Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon Clipper September 12, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Veneta McKinney May 15, 2005, 5:11 pm The Vernon Clipper September 12, 1879 Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON CLIPPER VOLUME I. VERNON, LAMAR CO., ALABAMA, SEPTEMBER 12, 1879 NUMBER 28 SELECTED POETRY NATHAN HALE – by FRANCIS M. FINCH To drum-beat and brart-best A soldier marches by: There is color in his cheek There is courage in his eye Yet to drum-beat and heart-beat In a moment he must die. By starlight and moonlight He seeks the Briton’s camp; He hears the rustling flag And the armed sentry’s tramp and the starlight and moonlight His silent wanderings lamp. With slow tread and still tread He scans the tented line, And he counts the battery guns By the gaunt and shadowy pine, And his slow tread and still tread * * * * * * * * * * * * With calm brow and steady brow He listens to his doom, In his look there is no fear, Not a shadow trace of gloom, But with calm brow and steady brow He robes him for the tomb. In the long night, the still night, He kneels upon the sod And the brutal guards withhold E’en the solemn word of god; In the long night, the still night He walks where Christ hath trod. ‘Neath the blue morn, the sunny more, He dies upon the tree, And he mourns that he can lose But one life for liberty: And in the blue morn, the sunny morn, His spirit-wings are free. * * * * * * * From fame-leaf and angel-leaf, From monument and urn, The sad of earth, the glad of heaven, His tragic fate shall learn, And on fame-leaf and angel-leaf The name of Hale shall burn. SHORT-STORY – RUBENSTEIN’S PIANO PLAYING JUD BROWN’S DESCRIPTION THEREOF. “Jud, they say you heard Rubenstein play when you were in New York. Well, tell us about it.” “What, me? I might’s well tell you about the creations of the world.” “Come, no; no mock modestly. Go ahead.” “Well, sire, he had the blamedest, biggest catt, coredest planner you ever laid eyes on. Somethin’ like a distracted billiard table on three legs. The lid was h’sted – and might well it was. If it hadn’t been, he’d a-tore the intire insides clean out and scattered ‘em to the four winds of heaven.” “Played well, did he?” “You bet he did; but don’t interrup’ me. When he first set down he ‘peard to keer might little ‘bout play, and wisht he hadn’t come. He tweedle-leedled le- oodle’d some on the bass; just foolin’ and boxin’ the thing’s jaws for being in his way. And I says to a man sitting’ next to me, s’ I ‘what sort of a fool playin’ is that?” and he sayd “Hee’sh!” But presently his hands commenced chasin’ one ‘nother up and down the keys, like a passel of rats champerin’ through a garret very swift. Parts of it was sweet, though, and reminded one of a sugar turnin’ the wheel of a candy cage. “Now, I says to my neighbor, “he’s showin’ off. He thinks he’s a doin’ of it, but he ain’t got no idee or no plan of nothing’. If he’d play me up a tune of some kind or other, I’d—“ “But my neighbor says “Hee’sh!” very impertinent. “I was just about to git up and go home, bein’ tired of that foolishness, when I heard a little bird waken up away off in the woods and callin'’sleepy-like to his mate, and looked up and I see Reuben was beginnin’ to take some interest in his business, and I set down again. It was the peep o’day. The light come faint from the east. the breeze blowed gentle and fresh/ Some more birds waked up in the orchard; then some more in the trees near the house, and all begun singin’ together. People begun to stir, and the gal opened the shutters. Just then the first beam of the sun fell upon the blossoms a little more, and it techt the roses on the bushes, and the next thing it was broad day. The sun fairly blaxed; the birds sand like they’d split their little throats; all the leaves was movin’ and flashing’ diamonds of dew, and the whole wide world was bright and happy as a king. Seemed to me like there was a breakfast in every house in the land, and not a sick child or a woman anywhere. It was a fine mornin’ And I says to my neighbor, ‘that’s musci, that is.’ “But he glared at me like he’d like to cut my throat. “Presently the wind turned; it begun to thicken up, and a kind of gray mist come over things. I got low-spirited d’rectly. Then a silver rain began to fall. I could see the drops touch the ground; some flashed up like long pear ear-rings, and the rest tolled away like round rubies. It was pretty, but melancholy. Then the pearls gathered themselves into long strands and necklaces, and then they melted into thin silver streams running between golden gravels, and then the streams joined each other at the bottom, and made a brook that flowed silent except that you could kinder see the music, ‘specially when the music went along down the valley. I could smell the flowers in the meadow. But the sun didn’t shine, nor the birds sing; it was a foggy day, but not cold. The most curious thing was the little white angel boy, like you see in the pictures, than ran ahead of the music book, and led it on, away out of the world, where no man was – I never was certain; I could see that just as plain as I see you. Then moonlight came without any sunset, and shone on the graveyards, where some few ghosts lifted their hands and went over the wall and between the black sharp-top splendid marble houses rose up, with fine ladies in the fine lift up windows, and men that loved ‘em, and played on guitars under the trees, and made me that miserable I could a cried because I wanted to love somebody, I din’t know who, better than the men with the guitars did. Then the sun went down. It got dark. The wind moaned and wept like – a lone child for its dead mother, and he could a-got up then and there and preached a better sermon than any I ever listened to. There wasn’t a thing in the world left to live for, not a blame thing, and yet I din’t want the music to stop one bit. It was happier to be miserable than to be happy without being miserable I couldn’t understand it. I hung my head and pulled out my handkerchief and blowed my nose loud to keep from cryin’. My eyes is weak, anyway. I didn’t want anybody to be a gazin’ at me a’smivlin, and it’s nobody’s business what I do with my nose. It’s mine. But some, several glared at me, mad as Tucker. Then all of a sudden, old Reuben changed his tune. He ripped and he raired, he tipped and he ta’rd, he pranced and he charged like the grand entry at a circus. Peered to me that all the gas in the house was turned on at once, things got so bright, and I hilt up my head, ready to look any man in the face, and not afeard of nothin’. It was a circus and a brass band , nd a big ball, all goi’ at the same time. He lit into them keys like a thousand of brick; he gave ‘em no rest day or night’ he set every livin’ joint in me again’. And not bein’ able to stand it no longer, I jumpt, sprang onto my seat, and just hollered, “Got it, my Rube!” “Every blamed man, woman, and child in the house stared at me, and shouted, ‘put him out! Put him out!’ ‘Put your grandmother’s grizzly, gray greenish cat into the middle of next month!” I says, ‘Tetch me if you dare! I paid my money and you just come a-nigh me.” “With that, some several p’licemen run up, and I had to simmer down. But I would a fit any fool that laid hands on me, for I would bound to hear Ruby out or die. He had changed his tune again. He hopt, like ladies, and tip-toed dine from end to end of the keyboard. He played soft and low and solemn. I heard the church bells over the hills. The candles in the heaven was lit up one by one; I saw the stars rise; the great organ of eternity began to play from the world’s end to the world’s end, and all the angels went to prayers. Then the music went to water, full of feeling that couldn’t be thought, and begun to drop, drip, drop, drop, clear and sweet, like tears of joy fallin’ into a lake of glory. It was sweeter than that; it was as sweet as a sweet- heart’s sweetnin’ sweetness, with white sugar mixt with powdered silver and seed diamonds. It was too sweet. I tell you, the audience cheered. Reuben he kinder bowed, like he wanted to say, ‘Much obleeged, but I’d rather you wouldn’t interrupt me.’ He stopped a minute or two to fetch breath. Then he got mad; he run his fingers through his hair; he shoved up his sleeves; he opened his coat tail a leetle further; he drug up his stool; he leaned over, and sir, he just went for that old pianner. He slapt her face, boxed her jaws, he pulled her nose, he pinched her ears and he scratched her cheeks till she fairly yelled. he knocked her down, and he stamped on her shameful. She bellowed like a bull, she bleated like a calf, she howled like a hound, she squealed like a pig, she shrieked like a rat, and then he wouldn’t let her up. He run a quarter stretch down the low grounds of the bass, till he got clean into the bowels of the earth, and you heard thunder gallopin’ after thunder through the hollows and caves of perdition; and then he foxchased his right hand with his left, till he got way out of the treble into the clouds, whar the notes were finer than the points of cambric needles, and you couldn’t hear nothin’ but the shadders of ‘em. And then he wouldn’t let the old pianner go. He for’ard twod, he cros’t over first gentleman, cor’t over first lady; he balanced to pards’ chassade right, left, back to places he all hands’d aroun; ladies to the right; promenade all, in and out, here and there, back and forth, up and down, perpetual motion doubled and twisted and tied down, and turned and tacked and tangled into forty-‘eleven thousand mixtery. And then he woulnd’t let the old pianner go. He fetcht up his ring wing; he fetcht up his left wing; he fetcht up his reserves. He fired by files; he fired by platoons, by company, by regiments, and by brigades. He opened his cannon, siege guns, that, Napoleons here, twelve pounders younder, big guns, little guns, middle-size guns, round shot, sheds, grapnels, grape, canister, mortar, mines and magazines, every fivn’t battery and bomb a-goin’ at the same time. “The house trembled, the light danced, the walls sunk, the floor came up, the ceilin’ come down, the sky split, the ground rockt, heavens and earth, creation, sweet potatoes, Moses, nine-pences, glory, tenpenny nails, my Manry Ann, hallelujah, Samson in a ‘simmon tree, Jeroosal’m, Tramp Thompson in a tumblecart, roodle-oodle oodle-oddie-oodle-ruddle, uddle-uddle-uddle-uddle- raddle-addle-addle-addle-addle-riddle-iddle-iddle-reetle-eete-eetle-prrrrlang! prrrrlnag! per lang! prrrrrland! Bang! “With that bang! he lifted himself bodily in the air, and he come down with his knees, his ten fingers his ten toes, his elbows and his nose, striking every single, solitary peg on that pianner at the same time. The thing busted and went off into seventeen hundred and forty-two hemi-demi-semi-quavers, and I know’d no mo’. When I come two I were under ground about twenty-foot in a place they call Oyster Bay, treatin’ a Yankee that I never laid eyes on before, an’ never expect to agin. Day was a breakin’ by the time I got to the St. Nich’las Hotel, and I pledge you my word I didn’t know my name. The man asked me the number of my room. I told him. ‘Hot music on the half-shell for two.’ I pointedly did.” ARTICLE – KANSAS AND THE EXODUS – from St. Louis Republican Governor St. John has semi-officially announced that the sending of any more southern negroes to Kansas at present will be a cruelty to them and a grievous burden upon the white community. We do not doubt it, and yet another boat load has just started for “the promised land,” and it is likely many more will follow before the season is over. The governor will find – indeed, has found already – that it is much easier to start the black ball than to stop it, and that it will roll on until he and his constituents are heartily sick of it. Moreover, he will ascertain – if, indeed, her has not already – that Kansas must take care of the unwelcome guests without much assistance from other quarters. The exodus has ceased to be a novelty, and the popular pocket is effectually closed against appeals in its behalf. If the emigrants are self- supporting, all right’ but if they are not, they must be supported by the people of Kansas – or starve. Such is the situation, stripped of all nonsense, clap-trap and humbug; and the governor and people of Kansas must make the best of it, with no certainty of any large amount of even that heap commodity – sympathy. Before nest spring’s blue-birds appear, we fancy the exodus business will have a good deal of valuable light thrown upon it. The north will see, by the experience of Kansas, what negro emigration really means, and what are its inevitable consequences. “The man-and brother” theory will do very well as long as “the man-and-brother” is in the south, where his wrongs and rights can be utilized as political capital. But when he invades the north, with “his sisters and his cousins and his aunts,” and asks to be provided with work and furnished with food, clothes and shelter until he can get it – the republican organs will grind a different tune. We hear it occasionally now. Conway heard it when he could raise only $96 in Boston for his steamboat job. The Republican Party loves the negro as Peter followed his Master “afar off.” His presence – especially if accompanied by chronic pauperism, as is usually the victims of the exodus – awakens groans and hisses; the prelude to kicks and cuffs. “John Brown’s soul” if not detained by previous engagement, will have abundant employment this winter promenading New England and Kansas in search of aid and comfort for the unfortunate blacks whom republican professions and promises have tempted to leave their natural home and truest friends for a strange land and the charity of strangers. ARTICLE – A HIGH-PITCHED ELOPEMENT – from Courier Journal The daughter of THOMAS GEORGE KNOX, counsel-general of her Britannic Majesty for the kingdom of Siam, fell in love and eloped with one PHRA PEECHA, a Siamese nobleman. This so incensed her father and – in a less degree – the king and council of state that PHRA PEECHA was arrested on a charge of high crimes and misdemeanors, tried, convicted and sentenced to be beheaded. “The runaway daughter of the British consul-general,” says a New York Tribune correspondent, “is averse tot he execution of her Siamese husband, and interceded most earnestly with her father to stay the action of the law of the land. though harboring no love for the man who eloped with his child, Mr. Knox is reluctant to have a case of capital punishment in the family in addition to the other complications, and , therefore, demanded the release of Phra Peecha. The Siamese government refused. Knox then threatened them with a British gunboat, and not only threatened, but sent to Singapore for one. The gunboat Foxhound came, and then the demand was renewed. The king was firm as a rock, and notified the consul-general that under no circumstances would the condemned prisoner be surrendered. Knox now threatened to bring the whole force of British ships in eastern waters to bombard Bangkok and lay the king’s palace in ashes. The king has a goodly force of soldiers under arms at the palace, and there is a strong guard over the prison of Phra Peecha. The Siamese blood is up, and if the British marines from the Foxhound attempt to land to rescue the husband of the consul general’s daughter there will be bloodshed. The gunboat lies in the tepid water of the Menam, and holds no communication with the shore other than with the British consul office. The other consuls side with the king, and condemn the action of their English colleague. Under the treaty, he had not the right whatever to interfere with the execution of Siamese laws upon Siamese subjects and Phra Peecha is a subject of the king, and has never intimated a desire to be anything else.” His majesty has sent his private secretary to England to lay the matter before the foreign office, and to ask for the recall of Mr. Knox. Whatever this lower state of affairs may result in, it points the moral which Tennyson came near writing: “Better fifty times a coachman than a noble in Cathay.” With sandals on her feet, a close-fitting bathing suit, and an oilskin cap for her head, a woman can enjoy surf bathing without getting wet in the least. Still, it must be rather dry amusement. ARTICLE – THE RAILROAD INTEREST – from N. Y. Herald RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION IN 1878- MARKED INCREASE IN THE CROSS EARNINGS The condition of the railroads of the country, as exhibited in the pages of “Poor’s Manual of the Railroads of the United States,” just issued for the current year, is decidedly encouraging, and furnishes good reason for the strong tone of the stock market. “In our present number,” says the introduction, “we are able for the first time for several years to report a very decided recovery of the railway interest of the country from its recent exceedingly depressed condition. During the year ending December 31, 1878, 2,964 miles of new line were opened, the total mileage in operation in the United States at that date being 81,841 miles. The construction off these routes has again been entered upon with renewed activity and spirit, and is likely to continue. As not one-half or our public domain is yet occupied, it is fair to assume that not one-half of our future railroad mileage has been built. Its construction will proceed rapidly till we have a mileage exceeding twice its present extent. * * * * There have been constructed in the United States since the great crash in 1873, and within a period of five years, 11,563 miles of railroad. In the same time the increase of population in the country has equaled fully 7,000,000. The greater part of this increase has been in the extreme western and in the mining states and territories. A corresponding demand has been created for the products of manufacturing and commercial industries of the eastern states. Favor is in fact more productive in the new states and territories than in older states. With the general recovery witnessed on every hand, and with an enormous balance of trade with foreign countries in out favor, there is every reason to believe that the country, and particularly its railroads, is entering upon a career of unwanted prosperity.” The gross earning s of all the roads whose operations have been reported at stated at $490,103,360, against $472,909,271 for 1877 and increase of $17,194,089, or 3 ½ percent for the year. The increase has been wholly in freight earnings, the passenger earnings showing a slight decrease as compared with 1877. Notwithstanding the decrease in transportation charges the earnings from freight increased $17,761,523 or 4.7 percent, as compared with 1877. The increase has been confined to the western states. The freight earning of the New England states show a decline of $2,232,349, of 9.9 percent over 1877; of the middle states an increase of $2,818,420 or 2.4 percent; in the southern states and increase of $12,019,318 or 8.1 percent and in the Pacific states a gain of $2,531,145 or over 4.6 percent, as compared with 1877. The Pacific Railroads show a falling off of $789,647 in freight earnings. ARTICLE – OUR SUCCESS AT PARIS Commissioner General McCormick has an article with the above caption in the North American Review for July, and has since sent it to us in pamphlet form. The brochure is an interesting and valuable statement of the results achieved from the American exhibit at the Paris exposition, and the commissioner General, with that rare practical good sense which distinguishes him, estimates our success upon the basis of business results. The United States had 1,200 exhibitors, received 853 awards, and in many competitive trials brought away the grand prizes from the oldest and most celebrated artisan industries of Europe. In all respects the country, with a comparatively poorer endorsement to the commission than had ever before been granted, made an exposition that reflected honor upon the American name and extorted the fullest recognition from those who would have preferred to pass us by with the poor compliment that our work was that of promising novices. In our educational, machinery, and agricultural divisions the success of the exhibits was pronounced and in the highest degree flattering. The exhibits were the wonder and admiration of the intelligent and skilled judges of all countries, and had they not felt apprehensions from the great merits of the display they would have felt constrained to applaud with enthusiasm every evidence there given of the rapid progress of our people. The American exhibit of 1878 has placed our country in competition for the trade of the world in many fields of production that heretofore had been monopolized by the people of Europe. The increase in the reports of our manufactures and productions, growing out of this exhibitions, is already the subject of pride and congratulation It would be leaving this mention incomplete not to acknowledge that the chief credit for the phenomenal success of the exhibits at Paris is due to the energy, foresight, and admissible administrative abilities of the commissioner general, Governor McCormick. ARTICLE – ADVICE TO A GRADUATE – from Burlington Hawkeye Remember that the world is older than you are by several years; that for thousands of years it has been so full of smarter and better young men than yourself that their feet stuck out of the former windows; that when they died the old globe went whirling on, and not one man in ten millions went to the funeral, or even heard of the death. Be as smart as you can, of course. Know as much as you can, without blowing the packing out of your cylinder heads; shed the light of your wisdom abroad in the world, but don’t dazzle people with it; and don’t imagine a thing is so simple because you say it is. Don’t be too sorry for your father because he knows so much less than you do. The world has great need of young men, but no greater need than the young men have of it. Your clothes fit you better than your father’s fit him – they cost more money; they are more stylish. Your moustache is neater, the cut of your hair is better, and you are prettier, oh far prettier than “pa.” But, young man, the old gentleman gets the biggest salary, and his homely, scrambling signature on the business end of a check will drain more money out of the bank in five minutes than you could get out with a ream of paper and a copper plate signature in six months. Young men are useful, and they are ornamental, and we all love them, and we couldn’t engineer a picnic successfully without them; but they are not novelties; Oh, no; nothing of the kind. They have been here before. Don’t be so modest as to shut yourself clear out, but don’t be too fresh; you will have to be put away in the cool to keep from spoiling. Don’t be afraid that your merit will not be discovered. People all over the world are hunting for you, and, if you are worth finding, they will find you. A diamond isn’t so easily round as a quartz pebble, but people search for it all the more intently. ARTICLE – THREE SUCCESSFUL WOMEN Mrs. E. K. Churchill, in the Providence (R. I.) Journal, thus sketches three American women who have achieved success in their various undertakings: The first of these is Madame Demorest, the founder of the great paper pattern industry. She is an American woman with Yankee shrewdness, and the taste and dress of a French woman. Her paper patterns go wherever railroads and steamboats go, and some places where they