Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon CLipper October 17, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Veneta McKinney June 16, 2005, 11:28 pm The Vernon CLipper October 17, 1879 Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON CLIPPER VOLUME I. VERNON, LAMAR CO., ALABAMA OCTOBER 17, 1879 NUMBER 31 A HEBREW LEGEND - from Boston Transcript From an ancient, learned Rabbi comes this legend full of grace, Floating down through countless ages, from a lost and scattered race. Far away, where the horizon forms a line ‘twixt earth and sky There arose a glittering city, with its peaks and turrets high, Flooded with a wondrous glory which in splendor downward rolled, Seeming like the way to Heaven through a country paved with gold. Sweet as odors from the tropies was the free, life-giving air, Fraught with the divine elixir - making all immortal there. And the fame of that far city, seen above the sunset high Pointing with its sparkling fingers, ever upward to the sky Went abroad to all earth’s people, and they clasped their dear ones tight, And they journeyed from the valleys up towards the golden light. And for long, long years they dwelt there, with life’s goblet brimming o’er; Deep and deeper though they qualified it, full it sparkled evermore. But a strange and restless yearning woke at last, as years went by, And they stole away in silence, one by one that they might die. AN OLD SONG – by Harriet Prescott Spofford An old song, an old song! But the new are not so sweet Sweet though they be with honeyed words and sweet with fancies fair, With thrills of tune in silver troop of answering echoes fleet, With tender longings slumbrous upon enchanted air. An old song! But across the verse what viewless voices sing! Through all its simple burden what human pulses stir! More intimate with grief and joy than any precious thing That the years have wrapped away in frankincense and myrrh! Lovers have sung it summer nights, when earth itself seemed heaven; Sailors far off on lonely seas have given it to the gale; Mothers have hushed its measure on the quiet edge of even, While soft as falling rose-leaves dear eyelids dropped their veil. Long since the sailor made his grave between two rolling waves; The lovers and their love are naught, mother and child are dust; But tonight some maiden lifts it, tonight its sounding staves Are blowing from the stroller’s lips on this balmy blossom gust. A part of life, its music flows as the blood flows in the vein; Laughter ripples through it, tears make its charm complete; For the heart of all the ages bears still through this old strain An old song, an old song, but the new are not so sweet! LITTLE GIRL – by Margaret Elynge, in Detroit Free Press Pretty as a picture was Little Girl. Silky, faint-golden hair; eyes “deeply, beautifully blue;” lashes long and dark; lips daintily curved and read as strawberries, and the most angelic expression of countenance – an expression that artists often seek in vain when endeavoring to portray infantile saints or cherubin. Ethel was the name that her sponsors in baptism unto her did give; but, being the only girl among ten children, as well as the youngest of them all, “Little Girl” she had been dubbed by her nine brothers, immediately on making her appearance in the family circle, and “Little Girl,” with various fond adjectives prefixed, she had remained ever since. Never, I verily believe, in this world, was child so adored by her father and mother – so worshiped by her brothers – so petted and caresses by her uncles, her cousins and her aunts – of whom she had a great number – as Little Girl. She had actually gone through the first four years of her life without ever hearing an impatient word, much less receiving an impatient blow. But in the beginning of the fifth ear Little Girl came very near learning the crisp old English word “spank” and feeling the definition of it. And the way it happened was this: Aunt Delia Steele, who lived in New York, came to visit Mrs. Raymond, Little Girl’s mamma, that summer. She was a tall, fine-looking woman – girl she called herself – with great, heavy braids of jet-black hair – arched eyebrows to correspond – rosy cheeks and chin, and dazzlingly white teeth. She owned to five and twenty, played and sang tolerably well – dance, not badly – and talked upon many subjects with so much animation and so many shrugs of her sloping shoulders and flashes of her black eyes that you wondered why it was that you could never remember a single thing she said. Shortly after her arrival at Raymond House – Mrs. Raymond, by the bye, was only a half-sister, and as different as possible – being fair, short, and rather stout – the following conversation took place between the two ladies one bright morning when they sat sewing together in the cozy sitting room: MRS. RAYMOND – Delia, my dear, it is really time you were settled. MISS STEELE – As if I didn’t know it, Minnie! And you’ve no idea how stingy pa is getting – raised an awful row about my last dressmaking bill. I do wish I had accepted Will Hazelton. MINNIE – Why didn’t you? DELIA – I though Harvey Young, who had a thousand a year more, was coming forward. I’m sure he gave me every reason to believe her was – but he didn’t. MINNIE (sententiously) – If girls would only wait until the men they want did come forward before jilting the men who want them. DELIA – Yes, Yes; I know all you were going to say. I’ve heard it a hundred times before. And there hasn’t a soul proposed to me since Will – that’s two years ago – except Mr. Beers, and I couldn’t marry him, you know – now could I? He had a dreadful squint and six children. MINNIE (dropping her work and clapping her hands) – I have it. Elam Bean! DELIA – What a name! Who is he? MINNIE – A young farmer who lives a couple of miles from here. His mother died a few months ago, and I knew he wants a wife. He has houses, lands, cattle and money. Is decently well educated, tall, good-looking and generous. DELIA (with a grimace) – A farmer! I’m afraid I never could bring myself to love pigs and chickens. MINNIE – You’d have nothing to do with the pigs and chickens. You’d have a splendid home and be near me and Little Grill (dwelling with fondness on the pet name). You’d better make up your mind to marry him, Delia. I’m sure you can if you choose. There’s no one in this place to rival you. He wants an accomplished wife. He had told me so. He’s a few years younger than you--- DELIA – But he needn’t know that. MINNIE – Of course not. That is, he need not know how many. It may be your last chance, Delia, and it’s almost good enough to be a first one. Nice home, fruit orchard, pony, phaeton – DELIA (interrupting) – Enough. Ring up the curtain. Enter Elam Bean. MINNIE – I’ll invite him here tomorrow evening. She did, and he came and was smitten at once with the dark hair and brows, the rosy cheeks and chin, the wonderfully fine teeth and the brilliant conversation of the stately city lady. He, himself, as Mrs. Raymond had said was a tall, good-looking young fellow, with broad shoulders, blue eyes, chestnut hair, a loud, honest voice, and a hearty, laugh-provoking laugh. Somebody in the village thought him very handsome – poor, little Libbie Green, the dressmaker, who lived at Trumpet-vine Cottage, the first small house after you passed Bean Farm, and who had been a great favorite with Elam’s mother, and, in consequence, Elam having no sisters, had inherited the good old lady’s few old-fashioned trinkets. Elam, too, had always been very kind to Libbie, and once – before he went to boarding school – used to call her his little wife. But alas! She had been able to go to school only a very short time during her life, having always had a blind father to look after, and her reading was queer, and her wiring peculiar, and she often said “them” when she should have said “those” and just as often used “went” in the place of “gone,” and it was the hardest work for her to remember that “two negatives are equal to an affirmative” and she knew nothing of music or singing save a few, old Methodist hymns which she was wont to sing, as she sewed, in a sweet bird-like voice; and she had never waltzed nor galloped in her life, and wasn’t a bit “stylish” in her simple calicoes and muslins. Truth to tell, she was scarcely pretty, but she had a winsome face, and made you think of dandelions and daisies -–friends of the grass and the clover. Elam had liked the little woman in times gone by very much – still liked her very much – but she possessed none of the graces and acquirements he had resolved his wife should possess. Miss Steele seemed almost the realization of his dreams – as near, indeed, as he could ever hope to come – and poor Libbie felt that her fate was sealed the first time they drove past her home in his buggy, looking smilingly in each other’s faces; and laying aside the gray silk dress she was making, for fear the tears might fall upon and stain the shining fabric, she wept with all her heart and soul full fifteen unhappy minutes. - - - - A month had passes since the fair match-maker had brought the young farmer and her not-as-young sister together, and all sorts of gaieties and pleasures had been crowded into that month. Picnics, drives, singing parties, dancing-parties and reading parties, at each and all of which Miss Steele had queened it with her elegant costumes, her regal manner and her many – for a country village – accomplishments. “I wish she were a little younger,” said Elam to himself one lovely August morning as he passed out of his gate on his way to call on his lady- love; “for, to confess the truth, I would like to have my wife my junior; but she is so handsome – I never saw such hair and teeth – and so dignified and so clever, I’m sure I couldn’t do better, and I’ll propose this very day. Ah, Libbie, good morning;” and with a little twinge at his heart, for which he could not account, he strode past Trumpet-vine Cottage, where poor, pale Libbie (her cheeks used to be as red as roses, he suddenly remembered) was standing, ostensibly tying a fallen vine-branch to one of the pillars of the porch, in reality waiting to see him pass. As he entered the front door of Raymond House (which stood hospitably open) Little Girl – nurse was in the kitchen having a chat with the cook, and the brothers had all gone fishing – with whom he was a great favorite, came joyfully running to meet him. “Vey’s out,” she said in her sweet, baby way, “few minutes to Mrs. Mills’s. (Mrs. Mills was the next neighbor, about a quarter of a mile away.) She’s goin’ to show vem her new dress. I ‘creamed to gok but mamma said a sick dirl vos vare; so me stayed home. Tell as story.” Elam lifted the pretty little thing upon his knee and gave her a kiss. “I’ll tell you a story directly,” he said. “How is Aunt Delia?” “Nacky Aunt Delia – don’t love her any more,” tossing the shining head. “Don’t love pretty Aunt Delia?” “Ain’t pretty. Her’s a witch.” “A witch! Why what do you mean, Little Girl?” “You’ll never tell,” said Little Girl, standing up on his kneww and grasping his head in her dimpled arms. “Never!” promised he, shaking himself free. “Vare vos comp’ny last night – lots – six, four, two. An’ vey put two stange chillums in my bed – hollid chilluns – one had holes in her stockin’s, an’ mamma said I must seep wif Aunt Delia. An’ I woked up when Aunt Delia comed up, an’ I looked at her, an’ her’s a witch – a hollid old witch. Vare’s one in my fairy-book