Lamar County AlArchives News.....The Vernon Clipper December 17, 1880 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Veneta McKinney May 7, 2006, 7:26 pm The Vernon Clipper December 17, 1880 Microfilm Ref Call #373 Microfilm Order #M1992.4466 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON CLIPPER VOLUME II. VERNON, LAMAR CO., ALABAMA DECEMBER 17, 1880 NUMBER 42 THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEX. A. WALL, Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION For one year (in advance)……………………………..$1.00 When payment is delayed over six months…………$1.50 When sent out of county………………………………$1.50 Professional Cards …..$10.00 a year. Special advertisements in local column will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectible after -----(Can’t read) Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten lines charged advertising rates. THE MYSTERY OF FIRES – SPONANEOUS COMBUSTION THE CHIEF CAUSE Many a hundred fires yearly remain unexplained, even after the most painstaking and exhaustive investigation. “Among all the wonderful phenomena which chemistry presents to us,” writes Professor Weissman, “there are few more remarkable than those of spontaneous combustion of bodies, animate and inanimate, which emit flames, and are sometime entirely consumed by internal fire.:” Among the substances subject to spontaneous combustion pulverized charcoal is one of the most remarkable. “A load of charcoal was delivered in an outhouse of a clergyman in Leipzic, and showed no signs of taking fire until the door by accident was left open, when the wind blew sprinklings of snow on the charcoal. The rapid absorption of oxygen from the melting snow caused the charcoal to ignite, and as the day was windy the whole range of buildings was burned to ashes.” In this connection a fruitful and unsuspected source of fire suggests itself to those of our American housekeepers who burn wood as fuel and who store the ashes in boxes and barrels. The accidental disturbing of such ashes, even after years, will cause them to ignite, provided the air is damp of foggy. The phosphuret (sic) of potash from decayed wood renders wood ashes highly inflammable, and mysterious cellar fires in the rural districts are, no doubt, in some cases caused by this extraordinary form of spontaneous combustion. Professor Weissman himself had the unfortunate experience of being burned out of house and home on a wild winter night some three years since, and he has since diligently collected facts about spontaneous combustion. It appears that he had been having his house painted, and one night the painters, as their manner is, left their working pants, their pots and their brushes on the asphaltum floor of the cellar. They had previously with a bunch of rags removed from their hands with spirits of turpentine the paint with which they were soiled. The ball of rags took fire, the pants and paint pots followed suit, and the house was burned to the ground. In the carriage factory of Messrs. Eaton & Gilbert, Troy, New York, a drop of linseed oil fell into an open paper of lampblack, set it on fire and came within an inch of burning the whole great factory. In several instances oilcloth in large rolls has taken fire in damp, muggy weather. An instance of this also occurs in American fire experience. A planter in Virginia sent his servant to Fredericksburg for a roll of oilcloth. It was a warm day and the wagon was open. During the journey home it began to rain, and the roll of oilcloth took fire on the road. Another instance of the kind is supplied by Philadelphia during the war. An order from the War Department in Washington for knapsacks for a regiment was filled in the City of Brotherly Love. The sacks were all finished and collected, and counted over and left in a pile in the paint shop about ten o’clock on Saturday night, so as to be sent to Washington by cars early on Monday morning. On entering the paint shop before daylight on Monday morning no knapsacks were to be found. In their place was nothing but a heap of smoldering ashes! Newly pressed hay frequently ignites, as do also oatmeal and cornmeal in barrels. During the famine in Ireland in 1847-48 a vessel was dispatched from New York with a cargo of cornmeal for the relief of the sufferers. In discharging the bags from the vessel the last three were found to be on fire. BIG ELMS IN NEW ENGLAND In Deerfield, Mass., the Williams elm measures in circumference at one foot from the ground, 26 feet; at four feet, 19 feet; at seven feet, 20 ½ feet. Another elm measures 22 ½, 15 ½ and 13 ½. This last-named tree has a spread of 100 feet. The Williams elm measures in its spread at least 150 feet. At Weatherfield, Ct., there is an elm which measures, at three feet and three inches from the ground, 21 feet 5 inches. The girth of this tree where the roots enter the ground is 55 feet 6 inches. Its main limbs are great trees in themselves. Thus, the circumference of the south branch is 16 feet 8 inches; of the east branch, 11 feet 6 inches; northwest, 10 feet 3; of the west, 8 feet 7. From north to south the diameter of the spread is 150 feet; from east to west, 152 feet, and the circumference of the spread is 429 feet. – [Hartford Times] “When I goes a-shopping,” said an old lady, “I allers asks for what I wants, and if they have it, and it is suitable, and I feel inclined to buy it, and it is cheap, and can’t be got for less, I most allers take it, without clappering all day about it, as some people do.” GOD KNOWS BEST – By Emma Clark Whitney In many troubles that perplex, And make us weary of this life, If we would say, “I will not vex My soul no more with worldly strife,” But, looking upward – “God knows best.” Unto His care leave all the rest. Instead we strive with hands so frail To part the clouds upon our way, An! Life gives us no warrior mail Invulnerable to sorrow’s sway; And when its darts pierce through our breast, Teach us to feel that God knows best. When in the throes of fiercest pain, And our weak spirits seek release, And cry aloud to Him in vain, To anchor or to still in peace, Though granting not our wild request, Teach us to feel that God knows best. When like a serpent from its lair, With coils that kill all they embrace. Sin springs upon us unaware, And poisons what was pure and chaste, Though failing ‘neath temptation’s test, Teach us to feel that God knows best. THE ORDEAL OF LOVE Adolphe and Celeste were lovers – the course of true love never did run smooth, and it was interrupted in theirs by cruel parents, who had different views for their children. Adolphe, in despair, takes poison, but the invention of stomach-pumps prevented his desperate purpose, and he recovers. Celeste had the poison in her hand, and was in the act of raising it to her lips when her moth discovers her. The story thus proceeds: Whatever the exaggerations of our lovers, they loved fervently, disinterestedly, and with all their hearts. Not one in ten thousand loves is so strong, or promises to be so lasting. Adolphe did not die – antidotes were given in time – he recovered. The illness of Celeste was more dangerous. She suffered, poor child, a delirious fever, and it was several weeks before her life and reason were restored. No parents could stand all this; ordinary caprices it is very well to resist, but when young people take to poison and delirious fevers – il fact ceder. Besides, such events derange one’s comforts. One is always glad to come to terms when one begins to be annoyed with one’s self. The old people then made it up, and the young people married. As the bridegroom and Celeste were convinced that the sole object of life was each other’s company, they hastened at once to the sweet solitudes of the country. They had a charming villa and beautiful garden; they were both accomplished, clever, amiable, young, and in love. How was it possible they should be susceptible to ennvi? They could never bear to loose sight of each other. “Ah, Adolphe – traitor – where hast thou been?” “Merely shooting in the woods, my angel.” “What, and without me? Fie! Promise this shall not happen again.” “Ah, dearest, too gladly I promise.” Another time: “What, Celeste, three hours have I been seeking for you! Where have you hid yourself?” “Don’t look so angry, my Adolphe. I was only directing the gardener to build a little arbor for you to read in. I meant it as a surprise.” “My own Celeste! Three hours – it is an eternity without you! Promise not to leave me again, without telling me where to find you.” “My dearest Adolphe! How I love you – may my company be ever as dear to you.” This mold of life is very charming with many for a few days. Adolphe and Celeste loved each other so entirely that it lasted several months. What at first was passion had grown habit, and each blamed the other for want of affection, if he or she ever indulged in the novelty of different pursuits. As they had nothing to do but to look at those faces they had thought so handsome, so it was now and then difficult not to yawn; and of late there had been little speeches like the following: “Adolphe, my love, you never talk to me – put down that odious book you are always reading.” “Celeste, my angel, you don’t hear me. I am telling you about my travels, and you gape in my face.” “My dear Adolphe, I am so exceedingly sleepy.” One morning as Adolphe woke and turned in this bed, his eyes rested on his wife, who was still asleep – “Bless me,” thought he, “I never saw this before – let me look again – yes, certainly she has – a wart on her chin!” Adolphe rose and dressed himself – Adolphe was grave and meditative. They met at breakfast – the bride and bridegroom. Celeste was in high spirits; Adolphe was sombre and dejected. “Let us ride today,” said Celeste. “My dear, I have a headache.” “Poor child. Well, then let us read the new poem.” “My dear, you talk so loud.” “I!” and Celeste gazing reproachfully on Adolphe, perceived for the first time something in his eye that surprised her. She looked again – “Good heavens!” she said to herself, “Adolphe squints.” It is impossible to say what an effect this fatal discovery had on Adolphe. He thought of it incessantly. He had nothing else to complain of – but then warts on the chin are certainly not becoming. Celeste’s beauty had improved greatly since her marriage. Everybody else saw the improvement. Adolphe saw nothing but the