do not. She has 26 agencies in France alone. Recently she sent a ton of paper patterns to London at one shipment. She has made a substantial fortune through her cleverness and unfitting energy. She employs many men in her immense business house, but has a whim of her own that she will hire no man who uses tobacco in any shape. She was for a time interested in tea importations, and during that time made the uncomfortable discovery that there is not a pound of black tea which is not adulterated with logwood.” From her long connection with working girls she became much interested in the industrial training women, which she rightly believes to be the great need of her sex. She long ago discovered what everybody else found out whoever undertook to aid poor working women, that scarcely one in five hundred of the great army of starving needle women can sew decently, “nor are they willing to remedy their defects by patient application.” That is the worst of it. Mrs. Churchill’s second successful woman is Mrs. Croly, “Jenny June.” Her maiden name was Cunningham. Twenty-five years ago she sought employment on the New York press. Sapient managing editors laughed at her, it is said. MARGARET FULLER to the contrary notwithstanding, they declared that no woman could write anything that was worth reading in a daily newspaper. But Miss Cunningham would not be put down. She persevered till a day came when they no longer laughed. Now, she too, is reaping an ample pecuniary harvest from her labors, which have been of an arduous sort it is not to be denied. She works like a steel machine. She edits Demores’t Magazine, and is the correspondent of twenty-five different newspapers. For some years she has been president of the Sorosis, the first woman’s club formed in this country. Her daughter, May, a highly cultured young girl, is following her mother’s example as a worker, and has adopted the theatrical profession for her occupation. Both Madame Demorest and Mrs. Croly have beautiful homes. The third of Mrs. Churchill’s trio is Miss Susan King. What kind of a successful woman she is may be guessed from the fact that by her own efforts she has amassed a fortune of a half million dollars. How? She was a shrewd Maine girl. She had observed the peculiar article of food known as “tripe: had a good market value in the cultured city of Boston. At the same time she observed that the farmers all about her threw it away. She put the two hints together and acted. She engaged a number of women to prepare the stuff for her, and then she sent if for sale to Boston. In this way she realized, in time, a good sum of money. Thus the foundation of her fortune was not exactly “weal pie” but tripe. With the money she has saved she went to New York and began cautiously to buy real estate in a small way. She held it until the price she put on it was offered, and then sold it, just as speculators of the stronger sex would do. Women can do so many things that people think they can’t do, if they only set their heads to it, and then work and wait patiently, and don’t throw away all their earnings in Alsatian bows and scoop bonnets. If Miss King had spent the first tripe money for a sealskin cloak and silk dressed, she would not at present be the owner of half a million. She wisely saved it, and now she can buy a ship load of sealskins if she pleases. Such little sketches as these are very pleasant to read. They inspire other women with hope and strength. Undoubtedly all these successful ladies had their moments of weariness and intense discouragement, and were at times almost ready to give up, but did not give up. That is their lesson for others. What a woman has done other women can do. POEM – ADDRESS TO A CAT – by Eliza Co Sweet warbler, when the radiant moonlight fall In mellow splendor on the haunted shed, Oft have I listened to thy plaintiff wauls And cursed thee from my sleep deserted be. How have I wet to hear they long drawn shout, “Maria! Oh-h Ma-ri-a! Comin’ ou-out!” Why dost thou rage, vain cat, when sable nigh With “dewy freshness fills the silent air?” Why dost thou climb the roof to yell and fight, And rip, and spit, and snort, and claw and swear? Dost thou not blush, sweet cat, when rosy dawn Sees half they fur clawed out, and one eye gone? Out, never hold malice! It poisons our------- With the hall-drop of hate, and the nightshade strife; Let us scorn what we must, and despise where we may, But let anger, like sunlight, go down with the dawn. WAIFS AND WHIMS Advice to some would-be wits: “A little wisdom now and then is relished by most foolish men.” [Oil City Derrick Pleasure has many definitions, but in reality it consists of going somewhere, being perfectly uncomfortable all the time while being there and calling it “the best time you ever had.” When the swallows homeward fly, When the bloom is one the rye, And the corn is gently waving, Annie dear, I will meet you at the gate Though it may be rather late And for the 100th time pour taffy in your ear. Some of the prettiest evening toilets worm are of fine French bunting, in many moonlight shades, with accessories of faille or satin, embroidered in colors or trimmed with Madras plaids. The fine black buntings are preferred to grenadines by many. One of the wonders of the world is the quantity of idle, purposeless untruth – the lies which everybody believes, yet everybody tells, as it were, from the mere love of lying – or as though the bright form and features of “truth’ could not be duly brought out except on a dark ground of falsehood. Now, haven’t you found it so? – N. Y,. Herald The following affecting hints on diet are from the St. Louis Times: All bones All fat Just right Was Was Was Jane Jones Sue Pratt, Belle Knight, ‘Cause ‘Cause ‘Cause She was a hater She’d eat She would eat Of potater. No meat. Taters and meat, Vain You ‘Tis Moans Fat Well, Jane Sue Miss Jones! Pratt! Belle! A little girl in the infant class of a Sunday School thoroughly appreciated the difference between being good from choice and from necessity. At the close of the school one day, the teacher remarked, “Beckie, dear, you have been a very good little girl today.” “Yes’m, I couldn’t help being good, I got a ‘tiff neck,” the youthful Beckie replied, with perfect seriousness. “No, no, no,” stoutly ejaculated Mr. Hendricks, :I won’t, I won’t , I won’t and I won’t, and there’s an end to it. I will not do it, I won’t accept, I shan’t’ take the second place on anybody’s ticket. I shan’t’ do it, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t. Say,” he added coaxingly, after a resolute pause, “who’s talking about me for second place, anyhow? What do you reckon my chances are?” – [Burlington Hawkeye Some people seem to be here in this world just on their guard all the while, always so fraid of doing things wrong that they never do anything really right. They do not add to the world’s moral force, as the man who, by constant watchfulness over his own health to keep himself from dying, contributes nothing to the world’s vitality. The effort not to be frivolous itself, says Phillip Brooks; the effort not to be selfish is very apt to be only another form of selfishness. ARTICLE – A YELLOW FEVER ROMANCE – from Cincinnati Commercial Last year, when the epidemic was raging in Memphis, among the Cincinnati physicians who tendered their services and lives to health officer Minor was young Dr. Collins, of this city, an unusually bright and intellectual man, who was making a precarious living at his practice, not through lack of ability, for of that he had abundance, but from the lack of patients. His service, together with those of five others, were accepted, and on a certain evening they all went to the Ohio and Mississippi railroad depot to take the half past nine o’clock train for the south. Young Collins, in taking leave of the health officers, who had gone down to see the little hand off, said: “Doctor, I will either make a reputation in Memphis or never come home again.” He arrived in that city, and reporting to the Howard association for duty, was given an assignment in that part of the town where the disease was carrying people off by the scores. Among others that he attended was the family of a wealthy planter. He was successful in bringing the children through the sickness, one of whom was a beautiful and intelligent young lady. Within a short time the doctor himself, worn down by unceasing labor, was smitten with the scourge and lay tossing feverishly in his small room. The young lady, hearing of the circumstance, went to the house and nursed him tenderly through his illness. It is almost needless to say that by this time the youthful pair became mutually attached, a proposal and acceptance followed, to which consent was unhesitantly given by the parents. They were afterwards married, the father investing his son-in-law with a handsome interest in his large plantation. Dr. Collins is now one of the rising young physicians of Memphis and is the efficient secretary of this board of health. PAGE 2 ALEXANDER COBB, Editor & Proprietor ALEX. A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum Friday September 12, 1879 OBITUARY – GENERAL HOOD The latest papers give the sad news of the death of Gen. John B. Hood, who departed this life at New Orleans, August 30th. The gallant and chivalrous soldier of the “Lost Cause” who had faced the “lethal hail” of many bloody fields has fallen beneath the withering breath of the direst pestilence that has ever afflicted our sunny land. He a true type of the martial South has been a shining victim to all the woes to which we have been subjected since the fiery cross of war passed through our afflicted country. With a body shattered by the rude strokes of war and broken fortune, and all the desponding influences that could appall the heart of man, he has struggled on through glint and gloom patiently, steadily and heroically, and with the same intrepidity that marked him when he led his veterans to the harvest of death upon many a stricken field. No truer heart ever beat in man’s bosom. A more heroic soul never animated the body of a hero, and a braver Knight never won his spurs upon the “battles’ bloody marge.” Though he has been the theme of military criticism and the war’s disasters have been laid at his door, there is not a censor of his military actions can point to a single act in which the typical character of the southern cavalier has not been upheld in all the true faith of manhood and martial heroism. No abbey walls may shed their stately gloom over his mail clad effigy, no pride, pomp and circumstance of glorious war will throng his sad march to the grave. But the luminous pages of history will tell how the “Lone Star” blazed in glory when the chivalrous Hood led his gallant Texans through the reeling strife of battle. Though in the close of his military career defeat and disaster paled his glorious star, yet all who knew his many worth, his devoted, and fiery valor will sign when they know, “Young Harry Percy’s spur is cold.” A TENNESSEE POETESS – from N. Y. Times The editor of a Tennessee paper fell in love with some unknown poetess who had written poetry for his paper nearly three years. She always wrote about “a cry in the night,” and “a nameless pain.” and “the ceaseless song,” and all kinds of pining away stuff, so that at last the stricken editor bought a ticket and went to the town where she lived, dreaming all the way of the pale brow and star-lit eyes, and pleading lips of the beautiful girl who didn’t seem to have anybody particular to love her, and one thing and another. And when he got there, there was a woman 43 years old, weighing 196 pounds with red hair and 12 children. He never publishes any original poetry now. ATLANTA, SEPT. 3 The Daily Constitution fund for the children of