Santa Claus gib me Christmas.” “But why do you think she’s a witch,” asked Elam, laughingly, as the child broke off in her story to kiss him on the very top of his nose. “Cause,” said Little Girl, with decision, “she is. She tooked off her hair, an ‘ven she washed her face she had no red cheecks, an’ only one eyebrow; an’ all her teef fell out, an’ I vos so ‘fraid I frowed myself out ov bed an’ runned to my mamma. Wouldn’t---“ But Elam hastily placed her upon the floor, and telling her he had forgotten something and must go home again, fled from the house, taking a path that did not lead to Mrs. Mills’s. And the Raymond family, much to their astonishment, saw no more of him. “he had been called away unexpectedly,” his old servant told the messenger they sent with a note of inquiry. But two weeks after, the milk-boy brought the news that Elam Bean had returned to Bean Farm, and was married. “Married!” almost screamed Mrs. Raymond. “Yes, ma’am, to Libbie Green, the dressmaker.” “What ever could have possessed him?” she said a few moments after to Miss Steele, who was packing her trunk preparatory to starting for New York. “I’m sure I can’t imagine,” replied that dark-haired lady, with a scornful curl of the lip. If she could have imagined father, mother, grandmamma, nine brothers and all the uncles, cousins, and other aunts would have been unable to restrain her avenging hand, and Little Girl would have certainly added “spank” to her rather limited vocabulary, with a painfully realizing sense of the meaning of the word. A remarkable woman is MRS. THANFUL TAYLOR of Washington, Vt., aged 70. In her younger days she thirsted for a thorough knowledge of English, Greek, and Latin, and, being poor, she worked for her books and then studies them as she stood at her spinning wheel. In this way she not lonely educated herself in the languages, but she learned ecclesiastical and profane history, medicine, science and general literature. BAPTISTINE PHILIP, a handsome young woman of Aix, in France, poisoned to death a woman whom she was nursing, and robbed her of all she possessed; killed her husband’s uncle in the same way, and finally put her husband to death, after he had willed to her the property inherited from his uncle. CARE OF THE HEALTH PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT BY SINGING. Singing is one of the healthiest exercises in which men, women, and children can engage. The medical WOCHENSCRIFT, of St. Petersburg, has an article based upon exhaustive researches made by PROF. MONASSEIN during the autumn of 1878 when he examined 222 singers ranging between the ages of 9 and 53. He laid chief weight upon the growth and absolute circumference of the chest, upon the comparative relation of the latter to the tallness of the subject, and upon the pneumatometric and spirometric condition of the singer. It appears to be an ascertained fact from Dr Monassein’s experiments that the relative, and even the absolute, circumference of chest is greater among singers than among those who do not sing, and that it increases with the growth and age of the singer. The Professor even says that singing may be placed physically as the antithesis of drinking spirituous liquors. The latter hinders, while the former promotes. A HINT FOR NURSES. Nothing is more easy to an experienced nurse or more difficult to an inexperienced one than to change the bed linen with a person in bed. Everything that will be required must be at hand, properly aired, before beginning. Move the patient as far as possible to one side of the bed, and remove all but one pillow. Untuck the lower sheet and cross sheet and push them toward the middle of the bed. Have a sheet ready folded or rolled the long way, and lay it on the mattress, unfolding it enough to tuck it in at the side. Have the cross sheet prepared as described before, and roll it also, laying it over the under one and tucking it in, keeping the unused portion of both still rolled. Move the patient over to the side thus prepared for him, the soiled sheets can then be drawn away, the clean ones completely unrolled and tucked in on the other side. The coverings need not be removed while this is being done; they can be pulled out from the foot of the bedstead and kept wrapped around the patient. To change the upper sheet take off the spread and lay the clean sheet over the blankets, securing the upper edge to the bed with a couple of pins; standing at the foot, draw out the blankets and soiled sheet, replace the former and put on the spread. Lastly, change the pillow-cases. – [September Scribner. CAUTIONS IN EATING. 1. Of course, don’t eat too much. The digestive fluids are limited in quantity. All above enough is undigested, irritating and weakening the system, and often causing paralysis of the brain by drawing on the nervous force more rapidly than it is generated. 2. Don’t eat between meals. The stomach must rest or it sill sooner or later break down. Even the heart has to rest between the beats. 3. Don’t eat a full meal when exhausted. The stomach is as weak as the rest of the body. 4. Don’t take a lunch at noon, and eat heartily at night. The whole digestive system needs to share in the rest and recuperation of sleep. Besides, the tendency is to put a full meal into a weakened stomach. 5. Don’t substitute stimulus for food – like many women who do half a day’s work on strong coffee or tea. As well, in the case of a horse, substitute the whip for oats. 6. Don’t have a daily monotony of dishes. Variety is necessary for relish, and relish is necessary to good digestion. 7. Don’t ear blindly. There can be nothing in the body – muscles, membranes, bones, nerves, brain – which is not in our food. One article furnishes one or more elements, and another others. We could starve on fine flour. Some articles do not nourish, but only warm. 8. Eat according to season – one-third less in summer than in winter. In the latter season, fat meat, sugar and starch, are appropriate, as being heat-makers; in the former, milk, vegetables, and every variety of ripe fruit. 9. Ear with cheer. Cheer promotes digestion; care, fret and passion arrest it. Lively chat, racy anecdotes, and innocent gossip are better than Halford sauce. – [Youth’s Companion. REST AS A CURE FOR NEURALGIA AND HEADACHE. Neuralgia, one of the ills of the women of today, has been defined as the “prayer of the nerve for healthy blood.” Dr. Studley says, in nine cases out of ten, the cause of neuralgia in young women is traceable to want of equilibrium in the circulation. The poor body is so cramped and distorted and loaded down with the thousand and one devices for making it look “stylish” that the blood has very hard work to get around it at all, to say nothing of getting round on time. Take the corset- liver for instance, says the Doctor, as the medical students have learned to call the livers of female subjects which go to the dissecting room. It is the rule rather than the exception for those livers to be so deeply indented where the ribs having crowded against them by improperly worm clothing, that the wrist can easily be laid in the groove. And this in an organ which is a mass of blood vessels, through which every particle of blood ought to circulate freely on its way to the heart. Of course, it can not through the squeezed portions, and the inevitable result of the half-done work of the liver is an unclean condition of the blood, which utters its cry by mean s of aching nerves. If you are suffering from headache, it is probably due either to errors in diet, or to fatigue, or to “a cold in the head,” or to a constitutional tendency to neuralgia. The remedy is – rest. If the stomach has been offended by too much food or by too great variety (either will cause headache) by all means give it a rest. Take twenty-four hours fast, and give Nature a chance to do her own repairing. If the headaches by reason of nerve fatigue, there is no remedy like sleep; and the way to court sleep is to take a warm foot-bath, and then firmly resolve to go to sleep. Mental indigestion is just as sure to result from inordinate cramming with book-lore as is gastric indigestion sure to follow food cramming. Be temperate in respect to your hours of waking and sleeping. The best hours for sleep are those between 10 and 2, and no amount of sleep prolonged into daylight can compensate for the loss of those precious hours. We each must have a pound of oxygen per day to consume the waste matter whose accumulation in out blood causes neuralgia, and we can not get it even in the best ventilated apartments. We must go out of doors for it, or we shall pay the penalty of our neglect by despondency, by headache, by neuralgia, by hysteria, and perhaps eventually by insanity. AN ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY HEAT PRODUCED AT PLEASURE WITHOUT COAL OR WOOD, AND AT AN INSIGNIFICANT COST. A late number of the London Athenaeum publishes the following extract of a letter from Miss M. Betham Edwards: “I send you the following particulars of a recent scientific invention, just patented, and destined without doubt to play a very important part in our economic history. I think it must be regarded as a solution for once and for all of the great coal question, not only among ourselves but abroad. M. Bourbonnel, of Dijon, the celebrated lion and panther slayer, lighted upon the following discovery by hazard, and after six years’ persistent investigation brought it to entire workable perfection. He discovered by means of two natural substances, inexhaustible in nature, the means of lighting and maintaining a fire without wood or coat; a fire instantaneously lighted and extinguished; a fire causing no dust, smoke or trouble; a fire costing one- tenth at least of ordinary fuel; and, what is more wonderful still, a fire, the portion of which answering to our fuel is everlasting – that is to say, would last a lifetime. Mr. Bourbonnel’s invention comprehends both stove and fuel. The fires could be on the minutest scale or on the largest. They would be used for heating a baby’s food, or for roasting an ox. Being lighted instantaneously they will be a great economy of time. M. Bourbonnel at once patented his invention, and a body of engineers and savants from Paris visited him and pronounced his discovery one of the most remarkable of the age. He has had several offers for the purchase of the patent in France, but wants to sell it in England, his own occupation being in another line. Any English gentleman or firm wishing to see his fires of stoves could do so b writing to him a day or two before hand. His address is M. Bourbonnel, Dijon…I have seen these fires and stoves. There is no mistake about the matter. It is as clear as possible that here we have a perpetual and economical source of fuel. Two hundred ears ago the discoverer would surely have been burned as a wizard. APPLE OMELETTE. Take about six large apples, pare and stew them as for sauce, beat them smooth white hot, adding one tablespoonful of butter, five tablespoonfuls of sugar, nutmeg to taste, or lemon should you prefer; when cold add the beaten yolks, and lastly whites of three eggs, pour into a buttered dish, and bake in a moderately hot oven, and serve for tea with graham bread. BEWARE of the landlord who wants to make his hotel your home. He invariably arrives at the opinion that when you are home you cut your beefsteak with a hatchet and masticate it with a corn-sheller. – [Detroit Free Press A Wisconsin boy