wart upon her chin. Her complexion was more brilliant, her form more perfect, her walk more majestic; but what is all this, when one has a wart on the chin? The wart seemed to grow bigger and bigger every day – to Adolphe’s eye it threatened speedily to absorb the whole face! Nay, he expected in due time to see his beautiful Celeste all wart! He smothered his pain as well as he could, because he was naturally well-bred and delicate; and no woman likes to be told of the few little blemishes she is blind to herself. He smothered his pain, but he began to think it would be just as well to have separate rooms. Meanwhile, strange to say, Adolphe’s squint grew daily more decided and pronounced. He certainly did not squint before we were married,” thought Celeste; “it is very unpleasant – it make one so fidgety to be stared at by a person who sees two ways – and Adolphe has unfortunately a habit of staring. I think I might venture to hint, delicately and kindly, that the habit can’t yet be incurable.” As wives are always firs tin the emulation of fault finding, Celeste resolved to hazard the hint on the first favorable opportunity. “Well, my Celeste, I have brought my dog to see you,” said Adolphe, one morning. “He! Down, Down! Pray turn him out; see the mark of his paws. I can’t bear dogs, Adolphe” “Poor thing!” said Adolphe, caressing his insulted favorite. “Was that to me, or the dog?” asked Celeste. “Oh! To him, to be sure!” “I beg your pardon, my dear, but I thought you looked at me. Indeed, Adolphe, if truth may be said, you have lately contracted a bad habit – you are getting quite a cast in your eye.” “Madame!” said Adolphe, prodigiously offended, and hurrying to the glass. “Don’t be angry, my love; I would not have mentioned it if it did not get worse every day; it is yet time to be cured, I am sure; just put a wafer on the top of your nose, and you will soon see straight.” “A wafer on the top of my nose! Much better put one at the top of your chin, Celeste!” “My chin?” cried Celeste, running in turn to the glass. “What do you mean, sir?” “Only that you have a very large wart there, which it would be more agreeable to conceal.” “Sir!” “Madame!” “A wart on my chin, monster!” “A cast in my eye, fool!” “Yes! How could I ever love a man who squinted!” “Or I a woman with a wart on her chin!” “Sir, I shall not condescend to notice your insults. No wonder – you can’t see! I pity your infirmity!” “Madame, I despise your insinuations; but since you deny the evidence of your own glass, suffer me to send for a physician, and if he can cure your deformity, so much the better for you.” “Yes, send for a physician; he will say whether you squint or not. Poor Adolphe! I am not angry, no; I pity so melancholy a defect.” The doctor could not very well see whether Adolphe squinted, for he had his hat over his eyes; besides he presently thought it best to attend to one malady at a time. “As for the wart, sir,” said he, “it is not difficult to cure.” “But if my wife don’t confess that she has it, she will never consent to be cured. I would not mind if she would but own to it. Oh, the vanity of women!” “It must have been after some absence that this little defect was perceived by you –“ “After absence – we have not been a day separated since we married.” Celeste burst into tears. Adolphe, in a rage, seized his hat, mounted his horse and went himself to the doctor. The doctor was a philosopher as well as a physician. He took his pony and ambled back with Adolphe. On his way he extracted from Adolphe his whole history, for men in a passion are easily made garrulous. “The perfidious women!” said Adolphe. “Would you believe it!” We braved everything for each other – never were two persons so much in love – nay, we attempted suicide rather than endure a longer separation. I renounced the most brilliant marriage for her sake – too happy that she was mine without a dowry – and now she declares I squint. And, oh, she has such a wart on her chin!” “O – ho” thought the doctor, sinking into a reverie – I have said he was a philosopher – but it did not require much philosophy to know that persons who would have died for each other only a few months ago were not alienated lonely by a wart or a cast in the eye. They arrived at Adolphe’s villa – they entered the saloon. Celeste no longer wept; she had put on her most becoming cap, and had the air of an insulted but uncomplaining wife. “Confess to the wart, Celeste, and I’ll forgive all,” said Adolphe. “Nay, why so obstinate as to the caste of the eye; I shall not admire you less (though others may), if you will not be so vain as to disown it.” “Enough, madam; doctor, regard that lady, is not the wart monstrous? Can it be cured?” “Nay, “ cried Celeste, sobbing “look rather at my poor husbands’ squint. His eyes were so fine before we married.” The doctor put on his spectacles. He regarded the first one and then the other. “Sire,” said he deliberately, “this lady has certainly a pimple on the left of her chin considerably smaller than a pin’s head. And, madam, the pupil of your husband’s right eye is like that of nine persons in ten, the hundredth part of an inch nearer the nose than the pupil of the left. This is the case, as it appears to me, seeing you both for the first time. But I do not wonder that you, sir, think the pimple so enormous; and you, madam, the eye so distorted, since you see each other every day!” The pair were struck by a secret conviction; when an express arrived breathless to summon Adolphe to his father, who was taken ill. At the end of three months Adolphe returned. Celeste’s wart had entirely disappeared, and Celeste found her husband’s eye as beautiful as ever. Taught by experience, they learned then, that warts rapidly grow on chins, and squints rapidly settle upon eyes, that are too constantly seen. And that it is easy for two persons to die joyfully together when lovers but prodigiously difficult without economizing the presence, to live comfortably together when married. A FIFTY-EIGHT DAYS FAST – A FRENCH PRISONER WHO BEAT DR. TANNER – THE PHENOMENA OF STARVATION – [From the London Standard] Ann Moore, the famous fasting woman of Tutbury pretended to have lived for eight years entirely without food. A watch committee was appointed, which detected the fraud in a very ingenious manner. The bed and bedding, with the woman in it, were placed on a delicate weighing machine, which resulted in the inevitable exposure. At the expiration of the ninth day of this strict watching, being warned that she was sinking, she acknowledged her imposture, and admitted – which is an important fact – that, so long as the watch upon her was but imperfect, her daughter had contrived, when washing her face, to feed her ever morning by using towels made very wet with gravy, milk, and other nourishing fluids, and had also when kissing her contrived to convey small portions of solid food from mouth to mouth. Guillamne Granet, a prisoner at Toulous, resorted to starvation to avoid punishment. For the first seven days the symptoms were not very remarkable. After that period he was compelled to drink water to relive his raging thirst, and after lingering on in terrible agony, he died in convulsions on the fifty-eighth day. The case is reported by Van Swieten. There is no doubt as to its truth, and it showed that up to the present, at any rate, Dr. Tanner has at the most only done what others have done before him. Viterbi, a Corsican, condemned to death for the assassination of Frediani, resolved to starve himself to death. He died on the twenty-first day. He, too, occasionally moistened his mouth with water. The medical details of his case, which are very horrible, will be found in Paris’ “Medial Jurisprudence.” Of actual starvation, the most remarkable example is, perhaps, that reported by Dr. Sloane, of Ayr. “A man, some 65 years of age, a spare habit of body, and uncommonly vigorous for his time of life, was accidentally incarcerated in a coal mine for twenty-three days, during the first few of which he had access to water strongly impregnated with iron. He then became unable to move, and had unfortunately fallen some distance from the water. In this instance, Dr. Sloane thinks that an impure atmosphere, by lowering the vital powers, might tend to slightly prolong life under circumstance s of privation. The unhappy man died on the third day after his removal.” In 1866, Capt. Casey, of the James Loweden, passed twenty-eight days in an open boat without food or water. He contrived, however, to drink as much rain as he could collect, and it is possible, of course, that he may have chewed fragments of his clothes. Thus, then, so far as ascertained cases go, life has actually, on one occasion, been sustained for fifty-eight days without food, but not without water. Referring to the cases which occurred during the Irish famine of 1847, Dr. Donovan says: “They described the pain of hunger as at first very acute, but said that after twenty-four hours had passed without food the pain subsided and was succeeded by a feeling of weakness and sinking, experienced principally in the epigastria region, accompanied with insatiable thirst, a strong desire for cold water, and a distressing feeling of coldness over the entire surface of the body. In a short time the face and limbs became horribly emaciated, the eyes acquired a most peculiar stare; the skin exhaled peculiar and offensive faetor, and was covered with a brownish, filthy-looking coating, almost as indelible as varnish. This he was at first inclined to regard as incrusted filth, but further experience convinced him that it was a secretion poured out from the exhalants on the surface of the body. The sufferer tottered in walking like a drunken man; his voice became weak, like that of a child, and burst into tears on the slightest occasion. In respect to the mental faculties, their pros-…..