Gen. Hood reached, on the first day, nearly $1,000. The list is headed with $250 telegraphed by Inman, Swan & Co., of New York. The money will be invested in securities by trustees. The children are left utterly destitute. Subscriptions will be received from any quarter. Wade Hampton the younger and his bride are staying at the White Sulphur Springs, and are described as being the handsomest young pair who have been there this summer. Gen. J. E. Johnston is staying with his sick wife near the Springs. THE ASH FAMILY – INFORMATION WANTED GATEWOOD, RIPLEY CO. , MISSOURI, AUG 23, 1879 Editor Advertiser: About twenty years ago, (or less) a young man by the name of JOHN ASH, came in this section and located on Eleven Point river, near Job Postoffice, Oregon county, Missouri. He said he came from Alabama, and that he had a father and relatives there. Thirteen years ago, in 1866, I think, he married a young widow, named Susan Grider. They has two children, a girl and a boy. John Ash died, and in a short time afterwards the boy died from a severe burn, and now the mother is dead, leaving the little girl, Elizabeth Paralee Ash. She, (Mrs. Ash) died at my house; her and my wife are cousins; she gave the little girl to me to raise. Judging from what Mr. Ash said during his lifetime, that there is some estate somewhere in Alabama for this orphan, I take this method of finding out. I will thank you to publish this, and request all the papers in the State to copy, so that the relatives may see, and write me at Gatewwod Postoffice, Ripley County, Missouri. All the papers and letters of Mr. Ash were burned with his house, about the time of his death, so I have no means here of learning the names and locality of his family in Alabama. I an the child’s legal guardian and curator. Respectfully submitted, P. W. SMELSER ARTICLE – LONG LIFE FOR FLOWERS – from The Farm No plant can continue to bloom if nature is permitted to do her work completely, for the going to seed exhausts the energies of any subject, and stops everything else. By constantly removing decaying flowers before a seedpod can swell, the growth of the plant and the continued development of new buds and flowers upon the new growth are matters of course. Try the experiment upon the China rose. Two cottages, having fine plants covering their fronts, being in the hands of two different persons, frequently exhibit the most striking contrast – one’s a mass of flowers, while the other is bare; and those who pay no attention to the cause are, nevertheless, often surprised at the fact. If they look a little further into the matter they would observe that one is loaded with hips or seed vessels, which are swelling in great numbers, while in the other not a solitary berry could be seen. It is only necessary to cut away the dead flowers and the season of bloom will be prolonged. ARTICLE A man was denouncing newspaper advertising to a crowd of listeners. “Last week,” said he, “I had an umbrella stolen from the vestibule of –church. It was a gift; and valuing it very highly I spent double its worth in advertising, but have not recovered it.” “How did you word your advertisement?” asked a merchant. “Here it is,” said the man, producing a slip cut from a newspaper. The merchant took it and read: “Lost from the vestibule of the –church, last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella. The gentleman who took it will be handsomely rewarded by leaving it at No.,--Madison Street.” “Now,” said the merchant, “I am a liberal advertiser, and have always found that it paid me well. A great deal depends upon the manner in which an advertisement is put. Let us try for your umbrella again, and if you do not acknowledge then that advertising pays, I will purchase you a new one.” The merchant then took a slip of paper from his pocket and wrote, “If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the vestibule of the –church last Sunday evening does not wish to get into trouble and have a stain cast upon the Christian character which he values so highly, he will return it to No. __ Madison Street. He is well known.” This duly appeared in the paper, and on the following morning the man was astonished when he opened the front door of his residence. On the porch lay at least a dozen umbrellas of all shades and sizes that had been thrown in from the side walk, while the front yard was literally paved with umbrellas. Many of them had notes attached to them, saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the looser to keep the little affair quiet. ARTICLE The protean nature of the vowel sounds is familiar to all. A few amusing examples will show that the consonants are nearly as bad: B makes a road broad, turns the ear to bear, and Tom into a tomb. C makes lime clime, hanged changed, a lever a clever, and transports a lover into clover. D turns a bear to beard, a crow to crowd, and makes anger danger. F turns lower regions to flower regions. G changes a son to song, and makes one gone. H changes eight to height. K makes now know and eyed keyed. L transforms a pear into pearl. N turns a line into linen, crow into crown, and makes one none. P metamorphoses lumber into plumber. Q of itself had no significance. S turns even into seven, hove into shove, and word sword, a pear to spear, makes slaughter of laughter, and curiously changes having a hoe to shaving a shoe. W does well, those are whose; are becomes ware, on won, omen women, so sow, vie view; it makes an arm warm, and turns a hat into – what? Y turns fur to fury, a man to many, to to toy, a rub to ruby, our to yours, and a lad to lady. One day a tramp walked into a barroom out West, and representing himself as the champion rat-killer of the States, told the proprietress that in consideration of a good dinner he would destroy every rat upon the premises. To this she readily consented, as the house was indeed terribly infested with the vermin. The tramp was marshaled into the dining room, and enough eatables were set before him for three men, which he went through in double quick time; he then smacked his lips, and called for something to wash the food down. The landlady gave him a flask of “old rye,” and by the time it was gone he declared himself satisfied, and said: “Now, then, clear the room of everything, get me a club and I am ready for business.” Curious to know hoe he was going to proceed, and chuckling to herself as she thought how cheaply she was getting rid of the rats, she soon placed a club in his hands. He rolled up his sleeves, rubbed his hand together, and holding the club aloft, yelled: “Now, then, old woman, trot out your rats; I reel like annihilating a couple of thousand of them!” STATE NEWS The Ozark Star says: We are informed that the laborers on Mr. C. V. ATKINS’s farm, in this county, killed, a few days since two large moccasin snakes that had with them eighty young ones which measured about six inches each. Clayton Courier: A little son of Mr. Henry Hollimen, residing near Mr. Andrew, was bitten twice by a large moccasin snake one day last week. Dr. Moey was called in and extracted the poison from the little fellow’s system, and he is now doing well. Mr. Holliman also lost his infant last week. Jasper Eagle: WM. R. SMITH, JR. passed a rigid examination in court last week, and was admitted to the bar. There is a boy in Pike County, twelve years of age, who pulls down the scales at three hundred and seventy pounds. he increases in weight five pounds a month. The boy has a sister fifteen years old who weighs two hundred. Their name is Bell. Abbeville Register: While Col. Oates was out of his office, on Tuesday night, about 8 o’clock, a large kerosene lamp exploded, and many valuable papers lying on the table were burned. But for timely assistance of several parties, in removing the table and contents from the office, it would have been but a few minutes before the house would have been on fire. This should be a warning to all parties never to leave a lamp burning when they are away any length of time from their houses. A kerosene lamp, like a mule, is tricky. B. F. DEFRAFFENREID was almost choked to death the other day at Decatur, by a negro woman with whom he got into a fight about his washing. He died a few days afterward and the negro ran away. He was 55 years old, had never married, and was living ignobly under the same roof with a negro. Two negro boys living at Mitchell’s Station in Bullock county, recently had a quarrel while at the breakfast table, and one became so enrages that he arose, seized a gun in the room and shot the other dead where he sat, with the food he was eating still in him mouth. The murderer fled at once and had not been apprehended at last accounts. A man named Gray from Indiana who settled in Walker county, tried to get divorced from his wife while she was visiting her parents in the “Hoosier” State. He failed. Birmingham Independent: On last Thursday evening a young man named CHAMBLISS, aged seventeen or eighteen years, from the vicinity of Village Springs, while handling his apples in the bed of his wagon, at the corner of 3d avenue and 224 street, accidentally shot himself in the hand with a load of bird shot from a double barrel shot gun which was lying amongst them. Troy Messenger: JOSEPH BARRON was right seriously cut by a negro boy on Monday evening. The two met on the railroad and had some altercation, when the negro drew a razor and inflicted a severe cut on Joseph’s face, after which he ran away. The wife of REV. W. C. HEARN, of Huntsville, has a silk quilt containing 3,698 pieces. MR. BARNETT, of Wilsonville, recently found a well-preserved pine log 40 feet under ground. GRANVILLE WHITE has been justice of the peace and postmaster at Enon, Bullock county, for 31 years. After 30 years connection with the Mobile Register, F. E. STOCKES retires to his stock farm near Citronelle. Look out for frost during the month, for here is what BRO. CATHER says: “Area – from the Lakes tot he Gulf and from the Atlantic to the Mississippi. About 5- 11 cooler development. About 20-26 cooler development. The sun is approaching the line. In August we noticed the first period was vacillating; the second was steady. The hot interval will be between the last of August and the 5th of September. Frost may be looked for about the 9th in high latitudes, and about the 24th in the Southern States. There will be heavy storms in the southern States and on south Atlantic coast about the 15th or thereafter. After the 5th all yellow fever uneasiness may cease, and after 22nd quarantine against Memphis may be lifted with impunity.” The Clark County Democrat says: A little child of REV. J. H. FENDLEY was drowned, recently, by falling into a large pot of water in the yard.” A man named COLLINS, who broke jail in Evergreen recently, was found dead on the road next morning. It is supposed that in escaping he became overheated and died of heart disease. A reward of $100 is offered for the arrest of JAKE H. PIERCE, charged with murder in Pickens County. ADVERTISEMENT BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock. ADVERTISEMENT SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you. ADVERTISEMENT JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime. ADVERTISEMENT DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi. ADVERTISEMENT NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi. ADVERTISEMENT The Vernon Clipper. A brand new paper. Published in Lamar County, Ala. For $1.50 per annum. PAGE 3 THE VERNON CLIPPER FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1879 Largest Book Published. The new edition of Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, just issued, is believed to be, in the quantity of matter it contains, by far the largest volume published. It contains about 118,000 words defined, and nearly 15,000 words and meanings not found in any one dictionary. The Biographical Dictionary, just added, supplies a want long felt by the reader and the student, in giving the desired information so briefly. Never was any one volume so complete as an aid in getting an education. REV. JAS. T. MILLER will preach in town on next Sabbath. REV. E. F. S. ROBERTS will preach the funeral of MRS. SALLY LACY, consort of D. J. LACY, on the 3rd Sabbath in October next, at 11 o’clock at Cansler’s Church. Some 15 or 20 men left the county this week to attend U. S. Court at Cullman. MRS. J. S. ROBERSON, of Columbus, Miss., is spending a few days in town. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. SUMMERS. COL. T. B. NESMITH, ESQRS. J. D. MCCLUSKY, and S. J. SHIELDS are attending Court at Pikeville this week. MR. MATT WEBSTER caught the mammoth worm of the season, it measured 4 inches in length and we think near 2 inches in circumference, it had 11 dangerous looking horns. There was a Bible agent in town this week, and from the way he distributed the Word Of God to our citizens, there must be a renewal of a divine feeling. The young man who is not considerate of his mother’s or sister’s feelings, will make a domineering husband, an insulting father, and a domestic tyrant. DIED – In this county on Monday the 8th inst., MR. WM. GRIER. He was sick only two days. MISS ADDIE MCCLAIN, of North Alabama is on a visit to her sister MRS. NESMITH. We wish her a pleasant visit. No man can farm successfully and spend one half or three-fourths of his time in town, using poor tobacco and spoiling mean whisky. Memphis, Sept. 4 – Twenty-seven new cases of fever in all were reported today, twelve of whom were white. LEWIS CARPENTER, a very excellent colored man, of Clinton Beat, has become perfectly deranged on the subject of religion. A few days ago he violently assaulted MR. WILLIE CARPENTER, on whose place he was working, and he was forced to have him confined to prevent bodily harm to himself and others. He will be sent to the Asylum. [Eutaw Whig MARRIAGE PROBABILITES The Chicago Times has constructed a table of “Marriage Probabilities” based upon an examination of 8,000 marriage licenses. The table shows that the best years for the marrying of ladies are the 19th and 22d; the chances the 20th and 21st years not being so good. Chances even the 20th and 21st years. At 23, the lady’s chances begin to decline. When she reaches 33, the chances are decidedly against her. The best years for men are from 21 to 30, inclusive. Their best years – that is, those in which they stand the best chance for getting a “better half” – are 23 and 25, as the lady’s are 19 and 22. Men begin to marry, as a general rule, at 18, - women at 15. Men’s chances steadily increase from 21 to 25, - after that, there is a gradual, but slight decline, till 30. The decline is then more rapid. The base ball fever is raging in Rhode Island. The only difficulty in playing the game is that the center and right fielders have to stand in Massachusetts, and the left in Connecticut, while the catcher is in danger of backing off into the Atlantic Ocean. A prisoner in a Georgia jail recently went to the bath room, with other prisoners for a wash, and was so changed in appearance by the application of water, that the turnkey allowed him to walk into the street, not recognizing him as a prisoner, and has not seen him since. Three beautiful girls of Macon, Ga., having met at Catoosa Springs, fell into a pious strain for want of male companions, and concluded to pray for the welfare of their lovers. The first one to kneel had not gone very far along in her petition when it was discovered that they were all engaged to the same man. The religious exercises were terminated at once. One of the most touching incidents of the terrible epidemic at Memphis occurred a few days ago. As an instance of love and affection, it stands unparalleled in the annals of history. It calls the action of Princess Alice, daughter of Queen Victoria, whose death was recently announced, and whose illness was attributed to kissing one of her children; sick at the time with diphtheria. Disraeli, Premier of England, in his eulogy on the deceased, said her act was sublime, and would form the subject of some great artist in painting “The Kiss of Death” The incident alluded to, as reported by the Memphis Avalanche, was witnessed in the death of MRS. MINNIE WILKIE, the consort of J. B. WHILKIE, an agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, in that city. His darling wife, during the early hours of the day, had several attacks of black vomit, and repeatedly called on him to kiss her. Although warned of the danger that attended her request, he proved his love and devotion by whoereing kisses upone her. She died with her arms around his neck, and Mr. Wilkie now lies dangerously ill with the fever, which he brought upon himself by his affection for his wife. His kiss, too, may yet prove “The Kiss of Death.” JURY BUMMERS There was a time when trial by jury was regarded with reverence and respect; but public faith in such justice is fast dying out. Into such disgrace and contempt are the finds of juries fallen, that a reformation is demanded. The fault is in the want of a proper standard of character, a more rigid regard to intelligence and a sense of moral obligation, in those who are the arbiters of justice. Less “bummerism,” less stupidity, and cupidity. How often is it that a squad of “professionals’ is seen, throwing themselves in the way of the sheriff and his deputies, purring and fawning, their mouths watering, actually itching to get on the jury. We have known some to become highly incensed, and swear that they would never vote for Smith or Jones again because they were not drawn as jurors or taken as a talisman. We learn that there are none such in this coutry, but it is none the less true that too often our juries are composed of an element before whom they would be unwilling to risk their necks or the adjustment of their property troubles. Jurors decide as to facts; and when we consider how awfully evidence is sometimes jumbled up, it is important to have jurors of at least average intelligence and honesty of purpose. It requires a cool head and a steady nerve, a clear and discriminating mind to weigh all the facts, in many cases. By all means the “bummers” should be let “severely alone.” {Tuskaloosa Gazette ADVERTISEMENT New Edition. Webster’s Unabridged. 1328 pages, 3000 engravings. four pages colored plates. New added, a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning, including such as have come into use during the past fifteen years – many of which have never before found a place in any English dictionary. Also added, a new Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 names of noted persons, ancient and modern, including many now living, giving name, pronunciation, nationality, profession and date of each. Get the latest. New edition contains a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning. Each new word in supplement has been selected and defined with great care. With Biographical Dictionary, now added of over 9700 names of noted persons. Get the best. Edition of the best dictionary of the English Language ever published. Definitions have always been conceded to be better than in any other dictionary. Illustrations. 3,000, about three times as many of in any other dictionary. The dict’y recommended by State Sup’ts of 35 states, and 50 College Pres’ts. In schools – about 32,000 have been placed in public schools in the U. S. Only English Dictionary containing a biographical dictionary – this gives the name with pronunciation and date of over 9700 persons. Published by G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, Mo. Also Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 pages Octave, 600 Engravings. The Teacher’s Institue met in session on Saturday last. Trenton, N. J., Sept. 3 This morning a man named John Toman cut his wife’s throat, sewed her up in a bag while alive and left her in a cellar and then, taking his son nine years old, in his arms, and sprang into the canal. The boy succeeded in escaping, but Toman was drowned. The wife was found still alive in the bag, but died within an hour. Toman had just been released from the State Prison. ADVERTISEMENT The popular house of LOUIS ROY of Aberdeen, having bought an immense stock of dry goods before the rise in prices, is offering to his numerous friends and customers, good ten percent cheaper than any house in Aberdeen. ADVERTISEMENT A Word to the Afflicted. The most miserable human being in the world is that person suffering with a shaking chill of a burning fever. The joys of life are but a misery to his mind, and he longs for a balm to go restore him to health. The cure is at hand for every sufferer. The greatest of all medicines. Cuban Chill Tonic the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy cures Chills and Fever, billiousness, and liver complaint every time. It blots out disease, carries off malarial poison, and restores the sufferer to health, strength and happiness. Try Cuban Chill Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy, if you suffer with chills and fever, and be cured. Take no other medicine. Cuban Chill Tonic will cure you and give you health. Get a bottle from your druggist W. L. MORTON & Bro., and try it. ADVERTISEMENT Mason & Hamlin Organs, Endorsed by over 100,000 delighted purchasers. Not lowest prices, poorest and dearest, but highest priced, best and cheapest. Cost but little more than inferior organs. Give five times the satisfaction. Last twice as long. Victors at all world’s exhibitions. Acknowledged best by all disinterested and competent musicians. Solid facts, indisputable, such as no other organ maker in the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand Introduction sale. New Styles. New Prices. 6 Stops, Elegant case $80; Superb Mirror to case, 10 stops, only $100. 15 days trial. Freight paid both ways if organ don’t suit. Sold on easy terms. Rented until paid for. Delivered anywhere in the South for $4 extra. For full particulars, address Budden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Managers, Wholesale Southern Depot, Prices same as at Factory. NOTICE State of Alabama, Lamar County Probate Court, Special Term, Aug. 15th, 1879 In the matter of the Estate of GEORGE F. MOLLOY, a minor, this day came THOS. MOLLOY. guardian of said minor’s estate and filed his amount and vouchers in final settlement of his said guardianship. When it is ordered by the court that the 11th day of September be a day set for the auditing and passing upon said amount, when all persons interested can contest the same if they see proper. - ALEXANDER COBB, J. P. ADVERTISEMENT Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges are the best of all worm medicine. Thousands of mothers, all over the land, give their children Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. Try them, at W. L. MORTON & BRO. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m. ADVERTISEMENT R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates. LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November. REPRESENTATIVES W. A. MUSGROVE and I. H. SANDERS COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner COMMISSIONERS W. G. RICHARDS W. M. STONE J. J. BRANYAN J. A. COLLINS Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration. EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit. NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. ADVERTISEMENT DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services tot he citizens of Vernon and vicinity. ADVERTISEMENT Subscribe for the CLIPPER. ADVERTISMENT ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. Snuff and tobacco. Irish potatoes. Parties owing us will please come forward and settle up their accounts. Any of our friends who have traded with us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices for cash. We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us and hope they will continue the same. SCHOOL NOTICE BUTTAHATCHIE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.) The first session of this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 scholastic months. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per month. Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. B. H. WILDERSON. Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala. ADVERTISEMENT The American Centennial Cement. One of the most perfect and absolutely the best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town. The Greatest Invention of the Age. No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in every walk of life. Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably. We desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country. Will sell as wholesale or retail rates. For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. MARLER, Vernon, Alabama. ADVERTISEMENT Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office. PAGE 4 FARM AND PLANTATION POEM – A PASTORAL BALLAD – T. Moore, October 1793 My gardens are crowded with flowers, My vines are all loaded with grapes – Nature sports in my fountains and bowers, And assumes all her beautiful shapes. The shepherds admire my lays, When I pipe they all flock to the song They seek me with laurels and bays, And list to me all the day long. But their laurels and praises are vain, They’ve no joy or delight for me now, For Celia despises the strain, And that withers the wreath on my brow. ARTICLE – HINTS ABOUT CORN RAISING There is no object of greater interest to the farmer than that of corn raising. Strange as it may seem, though, the farmer has experience in this work every year, and it is so simple that a boy can understand it, yet every farmer does not make a successful corn raiser. A writer on this subject in a Chilicothe (Ohio) paper, who, it is to be judged from the manner in which he speaks, has had considerable experience in this branch of farming, says, among other things, that he has long since come tot he conclusion that one among ten corm growers deserves the name of “a good corn grower.” Men could be pointed out who have been farming thirty or forty years, and yet are not successful in this respect. He then goes on to say that they don’t know that they have been half farming all their lives. A thirty-five or thirty-eight bushel crop, he says, is a mean crop, and there are many crops that will not yield over twenty bushels to the acre. These are the crops that break up both tenant and landlord. The writer then says that next to good is thorough preparation, and it is right here that too many farmers blunder, for they simply aim to dab their corn in, and then prepare the land. All land should not only be thoroughly plowed, but harrowed, rolled, or dragged until mellow and smooth. Mellow land is a great necessity, for a grain of corn falling into the crevices of clods has a poor chance to start forth a strong and healthy stalk, if it can start any at all. All corn should be planted so as to be both ways, since the introduction of the double plough 3 ½ feet each way tends best and produces the best crops. An acre thus planted give 3,555 hills. Counting an average of three stalks tot he hill – allowing no hill to have less than two nor more than four stalks, and allowing a s many stalks to have two ears as will make up for blighted stalks – gives within a fraction of eighty-nine bushels to the acre, counting one hundred ears tot he bushel. An acre thus planted, with two stalks to the hill, will give fifty bushels, while one stalk and one ear to the hill will yield thirty bushels to the acre. There is no machinery so perfect as to do away with replanting and thinning. The best machine will drop some too thick and these will need thinning. Where but ten hills to the acre are missing the labor of replanting is a very light job, while a failure of one hundred hills becomes a matter of importance too great to be neglected. Men have argued that a hill missing here and there did not detract from the yield, as the surrounding hills would make up the loss by turning out a greater number of ears. This is a grand mistake, and it is but a lazy man’s excuse for not replanting. The writer knew an old grower that claimed one year to have an excellent stand, when actual count showed an average of seventy-five hills to the row with no corn in and eighty- one hills with one stalk, while about an equal number of hills had too many stalks to yield. So that when this farmer deducted the missing hills, and the one-stalk hills, and the hills with too may stalks to the hill, together with the hills spoiled by weeds, he got less than forty bushels an acre off the best bottom land in Ohio, which was a bare half crop. No one thing tends so much to secure a good stand as the selection of good seed corn, for no matter how well prepared the land may be, moldy corn or rotten corn will not make a good stand. All seed corn should be selected, ear by ear, by a competent man. It is better to select this at gathering time, since corn cribbed or penned up often heats so as to impair its vitality without changing its appearance. All seed corn should be tested before planting, by taking a handful from a mixed quantity and counting the grains planted, and then the stalks that come up. Such a precaution would often save a great amount of labor and loss. As to the time to plant, the first fifteen days of May, taken one year with another will be found the surest and best. We have been the more precise about procuring a good stand since, without this, all after attention and labor can not make up a defect in the stand. To get a good stand is to get the requisite number of stalks on the ground, and so distributed as to produce the required number of ears, since the crop is made up of single ears. The farmer that gets a good stand of corn on land well prepared has but an easy, pleasant task to perform in after cultivation. With the machinery now in use, and corn planted to tend both ways, but few weeds need escape the plow. No one need be afraid to commence working corn too soon. One of the best corn growers that he ever knew told him he made it a rule to go though his corn once a week from the time he commenced the cultivation of his corn till it was laid by. Some farmers think if they go through their corn just so may times it is tended. All corn plowing should be done before the tassel begins to show. Many corn growers seem afraid to get near the corn when it is small, and simply tend the middle of the row, instead of tending the corn He has seen corn raiser go through the corn as many as three times without getting dirt to the hills, and then when they should plow off a little from their corn they come up so close as nearly to kill it. This is mean farming, and always pays poorly. If corn be thoroughly tended till it is hip high, there will be no need of any more plowing. The practice of going through corn with the double patent plow after harvest, when the corn is tasseling and silking and breaking hundreds and thousand of the largest stalks, is worse than no plowing at all. He considers no crop thoroughly tended without what is called “chopping out” after the ploughing has ceased. With the best machinery and crop ploughing there will be chance weeds left, and even if they did not injury to the growing crop, the seed they leave for the next year give much more trouble than the cutting requires. He had found a single weed with more than 50,000 seeds. One spat with a hoe would have put an end to that Jamestown, and saved somebody more labor than the cutting of twenty such weeds. So far as his observation has extend, land half farmed, or farmed so as to raise a little grain with a good many weeks, becomes poor as fast or faster than when well farmers and full crops of grain alone raised without the weeds. There is no prettier crop cultivated than corn and few crops that pay better when properly managed. HOUSEHOLD HINTS ICED APPLES, PEACHES OR ORANGES – Grate fine, sprinkle with white sugar, and freeze them. STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM – Mash one quart of berries with one pound of sugar, rub through a colander, add one quart of sweet cream and freeze as usual. PUFF CAKES – Two cups of white sugar, one-half cup butter, one cup sweet milk, three eggs, well beaten, three cups flour, one tablespoonful baking powder, thoroughly mixed the flour; season with lemon. WHITE CORN DODGERS - Take one pint of white corn meal and turn over it one pint of boiling water; add a little salt, and a well beaten egg tot he batter when nearly cold. Butter some sheets of tin and drop your batter by tablespoonfuls all over them and bake in a hot oven twenty-five minutes. SALAD DRESSING – Three eggs, tablespoonful of sugar, oil, mustard, and salt, one cup of vinegar and one of milk; beat the eggs, then add the other ingredients, and stir all together over a kettle of boiling water to the consistency of boiled custard. If put in a closed bottle and kept in a cool place it will keep two weeks. SHORTCAKE – Prepare the dough as for biscuit, only much richer; roll out two crusts nearly as thin as for pie crust; put them together, spreading a little butter between them; bake in a quick oven. When done, place the fruit or preserves between the crusts. When it is not in the fruit season, dried fruit or preserves make a very good substitute. STEWED SALSIFY – Scrape the roots, dropping each into cold water as soon as cleaned, for exposure to the air blackens them; cut in inch pieces; put in a sauce-pan hot water enough to cover and stew until tender; then turn off the water and add a cup of cold milk. Stew ten minutes after this begins to boil; put in a large lump of butter, cut in bits and rolled in flour; pepper and salt to taste. Boil up at once and serve. PEAS AND LETTUCE – Blanch a quart of peas for about five minutes and drain them; blanch a head of lettuce for one minute (blanching is only boiling or steeping in boiling water); put peas and lettuce in a saucepan with one ounce of butter; stir gently on the fire for about one minute, and then add a little broth or water, two or three sprigs of parsley, salt and pepper; boil slowly until done; and serve warm. The parsley may be served or removed just before serving, according to taste. The lettuce is served with the peas. TONGUE SOUP – Put a small tongue into a stewpan with trimmings of any bones of fowl or veal, and stew for four hours, removing the scum; take out the tongue, skin and clean it, and leave it to cool; put back the trimmings and the root, with a carrot, a turnip, a head of celery and an onion, half a teaspoonful of cayenne, and stew one hour more; then strain the soup, and when cool remove the fat. and set it on to heat, with a turnip and carrot cut in squares; and two tablespoonfuls of grated tongue; let it simmer slowly for an hour, and serve with boiled rice. GREEN PEAS – There is a vast difference in the peas in the same pod. Those nearest to the stem are the oldest and toughest, being the most fully matured. In Paris peas are sorted in this way. Not more than once or twice in a whole season are good green peas sent to table. Either the peas are old and flavorless, or they have been badly prepared. This is a good recipe, as M. Bios taught it to me: Take a saucepan and put in a half teaspoonful of salt; at the very first boil drop in two quarts of peas; boil gently and drain; put in a colander, shake then, turn them into a hot dish; put into that four