fired at what he thought was a scarecrow, and hit a tramp, whose ragged clothes were flapping in the wind as he crossed a field. WIT AND WISDOM Flesh is flesh, and paint is paint, says the plain spoken Graphic; and not all the art of man, or woman even, can by any possibility make the one be mistaken for the other. Love is a sentiment marriage is a business, says the Boston Transcript, and every employee of a cradle factory is willing to back it up in the assertion. Philadelphia Chronicle The London newspapers tell of a belle who paid $25 to have the initials of her lover’s name tattooed on her arm, and later, having quarreled with him, was offering $500 as a means of obliteration. When P. T. Barnum, a young man, poor and in debt, left Danbury, says the News, he said to Judge Whittlesey: “I will pay that bill when I get rich.” The Judge drew down his official features and disdainfully replied: “That will be when a sieve holds water.” In a few years the visionary young man was in a condition to pen the following lines to the Judge: “I have fixed that sieve.” “Whar did you git dis yer watermillion? I do declar’, Jackson, hit’s de bes’ one I tas’ed sence de s’render!” said Uncle Cap, beatifically. “Nev-mind whar it come from,” replied Jackson: “dat’s nuffin’ to you. You eat.” Uncle Cap winked the wink of discretion, went on with his piece, and carefully saved the seeds. But when the old man looked at his “patch” that evening, he at once perceived where that melon had come from: and he has been “toting’ ‘round trouble for dat ar nigger Jackson” ever since. [New Orleans Times “Pshaw,” said Czardine, as he seated himself in the Times sanctum, “the snake- stories that are going about are all too thin. Why, just look here. Last spring I went out into the woods. I took along an umbreller, which I laid down onto some rocks. Well, sir, about an hour afterward I went to get my unbreller, as it had begun to rain al little. I took holt of the handle, and , as I give it a shove, something began to tear, and as the umbreller flew open alive black snake fell to the ground, split in two from its head to its tail. The confounded critter had actually swallowed my umbreller, and I never noticed it until I shoved up the dumb thing and split the animal from stem to stern.” - [Whitehull Times. THE GOOD OLD DEACON The squibs uttered against New England deacons have little or no justification. If a tub of butter or a barrel of apples is made up of alternate layers of good and bad, it is said to be “deaconed.” The epithet does not refer to the character of deacons, but to an old practice of “deaconing” a hymn. Fifty or sixty years ago hymn books were not so common as they now are. Some churches owned only two books. It was then the custom for one of the deacons to read two lines of a hymn, which the congregation sung. Other lines were read and sung in the same way, until the hymn was sung through. As a class, deacons have been the most trusted and influential men of New England villages. If a man died leaving property and a family, the deacon was made on of the executors, and the guardian of the widow and the fatherless. If the neighbors had a dispute about property, they “left it out” to the deacon. Was a son wayward, the good deacon was as frequently as the good pastor asked to “talk” with him. In the “Recollections” of an old gentleman, an anecdote is told which illustrates the character of at least one of the New England deacons of the olden time. Elisha Hawley of Ridgefield, Conn., was a soldier of the Revolution and a deacon. He was a good man of business, but he never charged a purchaser one cent more than the article was worth. The Golden Rule was he rule of life. One day he learned that a widow had been reduced from a competency to poverty. He visited her. Fearing lest he might wound her feelings if he should offer money or charity, he said: “Madam, I think I owed your late husband fifty dollars, and I’ve come to pay it to you as his legal representative.” “How was that?” asked the lady somewhat startled. “I will tell you. About twenty-five years ago, soon after you were married, I made furniture for your husband to the amount of two hundred dollars. I have been looking over the account, and find that I rather overcharged him in the price of some chairs – that is, I could have afforded them at somewhat less, I have added up the interest, and here, madam, is the money.” The tears came in the widow’s eyes; she half suspected the deacon had constructed the debt by willing that he had made an overcharge. What was she to do? The money was on the table, and the deacon had left the house. PAGE 2 THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEXANDER COBB, Editor and Proprietor ALEX A. WALL, Publisher $1.50 per annum FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1879 A SOUTHERN ROMANCE We publish the following article clipped from the Montgomery Advertiser, and accredited to the Cincinnati Commercial. It is full of romantic interest. But can we endorse it as true? Will some of our exchanges enlighten us? “During the late war, about the year 1863, a well-to-do family, consisting of husband, wife, and child, a daughter about four years of age, settled in Walker County, Ala. They stated that on account of the operations of the two armies on the North Carolina coast, where they resided, they were forced to seek a home elsewhere, and when they started from their North Carolina home Texas was their destination, but upon reaching Walker County, in that State, they found it to be a retired, peaceable and prosperous community, and hence they concluded to settle down there. In addition to the family –JOHN H. REYNOLDS, wife and daughter, as already stated – there were several slaves. Among the latter was a handsome quadroon young woman, who was the maid of all work for the family. She was kindly treated, however, and most of her time was occupied in caring for Mrs. Reynolds, who was an invalid. After the war closed Mr. Reynolds concluded to remain in Walker County, as he had secured a good farm and was in fair circumstances considering the losses entailed upon Southern men. When Mr. Reynolds lived in North Carolina one of his warmest and truest friends was a neighbor by the name of HENRY HORTON, who was also a well-to-do, and possessing traits which render neighbors much attached. The great desire of Reynolds was to induce his old friend and neighbor to sell out his possessions in North Carolina and remove to Walker County, to assume the same relations he occupied in former days. Reynolds addressed many warm, gushing letters to Horton, describing the beauties, the riches, and bright prospects of Walker County. There was a farm near him that would suit Horton exactly, and, if the latter did not have enough money to purchase it, Reynolds would assist him. Finally Horton yielded to the importunities of his old friend, sold out his property in North Carolina, and with his wife and son removed to Walker County, where he purchased a farm a short distance from where Reynolds resided. Being thus settled down once more as neighbors and friends, things went smoothly and property smiled upon the two houses. MARK HORTON, the son, and JESSIE REYNOLDS, the daughter, went to school together in the neighboring village, and as the years wore on they grew up to manhood and womanhood fondly attached to each other, a fact which gave the greatest satisfaction to Reynolds. His wife had died about the time the war closed, and his daughter, being his only child, retained all his affection, and he lavished upon her every luxury that heart could wish. The quadroon woman remained with the family, while the other slaves scattered and found new homes when the close of the war brought their freedom. When the time came for Jessie Reynolds to quit the village school and finish her education at college, her father sought an interview with Mr. Horton, and lost no time in broaching the subject of the future marriage of Mark Horton and his daughter. He reminded the old man of the many year’s friendship that had existed between them, and how happy he would be to have the son of his dear friend and neighbor wed his only daughter, who had now grown into a beautiful young lady, the belle of the country for miles around, the envy of all the other young ladies thereabouts, and the most popular girl to be found in the country. Mr. Horton like Jessie and so informed her father. But he though her and his son too young just then to enter into matrimony. He desired his son to make a mark in the world before marrying. It was finally agreed, however, that Jessie should go to college for a year, and Mark should do the same. Upon their return, should they desire to marry, the parents would interpose no objections. The young people were sent to college – one in Kentucky and one in New Jersey. When they returned from their collegiate studies, they became infatuated with each other on sight. Three months thereafter there was a wedding at the Reynolds mansion, which proved to be one of the grandest affairs of the kind that had ever been witnessed in that section. The loving pair were made man and wife under the happiest and most promising auspices. Each was heir to a comfortable home and good income. All the neighbors thought that this match was the most appropriate they had known, and everybody predicted happiness and prosperity to the newly married pair. The father of Mark presented him a nice farm, and the father of Jessie had a splendid residence built for them. After a brilliant honeymoon Mark Horton and his beautiful young wife concluded to settle down on the farm which had been given them, and Mark determined to adopt farming as his business. Here all went merry as a marriage bell. Prosperity smiled upon them and in due time a son was born unto them, an event which was celebrated with great “eclat,” and which brought unusual joy to the parents. In the midst of all this happy condition of things the whole neighborhood was thrown into a state of utter confusion by the report that Mark Horton had separated from his wife, and that he had filed a bill for divorce, alleging that a fraud had been perpetrated upon him in the marriage; that his wife had negro blood in her veins; that therefor the marriage was null and void. There were hundred of rumors, some ridiculous, many malicious, and the remainder about as near the truth as is usual in such cases. The houses of Reynolds and Horton were in a flutter, and were closed to all outsiders. The case has just been decided and the facts are substantially as follows: During the early part of May last the quadroon woman, LUCY SHEPHERD, heretofore referred to, was taken quite ill, and when it became apparent that she could not live but a few days, she secretly requested DR. BLACKMAN, the physician attending her, to inform Mark Horton that she had something of importance to communicate to him, and desire him to call and see her at once. Mr. Horton, in response to this request, called about an hour after the request was made. The woman began by telling him that she had kept a secret locked in here breast for years, and now that she going to die she could no longer remain silent. She did not wish to go to her grave as the partner in a great fraud. She then informed Mr. Horton that his wife Jessie was her daughter, that she was the illegitimate child of Reynolds, and that the secret which had so long been kept was the cause of the death of Mr. Reynolds’ wife, who