(NOTE: THE ARTICLE ENDS HERE, WITH NO INDICATION WHERE IT IS CONTINUED) A QUEER STATEMENT A correspondent send us the following item, which hardly needs comment: “Land and Water makes the curious statement that in certain counties in England, whence the chief supply of geese is drawn, young children are frequently detained from school or work that they may lie in bed by turns for the sole purpose of hatching goose eggs placed there with them.” Here is another proof that the Americans are a progressive people and ahead of their English neighbors, as it is an acknowledged fact that it does not require force to keep the American children in bed long enough to be late from school or absent from their work. – [New York World] THE MODERN YOUNG LADY AT TWO PERIODS OF HER LIFE. Behold her at 11. Her limbs unfettered by the long skirts of conventionality, she runs, she romps, she slides on the ice-ponds, she rolls hoop, she climbs fences, she leaps, she kicks, she runs races and is as fleet of foot as the boys. Her appetite is good, her cheeks rosy, and her movements unconsciously graceful. Behold her again at 20. No more does she run or jump or roll hoop, run races or slide on the ice. It is not “proper” now nor ladylike, and she couldn’t if she would, for she is fettered by long skirts, tight shoes and tighter stays. Her movement has no longer the freedom and unconscious grace of childhood, for now when she walks abroad she walks to be looked at, which now in her estimation is the main object of walking. She is already in delicate health, and has a doctor who prescribes expensive advice and prescriptions for her, and ascribes her complaint to anything and everything but the real cause. This is simply the fettering of the body with fashionable clothes. Physically she is a prisoner. At 11 she was free. The doctor advises travel, but he doesn’t advise her to take off and keep off her fashionable fetters. She wouldn’t do so if he did, and he wouldn’t advise her if he knew it would bring relief, for she would no longer believe in a doctor who would make her dress like a guy, and being dressed like a “guy” is dressing different from the style prescribed by a Paris modiste. Diana never could hunt in a trailing skirt; narrow, tight, high-heeled gaiters, and a pinched, corseted waist; but Diana with a belted tunic and unfettered limbs would be bounced off Broadway by the nearest policeman. Dressing for health and freedom of body and limb is one thing, and dressing for fashion quite another. A man couldn’t endure the pinching and encumbrances peculiar to feminine attire for an hour, and a pretty spectacle he’d make rushing about in such during business hours. Yet the “weaker sex” wear double the encumbrances of the so-called stronger. To “dress” at all after the style uses up half a woman’s time and two-thirds of her strength. – [New York Graphic] ABOUT PEANUTS The moduz operandi by which the nuts are separated, cleaned, and classed is somewhat as follows: The third story of the building contains thousand s of bushels of peas in bags, and there the continual roar of the machinery is deafening. Each machine has a duty to perform. First, there is a large cylinder in which all the nuts are placed, in order that the dirt and dust may be shaken off them. They pass from the cylinder into the brushes, where very nut receives fifteen feet of a brushing before it becomes free. Then they pass through a sluiceway to the floor below, where they are dropped on an endless belt, about two and one-half feet in width, and dashing along at the rate of four miles an hour. On each side of the belt stand eight colored girls, and as the nuts fall from the sluice on to the belt the girls, with a quick motion of the hand, pick out all the poor looking nuts, and by the time the belt reaches the end two-thirds of the nuts are picked off, allowing only the finest to pass the crucible. Those that do pass drop through another sluice and empty into bags on the floor below. When the bag is filled it is taken away by hand, sewed up and branded as “cocks”, with the figure of a rooster prominent on it sides. The peas caught up by the girls are then thrown to one side, placed in the bags, and carried into another room, where they are again picked over, the best singled out, bagged and branded as “chips.” There are as fine a nut as the first for eating, but in shape and color do not compare with the “cocks.” Having gone over them twice, we now come to a third grace, which are called and branded as “eagles.” These are picked out of the cullings of the “cocks” and “chips” but now and then you will find a respectable looking nut among them, though the eyes of the colored damsels are as keen as a hawk, and a bad nut is rarely allowed to pass their hands. The cullings that are left from the “eagles” are bagged, sent through the elevator to the top story, and what little meat is in them is shaken out by a patent sheller, which is not only novel, but as perfect a piece of machinery as was ever invented. These nuts being shelled by this new process, the meat drops into bags below free from dust or dirt of any kind, and are then shipped in two-hundred pound sacks to the North, where they are bought up by confectioners of the purpose of making taffy or peanut candy. It may be here stated that a peculiar kind of oil is extracted from the meat of the nut, and in this specialty a large trade is done among the wholesale druggists. There is nothing wasted, for even the shells are made useful. They are packed in sacks, and sold to stable keepers for horse-bedding and a very healthy bed they make. In some parts of Germany, instead of smoking meat to preserve it, it is hung up in a dry, well-ventilated room, and painted over with wood vinegar (pyroligueous acid), an acid distilled over when wood is burned in air-tight stoves, or any other place where there is not free access of atmospheric air. The painting three or four times with this vinegar answers every purpose of smoking. It protects the meat from insects, fungi, and putrefaction. JOSEPH TAYLOR, the father of Bayard Taylor, is 85 years old, and resides at Kenneth Square, Pa. BITS OF INFORMATION Tolls were first paid by vessels passing the slade on the River Elbe, 1109. In England, toll-bars originated in 1267, a penny being asked for every wagon that passed through a certain manor, and the first regular toll was collected a few years later for mending the road in London, between St. Giles’ and Temple Bar. The invention of music is uncertain, Lucretius ascribed it to the whistling of the winds in hollow reeds. Franckinus to the various sounds produced by the hammers of Tubal Cain; Camelon Pontique, and others to the singing of birds; and Zarlino to the sound of water. It is, however, agreed that music was first reduced to ruled by Jubal, 1800 B. C. The average duration of vitality in seeds of some of our cultivated plants is as follows: Artichoke, five years; broad bean, six; beet root, five; cabbage, five; carrot, four; cucumber, five; lettuce, five; maize, two; melon, five; onion, two; parsnip, two; peas, four or five; radish, five; spinach, five; tomato, five; turnip, five; egg plant, seven; endive, nine; parsley, three; strawberry, three. The mark which persons who are unable to write are compelled to make instead of their signatures is constantly referred to as an instance of the ignorance of ancient times. It is not, however, invariably, a proof of such ignorance. Anciently the mark was not confined to illiterate persons. Among the Saxons the mark of the cross was required to be attached to the signatures of those who could write, and to stand in the place of the signatures of those who could not write, as an attestation of the good faith of the person signing. In those days if a man could write or even read, it was a proof that he was in holy orders. The ancient use of the cross was therefore universal, and was the symbol of an oath, from its sacred associations, as well as the mark generally adopted. Negro slavery was introduced into the present territory of the United States during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, by merchants of Liverpool, England. On Jan. 31, 1865 the final vote was taken in Congress submitting to the States for their approval and ratification the following amendment to the constitution: “Article XIII. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the Untied states, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.: On Dec. 18, 1865, the Secretary of State issued his proclamation declaring that this amendment had been approved by the legislatures of Illinois, Rhode Island, Michigan, New York, West Virginia, Maine, Kansas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, Indiana, Louisiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Arkansas, Connecticut, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia – in all, 27 out of 36 states, and was consequently adopted. GROWTH OF BRITISH CITIES The opinion, quite generally entertained, that London is one of the few large British cities which grow rapidly, is very erroneous as the figures plainly show. It is nearly eight years since the last census, and the Register General consequently supplies various estimates, annually, of the population of the principal towns, founded on the ration of increase between 1861 and 1871, in order to form a basis for calculation of yearly rates. From this it appears that London now contains 3,620,868 an increase since 1871 of 366,608; Liverpool, 538,338, an increase of 44,933; Manchester, 361,819, and increase of 10,640; Leeds, 311,860, an increase of 52,648; Sheffield, 297,138, an increase of 57,192; Bristol, 209,917, an increase of 27,395; Bradford, 191,046, an increase of 45,216; Hull, 146,347, an increase of 24,455; Salford, 177,849, an increase of 53,048; Newcastle, 146,948, an increase of 18,505; Portsmouth, 131,821, an increase of 18,262; Leicester, 125,621, an increase of 30,402; Sunderland, 114,575, an increase of 26,333; Oldham, 111,318, an increase of 28,689. London is equal to eighteen of the largest cities; Liverpool and Glasgow are very near one another in population, the latter having 39,818 more people than the former. The density of population varies greatly in the leading towns. For example, it is 11.4 in Norwich; Newcastle, 27.4; Sunderland, 41.4; London, 48.0; Manchester, 84.3; and Liverpool, 109.3 per acre. Many of the small uncommercial towns of Great Britain are stationary, others slowly decline. – [N. Y. Times] The London Times says: The new and apparently most valuable method of preparing raw meat, discovered by Prof. Artimini, of Florence, and patented in this country, promises to have a great effect upon our markets. According to a report by Profs. Barff and Mills, of the Glasgow University, and Dr. Stevenson, of Guy’s Hospital, meat six months old was found to be perfectly sound and good, the muscular fiber unchanged, and the nutritive properties unimpaired. The material employed is said to be less expensive than salt, and not only wholesome, but pleasant to the taste. The best soil for sweet potatoes is a sandy loam. If sand largely predominates they will flourish if well manured. New ground or virgin soil is especially favorable for this crop. It is the common practice to sow buckwheat on new land for the first crop and then to plant sweet potatoes for the second. An abundant crop is the general result. In a heavy loan the vines grow luxuriantly., but the tubers are general small, rooty and of inferior quality. In clayey soil sweet potatoes will not thrive. PAGE 2 THE VERNON CLIPPER ALEX. A. WALL, Editor and Proprietor $1.00 per annum in advance, or $1.50 where payment is delayed over six months, $1.50 when sent out of county. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1880 HONOR Honor is unstable, and seldom the same; for she feeds upon opinion, and is fickle as her food. She builds a lofty structure in the sandy foundation of the esteem of those who are of all beings the most subject to change. But virtue is uniform and fixed, because she looks for approbation only from Him who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Honor is most capricious in her rewards. She feeds us with air, and often pulls down our houses to build our monument. She is contracted in her views, inasmuch as her hopes are rooted in earth, bounded by time, terminated by death. But virtue is enlarged and infinite in her hopes, inasmuch as they extend beyond present things, ever to eternal; this is their proper sphere, and they will cease only in the reality of deathless enjoyment. In the storms and in the tempests of life, honor is not to be depended on, because she herself partakes of the tumult; she also is buffeted by the wave, and borne along by the whirlwind. But virtue is above the storm, and has an anchor sure and steadfast, because it is cast into heaven. The noble Brutus worshiped honor, and in his zeal mistook her for virtue. In the day of trial he found her a shadow and a name. But no man can purchase his virtue too dear, for it is the only thing whose value must ever increase with the price it has cost us. Our integrity is never worth so much as when we have parted with our all to keep it. The pagans (says Bayle) from the obscurity wherein they lived as to another life, reasoned very inconsequentially on the reality of virtue. It belongs to Christians alone to argue upon it aright; and if those good things to come which the Scripture promises the faithful were not joined to the desire of virtue, that and innocency of life might be placed in the number of those things on which Solomon pronounced his definitive decree, “vanity of vanities, all is vanity!” LICENCES – [Montgomery Advertiser] We publish for the information of those interested, so that they may attend to the matter in time, and save themselves much trouble and expense, the following laws bearing on the subject: Any person who, after the 15th day of January in any year, shall be engaged in or carry on any business, for which a license is required, without having taken out such license, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined three times the amount of the State License, Section 4274, Code 1876. Taking out a license after the 15th of January in any year and paying for the same covering the whole of the year, is no protection against an indictment, afterwards found, for acts done in that year prior to the actual issue of the license. Elsberry’s case, 52 Ala., S. The Probate Judge in each county, on the first day of each circuit court, must furnish to the acting Solicitor, to be by him laid before the grand jury a statement in writing showing the license granted and the taxes received thereon within the last twelve months preceding such court, to whom and for what such license was granted. Sec. 492, code 1876. If any officer or person, on whom any duty is imposed by the revenue law, willfully neglects to perform such duty, in case no other provision has been made for the punishment of such neglect, he is guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, be fined not less than twenty, nor more than two hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court trying the same. Sec. 4276, Code 1876. All licenses should be taken out and paid for by the 15th day of January of next year. CONJUGAL LOVE AND DEATH The following comes from New Haven, Connecticut: On Sunday almost at the same instant that Lucius Hotchkiss, one of New Haven’s oldest and most respected citizens, died, his wife fell dead on the floor beside his bed. Mr. Hotchkiss was old and feeble, and it was known that he could not live the day out. His faithful wife prayed this morning that when he died she might die also. At 11 o’clock this forenoon she was told that he was rapidly sinking. She went to his room, saw the shadow of death on his face, and without a word fell backward on the floor dad. When those alarmed by the noise of her fall ran into the room they found her lifeless, and Mr. Hotchkiss breathing his last. Mr. Hotchkiss was an old-time shipping merchant of Long Wharf, and a score or more years ago retired wealthy, and lived alone with his beloved wife, who was the daughter of the first clergyman ever settled in New Haven. A postal from our friend JAS. E. PENNINGTON, of Columbus, under date of the 11th inst. says: MAJ. GORDON has this evening signed a contract to bring the Gordon Colquit Railroad to Columbus, and thence up Luxapilila. This being the case it is clear to be seen that Vernon and immediate vicinity will not be benefited by the road. Quite a multitude of colored people were in town on Monday to witness the trial of several petty cases which were before his honor, Judge ALEX. COBB. One colored woman was fined 1 cent and cost which amounted to $23. The Legislature adjourned on the 8th inst. to the 1st of February. Congress convened on the 6th inst. WINSTON CAINE is with the old reliable house of BUTLER & MUSTIN, and would be pleased to see and serve his friends, at No. – Main St. Columbus, Miss., “Beware of Shoddy goods.” When you are in Columbus, don’t fail to see Butler & Mustins stock of clothing, hats, shirts, boot, and shoes at 55 Main Street. LAND OFFICE AT HUNTSVILLE, ALA, NOVEMBER 5, 1880 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, and that said proof will be made before the Probate Judge of Lamar County on the 18th day of December 1880. ALIMOUTH B. BLACK, Homestead No. 5139 for the W ½ NE ¼ and NE ¼ NE ¼ Sec. 13 T 14 R 14 W to prove his settlement upon and cultivation of said tract, and names the following as his witnessed, viz: JOSEPH BLACK, ROBERT WILSON, JAMES A. TRIM, and D. I BLACK, all of Webster, Lamar County, Ala. - JOHN M. CROSS, Register SHERIFF’S SALE State of Alabama, Lamar County By virtue of a certain execution to me directed, issued by JAMES MIDDLETON, Clerk of Circuit Court of said county. I will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Vernon, on the 1st Monday in January 1881, it being the 3rd day of said month, to satisfy a certain judgement in favor of G. G. WEIR, executor of DIADEMIER COX, for the sum of six hundred and fifty-four dollars and fifty-eight cents, and all costs, the following described real estate to wit: W ½ OF NE ¼ and the SE ¼ of Sec. 21 T 17 R 16. Sale within legal hours. - J. W. WHITE, Sheriff NOTICE On Monday the 3rd day of January 1881, the following described real property will be sold within legal hours at public outcry at Vernon, for cash, unless before that time private sale of said property can be effected. One dwelling house to which about two acres of land are attached in the town of Vernon known as the BURNS house. One Store house and lot No. 8 in the town of Vernon. The Molloy Store House on lot 23, and 60 acres of land in SE ¼ of SE ¼ Sec. 16 , and SW ¼ of SW ¼ Sec. 15 lying east of Pin Hook Road T 15 R 15, all lying within the corporate limits of Vernon. A tract of land in the Southern part of Lamar County known as the F. W. STOKES land, containing about Ten Hundred and Sixty acres. Good titles will be made both by the undersigned and other claimants when property is sold. - HUDSON, HUMPHRIES, & HUDSON, S.J. SHIELDS, Agent. BUDER BROTHERS. Watchmakers and Manufacturers of fine Gold Jewelry. Gilmer Hotel Corner, Columbus, Mississippi. Has a great exposition of Clock’s nickel, sterling silver, and heavy gold key, and stem-wind watches, solid silver watch chains, of all styles and prices to suit the times. Plain and fine-set rings. Fine solid gold and plain jewelry of every description, selected with an eye to the wants of the people. And we are now selling, and offer our whole lot, at prices that render any competition unworthy of consideration. When in Columbus, don’t fail to call and examine their immense stock. The visit will well repay you, whether you purchase or not. (NOTE: Has a picture of a bearded man (looks like Santa Claus) with small people (elves?) at his feet.) THE MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE OF MOBILE AND THE SOUTH! (Has picture of large building with horses and carriages in the front) It is to the interest of every merchant and close (sic) buyer to examine before purchasing, the Mammoth Stock of Clothing the Largest in the South and Equal to any East. We will discount any bills brought East or West 5 percent, and guarantee goods better made and better adapted for your section and on the same terms. Youths, boys, children’s and Fat men’s clothing, a specialty. Competition defied in regard to prices and stocks in this, or any other market. Orders respectfully solicited and promptly attended to. Everybody that goes to Mobile should not fail to call and examine the Mammoth Clothing Stock of M. P. Levy & Co., Nos. 16, 18, and 20 North Water Street.0 HARDWARE – WINSTON & HARRIS, Wholesale and retail dealers. 