ounces of butter, a little salt and white pepper, and put the dish with peas in an oven for not over two minutes. ARTICLE – THE CERTAINTY OF PUNISHMENT – from Memphis Appeal Throughout the entire south there is universal demand for the speedy punishment of criminals. Much has been said about the lawlessness of the southern people, but there is great danger that the south, in its desire to punish outlaws, will go to the opposite extreme. Cox was convicted in a few weeks after he murdered Alston. The trial of Buford is now progressing, and if Currie has not been convicted for the murder of Porter, it is because the law gives him the delay. Johnson, the infamous rapist of this city, would have been tried and sent to the penitentiary, but for the sickness of Judge Ray. The punishment is the great preventive of crime. The Augusta Chronicle says: “A fruitful source of lawlessness is the belief that crime will go unpunished. Where punishment is certain, crime inevitably becomes less frequent. It is the belief that punishment can be easily evaded which causes it to become rampant in the land. But to be certain it must also be speedy. Every one knows that delay is the criminal’s hope. The longer a trial is deterred the less likelihood there is of conviction. Criminals with money can secure the services of adroit counsel, who under the present system, are usually able to obtain one continuous or more, as the desperate nature of the case may require. In Georgia a continuance means a postponement of trial for six months. Often one year, two years, or even three years elapse before a hearing is had. I have been informed of one instance where nearly five years of delay were secured by a party indicted for murder. Of course there was an acquittal when the jury was at last reached.” POEM – MARY – by Susan Coolidge, in Christian Union The drowsy summer in the flowering limes Had laid her down at ease, Lulled by soft, sportive winds, whose tinkling chimes Summoned the wandering bees To feast and dance, and hold high carnival Within that vast and fragrant banquet-hall. She stood, my Mary, on the wall below, Poised on light arching feet, And drew the long, green branches down to show Where hung, mid odors sweet – A tiny miracle to touch and view The humming bird’s small nest and pearls of blue. Fair as the summer’s self she stood, and smiled, With eyes like summer sky, Wistful and glad, half-matron and half-child, Gentle and fond and shy, Her sweet head framed against the blossoming bough, She stood a moment – and she stands there now! The sixteen years since, trustful, unafraid, In her full noon of light, She passed beneath the grass’s curtaining shade, Out of our mortal sight; And springs and summers, bearing gifts to men, And long, long winters have gone by since then. And each some little gift has brought to dress That unforgotten bed – Violet, anemone, or lady’s-tress, Or spray of berries red, Or purpling leaf, or mantel, pure and cold, Of winnowed snow, wrapped round it, fold on fold. Yet she still stands, a glad and radiant shape, Set in the morning fair – That vanished morn which had such swift escape – I turn and see her there. The arch, sweet smile, the bending, graceful head And, seeing thus, why do I call her dead? ARTICLE – A MEMPHIS MARTYR It has happened more than once in the recent history of our unfortunate city that opportunity to do heroic work, and out of it to pass to the martyr’s grave, has been seized by many an obscure man or unknown woman of whom there is no earthly reward beyond the mere name in the death list. True in 1873, it became more notably true in 1878 that the names of many of our best and truest are know to few, or it may be to none save God only. Of course they are none the worse for this, but it is the misfortune of the living to be left without knowledge of any inspiring example. It is with this feeling I wish to put on record a little note of one such life and death. When the Tobin family, on Bradford Street, were seized with the fever, there was, of course, no provision for hired nurses, since no one looked for the fever so early in the season. Opposite to this family, on the same street, lived a young girl about 17 years of age, named Evelyn Widrick, her father and little brother Freddy being the only other members of the household. Evelyn had not had the fever, but she went to her neighbors in their distress and remained with them from the beginning to the fatal ending. Immediately after the last of the Tobins was buried, the infection spread to the family of Godsey, living next door to the Widricks. Without having rested, Evelyn began duty there and nursed these young ladies with a skill far beyond her years. It was there last Sunday morning I first saw the dear child. I sent her relief and begged her to go to rest. Returning in the afternoon, I found the tireless girl still on duty and sharing the labor with the nurse. The same night the fatal fever relief laid her prostrate. Last night in her father’s room he begged me to tell him how his dear child was. I could say no more that that she is resting – a truer word than he thought I meant, but tonight they are both resting in Elmwood, where side by side we laid the two today. The children gathered at his knee, while eyes and ears were all intent, the doctor said, “Now tell to me, what’s ‘Patience on a monument?’ Then little Willie’s eyes, they shone as he explained the doctor’s wonder: “The people’s names are on the stone, the patients all lie calmly under.” [Yonkers Statesman. Thus shop-worn humor is re-hashed, and parphrastic rhyme runs riot; the reader cries, “Well I be dashed, that’s old as sin r precious nigh it!” – [New York News ADVERTISEMENT WHEN THE BOWELS ARE DISORDERED - No time should be lost in resorting to a suitable remedy. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is the most reliable and widely esteemed medicine of its class. It removes the causes of constipation, or of undue relaxation of the intestines, which are usually indigestion or a misdirection of the bile. When it acts as a cathartic it does not gripe and violently evacuate, but produces gradual and natural effects, very unlike those of a drastic purgative; and its power of assisting digestion nullifies those irritating conditions of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestinal canal which produces first diarrhea, and eventually dysentery. The medicine is moreover, an agreeable one, and eminently pure and wholesome. Appetite and tranquil nightly slumber are both promoted by it. ADVERTISEMENT – A WISE LEGISLATOR. He is successful because he has the manly courage to rise above all personal motives or interests and cast his vote and influence on the side of measures which will contribute to the well being of his fellow men. The good of the many, even though it proves injurious to the interests of the few, is the maximum of the wise legislator. But certain men will never admit the wisdom of this doctrine any more than some selfish private practitioners. - ----will admit the superlative value----Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov--- Pleasant Purgative Pellets, because---remedies have injured their pract---- course, no man in his right senses w-----physician $5 for a consultation, a bottle of bitters, a few powders, and a prescription, when one bottle of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and a bottle of his Pleasant Pergaitive Pellets, both costing but $1.25, will accomplish the same result, viz: Cleanse the liver and blood, regulate and tone the stomach and impart a healthful action to the bowels and kidneys. The cordial reception that Dr. F. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonic has received at the hands of the medical profession in Louisiana certainly proves that it is an excellent remedy, and that the composition of it, as published by its proprietors, Wheelock, Finlay & Co, of New Orleans, is indorsed by them. Against chills and fever, dumb chills and enlarged spleen, there is no better remedy in the world. For sale by all druggists. The famous Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, which are certainly the best of these instruments in the world, and now sold for payment by installments, bringing them within reach of those who can make only small payments at a time. Any agent for their sale will give particulars. An extended popularity – Each year finds “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” in new localities in various parts of the world. For relieving coughs, colds and throat diseases, the Troches have been proven reliable. 25 cents a box. Malignant and subtle indeed is the poison of scrofula, and terrible are its ravages in the system. They may, however, be permanently stayed and the destructive virus expelled from the circulation with Scovill’s Blood and Liver Syrup, a potent vegetable detergent which eradicates all skin diseased, leaving no vestige of them behind. White swelling, salt rheum, tetter, abscesses, liver complaint, and eruptions of every description are invariably conquered by it. Druggist sell it. Chew the celebrated “Matchless” wood tag plug tobacco. The Pioneer Tobacco Company, New York, Boston, and Chicago. Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet navy Tobacco For pies, etc., use C. Gilbert’s Corn Starch. $3300 a year. How to make it. New Agents goods. Coe & Yonge, St. Louis, Mo. $350 a month – Agents wanted. 36 best selling articles in the world. One sample free. Address Jay Bronson. Detroit, Mich Kidder’s Pastilles. Sure relief. Asthma. Price 40 cents by mail. Stowell & Co., Charlestown, Mass. $10 to $1,000 invested in Wall Street stock market fortunes every month. Book sent free explaining everything. Address Baxter & Co., Bankers, 17 Wall Street, New York Agents wanted – You can make more money selling Crawford’s Stomach and Liver Pad, in connection with his Kidney Pad than in any other business. Single P.d. $1.00 post paid. Send for terms to agents, Geo. B. Crawford & Co., Lowell, Mass. Agents – Read this. We will pay agents a salary of $100 a month and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. We mean what we say. Samples free. Address Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich. $1050 profits on 30 days investment of $100 in Western Union, June 7 Proportional returns every week on stock options of $20, $50, $100, $500. Official reports and circulars free. Address T. Potterwight & Co., Bankers, 35 Wall St.. N. Y. Pond’s Extract subdues inflammation, acute or chronic controls all hemorrhages, venous and mucous. Invaluable for sprains, burns scalds, bruises, soreness, rheumatism, boils, ulcers, old sores, toothache, headache, sore throat, asthma, hoarseness, neuralgia, catarrh, &c. Physician of all schools use and recommend Pond’s Extract. No family should be without it, as it is convenient, safe and reliable. Invaluable as a pain destroyer and subduer of all inflammatory diseases and hemorrhages. Farmers stock breeders and livery me should always have it. Leading livery and street car stables in New York and elsewhere always use it. Sprains, harness and saddle chaffing, cuts, scratches, swellings, stiffness, bleeding. &c are all controlled and cured by it. Our special preparation, veterinary extract, is sold at the low price of $3.50 per gallon, package extra. Prices pond’s extract and specialties, Pond’s extract, 50 c, $1.00 and $1.75. Catarrh Cure 75c. Ointment 50c, plaster 25c, inhaler (glass 50c) $1, Nasal syringe, 25c, Medicated pap’r 25c Any of the above preparations sent free of charges in lots of $5.00 worth, on receipt of money or P. O. order. Caution – Pond’s Extract is sold only in bottles, enclosed in buff wrappers, with the words, ‘Pond’s extract’ blown in the glass. It is never sold in bulk. No one can sell it except in our won bottles as above described. Send for our new pamphlet to Pond’s Extract Comp’y. 18 Murray Street, New York Lay the Axe to the Root if you would destroy the cankering worm. For any external pain, sore, wound or lameness of man or beast, use only Mexican Mustang Liniment. It penetrates all muscle and flesh to the very bone, expelling all inflammation, soreness and pain, and healing the disease part as no other liniment ever did or can. So saith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and so will you say when you have tried the “Mustang” $1000 reward for any case of bleeding, blind, itching or ulcerated piles that DeRing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. Gives immediate relief, cures cases of long standing in 1 week, and ordinary cases in 2 days. Caution. None genuine unless yellow wrapper has printed on it in black a pile of stones and Dr. J. P. Miller’s signature, Phila. $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Sent by mail by J. P. Miller, M. D., Propr., S. W. cor Tenth and Arch Strs. Phila, Pa. Seth Thomas Clocks for Towers, offices, houses, ships, &c., Strong accurate and durable. Prices from $2 to $6,000. 