P. TERRY, and PEYTON WRIGHT, all of Crews Depot, Ala. FRANK COLEMAN, Register GILMER HOTEL Columbus, Miss. This establishment has changed hands and will be thoroughly overhauled and refurnished and first-class accommodations guaranteed and charges will be moderate. A. W. KING, Proprietor Ad for Scientific American The PALACE CAR LINE – The Kansas City, Memphis, & Birmingham Railroad is many miles the shortest and by fair the best equipped Passenger Line between points in the East and Southeast, and Memphis and all points in Arkansas, Texas and the Northwest. The passenger train equipment of his line is of the most modern construction and provided with ever y device necessary to the comfort and safely of passengers. Elegant Reclining Chair Cars, (Seats free), are run on all day trains between Memphis and Birmingham. Everything new and first class and no effort is spared by the management to meet the requirements of the traveling public. Through tickets via this lien are on sale at tall through tickets officers. For large map and time table folder giving full information as to through cars, connections, & c., address J. E. Lockwood, G. P……………. Ho! (picture of canteen) Every one that Thirst food and lodging for man, and provender for horses can be had to live and let live prices at the WIMBERLEY House, Vernon, Ala. L. M. WIMBERLY, Proprietor J. S. MCEACHIN, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in Lamar, Marion, Walker, Winston, and Fayette counties, in the United States Courts at Birmingham, and the Supreme Court of Alabama. SAM’L M. MEEK, WM. C. MEEK - S. M. & W. C. MEEK, Attorneys and Counselors at law. Office on Military Street, (Opposite Court House), Columbus, Miss. Will practice in the Courts of Lamar County, Alabama J. D. MCCLUSKEY – Attorney-at-law and Solicitor in Chancery Vernon, Ala. will practice in the Circuit Courts of Lamar, Marion, Fayette, and Walker. The Federal Court and Supreme Court of Ala. Special attention given to collection of claims. MORGAN, ROBERTSON, & COMPANY. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries, plantation Supplies, boots, shoes, hats and staple dry goods. When in Columbus, Call on us. Corner Market and Washington Street. MAX NATHAN manager for VICTOR BUSECK, Retail Dealer in Liquors, wines, tobacco, cigars, etc. Near First National Bank Columbus, Miss. MR. W. B. SPANN, of Lamar County, Alabama is now with this house and will always be on hand to serve his friends with the best liquors at the lowest prices. APPOINTMENTS FOR VERNON CIRCUIT, NORTH ALA. CONF. M. E. C. SOUTH Sulligent 10 a.m. 1st Sunday Springfield’s Chap. 3 p.m. 1st Sunday Lebanon 10 a.m. 2nd Sunday Newman’s Chap. 3 p.m. 2nd Sunday New Hope 11 a.m. 3rd Sunday Vernon 11 a.m. 4th Sunday Mt. Nebo 3 p.m. 4th Sunday G. L. HEWITT, Pastor Rev. A. PENNINGTON Baptist will preach in Vernon every 3rd Sabbath in each month at 11 o’clock. SHERIFF SALE The State of Alabama, Lamar County To satisfy an execution in my hands issued from the Circuit Court of Lamar County for the sum $47.35, against SAM POOLE, E. GRIFFITH and J. S. WILSON and in favor of the state of Alabama for the use of Lamar county, I will proceed to sell on Saturday February 16, 1889 at the Court house door of Lamar county, within the legal hours of sale, to highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution and costs the following property to wit: Two feather beds, seven pillows, one ----seven quilts, two water buckets, and one axe, as the property of SAM POOLE; and one cow and calf, as the property of E. VB. GRIFFITH This January the 22, 1889 LEE S. METCALFE, Sheriff Ad for Marlin Repeating Rifles Small advertisements File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 18.6 Kb