59 Market Street Columbus, Miss. Have on hand, and receiving daily the largest and most complete stock of hardware ever kept in this city, which we offer at lowest prices: Axes, hatchets, hammers, augers, chisels, planes, drawing knives, Disston’s Great American Cross Cut Saws, Hand Saws of all grades, Files of all kinds, Iron and Nails, Wagon Wood Work, Back bands, Hames, and Blind Bridles, locks of all kinds, chains of all kinds, hinges of all kinds, window sash, doors and blinds, guns and pistols, Shot, powder an caps, horse and mule shoes, shovels and tongs, hollow ware, cotton and grass rope, brooms, buckets, and tubs, churns, sifters, and wash boards, spades and shovels, grain cradles and blades, plows and sweeps of every kind, grass rods and heel bolts, steelyards and balances, anvils, vices and bellows, smith tongs, sledge and hand hammers, rubber belting and packing, grass blades, and hay forks, sausage cutters and stuffers, grind stones and grind stone fixtures, garden hoes, rakes, & spading forks, field hoes, with and without handles, fire hogs, table and pocket cutlery…(TORN) …usually kept in our line. We are also sole Agents for ….(TORN) Miami Powder Co., and the Trade Engine…(TORN) A. A. SUMMERS, Vernon, Alabama. Established A. D. 1867. (Picture of train) Dealer in dry goods, groceries, clothing, hats, notions, boots and shoes, hardware, queensware, glassware, time and woodware, farming implements, drugs, oils, tobacco, snuff, pipes and in fact, I keep every article that is needed to supply the wants of all customers. Prices as low as the lowest for cash or credit! I am at my Old Stand, West side Court House, Corner Main and 2nd Street. SYKES, MCQUISTON, & HEISEN – A. J. SYKES, D. H. MCQUISTON, C. C. HEISEN – Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants, 96 and 98 Commerce Street, Liberal advances made to planters. Aberdeen, Miss. General agents for ‘Gullet’s Patent Steel Brush”, “The Cotton Bloom, or Magnolia,” “The Lummns, or Imp. Taylor,” “Halls” and “Pratts” Cotton Gins; also Cotton Presses, Engines, Machinery, and Farm Wagons. ERVIN & BILLUPS, Wholesale and Retail dealers in drugs, medicine, paints, oils, tobacco, snuff, and cigars. Columbus, Mississippi. JOHN D. MORGAN, Wholesale and Retail dealer in Dry goods, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, wooden ware, willow ware, crockery ware, and tin ware, boots, and shoes, hats and caps, plantation supplies, etc. Would announce to his many friends and patrons of Lamar and Fayette counties, that he has in store, and is daily receiving one of the largest and best selected stock of good in the city, and invites everybody to call before buying elsewhere and examine his immense stock. It is no trouble to show goods and when you look, you will be sure to buy for he keeps none but first class goods, and will not be under sold by any house in the city. Columbus, Mississippi, July 11th, 1879. JOHN S. ROBERTSON is with the above house. NATHAN BROTHERS, dealers in whiskies, brandies, wines, cigars, tobaccos, and pipes. Our motto: Quick sales and small profits. Columbus, Mississippi. TIN SHOP. P. KRECKER & CO., We have on hand and will keep at all times the best cooking stoves ever brought to Columbus Market. They are constructed with only two flues and will cook in less time and less fuel than any stove made. Also, heating stoves! Cheapest and best! All kinds of work done in tin, sheet-iron and copper. Sheet tin, sheet-iron, sheet copper, always for sale. All kinds of tinware. Wholesale and retail. Call and see us at the old hotel building near Morgan’s corner. H. C. GOODRICH is with the above firm and would be glad to see and serve his old friends. PAGE 3 VERNON CLIPPER FRIDAY DECEMBER 17, 1880 The Clipper and entire out-fit is for sale, for particulars apply to or address the editor. Our Military Springs subscribers have time and again complained at us about irregularities in the post office there; in regard to the Clipper mail. Some of the best citizens in the neighborhood of the office inform us that often they do not get the Clipper until it has become stale, and important news, sales, etc., contained therein have past. Now we must positively insist on the post master or attendant giving prompt attention to the Clipper, and delivering same to the individual whose name is written thereon; else we will report them to headquarters at Washington. We pay promptly the postage required of us by the Postal Law, therefore we will not have such imposition practiced upon our subscribers any longer. Up at Morton’s Mills on Monday last we found our friend JOHN T. BURROW busily engaged weighing cotton and making himself generally useful. We are glad to note that he is doing a lucrative business in his new occupation. He has rented the mills for the ensuing year. We hope he may have a lively trade throughout his time of lease, for he is a jolly good fellow, and by the way one of our subscribers. Roll in your grain, and seed cotton. Mr. MOSE DUKE is to be found at the “hoppers.” Judging from the large number of cotton wagons which pass our streets every day, Columbus must be doing a booming business in way of receiving cotton, and also in the mercantile line. Go and trade with those who advertise in the Clipper. They are all “solid” and will give you good bargains. It will be seen by referring to another column of today’s paper that JOHN S. ROBERSON is still with J. D. MORGAN, Columbus. He is a noble gentleman, and will sell you goods cheap. Being an Alabamian he justly deserves a liberal trade from this section. A. A. SUMMERS undoubtedly has the best lot of saddles for sale at his store that can be found in Lamar County, and they are cheap too. Messrs. J. M. FURGUSON and G. W. GURGUSON of Shelby County, Tenn., brothers of our friend and subscribers, J. F. FURGUSON of Bedford, are visiting him. We wish them a pleasant time while among friends and relatives in our county. The following named gentlemen have paid their subscription to the Clipper recently: J. F. FURGUSON, $2; N. S. FURGUSON, $1; THOS. E. COOPER, $2; J. E. JORDAN, $1. T. L. CREWS, $1; DR. T. B. WOODS, $1. Accept our thanks gentlemen. Let others come forward and have their names added to the “roll of honor,” and thus aid us in our efforts to give them a good country paper. Considerable work has been done on the streets and side-walks in town this week, by direction of Capt. IRA STANDFORD, Town Marshall. We hope that, under the present corporate administration the peace and harmony of the town will rest undisturbed in the future. HON. J. H. BANKHEAD and wife arrived home on Monday evening this week. Capt. B. was on the 8th inst., nominated by the Legislature to take charge of the State Penitentiary. He will assume control of the entire keeping of the important charge the 1st of March. he is a worthy gentleman, and will manage the affairs of the penitentiary with credit to himself and interest to the State. Since Monday of this week the weather has been rainy and warm. M. JACOBS, The Clothier! 51 Main St. Columbus, Miss. has on hand and will keep during the entire season, the best assorted stock of clothing of all descriptions, which will sell at bottom prices. Try him. Fair Dealings! No goods misrepresented. BROCK & RUSH, Vernon, Alabama. Dealers in groceries, dry goods, and general merchandise. Keep on hand flour, meal, lard, sugar, and best coffee’s, molasses, hardware, axes, nails, tin ware, crockery, &c. &c. We invite the people of Lamar and adjoining counties to call on us when in Vernon. We guarantee satisfaction, and our prices are as low as the lowest. N. GROSS & CO., Southeast corner of Market & Main street, Columbus, Mississippi. Wholesale and retail dealers in fancy dress and staple dry goods & ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notions, etc. The anticipation of a large cotton crop and consequent rush of business, we bought an immense stock, and to avoid the apparent necessity of packing up goods, we propose to sell them at prices which will defy competition. We request our friends and the public in general to call, examine and price our goods before purchasing elsewhere and assure them that they will save money thereby. JAS. E. PENNINGTON of our house will be please to see and wait on his friends. W. T. COOPER With S. SELIG, Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods and clothing, boots, shoes, hats and umbrella. 55 Market Street, Columbus, Miss. Respectfully asks his friends and acquaintances of Lamar and adjacent counties to call and examine goods, prices, etc. before purchasing elsewhere. VERNON MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. I will open a Male and Female School in Vernon on the first Monday in November 18820. The school will be divided into four grades as follows: 1. Primary, embracing Spelling, Reading, Primary Arithmetic, and first lessons in Geography. 2. Intermediate, embracing physical and Intermediate Geography, Intellectual Arithmetic, elements of written Arithmetic, first lessons in Grammar, and Writing. 3. Grammar School, embracing Practical Arithmetic, Practical Grammar, Composition, History, Etymology, and Elocution. 4. High School, embracing University Arithmetic, Natural and Intellectual Philosophy, Geology, Physiology, Astronomy, Algebra, Geometry, &c, &c, &c The School will be divided into two Seasons of four months (80 days) each. Tuition due and payable at end of each session as follows: Primary Grade, per month, per scholar $1.50 Intermediate Grade, per month, per scholar $2.00 Grammar School, per month, per scholar $2.50 High School per month, per scholar $3.00 Incidental fee per month, per scholar ___ Board per month, per scholar $7.50 For further particulars, address, J. M. I. GUYTON, Principal, Vernon, Lamar County, Ala. GRAND CHARTER OAK STOVE. The best of all Undisputed in the broad claim of being the very best operating, quickest selling, handsomest and most perfect cooking stove ever offered to the public. Made only by Excelsior Manufacturing Co. Nos. 612, 614, 616 & 618 N. Main St. , St. Louis, Mo. (NOTE: The type font of this ad looks like from the 1970’s!! It has the “fat” letters just as an advertisement of the 1970’s would.) A nice stock of clothing to select from at the lowest prices at M. Jacobs, 51 Main St., Columbus, Miss. Call and see the large stock of clothing at M. Jacobs, 51 Main St., Columbus, Miss. Big bargains in overcoats at M. Jacobs, 51 Main St., Columbus, Miss. To Visitors – All those who visit the city of Columbus, Miss. should not fail to call at the new Clothing store, where they will be welcomed by M. P. BROWN, of Caledonia, who will take pleasure in showing clothing, prices, and the Mammoth stock to select from at M. JACOBS – No. 51 Main St. Big Bargains – Storage! Storage! B. S. LONG Depot Warehouse, Columbus, Miss. Does a general warehouse and storage business in association with him are Messrs. JAMES SHACKLEFORD, and FELIX GUNTER, who will be found always ready to attend to patrons. Camping facilities not to be excelled. Ayer’s Ague cure has saved thousands of lives in the malarial districts of this and other countries. it is warranted a certain and speedy remedy and free from all harmful ingredients. Cousans – Compound Honey of Tar, a cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness, etc. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by ERVIN & BILLUPS, Columbus, Miss. J. A. JORDAN, with MYERS & EGGER, Caledonia, Mississippi respectfully solicits all his Alabama friends and acquaintances to give him early and frequent calls. Columbus prices paid for cotton and country produce. A full line of dry goods and groceries at bottom figures. LACEY & BRO., 87 North Market Street, Estes Old Stand, Columbus, Miss. Dealers in groceries, dry goods, and general merchandise. Keep on hand flour, meal, lard, sugar, and best coffees. Molasses, hardware, axes, nails, tin- ware, crockery, &c, &c. We invite the people of Lamar, Fayette and surrounding counties to call on us when In Columbus. We guarantee satisfaction and as low prices as the lowest. W. F. WALKER, No. 91 Market Street, Columbus, Miss. One door north of Mungers. Keeps Fayette County distilled whiskey, and the best whiskies of other manufacturers. None but pure kept. Will be glad to have my friends from Fayette, Lamar and Marion counties. Give us a call when in the city. J. W. MILES is with this house and respectfully solicits his friends to call. Represented by THOMAS J. TRULL, of Lamar County Alabama, New Warehouse! J. H. TURNER & SON, Storage of Cotton, Etc. We have this day rented the Warehouse of R. W. MUSTIN, at the depot, for the purpose of doing a Cotton Storage Business. Our experience in the business dates back forty odd years. We have at all times endeavored to do justice to both planter and merchant, and will continue to do so. We have no extra promises to make. We intend to do our duty regardless of consequences. We solicit a portion of the patronage of our old friends and customers. Out facilities for Camping will be all that can be asked or desired. Our rates of storage will be as usual, treating all alike in every instance. J. H. TURNER and WM. M. TURNER will be found on the spot, and feel capable of knowing and attending to the best interest of those who extend to us their patronage. Respectfully, J. H. TURNER & SON, Columbus, Miss., Sept 17, 1880 ALEXANDER COBB & SON, Dealers in ready made clothing, dress goods, jeans, domestics, calicoes, silks, satins, millinery, embroidery, notice, &c. Hats, caps, boots, shoes, saddles, bridles, leather, &c. Tin, wooden, Hard and glass wares, crockery, &c. Salt, flour, meal, bacon, lard, soda, coffee, molasses, &c. Family Groceries. The undersigned has opened a family grocery store in the old Goodwin house on Main Street. Where he will be able to furnish the county and town with everything usually kept in a first class house: Such as bacon, lard, flour, sugar, coffee, molasses, tobacco, cigars, powder, lead, shot and a great variety of canned goods: Such as pine apples, peaches, tomatoes, pickles, &c., &c. Cheese and crackers in abundance, all of which I am determined to sell lower than they can be bought elsewhere. Give me a call. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. L. M. WIMBERLY BILL HAMILTON with ROY & BRO., wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, notions, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, &c. Aberdeen, Miss. Highest price paid for cotton. ABERDEEN ITEMS We cordially invite the citizens of Lamar and Marion when they visit Aberdeen to make their headquarters at out Drug Store. We will treat them clever and sell them all they need in drugs, liquors, stationary, paints and every thing usually kept in a first class drug store as cheap as they can possibly be found elsewhere. – J. W. ECKFORD & BRO. Wholesale and retail, Aberdeen, Miss have just received two thousand pounds of tobacco, all grades, prices form 35 cents per lb. up to 90 cents per lb. Don’t fail to try them before buying. We are closing our large stock of whiskies, brandies, gins, wines &c., to make room for our new stock that will come in about middle September. Now is the time for bargains. We are prepared to wholesale and retail drugs of every description at lower prices than any house in the state. Friends, when you visit Aberdeen, let your first call be to J. W. Eckford & Bro wholesale and retail drug store, where you can buy drugs, liquors, paints, and stationary cheaper than any place in Miss. or Ala. Call whether you wish to buy or not. Deal specially in pure paints, mixed Paints, and all colors, linseed, varnish, brushes of all kinds, glue and all painters goods. Prices very low. Aberdeen, Miss. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. FRANCIS JUSTICE, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala., Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District. JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration. EARNEST & EARNEST. W. S. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST. Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery, Birmingham & Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the Counties of this Judicial Circuit. NESMITH & SANFORD. T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Dr. G. C. BURNS – Vernon, Ala., Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. R. L. BRADLEY, Dental Surgeon. Vernon, Lamar County, Ala., Offers his professional service to the Citizens of Vernon and adjacent country. All work neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Will be found at Dr. Browns’ office, ready and willing to serve the people at all times. Give me a call. M. W. MORTON. W. L. MORTON. DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store. TORN Hotel – The undersigned is… accommodate boarders….by the day or month at very reasonable rates. Strict attention given to transient customers. L. M. WIMBERLY, Proprietor, Vernon, Ala. S. F. PENNINGTON & BROTHER, Goodwin Old Stand, Vernon, Lamar County, Ala Dealers in family groceries, and also, retail liquor dealers. Have constantly a full stock of whiskies, brandies, wines, tobacco, snuff, and cigars. Will be please to serve their friends at all times. Thankful for patronage heretofore received, we hope to merit a liberal share in the future. COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS, Monuments, headstones, etc. List of prices of plain headstones: Length x Width x Thickness Price 3 ft. 0 in x 1 ft. 0 in. x 2 in. $12 3 ft. 6 in. x 1 ft. 2 in x 2 in $15 4 ft. 0 in. x 1 ft. 4 in. x 2 in. $20 5 ft. 0 in. x 1 ft. 6 in. x 2 in. $25 Name, birth and death free, foot stones included. All work done at short notice. Material and work warranted the best. W. H. NEWLON CARROLLTON & VERNON, ALA. HACK LINE – via Columbus, Miss. RATES: From Vernon to Caledonia $1.00 From Caledonia to Columbus $1.00 From Columbus to Carrollton $2.50 One fourth reduction for round trips. Freight, per hundred – 75 cts. All packages under 25 pounds – 25 cts. – W. H. BAKER, Proprietor Pictures made in cloudy and rainy as well as clear weather at ECHARD’S Photograph Headquarters at his gallery, Columbus, Miss. 8 Card Ferrotypes, for $1.00. 1 doz. Card Photographs for $2.50. Special attention given to Family Groups and copying Old pictures to any size. TORN PAGE 4 FARM NOTES ….(TORN)….TOBACCO – Light colors are not desirable and are produced by rapid drying. In curing tobacco endeavor to let it dry slowly, taking care, however, that it does not pole-burn. WORMS IN HORSES – To destroy pinworms in horses, give an injection of salt and water two or three days in succession, the administer a ball consisting of an ounce of aloes and one drachma of calomel. – [N. Y. Herald] EXERCISE FOR FOWLS – A new way of furnishing hens that are confined in a small space with an abundance of exercise is recommend by an exchange. A piece of meat is suspended by a string, just so high that the fowls will have to make a good jump to reach it. We suppose other kinds of food might be thus placed, and no hen would be without the incentive to take the necessary exercise while eating her daily food. ASSORTING FRUIT – Great injury has been done by the careless way in which some growers put up their fruit. It pays in the end to give close attention to assorting, and those who mark their grades honestly and put their names on their packages will soon obtain the highest prices. It may require years for a fruit raiser to establish a reputation, but when this is accomplished, the will always obtain ready sales and be able to command good prices. SALT TO POULTRY – We clip the following useful hints: Hens often have a habit of biting and pulling at their feathers, and greedily eating them until their bodies are bare. This practice it is believed , is occasioned by a want of salt, as when salted food is given them, they make no attempt to continue the habit. Salt pork chopped fine and fed twice a week, has been adopted with success, while others put a teaspoonful of salt with two quarts of meal or shorts moistened, well mixed, and feed it about twice every week. Fowls, like human beings, to be healthy, must have a certain allowance of salt. COAL FOR PAINT – Suel Foster, of Muscatine, writes the Iowa Homestead as follows: “Let me again recommend this article for old wheels, new wheels, wagon wheels, buggy wheels, wheel barrows, etc. I have used it several years, and know it is the best paint ever used. This year my buggy needed painting – some of the spokes rattled, and some of the woodwork about the bed rattled a little, and when my man was tarring the wheels of the big wagon, the two-horse spring wagon and the one-horse spring wagon, he gave the buggy a coat all over – running-gear, shafts, dash board, inside and out, all over and now the old rattle-trap looks and runs like a new buggy, runs as silent as a midnight hour, and shines as black as a black jet glass bead. Try it; it saves half the cost of setting tires; that is, they will not need setting half as often. SAVING SEED CORN – We frequently have the vitality of our corn killed by early frosts, and consequently get a poor stand of corn the next season. The preventive is, as soon as there is danger of frost to go into the