20 Murray St. New York and Thomaston, Ct. Saponifier is the old reliable concentrated lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft, and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so- called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with ----resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the ----. Saponifiers mad e by the Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing.---Philadelphia, Pa. Moller’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil is perfectly pure. Pronounced the best by ---- the medical authorities in the world. Given the----- award at 12 world’s expositon, and at ----Sold by druggists. W. H. Schleffelin & C----- The Temple! The temple is for singing classes, the temple is for conventions, the temple is for choirs. $9.00 per dozen. Single Copy, $1.00. At this season, when music teachers, choir leaders, &c., are quietly making up their minds as to the best books for use during the coming musical season, it is a pleasure to introduce to their notice so fresh, good and useful a book as this one by W. O. Ferkins, who now, by the act of Hamilton college, takes on the well deserved title to Musical Doctor. From the elegant title to the last page the space is most acceptably filled. The Elementary Course is ample in quantity, and has numerous new tunes for practice, which practice, indeed, may extend over the whole book. Abundance of good sacred music, in the form of metrical tunes and anthems, fills a large proportion of the book, and renders it a good collection of church music. The numerous glees and harmonize songs add to the attraction and make this an excellent work for musical societies and conventions. Specimen copies mailed, post free, for $1.00. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston., G. H. Ditson & Co., 353 Broadway, N. Y. J. E. Ditson & Co., 922 Chestnut St., Phil. Tarrant’s Seltzet Aperient. There are probably a majority of the human race suffering from kidney complaints. They show themselves in almost protean shapes, but always to the injury of the patient. They cause indescribable agony. The experience of thirty years show that the best remedy for this class of diseases is Tarrenat’ Seltzer Aperient. Its properties are diuretic, which are specially adapted for such cures. Sold by all druggists. New Home Sewing Machine. Best in the world. Agents wanted everywhere. Address Johnson, Clark & Co., 30 Union Square, New York. Orange, Mass., Chicago, Ill. The Rising Sun Stove Polish. For Beauty of Polish, saving labor, cleanliness, durability and cheapness, unequaled. McRae’s Bros., Proprietors, Canton, Mass. Any one unable to read music or unskilled in organ playing may produce from the organ not only the part they sing, but all the other parts, by the use of the self-organist. With this new invention, easily attached to the keyboard of any organ, a little boy or girl, knowing a tune, can play as well as a music teacher. Adapted to families, Sunday-schools, and lodge meetings. Address for Circular and terms The Self-Organist Mfg Co., Brattleboro, Vt. Ridge’s Food for Infants and Invalids. Has found its way into high places the world over and Medical Journals and physicians give it their approval. Woolrich & Co., on every label. The Smith Organ Co. First Established! Most successful! Their instruments have a standard value in all the leading markets of the world! Everywhere recognized as the finest in tone. Over 80,000 made and in use. New Designs constantly. Best work and lowest prices. Send for a catalogue. Tremont St., opp. Waltham St. Boston, Mass. South-Western Presbyterian University. Clarksville, Tenn. Rev. J. M. Waddell, D. D. L. L. D., Chancellor. Tuition $50 a year. Board $3 a week. Session 1879-80, Opens Sept. 1, 1879. Many think there is no cure for Bright’s Disease of the kidney’s or bladder and urinary complaints. They are in error Hunts’ Remedy cures those diseases. General debility, diabetes, pains in the back, loins, or side, dropsy, gravel, dissipation, and all diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urinary organs are cured by hunt’s Remedy. Family physicians prescribe Hunt’s Remedy. Send for pamphlet to W. E. Clarke, Providence, R. I. Cured free! An infallible and unexcelled remedy for Epilepsy or falling sickness, warranted to effect a speedy and permanent cure. “A Free Bottle” of my renowned specific and a valuable treatise sent to any sufferer sending me his post office and express address. Dr. H. G. Root, 163 Pearl St. New York. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. Demonstrated best by highest honors at all world’s expositions for twelve years viz: at Paris 1867; Vienna, 1873; Santiago 1875; Philadelphia 1876; Paris 1878; and Grand Swedish Gold Medal 1878. Only American Organs are awarded highest honors at any such. sold for cash or installments. Illustrated Catalogues and circulars with new styles and prices, sent free. Mason & Hamlin Organ Co., Boston, New York, or Chicago. Perpetual Sorghum Evaporator. $15, $20, $25 Cheap and durable. Send for circulars, address the only manufacturers, Chapman & Co., Madison, Ind. The new Elastic Truss has a pad differing from all others, is cup shaped, with self-adjusting ball in center, adapts itself to all positions of the body, while the ball to the cup presses back the intestines just as a person would with the finger. With light pressure the hernia is held securely day and night, and a radical cure certain. It is easy, durable and cheap. Sent by mail. Circulars free. Eggleston Truss Co., Chicago, Ill. Nervous Debility & c. C. C. Morton, Jersey City, N. J. $77 a month and expenses guaranteed to agents. Outfit free. Shaw & Co., Augustua, Me. $777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free Address P. O. Vickery, Augusta, Me. Cure for Tender Feet, Undue Perspiration, chafing, and soft corns. By mail, 25 cts., Chas. Mitzenius, POB 526, NYC Pocket Dictionary, 30,000 words and Dr. Foote’ Health Monthly, one year, 50 c Murray Hill Publ. Co., 129 E. 28th St. N. Y. Send to F. G. Rich & Co., Portland, Maine, for best agency business in the world. Expensive outfit free. Young men learn telegraphy and earn $40 to $100 a month. Every graduate guaranteed a paying situation. Address R. Valentine, Man Janesville, Wis. Maplewood Institute for young ladies, Pittsfield, Mass. Location unrivaled. Collegiate and college preparatory courses. Revs. C. V. Spear & R. E. Avery, Prin. Big pay with stencil outfirs. What costs 4 cents sells rapidly for 50 cts. Catalogue free. S. M. Spencer, 112 Wash’n St. Boston, Mass. Opium habit and skin diseases. Thousands cured. Lowest prices. Do not fail to write. Dr. F. E. Marsh, Quincy, Mich. Wanted – By a lady of Virginia, who has had much experience (having been connected with the first female colleges of Virginia) a position as presiding officer and teacher of English in a femal college or she would take a situation in private family. Address, stateing terms, &c., ABC Culpepper, Va. Truth is mighty. Professor Martinez, the great Spanish See and Wizard, will for 30 cents with your ages, height, color of eyes and lock of hair, send to you a current picture of your future husband or wife, initials of real names, the time and place where you will first meet, and the date of marriage. Address Prof Martinez 4 Provision St. Boston, Mass. This is no humbug. Pure teas. Agents wanted everywhere To sell to families, hotels, and large consumers. Largest stock in the country; quality and terms the best. Country store keeper should call or with the Wells Tea Company. 201 Fulton St. N Y PO Box 4560. Best Press Extant. For horse, hand or power. Three years in use. Universal success. Price complete for power, except wood work, only $43.00. Southern Standard Press Co., Meridan, Miss. Warner Bro’s Corsets received the highest medal at the recent Paris exposition over all American competitors. The flexible hip corset (120 bones) is warranted not to break down over the hips. Price $1.35. The improved health corset is made with the Tampico Bust, which is soft and flexible and contains no bones. Price by mail, $1.50. For sale by all leading merchants. Warner Bros., 351 Broadway, N. Y. Masonic Supplies for lodges, chapters and commanderies, manufactured by M. C. Lilley & Co., Columbus, O. Send for Price Lists. Knights Templar uniforms & Specialty. Military, Society, and Fireman’s Goods. This claim-house established 1865. Pensions. New law. Thousands of soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon P. O. Drawer 325 Washington, D. C. Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M Wm. H. Burgess, Rich Square, N. C. Inventor and manufacturer of the Boanoke Cotton Press, Chieftain Press, Chain lever Press and others. Some very cheap. Hoisting Pulleys, &c. Also a new process of mining wells any depth in from one to three hours time. There is money in it. Circulars free. Teas! Ahead all the time. The very best goods direct from the importers at half the usual cost. Best plan ever offered to Club Agents and large buyers. All express charges paid. New terms free. The Great American Tea Company. 21 and 33 Vesey Street, New York. PO Box 4235. Agents wanted for “Back From The Mouth of Hell” by one who has been there! “Rise and Fall of the Moustache” by the Burlington Hawkeye Humorist. “Samantha as a P. A. and P. I.” by Josiah Allen’s wife. The three brightest and best selling books out. Agents, you can put these books in everywhere. Best terms given. Address for Agency. American Publishing Co., Hartford, Co. Chicago, Ill. The Weekly Sun. A large, eight page paper, of 56 broad columns, will be sent postpaid to any address until January 1st, 1860 for half a dollar. Address The Sun, N. Y. City The Estey Organ is the Best the world over. Manufactory Brattleboro, Va. The Adams & Westlake Improved Wire Gauze Non-Explosive Oil Stove – the only oil stove made with wire gauze inside the reservoir, on the principle of the Sir Humphrey Davey, Safety Lamp, making it absolutely non-explosive. Awarded the highest premium medal at the Paris Exposition, in 1878, for Safety, Capacity, and durability. Made in four sizes, 1, 2, 3. and 4 burners. Inquire of dealers, or send for catalogues and price list. The Adams & Westlake Mfg. Co., Stove Office, 100 Lake St., Chicago. Additional Comments: A hard copy of THE VERNON CLIPPER may be purchased after June 2005. Please contact Veneta McKinney at for ordering information. Also, anyone wishing to have photocopies of the original articles please contact Veneta as well for ordering details. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 102.4 Kb