grieved herself into an early grave on account of the fraud which Reynolds was practicing in palming off Jessie as his legitimate daughter. The woman informed Mr. Horton that Jessie knew nothing of these facts; that she was perfectly innocent and believed herself the legitimate daughter of Reynolds. She stated that Jessie was born in Wilmington, N. C. after Reynolds had married, and he notified his wife that she must adopt the child as her own and rear it as such. He threatened both his wife and the mother of the child with death should they divulge the facts. Mrs. Reynolds died broken hearted after years of grief and shame. Mark Horton, after hearing the story of the quadroon woman, at once went to Reynolds and confronted him with the facts. The latter did not deny the statement of the woman, but told Horton that he had better remain silent, as any exposure would bring shame on both families, But Horton belonged to an old-fashioned, high-bred family, and pride was his most striking characteristic. He notified Reynolds that he would send Jessie back to him, with their child, and that he would at once apply for a divorce. He then went back to his home, called Jessie into a private apartment, and there told her the story of the quadroon woman, who was then dying as he repeated the words she had spoken to him. The wife was struck with terror and could not utter a word. She acted for a while as if bereft of her senses. When she became composed she found herself and child in her father’s house. She at once became an object of pity and sympathy. She will see no one, and passes her time locked in her room with her child. This exposure broke up the Horton family, the old man selling out and returning to North Carolina, and Mark having left a few days since for California – after the court declared the marriage void because of fraud. Reynolds is endeavoring to dispose of his property, intending also to leave the county. He is blamed by everybody for the misery he has brought upon his unhappy daughter and the Hortons. He attempted to induce his daughter to contest the divorce suit, but she was not in a condition to appear in court. The case brought together the largest crowd ever gathered in Walker County.” THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM. – By REV. R. T. BENTLEY The sun in his glory had passed o’er the west, And the moon in her beauty then smiled at his rest; While the city of Sodom lay calm in repose, All dead and unconscious of weal or of woes, The sound of its revels had hushed in its halls, For the angel of slumber had passed o’er its walls’ Though dead to the stars and the moons gentle gleams, It started with horror in wicked men’s dreams. The might wore away with its long, weary hours, And the light of the day shone again on its towers; But the blush of the morning had scarce fled away, When the angels of vengeance claimed right to their sway. For the voice of loud thunder pealed forth to proclaim The advance of the sulphurious cloud and the flame; And the beauty of Jordan fled away tat their breath, For the storm on its wings bore the blightings of death. And no that great city, the pride of the plain, Is leveled to earth, and nought doth remain But a sea of dead waters left there to record The wrath and vengeance of Almighty God. STATE NEWS Huntsville Independent: We learn through gentlemen from Marshall Co., visiting our fair, that a cold0blooded assassination was committed Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. NEWTON BRUMMETT, living in Wild Goat Cove, was called out from his house, and after he had gone abut thirty steps to see the party hailing him though the darkness, he was fired upon, eleven bullets entering his breast. He turned back at once toward his house and was able to reach his wife before he fell. The dying man threw himself in his wife’s arms and tried to tell her who had shot him; but he expired before he could make himself understood. We learn that a warrant has been issued for one ISHAM WATTS. It is said that BRUMMETT had reported Watts to the United States Revenue officials and that Watts had said that if BRUMMETT had reported him he wouldn’t five shucks for his life. These rumors concerning Watts are given for what they are worth. Tuskaloosa Times: MR. LEWIS will not enter upon his duties of President of the University until the middle of February. In the meantime, Professor WYMAN, Chairman of the faculty, will act as President. A correspondent of the Birmingham Iron Age, writing from Tannehill, Ala., says: A serious affair occurred at Blue Creek Church last Saturday night in which one JACK MORROW cut (supposed fatally) PETE HIGDON. Cause supposed to be jealousy. HIGDON on Saturday morning had requested MORROW to leave his house and not come there any more, whereupon Morrow went to a neighbors and whetted his knife, and upon being asked what he was going to do, replied, “O am going to kill a d—d dog, and you will hear of it before morning.” During service at church that night he (Morrow) went to the church door and called Higdon, who was sitting near the door, out, and when about ten steps from the house commenced cutting him without saying a word. He cut his left arm off except the bone, a large gash in his left breast, and also under left shoulder in the back, both of which went through, cutting off part of the lungs. Yesterday morning Higdon was supposed to be dying. I learn the above from one of the ministers present and who helped to carry Higdon home. Demopolis News: Last Saturday a difficulty occurred on the Vidmer Plantation near this city, between MR. ED. DILLARD and a colored man named SAM GILLESPIE, in which the latter was shot with a pistol once and killed. The opinion is general that Mr. Dillard acted in self defense as it is stated that Sam was advancing on him with half a fence rail. From those who have known Sam a long time we learn that he was a desperate character and that he was one of the leaders of the mob in 1874. The Shelby Iron Works reporter of the Columbiana Sentinel says: What came pretty near proving a serious affray occurred on Friday last on the extension of the narrow gauge railroad. A man, by the name of J. BONHANNAN, it seems, had been dismissed from the service of the company, for which he blamed one ALFRED KELLEY; and along at the time and place mentioned above, where the said KELLEY was at work, he called to him to come up out of the cut, which was about eight feet deep. Kelly, in compliance with his call, had got near the top of the embankment of loose rock thrown out of the cut, when BOHANNAN, having a hatchet in one hand, seized a rock with the other, hurling it with great force at his head, being directly over him, and not more than eight or ten feet distant. Kelly, in dodging the rock, lost his footing and fell to the bottom of the cut, busting his hip considerably. Bohhanan continued to hurl rock at him, one of which took effect, cutting a sever gash in his arm just above the elbow, which bled profusely, when at the orders of Mr. B. WRIGHT, he desisted. Verdict, whisky, “O, tempora! O, mores!” When for the pitiful sum it yields to the public revenues, our laws license the sale of that which fills our poor houses with paupers and jails and prisons with criminals. And we foot the bills: Until our laws make the vendor responsible of the violence and injury done society by the vile stuff he sells, so long will violence and crime raise their hydra heads in mockery of all public opinion. A correspondent of the Choctaw News, writing from Blandon Springs, Oct. 4, 1879, says: Our little village was startled on the 2d inst. by news of the mysterious disappearance of MR. JOHN GEORGE, a young man living six miles southwest of this place MR. GEORGE started from his home about daylight on the morning of the first, in company with a negro man, or boy, aged 19 years. His failure to come home at the usual time caused his wife uneasiness, and she sent for some neighbors. Search was made, but the body was not discovered until eight o’clock of the 3d, when it was found about two hundred yards from his house, with his head chopped off with an axe. The negro boy CRAWFORD HOLCOMBE, who left with Mr. George had been arrested, and when the body was found, he confessed having killed the man without cause. The citizens turned out in large numbers, and it was thought for some time that they would burn him at the stake. It was finally determined to send him to jail in charge of the Washington County “boys”. I had a talk with the negro and he told me he made up his mind the night before to kill Mr. George; they were on their way to work, Mr. George was walking in front; Mr. G. had not spoken to him; when about two hundred yards from the house he struck him from behind with an axe, and when he fell, cut off his head and dragged the body into the woods. The negro in that section were in favor of putting him to death at once, and a large majority were in favor of the stake. Mr. George leaves a wife and two little children. BURRIS & BRO. No. 49 Main Street Columbus, Miss. We have now in store a full stock of general merchandise which we offer for sale very low, for the cash. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we hope by selling our goods much lower than in the past to be able to add largely to our already numerous list of patrons. Call and see our mammoth stock. SHELL & BURDINE, Wholesale and retail druggist’s, Aberdeen, Mississippi. Are daily receiving at their Drug Store a very large stock of fresh goods of all kinds usually kept in a first class drug house, and will sell at bottom prices, for cash. All we ask is to give us a trial and we guarantee you will not go away dissatisfied for we are determined to sell goods so low that it will astonish you. JOHN D. MORGAN. Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware. Boots and shoes, hats and caps. Plantation supplies, etc. would announce to his friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette Counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stocks of goods in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods, and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any home in the city. Columbus, Miss. July 11th, 1879. J. S. ROBERTSON is with the above house, and would be pleased to serve his many friends at anytime. DR. J. D. RUSH, with ERVIN AND BILLUPS, successors to M. W. HATCH; dealers in drugs, medicines, whiskey, tobacco, cigars, &c. Corner Main and Market Street. Columbus, Mississippi. NATHAN BROTHERS dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos and pipes. Our Motto: Quick Sales and Small Profits. Columbus, Mississippi. The Vernon Clipper. A brand new paper. Published in Lamar County, Ala. For $1.50 per annum. PAGE 3 THE VERNON CLIPPER FRIDAY OCTOBER 17, 1879 DR. M. W. MORTON, MR. ROSCO RICHARDS and MR. SCISSON left for Huntsville, Ala., one day last week, to attend U. S. Courts. CUT OUT REV. R. T. BENTLEY called to see us Wednesday last. He informed us that much good had been accomplished at Shiloh Church, where he has been holding a protracted meeting since last Saturday. See Tax Collectors Notice in this issue. We are sorry to learn of the illness of MISS ADDIE MCCLAIN. Hope she may soon regain her usual health. PROF. RICHARDSON opened school on Monday morning. Sixteen students answering to the roll call. DR. G. C. BURNS cut into a horse’s neck on Friday last and took out a small stick some twelve inches long. The operation was very painful to the horse but he was soon up and eating grass. Our friend G. EVANS BANKHEAD was in town Saturday night and Sunday last. The following lines, we think are very true: “Wildness is a thing girls cannot afford. Delicacy is a thing which cannot be lost and found. No art can restore to the grape its bloom. Familiarity without love, without confidence, without regard, is destructive to all that makes woman exalting and ennobling.” The State and State Grange Fair will be held in Montgomery, coming the 10th and ending the 15th of November next. Great preparations are being made to make it a grand success. The premiums are liberal in all departments. For full particulars and premium list, address the Secretary at Montgomery. The yellow fever still continues in Memphis. Sixteen new cases were reported on the 10th inst. Thursday morning opened up very rainy and windy. “We have had the political boom, the business boom and now look out for the weather boom.” Cullman Immigrant: MR. T. GREEN, Deputy United States Marshal, had a very narrow escape from being killed a few days ago; while traveling on official business near Baltimore Ford, Blount County, he was shot at twice by unknown persons, the first shot missing him, the second one hit him in the side, had it not been for a package of papers which the ball struck, would have killed him. Suspicion is resting on some alleged moonshiners living in that neighborhood. October 9, 1779, in the assault upon Savannah, Sergeant WILLIAM JASPER, the hero of Fort Moultrie was killed. This brave and modest soldier who refused a lieutenant'’ commission because he could not read and write, enlisted in the Second South Carolina regiment at the outbreak of the revolutionary War, and distinguished himself at the siege of Fort Moultrie, where, when the flagstaff was shot through and the flag fell to the ground, he leaped through an embrasure, under a shower of cannon balls, recovered the ensign and restored it to its position over the fort. After the siege Jasper became a scout, under Marion and others, and distinguished himself by a very remarkable and daring enterprise. At the assault upon Savannah Jasper was in the column which Count D’Estang and Gen. Lincoln led against the Spring Hill redoubt, and he received his death wound while in the act of fixing upon the parapet of the British fort the standard presented to his regiment by Mrs. Elliott. He held on to his colors even while dying, and never let go his hold until he was borue to the rear. “Tell Mrs. Elliott,” said he, in his last moment, “that I lost my life supporting the colors she presented to our regiment.” The city of Savannah celebrated the centennial of his death last Thursday in a very imposing way and with brilliant military display. Governor BLACKBURN, of Kentucky, has pardoned a fourteen year old boy, sentenced to the penitentiary for house-breaking. He has determined not to allow any child to go inside the State prison to be further contaminated, if there is reasonable ground upon which it can be prevented. he favors a sort of reformatory institutions for erring youth. Thirty young men of Canastco, New York, signed an old compact, where by they agree to abstain from intoxicating drinks for life, and any one of them who breaks it is bound to publish in the village papers, over his own signature, a notice that he can be no longer trusted as a man and is not capable of resisting temptation. SENATOR MORGAN, of Alabama, has just returned to Washington from California. He met with an unfortunate accident on his way from the Yosemite to the railroad Station. In front of the hotel at Big Tree there is an excavation covered with loose plank. The senator attempted to walk over the plankway and fell into the hole, breaking his collar-bone. He still suffers intense pain, and will be confined to his residence some days. London, Oct. 10 The two hundred and sixty-seven farmers and their wives who sailed from Liverpool yesterday in the steamer Teutonia for New Orleans, on their way to Texas, are first class people, well provided with money. TAX NOTICE I will attend at the Precinct in the several beats in this county at the following times for the purpose of collecting the State and County Taxes for the present year, 1879, to wit: TOWN BEAT NOV 1 NOV 19 STRICKLANDS “ “ 3 “ 20 STEINS “ “ 4 “ 21 MILLPORT “ “ 5 “ 22 VAILS “ “ 6 “ 24 TRULL’S “ “ 7 “ 25 WILSONS “ “ 8 “ 26 LAWRENCE’S “ “ 10 DEC. 1 SIZEMORES “ “ 11 “ 2 BROWN’S “ “ 12 “ 3 HENSONS SPRINGS “ “ 13 “ 4 MILLVILLE “ “ 14 “ 5 PINE SPRINGS “ “ 15 “ 6 MOSCOW “ “ 17 “ 8 BETTS “ “ 18 “ 9 The last five days of the year I will be at Vernon. D. J. LACY Sheriff, & T. C. of L. C., Ala. GEO. W. RUSH with N. GROSS & CO., Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail dealers in fancy dress, and staple dry goods & ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. Will be glad to see his old friends and all new ones who may be pleased to call upon him. No trouble to show goods, on the contrary, it will be a pleasure, whether you buy or not. Satisfaction guaranteed, as to articles bought and prices. NEW EDITION. Webster’s Unabridged. 1328 pages, 3000 engravings. four pages colored plates. New added, a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning, including such as have come into use during the past fifteen years – many of which have never before found a place in any English dictionary. Also added, a new Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 names of noted persons, ancient and modern, including many now living, giving name, pronunciation, nationality, profession and date of each. Get the latest. New edition contains a supplement of over 4600 new words and meaning. Each new word in supplement has been selected and defined with great care. With Biographical Dictionary, now added of over 9700 names of noted persons. Get the best. Edition of the best dictionary of the English Language ever published. Definitions have always been conceded to be better than in any other dictionary. Illustrations. 3,000, about three times as many of in any other dictionary. The dict’y recommended by State Sup’ts of 35 states, and 50 College Pres’ts. In schools – about 32,000 have been placed in public schools in the U. S. Only English Dictionary containing a biographical dictionary – this gives the name with pronunciation and date of over 9700 persons. Published by G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, Mo. Also Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary. 1040 pages Octave, 600 Engravings. LAND OFFICE AT HUNTSVILLE, Alabama, Sept. 3d, 1879 Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days from this notice, viz: HENRY G. STANDFORD for the W ½ NW ¼ Sec 7 T 13 R 14 West and names the following as his witnesses, viz: KATIE HAWKINS, of Lamar County, and G. F. HAWKINS, of Lamar County. JNO. M. CROSS, Register SCHOOL NOTICE. The Trustees of the Vernon High School met on the 18th of September, and after electing M. V. WEBSTER to fill the vacancy caused by the death of JASON GUIN, selected PROF. J. T. RICHARDSON, of Columbus, Miss., as Teacher for the coming year. Rates of Tuition $1.50, $2.50 and $4.00 per month. J. D. MCCLUSKY M. W. MORTON ALEX COBB A. A. SUMMERS M. V. WEBSTER Trustees School will open on Monday, October 13, 1879. The popular house of LOUIS ROY of Aberdeen, having bought an immense stock of Dry goods before the rise in prices, is offering to his numerous friends and customers goods ten percent cheaper than any house in Aberdeen. BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton. A WORD TO THE AFFLICTED The most miserable human being in the world is that person suffering with a shaking chill of a burning fever. The joys of life are but a misery to his mind, and he longs for a balm to go restore him to health. The cure is at hand for every sufferer. The greatest of all medicines. Cuban Chill Tonic the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy cures Chills and Fever, billiousness, and liver complaint every time. It blots out disease, carries off malarial poison, and restores the sufferer to health, strength and happiness. Try Cuban Chill Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy, if you suffer with chills and fever, and be cured. Take no other medicine. Cuban Chill Tonic will cure you and give you health. Get a bottle from your druggist W. L. MORTON & Bro., and try it. Mason & Hamlin Organs, Endorsed by over 100,000 delighted purchasers. Not lowest prices, poorest and dearest, but highest priced, best and cheapest. Cost but little more than inferior organs. Give five times the satisfaction. Last twice as long. Victors at all world’s exhibitions. Acknowledged best by all disinterested and competent musicians. Solid facts, indisputable, such as no other organ maker in the world can substantiate. Glorious news for purchasers. Grand Introduction sale. New Styles. New Prices. 6 Stops, Elegant case $80; Superb Mirror to case, 10 stops, only $100. 15 days trial. Freight paid both ways if organ don’t suit. Sold on easy terms. Rented until paid for. Delivered anywhere in the South for $4 extra. For full particulars, address Budden & Bates, Savannah, Ga., Managers, Wholesale Southern Depot, Prices same as at Factory. Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges are the best of all worm medicine. Thousands of mothers, all over the land, give their children Parker’s Santonine Worm Lozenges. Try them, at W. L. MORTON & BRO. As LOUIS ROY is selling more goods than any house in Aberdeen, he can on that account sell ten per cent cheaper than any other house in the place. ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF U. S. MAILS The Columbus Mail by way of Caledonia arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays at 11 o’clock a.m. Leave same days at 1 p.m. FAYETTE MAIL Arrived on Wednesday and Saturday at 12 p.m. and leaves same days at 1 p.m. MOUNT CALM MAIL Leaves Wednesday at 7 a.m. arrives Thursday at 2 p.m. PIKEVILLE MAIL Arrives Fridays at 6 p.m., leaves Saturdays at 6 a.m. SCHEDULE OF MOBILE & OHIO R. R. Train leaves 6:30 am Train arrives 9:30 am Train leaves 3:20 pm Train arrives 6:30 pm Train goes through to Starkville on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Leaves Aberdeen going South at 4 o’clock p.m., returns at 8 p.m. Leaves Aberdeen going North at 7 o’clock a.m., return at 11 o’clock a.m. MCQUISTON & HEISEN, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants 96 & 98 Commerce St., Aberdeen, Miss. Farmers will make money by letting MCQUISSTON & HEISEN sell their cotton when they come to the city. R. A. HONEA & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in staple and fancy groceries, Aberdeen, Miss. We would respectfully inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are at our old Stand next door to J. W. ECKFORD & Bro. (Old Presbyterian Block) and have in store and will keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of staple and fancy groceries. Bagging and ties, corn, oats, wheat bran, &c., which we will sell at rock bottom figures for cash. R. F. RAY, of Detroit, Ala. is salesman. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy one year $1.50 One copy six months $1.00 Rates of Advertising One inch, one insertion $1.00 One inch, each subsequent insertion .50 One inch, twelve months 10.00 One inch, six months 7.00 One inch, three months 5.00 Two inches, twelve months 15.00 Two inches, six months 10.00 Two inches, three months 7.00 Quarter Column 12 months 35.00 Half Column 12 months 60.00 One Column, 12 months 100.00 One Column, 3 months 35.00 One Column, 6 months 60.00 Professional Cards $10.00 Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices 10 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines, charged advertising rates. LAMAR DIRECTORY County Court – Meets on the 1st Monday in each month. Probate Court - Meets on 2nd Monday in each month. Commissioner’s Court – Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, April, July, and November. REPRESENTATIVES W. A. MUSGROVE and I. H. SANDERS COUNTY OFFICERS ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate D. J. LACY, Sheriff and Tax Collector W. G. MIDDLETON, Circuit Clerk JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery D. V. LAWRENCE, Treasurer J. E. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor W. T. MARLER, Coroner COMMISSIONERS W. G. RICHARDS W. M. STONE J. J. BRANYAN J. A. COLLINS Masonic: Vernon, Lodge No. 389, meets on the 1st Saturday of each month, at 7 p.m. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration. EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit. NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store. DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Subscribe for the CLIPPER. ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. Snuff and tobacco. Irish potatoes. Parties owing us will please come forward and settle up their accounts. Any of our friends who have traded with us liberally in the past can get any of the above mentioned goods at LOW prices for cash. We return thanks to our friends for the liberal patronage they have given us and hope they will continue the same. BUTTAHATCHIE MALE AND FEMALE SEMINARY Monroe County, Miss. (nine miles west of Moscow, Ala.) The first session of this Institution will open on the 3rd Monday in June 1879, and continue 4 scholastic months. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $1.50 to $5 per month. Tuition $1.50 to $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. B. H. WILDERSON. Moscow, Lamar Co., Ala. The American Centennial Cement. One of the most perfect and absolutely the best cement ever offered the public, is now being manufactured by A. A. SUMMERS and W. T. MARLER of this place, and for sale in every store in town. The Greatest Invention of the Age. No carpenter, farmer, blacksmith, printer, merchant, or other person who does anything at all, or has it done, can afford to do without this wonderful invention; it is convenient for its utility in every walk of life. Nothing will compare with it in mending broken Glass ware, crockery, china, wood, leather, ivory, shells, bone, and in fact every thing coming in contact with it, is firmly and imperceptibly sealed inseparably. We desire to place a bottle in the house of every family in the country. Will sell as wholesale or retail rates. For terms apply to A. A. SUMMERS, W. T. MARLER, Vernon, Alabama. Bring your job printing to the CLIPPER. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere. Blank Waive Notes for sale at this Office. PAGE 4 To correspondents. All communications for this paper should be accompanied by the name of the author; not necessarily for publication, but as an evidence of good faith on the part of the writer. Write only on one side of the paper. Be particularly careful in giving names and dates to have the letter and figures plain and distinct. PAYING A DUBLIN CABBY In Dublin the legal charge for a short ride in a public carriage is an English sixpence, but cabby expects you to give him very much more, and he always gets something in addition to the actual fare. If you ask him what his price is he invariably “laves it to your honor!” but when you have paid him, no matter how many times the lawful amount, he is never satisfied. Two American gentlemen in Dublin, a week or so ago, made a bet, one holding that he would give “cabby” such a fee that he would ask no more. This his friend declared was not possible. They took a cab, the first they met, and rode a distance of about two miles. “How much do I owe you?” inquired the gentleman, at the end of the journey. “Sure an’ your honor can give me whatever you like,” said the driver. “But I would rather you would name your charges.” “Indeed an’ I won’t. It’s not for me to say what a fine gentleman like you will give me.” Thus put to the test, the “fine gentleman” handed him over a sovereign in gold for a ride that should have cost sixpence at most. Cabby looked at the coin, then at the gentleman, as if doubting the evidence of his senses at this unexpected munificence, but soon recovering from his surprise he put his hand to his hat in respectful acknowledgement of his gratitude. “You have lost your bet,” whispered the friend as they turned to leave. But before he and his companion had walked half a dozen steps, the driver, leaving his horse and vehicle to take care of themselves, was by their side, hat in hand. “Well, what do you want now? Haven’t you got your fare?” “So I have ,” said the driver, with an insinuating smile, “an’ it’s yourself is the gentleman that gave me a fine on this blessed day; but, yer honor, haven’t you go a spare sixpence in your pocket, I don’t like to change the gold.” “I’M SO TIMID” Another person deserving to be embalmed in newspaper fame is a certain lady, whom we met on our journeyings somewhere between Cincinnati and Fire Island, I don’t dare say where. She was well acquainted in New York, particularly that region which she designated as Fifth Avenue – F-I-t-h, Fith. She weighed one hundred and seventy pounds if she weighed an ounce, and she had an arm and shoulder like a hod-carrier; but she was the weakest, sickest woman you ever saw. She could, apparently, have knocked a mule down, but for all that it would have taken a whole Sunday School book to contain the list of her ailments. Ever y few minutes in the recital of her story she would stop and exclaim: “I’m so timid.” She could have picked up a good-size burglar under one arm and trotted off with him. Nevertheless, she didn’t sleep a wink all night, because she was “so timid.” I suppose she thought that was style. She was the most devout person we have met, too, and expounded edifying religious doctrine to us. She wore on her travel diamond ear-rings and breast-pin, and three big diamond rings on one hand and one of the other, and she enforced religious precepts with lively motions of her hands. My! How the diamonds did flash as she quoted Scripture. “Man judges actions,” said she, poking out her forefinger with a five-hundred dollar diamond blazing on it. “Man judges actions, but Gawd judges the heart.” Just so! Good-bye, madam. You are gone from our gaze like a very big dream; but I wonder where you are now, with your flashing diamonds and your sound religion. I wonder who is listening to you now. As you explain in your affected squeal, fragile lily that you are, that you are “so timid!” – [Cor. Cincinnati Commercial. DIED FROM OVER STUDY A New York paper tells the sad story of a girl of 20, the youngest of a family of six daughters in that city, who has just died from over-study. A year ago she graduated from Mt. Holyoke Seminary, where she had been for three years. Leaving the institution she took up the study of natural philosophy, astronomy and history, and passed, not long since, an excellent examination for the position of teacher in one of the public schools. But while directing the studies of others, she still pursed her own and took up the painting of watercolors, for her own recreation. When the summer vacation began she went to Lake George to spend it with a sister, taking her books and paints with her. The tragic, but not unnatural, sequel is now recorded. The poor abused nerves could at last no longer perform their legitimate functions. The muscles refuses to act, and the power of articulation left her, and she did in utter agony, the victim of a passion for work and study. – [Boston Post. The New Orleans Picayune thinks that the most important “fishery question” is “Have you got a bite?” SCIENCE AND PROGRESS The rice crop in South Carolina for the year is estimated at 44,000 tierces, and that of Georgia at 26,000. The increase of flouring mills in the four states of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota from 1860 to 1878 was from 1,138 to 3,000. The production of butter and cheese in this country is said to be fur times greater in value than the total yield of our gold and silver mines. During the first six months of the year $13,524,000 was invested in railroad consturction, most of that money having been expended in the Western States,. The steel alone used has cost about $8,000,000. In the first half of this year we imported 22,289 tons of pig iron from Great Britain, as compared with 16,612 tons in the first half of last year, and 23,816 tons in the corresponding part of the proceeding year. In watched, surgical instruments and mathematical and astronomical apparatus, says the Berue Industrielle, French workmanship had deteriorated so much that the attention of the Government has been directed to the subject. Last year the aggregate steel production of the world was somewhat over 2,000,000,000 tons. Of this quantity the United States made 732,226 tons, Great Britain, 807,527, Germany 249,000, France, 140,000, Belgium, 75,000, Sweden 20,000, and Austria 25,000. There are 58 corporations doing business in Bridgeport, Conn., and they represent an aggregate capital of nearly $6,000,000. These are chiefly engaged in manufacturing, embracing 50 different lines of business, and of the capital involved about $2,250,000 is in the manufacture of sewing machines. The report of the agricultural statistics of Ireland for 188 has been recently issued. In 1877 there were, in round numbers, 16,000,000 acres of land cultivated in Ireland. But of this quantity 90,000 acres were last year returned as having been abandoned to barrenness. The total number of occupiers of agricultural lands during last year was 531,412, being 2,284 less than in 1877. It is stated that there is only one factory in the United States that produces sheet zinc. It is operated by a German firm at La Salle, Ill, and is so crowded with orders that it is difficult to fill them. The import duty on zinc is 2,695 a pound. In 1872 foreign zinc was imported to the value of $820,879, but the imports of 1874 amounted to but $322,214; of 1877 to about $77,713, and of 1878 to but $69,582. The present is deservedly called the age of invention, and in the exercise of the inventive faculty, the United States not only leads but surpasses all other nations combined. The number of patents in the country as shown by the records at Washington is 218,000. This is 48,000 more than in England, France, Germany, and Belgium, those ranking next to us invention. England has 80,000, France 50,000, Germany and Belgium 40,000. The rapid increase has taken place in the last 30 years. In 1848 there were 10,000 English and only 6,000 American patents. The press of Minnesota and Dakota are agitating the construction of a railroad from St. Paul and Minneapolis to the Sault Ste. Marie, connecting the waters of Lakes Superior and Huron. This would divert from Chicago the trade of an immense area, which is every year increasing in importance. It is 430 miles from St. Paul to the Sault. This river, though deep and rapid, admits of being bridged at many points. Thence a line direct to Montreal would be but 550 miles long. For one-third of this distance a road is already constructed. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, Dakota, and Manitoba , as well as Canada, would be greatly benefited by this road. A Delaware man writes to the Country Gentleman: In order that the readers of your paper may form some idea of the magnitude of the peach crop in a circle of less than eight miles, I will give you the shipments for three days in succession at one station. One hundred and three ears were loaded, making 54,600 five-eighths baskets. Besides within this circle of eight miles, there were not less than 12,000 baskets consumed by drying and canning houses. One Mr. Hanson contracted his crop to a canner at 60 cents per basket; and during the week ending August 23d was paid over $3,000 for 15,000 to 20,000 baskets. This crop of peaches will be harvested from less than 90 acres of ground. Other growers who sold to the canners and dryers are getting from 40 to 60 cents per basket, which will pay them about double the amount the growers will get who depend on shipping. BERTIE HATHAWAY, an ingenious boy at Edinburg, Pa., made a gun by plugging one end of a gas-pipe with an iron rivet, drilled a hole in the side, and fastened it to a whittled wooden stock. The contrivance looked well, but when the lad fired it the rivet was blown into his breast, killing him. JAMES BULLOCK of Walton County, Ga., while hoeing in a cotton field, found concealed in a stump $10,000 in gold and silver and a pile of greenbacks. The paper money had rotted. DOMESTIC ECONOMY TOMATO SAUCE – Take eight ripe tomatoes; cut them up, skins and all, and stew them until they are soft; pour them through a sieve; season with pepper and salt; add five tablespoonfuls of brown gravy; stir it well together and heat it. TOMATO PASTE FOR SOUP – Skin the tomatoes and stew them quite dry; then put them on plates and stand in the sun to dry; when dried into a paste, put it into jars and tie them down’ this can be kept all winter if put in a cool, dry place. GRAPE CATSUP – Nine pounds of grapes and six pounds of brown sugar. Boil the grapes until soft; rub through colander; add sugar and boil until quite thick, then add three pints of vinegar, one tablespoonful each of cloves, cinnamon, allspice and black pepper. BOILED PUDDING – Six eggs, well beaten; seven tablespoonfuls of flour, one quart of milk, nutmeg; boil in a pudding-boiler one hour. Sauce: Cream, one cup butter, and two cups of fine sugar; add one claret-glass of sherry or currant wine. BUTERMILK PANCAKES – One quarter of a pound of rice flour, one small teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda, made into a light batter, with buttermilk; must be put in the pan at once, with very little butter or lard, and fried as other pancakes. BAKED TOMATOES – Peel them and put into a baking dish with breadcrumbs, butter, pepper and salt, one onion, if you like it; sift corn meal over the top of them and bake slowly; they will take between two and three hours to bake; if they are acid, use sugar instead of salt. MIXED PICKLES – Two quarts of small cucumbers, one quart of small onions and one large cauliflower. Put the cucumbers in brine one day; scald the onion and cauliflower in salt and water; put in three green and three red peppers and anything else that will pickle. Mixture for pickles: To three quarts of vinegar add two cups of sugar, on-half cup of flour and twelve tablespoonfuls of mustard with a few sticks of cinnamon. Put the pickles in a jar and pour the mixture over boiling hot; when cold add one cup of grated horse-radish. ICE CREAM WITH EGGS. One quart of milk, four eggs – the whites and yolks beaten separately and very light – four cupfuls of sugar, three pints of sweet cream, five teaspoonfuls of vanilla; heat the milk to boiling; have your yolks well beaten; pour the milk into the yolks; add the sugar, then the whites, beating all the while; return to the fire and heat again, stirring and watching carefully until it begins to thicken like custard; then set aside to cool. When cold, beat in your cream and flavoring. Freeze as soon as possible after it is thoroughly cool. BUTTERMILK POP – Boil one quart of fresh buttermilk; beat one egg, a pinch of salt and a heaping tablespoonful of flour together, and pour into the boiling milk. Stir briskly and boil for two or three minutes, and serve while warm with sugar, or better still, maple syrup. Although this is an old-fashioned and homely dish, eaten and relished by our grandparents before cornstarch, sea moss, farina, desiccated cocoanut and other similar delicacies were ever heard of, it is perhaps as nutritious as any of them, and often far more easily obtained. PICKLED MANGOES – Young musk or nutmeg melons: English mustard seed, two handfuls, mixed with half cup scraped horse-radish, pounded mace or nutmeg, one teaspoonful; chopped garlic or onion, two teaspoonfuls; one teaspoonful ginger; one dozen whole pepper corns; half tablespoonful ground mustard to each pint of the mixture; one tablespoonful best salad oil to same quantity; one teaspoonful celery seed; cut a slit in the side of the melon; insert your finger and take out all the seeds. If you can not get them out in that way cut a round piece from the top, saving it to replace. Lay the mangoes in a strong brine for three days. Drain off the brine and freshen in pure water twenty- four hours, green as you would cucumbers, and lay in cold water until cold and firm. Fill with the stuffing. Sew up the slit or tie on the piece with pack thread; put them into a deep stone jar and pour scalding vinegar enough to cover them. Repeat this process three times at intervals of two days, then tie up the jar and set in a cool, dry place. They should not be eaten for three months but will keep years. A ROMANTIC MARRIAGE The recent marriage of MISS ETTA BURT, the beautiful daughter of the late DR. BURT, of North Carolina, to ROBERT GRIFFIN of Texas, at the residence of MR. SAMUEL E. EICHELBERGER, uncle of the bride, on York Road, recalls an interesting and romantic incident. The contracting parties met when they were much younger, the groom then 12 years and the bride eight years old. They never met again until two days before the wedding, which occurred on Thursday evening last. During the intervening time, or rather a portion of it, they corresponded frequently. Though this correspondence the proposal and the acceptance, the engagement and al the preliminaries to the nuptials were made. The wedding was quite a brilliant affair. Mr. Griffin and his bride will leave in a few days for Texas, where they will reside. A similar, but more remarkable in stance occurred many years ago. A very accomplished young lady, residing with her parents at Shepherdstown, Va., had friends in Georgetown, with whom she corresponded. The young lady was possessed of a remarkably amiable disposition and was especially gifted as a writer. Some of her letters were shown to a gentleman who was then a teacher in a large classical school at Georgetown. The gentleman, charmed with the letters he had been permitted to read, asked and obtained permission to correspond with the young lady. The correspondence first began on general literacy and social subjects, subsequently drifted into sentimental, and finally into an engagement and marriage. The union turned out one of the very happiest. Both are now dead, but they lived to rear a large family of children, one of whom is now principal of a classical school at the seat of one of the leading Southern colleges. – [Baltimore Bulletin THE USE OF PAIN The power which rules the universe, this great, tender power, uses pain as a signal of danger. Just, generous, beautiful nature never strikes a foul blow; never attacks us behind our backs; never digs pitfall or lays ambuscades; never wears a smile upon her face when there is vengeance in her heat. Patiently she teaches us her laws, plainly she writes her warning, tenderly she graduates their force. Long before the fierce, read danger light of pain is flashed, she pleads with us – as though for her own sake, not ours – to be merciful to ourselves and to each other. She makes the overworked brain to wander form the subject of its labors. She turns the over –indulged body against the delights of yesterday. These are her caution signals, “Go slow.” She stands in the filthy courts and alley that we pass daily, and beckons us to enter and realize with our senses what we allow to exist in the midst of the culture of which we brag. And what do we do for ourselves? We ply whip and spur on the jaded brain as though it were a jibbing horse – force it back into the road which leads to madness, and go on full gallop. We drug the rebellious body with stimulants, we hide the original and think we have escaped the danger, and are very festive before night. We turn aside, as the Pharisee did of old, and pass on the other side with out handkerchief to our nose. At last having broken Nature’s laws, and die regard her wanting, forth she comes – drums beating, colors flying – right in front to punish us. Then we go down on our knees and whimper bout it having pleased God Almighty to send this affliction upon us, and we pray him to work a miracle in order to reverse the natural consequences of our disobedience, or save us from the trouble of doing our duty. In other works, we put our fingers in the fire and beg that it many not hurt. – [Temple Bar. The reason why medical practitioners do not hesitate to prescribe Dr. F. Wilhoft’s Anti-Periodic or Fever and Ague Tonic is as follows: Messrs. Wheelock, Finlay & Co., of New Orleans, its proprietors, have published its composition, and physicians have approved it because it contains no dangerous drug, and because it invariably proves successful. It is for sale by all druggists. Dr. Judge’s Pamphlet on Catarrh, asthma, etc. sent free. Enclose stamp. Dr. J. D. Judge & Co., 79 Beach Street, Boston, Mass. Insist on having C. Gilbert’s Starches. Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet navy Tobacco. Free - $1.50 worth of music for 3c stamp. J. M. Stoddart & Co., Philadelphia. Johnson’s Business College 210 and 212 N. Third Street, St. Louis, Mo. $2000 a year easy made in each county. Good business men and agents Addr. J. B. Chapman, 60 West St. Madison, Ind. $350 a month – Agents wanted. 36 best selling articles in the world. One sample free. Address Jay Bronson. Detroit, Mich Teas – Choicest in the world – Importers prices – largest company in America – staple article – please everybody – trade continually increasing – agents wanted everywhere – best inducements – Don’t waste time – send for circular. Robt Wells, 43 Vesey St. N. Y. PO Box 1287. Agents – Read this. We will pay agents a salary of $100 a month and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. We mean what we say. Samples free. Address Sherman & Co., Marshall, Mich. Needles. Parts and findings for sewing machines. Largest House in the west! Orders solicited. New price list just out mailed free to the trade. Send card with address. W. M. Blelcok, 604 Nth 4th Street, St. Louis, Mo. Magic lanterns ….Stereopticons …C. T. Mulligan (VERY FAINT – CAN’T READ) Perpetual Sorghum Evaporator. $15, $20, $25 Cheap and durable. Send for circulars, address the only manufacturers, Chapman & Co., Madison, Ind. $1000 reward for any case of bleeding, blind, itching or ulcerated piles that DeRing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. Gives immediate relief, cures cases of long standing in 1 week, and ordinary cases in 2 days. Caution. None genuine unless yellow wrapper has printed on it in black a pile of stones and Dr. J. P. Miller’s signature, Phila. $1 a bottle. Sold by all druggists. Sent by mail by J. P. Miller, M. D., Propr., S. W. cor Tenth and Arch Strs. Phila, Pa. D. H. Lamberson, Sole western agent Remington’s Celebrated breech loading rifles, shot guns, revolvers, cartridges, shells, primers, &c. Also, the “Remington” Sewing Machines for which an agent is wanted in every county. Send stamp for illustrated catalogue. Office and ware rooms. 