cornfield and select the ripest and fairest ears, and plenty of them. Save only ears that have small cobs and deep kernels. Either braid it up by a few husks left on each ear, or make a scaffold in the loft of some building, where a good circulation of air can be had. A scaffold can be made by nailing sticks from rafter to rafter, and then laying small poles on. When the corn is first put up, do not lay it too thick, as the cob may not dry out, and it may heat and spoil. Spread out thin. – [Country Gentleman] MAKING CLAY SOIL FERTILE – In the Main Farmer is related the experienced…..than Weston I making clay soil…. He says his soil was “a …..; now it is a clay loam and….crops. After plowing the …poorest acre in my field, …(TORN) HOUSEKEEPER’ HELPS TO CLARIFY FAT – Cut into small pieces, fat of either beef or mutton. Put into a sauce pan and cover the pieces with cold water. Stir until the water boils, skim carefully and allow to boil until the water has been discharged in vapor – the fat will then be of the color of salad oil – strain, and it will keep any length of time. APPLE BATTER PUDDING – Four beaten eggs, one pint of rich milk, two cups of flour, one teaspoonful of salt, two even teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Peel and core eight ripe, tart apples; put into a deep baking-dish. Fill the center of each with sugar and pour the beaten batter over them. Bake an hour, and eat with cream and sugar, flavored with nutmeg or lemon. GOOD APPLE BUTTER – Boil a kettleful of new cider until reduced two-thirds. Have a quantity of tart, juicy apples pared, cored, and sliced, and put as many into the kettle as the cider will cover. Cook slowly until tender, skim out and put in a second supply of apples. When tender turn all out and let stand over night. In the morning return to the kettle and boil down until quite thick. Add whatever spice you please. It requires almost constant stirring. OMELET – Beat the yolks of eight eggs and the whites of four until very light. Stir in a teacup of cream in which a tablespoonful of flour has been mixed and season with salt and pepper. Melt a tablespoonful of butter in a baking-pan, pour in the mixture and set the pan in a hot oven. When it thickens spread over the remaining whites beaten to a froth. Return to the oven and bake a delicate brown. Slip on a large platter and serve at once. QUINCE PRESERVES – Pare, quarter, and core, saving the skins and cores. Just cover the quarters of quince with cold water and simmer until tender. Take out the pieces carefully, and lay on flat plates. Add the parings, etc., to the water, cover tightly and stew an hour. Strain through a jelly-bag, and to each pint of the juice add a pound of granulated sugar. Boil, skim, add the pieces of quince, and boil gently ten minutes, take out onto flat dishes and set in the sun. Le the syrup boil until it begins to jelly, then fill the glass cans two-thirds full and cover with the syrup. COCOA FROM THE NIBS – Put two quarts of very hot water into a three-quart enameled saucepan for every one-quart pound of ground cocoa nibs, and stir well together. Boil gently, but incessantly, for eight hours, and stir occasionally. Strain off the liquid into a basin and let it stand until quite cold, when the fat (or butter) should be skimmed off. Warm up the cocoa for use. The cocoa nibs will reboil several times if a little fresh be added. The butter of cocoa is valuable for chapped hands, sore lips and burns, &c. I tried the whole nibs, but discarded them in favor of the ground, and have used the above recipe for years to the general satisfaction of my friends. CRISP OATMEAL CAKE – Rub a quarter of a pound of dripping or lard into half a pound of oatmeal, into which you have mixed a large pinch of carbonate of soda and of salt. Make into a dough with a gill of cold water, shake meal plentifully on the board, turn your dough on to it, and having sprinkled this also with meal, work it with the backs of our fingers as little as possible. Roll the dough out to the thickness of a crown piece cut in shapes – the lid of a saucepan or a glass answers well for this purpose – put the cakes on a hot stove, and, when a little brown on the underside, take them off and place on a hanger before the fire in order to brown the upper side; this done, the cakes will be ready for use. If to be kept, put them away in a tin box in a dry place and when required for table put them in the oven for five minutes… (TORN) A MIXED TELEPHONE The telephone, the wonderful offspring of Edison’s great mind, is an instrument which is now looked upon as indispensable to the world’s good, but it, like a great many other things, will sometimes get out of humor and at in a very crooked manner. Mr. Charles Augustus Fitzmont is an enterprising but bashful young cotton clerk, whose place of business is on Carondelet Street, and he is most warmly attached to a fair maiden who lives in an uptown residence with a telephone in it. Oft the telephone has been used as a medium through which he had breathed words of hear-pounding love in the ears of the one he so fondly worshipped, and never did he know it to fail in the performance of its duty until yesterday, when it caused him to moan – yes, to tremble like an aspen leaf and smite one knee against the other. At the time mentioned Charles had not seen his affinity for over forty- eight hours, and he determined to inform her of whom he was fondly dreaming that he would be up to the house that night and sit out on the front porch with her and sign at the moon. Seeking the telephone while no one was in the office, he said: “Put me on with Mr. B.’s residence.” “All right, go ahead.” “Is Miss Minnie at home?” “Yes” “Tell her to step to the ‘phone, please.” “Is that you, Charlie?” inquired a cooing voice skimming along the wire. “Yes, dearest, it’s your own Charles.” “Oh, Charlie, what made you stay away so long? You must come up tonight because –“ “The baby was born an hour ago.” “Wh- at baby?” “Your own baby.” “My baby!” shrieked the young woman; “why, I’m – I’m surprised that you – you would say such a thing. I – I didn’t expect it – “ “Neither did I; I just heard it a moment ago.” “You don’t believe this – this fearful report? Say – say you don’t. You know I haven’t got a baby. I never did have a baby in my life.” howled the young woman, in a frenzy. “Ha! Ha! Old fellow you feel so proud and happy that you have to indulge in a joke, do you. Allow me to congratulate you. It’s a boy, and weighs twelve pounds. Good-by.” “Miss Bunter – I say, Miss Bunter.” ‘Oh, Charlie, what is the matter?” “Matter enough. I want to know the man’s name who told you that scandalous falsehood. I’ll have his gore before sunrise. I’ll follow him over sixteen different states to kill him. I’ll crush him. I’ll mutilate him. Tell me, was it that squint-eyed Bangs who brought that hellish lie to your ears?” “What lie, Charlie? What do you mean?” “I want to know who told you that – that I had a baby born to me an hour ago that weighed twelve pounds. Who is the villain?” A piercing shriek was the only reply that came over the wire, and them Charles realized for the first time that there was some dreadful mistake, that the telephone had become mixed, and he fainted. – [New Orleans Times] HINTS Discontent is the want of self-reliance. He who can conceal his joy is greater than he who can conceal his griefs. A man’s virtues should be measured, not by his occasional exertions, but by the doings of his ordinary life. Put a man on his honor to pay a debt and a gambler will pay as promptly as anybody else. Much valuable time is saved by promptly treating cold at its first appearance. Nothing takes the place of Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for coughs, colds, irritation of throat, etc. Price 25 cents. Are you wearing out from excessive labor, care, grief, or old age? If so, then no food or medicine can restore your strength you sleep and your spirits like Malt Bitters, made of Unfermented Malt, Hops, Calisays and Iron. Malarial fevers can be prevented, also other miasmatic disease, by occasionally using Dr. Sanford’s Liver Invigorator, the oldest general family medicine, which is recommended as a cure for all diseased caused by a disordered liver. Eighty-page book sent free. Address Dr. Sanford, 162 Broadway, New York. Impure blood – In morbid conditions of the blood are many diseases; such as salt rheum, ringworms, boils, carbuncles, sores, ulcers, had pimples. In this condition of the blood try the Vegetine and cure these affections. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Its effects are wonderful. Get Lyon’s Patent Heel stiffeners applied to those new boots before you run them over. The Voltate Belt Co. Marshall, Mich. will send their Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days trial. See their advertisement in this paper headed, “On 30 Days Trial” If you would do an act of kindness, tell you friend who suffers with piles, that Dr. Tabler has prepared an ointment that will cure that dreadful disease, the common Buckeye being the chief ingredient. Use Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup Sore ears, catarrh. Many people are afflicted with these loathsome diseases but very few ever get well from them. This is owing to improper treatment only as they are readily curable if properly treated. This is no idle boast but a fact I have proven over and over again by my treatment. Send for my little book, free to all, it will tell you all about these matters and who I am. My large book, 375 pages, octave; price $2 by mail, address Dr. C. E. Shoemaker, Aural Surgeon., Reading, Pa. Pure teas – Agents wanted everywhere to sell to families, hotels, and large consumers; largest stock in the country; quality and terms the best. Storekeepers should call or write The Wells Company, 311 Fulton St., N. Y. PO Box 4500. Employment – Local or Traveling State which preferred. Also salary per month. All expenses advanced. Wages promptly paid. Sloan & Co., 306 George St., Cincinnati, O. Buggies for the trade. Territory given. Enterprise Carriage Co., Cincinnati, O., Catalogue Free. THE WIDOW’S MITE A gentleman called upon a rich fried for some charity. “Yes, I must give you my mite,” said the rich man. “Do you mean the ‘widow’s mite?” said the gentleman. “Certainly,” was the answer. “I shall be satisfied with half as much as she gave,” said