297 State St. Chicago, Ill. Beautiful “New Style” organ in solid walnut case. 5 octaves and 4 stops only $41. Elegant new 9 stop organ, two full sets reeds only $50. Elegant new Rosewood $800. Parlor upright piano only $141. All sent on 16 days test trial to your home. Illustrated Catalogue free with thousands of reference. Address U. S. Piano & organ Co., New York. Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1260 large double-column pages, and is the most complete history of the world ever published. It sales at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see why it sells faster than any other book. Address. National Publishing Co., St. Louis, M Occidentalis. Prevention is better than cure. To avoid chills and fever, billious attacks, sick headache, dyspepsia, constipation or piles, use our great herbal remedy. No aloes, quinine, arsenic or nauseating drugs. Thousands are using it. All indorse it. Ask your druggist for it. A. & V. C. Miller, Proprietors, 722 Washington Ave., St. Louis. A tablebook of Introductory Arithmetic. By Lydia Nash. This little book takes the learner through Long division. It has been very carefully prepared to aid teachers in inducting their pupils into the science of arithmetic. Explanations, and thus simple first step which suggest themselves , naturally to the mind of the instructor, have -----(REST IS TOO SMALL AND FAINT TO READ) Upright Piano. A magnificent Mandelson Upright. Perfectly new rosewood ….71/2 octaves, triple string, agraffe and all recent improvements for sale at a bargain. Address John McCurdy. 481 Wabash Ave. Chicago. Best Press Extant. For horse, hand or power. Three years in use. Universal success. Price complete for power, except wood work, only $43.00. Southern Standard Press Co., Meridan, Miss. Do not begin your singing classes before examining L. O. Emerson’s new book, THE VOICE OF WORSHIP. While containing a large and valuable collection of Church Music in the form of tunes and anthems, it is perfectly fitted for the singing school and convention by the large number of songs, duets, glees, &c. and it well made elementary course. Price, $9.00 per dozen. Specimen copies mailed for $1.00 Send for circulars and catalogues, with full list of standard singing school books. The new 50 cts edition of Pinafore, (complete) sells finely and fantaic $3.00 Sorcerers $1.00 trial by Jury 50 cts. Are in constant demand. Emerson’s Vocal Melody by L. O. Emerson $1.50 is a valuable new book for voice training , containing all the essentials of study, plenty of exercises, and plain explanation, and costing much less than the large works on the same subject. Subscribe now for the Musical Record and receive weekly all the news, and plenty of good music, for $2.00 per year. In Press., White Robes, a charming new Sunday School Song Book. Oliver Ditson, & Co., Boston. Fall and Winter Fashions 1879-80. Mme. Demorest’s Grand Opening of Novel and Beautiful Styles in the Fall and Winter fashions, on Wednesday, September 10th. Mme. Demorest is pleased to announce the opening as especially attractive in wraps, costumes, and evening toilets direct from Paris, and Novelties of design in every department of ladies and children’s dress. Opening simultaneously at No. 5 Rue Scribe, Paris, and 17 Eat and 14th Street, New York, and at all the Agencies in Europe and America. Patterns in all sizes , illustrated and fully described, from 10 to 50 cents each. MME. DEMOREST’S PORT-FOLIO OF FASHIONS. A large and Beautiful Book of 54 folio pages, containing over 700 large illustrations of the latest and best styles, including all the standard and useful designs for ladies and children’s dress, with French and English descriptions, amount of material required, etc. etc. Every lady wants this book. This valuable periodical is also printed in the German language. Price 15 cents. Post free. The Eighteenth Semi-annual issue of Mme. Demorest’s WHAT TO WEAR. Contains the latest information on every department of ladies and children’s dress, including materials, trimmings, traveling, wedding and mourning outfits. Costumes of all descriptions, jewelry, coiffures, millinery, etc. etc. with valuable information for merchants, milliners, dressmakers, and ladies generally. Price 15 cents. Post free. Also, DEMOREST’S ILLUSTRATED JOURNAL. A beautiful, entertaining and comprehensive family paper. This eminently successful journal, with a circulation of over one hundred thousand is printed on fine tinted paper. 16 folio pages, splendidly illustrated, and contains Entertaining literature on various topics, and a brilliant display of the leading styles for ladies and children’s dress. Single copies, 5 cents; Yearly 15 cents. Post free. All of the three publications mailed free for one year on receipt of seventy-five cents in postage stamps. Mme. Demorest, 17 East 14th Street, New York. When writing to advertisers, please say you saw the Advertisement in this paper. Advertisers like to know when and where their advertisements are paying best. DR. CLARK JOHNSON’S INDIAN BLOOD SYRUP. Cures dyspepsia. Cures liver disease. Laboratory, 77 W. 3d. St., New York City. Late of Jersey City. Cures fever and ague. Cures scrofula and skin disease. Cures biliousness. Cures heart disease. Cures rheumatism and dropsy. Cures nervous debility. Trademark (picture of an Indian). The best remedy known to man! Dr. Clark Johnson having associated himself with Mr. Edwin Eastman, an escaped convict, long a slave to Wakametkla, the medicine man of the Commanches, is now prepared to lend his aid in the introduction of the wonderful remedy of that tribe. The experience of Mr. Eastman being similar to that of Mrs. Chas. Jones and son, of Washington County, Iowa, an account of whose sufferings were thrillingly narrated in the New York Herald of Dec 15, 1878, the facts of which are so widely known, and so nearly parallel, that but little mention of Mr. Eastman’s experiences will be given here. They are, however, published in a neat volume of 300 pages, entitled “Seven and Nine Years Among the Commanches and Apaches: of which mention will be made hereafter. Suffice it to say that for several years Mr. Eastman, while a captive, was compelled to gather the roots, gums, barks, herbs, and berries of which Wakemetkla’s medicine was made, and is still prepared to provide the same materials for the successful introduction of the medicine to the world; and assures the public that the remedy is the same now as when Wakametkla compelled him to make it. (Picture of another Indian) Wakametkla, the Medicine Man. Cures female diseases. Cures dyspepsia. Cures constipation. Cures humors in the blood. Cures coughs and colds. Cures indigestion. Nothing has been added to the medicine and nothing has been taken away. It is without doubt the best purifier of the blood and renewer of the system ever known to man. This syrup possesses varied properties. It acts upon the liver. It acts upon the kidneys. It regulates the Bowels. It purifies the Blood. It quiets the Nervous system. It promotes digestion. It nourishes, strengthens and invigorates. It carries off the old blood and makes new. It opens the pores of the skin, and induces healthy perspiration. It neutralizes the hereditary taint or poison in the blood, which generates Scrofula, Erysipelas and all manner of skin diseases and internal humors. There are no spirits employed in its manufacture, and it can be taken by the most delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, care only being required in attention to directions. (Picture of another Indian) Edwin Eastman in Indian Costume. A correct likeness of Mr. Edwin Eastman after being branded by the Indians in 1860. Seven and Nine Years among the Commanches and Apaches. A neat volume of 300 pages being a simple statement of the horrible facts connected with the sad massacre of a helpless family and the captivity, tortures and ultimate escape of its two surviving members. For sale by our agenets generally. Price. $1.00. The incidents of the massacre, briefly narrated are distributed by agents, free of charge. Mr. Eastman, being almost constantly at the West, engaged in gathering and curing the materials of which the medicine is composed, the sole business management devolves upon Dr. Johnson, and the remedy has been called, and is known as Dr. Clark Johnson’s Indian Blood Syrup. Price of Large Bottles $1.00 Price of small bottles .50. Read the voluntary testimonials of those who have been cured by the use of Dr. Clark Johnson’s Indian Blood Syrup in you own vicinity. Testimonials of Cures. DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGESTION. Greensburg, St. Helena County, Ia. Dear Sir: This is to certify that after trying various kinds of medicine in vain for dyspepsia and indigestion, I got some of you wonderful Indian Blood Syrup, which I took according to directions and was greatly benefited thereby. It is an excellent remedy. Chas. A. Dyson. A WONDERFUL CURE. Fisherville, Merrimack Co., N. H. May 11, 1879. Dear Sir: - This is to certify that after trying your Indian Blood Syrup for rheumatism, neuralgia and liver complaint, and have never been troubled since. I never knew a well day before I took your medicine. Mrs. H. Knowlton. LIVER COMPLAINT. Brookhaven, Lincoln County, Miss. Dear Sir – This is to certify that I have used some of the Indian Blood Syrup for disease of the liver and have been very much benefited thereby. I can recommend it to all similarly affected. A. O. Cox, Sheriff. FOR BRONCHITIS. Lentzville, Limestone County, Ala. Feb 15, 1879. Dear Sir – My wife has been afflicted for several years with chronic bronchitis, and, after trying all other remedies and finding no relief, I purchased some of your very excellent Indian Blood Syrup, which she used, and, after a fair trial, I have no hesitation in recommending it to the afflicted. Rev. Jesse James. CURES DYSPEPSIA. Piney Grover, Alleghany Co., Md. Jan 24, 1879. Dear Sir: I have been afflicted with dyspepsia for several years, and have tried every kind of medicine, but to no effect. I was induced to try your Indian Blood Syrup and purchased four one-dollar bottles, which entirely cured me. C. Craword. CURES AGUE. Caddo, Choctaw Nation, Ind. Terr, Feb 28, 1879. Dear Sir: This is to certify that your Indian Blood Syrup has cured me of chills, which had been annoying me for a long time. I can cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers with chills and fever. It is the best medicine I ever used, and would not be without it. Mrs. John Blue. CURES RHEUMATISM. Mannington, Marion Co., W. Va., March 4, 1879. Dear Sir: I have been bothered for several years with rheumatism, and was unable to find anything to relieve me, I got some of your Indian Blood Syrup, which relived me wonderfully----. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 96.0 Kb