his friend,” How much are you worth?” “Seventy thousand dollars.” “Give me, then, your check for $35,000. That will be half as much as the widow gave, for she, you know, gave her all.” Nature’s Remedy - VEGETINE, The Great Blood Purifier. Female Weakness. No better remedy in the whole material-medica has yet been compounded for the relief and cure of Female complaints, of the ordinary kind, than Vegetine. It seems to act in these cases with unwonted certainly, and never fails to give a new and healthful tone to the female organs, to remove relaxed debility and unhealthy secretions, and restore a healthful vigor and elasticity. One of the most common of these complaints is hemcorrhecea or Whites, which are brought on either by the presence of scrofula in the system or by some affection of the womb, or even by general debility. For all these complaints, and when danger begins to threaten women at the turn of life, Vegetine can be commended without qualification. The great prevalence of these disorders, and their cure by Vegetine ahs amply shown that the sure alleviating agent remains not yet to be discovered, but is already known, and is a favorite with American ladies. Too long has it been the custom to prescribe nauseating and uncertain remedies in place of what is pleasant, effacious and cheap. Try Vegetine, and do not doubt it s power to carry you safely through danger and disease. A SPLENDID MEDICINE – HEART AND KIDNEY DISEASE, FEMALE WEAKNESS. (too small to read)…Serofula, liver complaint, dyspepsia, rheumatism, weakness. …(too small to read) Vegetine is sold by all druggists. Hostetter’s Celebrated Stomach Bitters meets the requirements of the rational medical philosophy which at present prevails. It is a perfectly pure vegetable remedy, embracing the three important properties of a preventive, a tonic, and an alternative. It fortifies the body against disease, invigorates and re-vitalizes the torpid stomach and liver, and effects a most salutary change in the entire system, when in a morbid condition. For sale by all druggists and dealers generally. Salesmen wanted. We want good men to sell cigars to dealers. $105 a month and expenses. Samples free. Cut this notice out and send it with your application also send a 3cebnts stamp to insure answer. S. Foster & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. WARD’s 6 Fine shirts for $9.00. Printed ---for sell of measurements and price lists free by mail. E. M. & W. WARD, 38 Broadway., New York For $200, our No. 1 Plantation Saw Mill is designed to be run by 8, 10, or 12 horse power Agricultural Engines. With this power from 1,500 to 4,000 Feet of lumber can be cut in a day. A product 25 to 30 percent greater than can be cut wit any reciprocating saw mill with the same power. The mills are complete except saw, wand will be put on the cars in Cincinnati for the low price of $200, and warranted in every particular. Saw Mills of all sixes, engines, boilers, shafting, gearing, &c. Illustrated circulars sent free. Lane & Bodley Co., John and Water Sts. Cincinnati, O Still victorious for years in use. The number tripled every year. It having stood the test of time with unparalleled success. Universally acknowledged --- the best Baling Press extant for either hand or power….complete for power, except wood-work, ….hand-power, except wood-work $46.00. Address Southern Standard Press Co., Meridian, Miss. DIDN’T SEE THE NUMBER Little Allie was a precocious youth, aged six. He was in his sister’s room one day while she was “fixing” her hair, and annoyed her by passing his fingers through the long tresses, which he appeared to be attentively examining. He finally exclaimed, in a disappointed voice, “Sister Lill, I don’t see the numbers.” “Why, Allie, what do you mean?” said the puzzled maiden. “Didn’t papa read in the Bible this morning that the hairs of the head were all numbered?” said this literal-minded youth. A glass bottle so focused the sun’s rays in Alyth, Scotland, as to set fire to a house. Health the Keystone to happiness. Cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. ALLEN”S LUNG Balsam, Sold Everywhere. Literary Revolution. 3 Cents each, formerly $1.00 to $1.25 each; I. Macaulay’s Life of Frederick the Great. II. Carlyle’s Life on Robert Burns. III. Laratine’s Life Of Mary Queen of Scots. IV. Thos. Hughes Manliness of Christ 5 Cts. each, formerly $1.50 each; I. Arnold’s Light of Asia. II. Goldsmith’s Vicar of Wakefield. III. Baron Munchauen’s Travels and Surprising Adventures. For six cents: Bunyan’s Pilgrims’ Progress, Illustrated catalogue sent free. American Book Exchange, John B. Alden, Manager, Tribune Building, New York. Natrona Bi-Carb. Soda – is the best in the World. It is absolutely pure. It is the best for medicinal purposes. It is the best for baking and all family uses. Sold by all druggists and grocers. Penn’a Salt Manuf. Co, Phila. The Bonanza for book Agents is selling our splendidly illustrated book LIFE OF GEN. HANCOCK. by his life-long friend, HON. J. W. FORNEY, an author of nation fame. this work is endorsed by Gen. Hancock, party leaders, and press; is low- priced, immensely popular, and taking like wild-fire everywhere. Outfits 50 cents. Agents are making easily $10 per day. For the best book, best terms, and full particulars, address quick, Hubbard Brothers, Atlanta, Ga. This Claims House Established 1865 – Pensions – New Law. Thousands of Soldiers and heirs entitled. Pensions date back to discharge or death. Time limited. Address with stamp. George E. Lemon, PO Drawer 325, Washington, DC Encyclopaedia of Etiquette and Business. This is the cheapest and only complete and reliable work on Etiquette and Business and Social Forms. It tells how to perform all the various duties of life, and how to appear to the best advantage on all occasions. Agents wanted – Send for circulars containing a full description of the work and extra terms to Agents. Address National Publishing CO., Atlanta, Ga. Celluloid Eye Glasses representing the choicest selected ………amber. The lightest, handsomest, and strongest known. Sold by opticians and jewelers. Made by Spencer G. M. Co. 18 Maiden Lane, New York To consumptives. Loden’s Emulation of Cod Liver Oil and Wild Cherry Bark, the most palatable combination of these renowned remedies extant. An unequalled remedy for consumption, scrofulous, all lung affections, nervous debility, and all wasting diseases. The manner in which the doc liver oil is combined with the wild cherry enables it to be assimilated by the most delicate stomach, insures complete digestion of the oil, tones up the system, relives cough, causes increase of flesh and strength. Endorsed by the most eminent physicians. A well-known specialist in lung affections has used it in over two hundred cases, and says “there is no combination of cod live oil, but have been unable to do so. They will find that they can take this preparation readily and with excellent results. Price, One dollar peer bottle; Six bottles for Five dollars. Circulars and valuable information to all sufferers send on receipt of a description of case. Address all orders to C. G. A. LODER, Manufacturing Chemist, 1539 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Kidney-Wort – The only medicine that acts at the same time on the liver, the bowels, and the kidneys. These great organs are the natural cleaners of the system. If they work well, health will be perfect; if they become clogged, dreadful diseases are sure to follow with terrible suffering, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia, jaundice, constipation and piles, or kidney complaints, gravel, diabetes, sediment in the urine, milky or ropy urine; of rheumatic pains and aches are develop d because the blood is poisoned with the humors that should have been expelled naturally. Kidney-Wort will restore the healthy action and all these destroying evils will be banished; neglect them and you will live by to suffer. Thousands have been cured. Try it and you will add one more to the number. Take it and health will once more gladden your heart. Why suffer longer from the torment of an aching back? Why bear such distress from constipation and piles? Why be so fearful because of disordered urine? Kidney-Wort will cure you. Try a package at once and be satisfied. It is a dry vegetable compound and one package makes six quarts of medicine. Your druggist has it, or will get it for you. Insist upon having it. Price $1.00. Wells, Richardson & Co., Proprietors, Burlington, Vt. (Will send post paid). Agents make money selling our new book Care and Culture of Children. Worth its weight in gold to everyone who has the care of children. Parents once appreciate its value and warmly recommend it. Has better selling qualities than any book now offered to agents. Don’t fail to secure the agency. For particulars address Forshee & Momain, 181 W. Fifth St. Cincinnati, O. $777 a year and expenses to agents. Outfit free. Address P. O. Vickery, Augusta, Maine $66 a week in your own town. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine Females. Dr. Marchini’s Uterine Catholicon will positively cure female weakness, such as falling of the womb, whites, chronic inflammation or ulceration for the womb, incidental hemorrhage or flooding, painful, suppressed and irregular menstruation, & c. An old and reliable remedy. Send postal card for a pamphlet, with treatment, cures and certificates from physicians and patients, to Howart & Ballard, Utica, N. Y. Sold by all druggists - $1.50 per bottle. Moore’s Southern Business University, Atlanta, Ga., The best practical business school in the south. Send for Catalogue Agents wanted. We want a limited number of active, energetic canvassers to engage in a pleasant and profitable business. Good men will find this a rare chance to make money. Such will please answer this advertisement by letter, enclosing stamp for reply, stating what business they have been engaged in. None but those who mean business need apply. Address. Finley Grant & Co., Atlanta, Ga. Saponifier is the old reliable concentrate lye for family soap making. Directions accompanying each can for making hard, soft and toilet soap quickly. It is full weight and strength. The market is flooded with (so- called) concentrated lye, which is adulterated with salt and resin, and won’t make soap. Save money and buy the Saponifier made by the Pennsylvania Salt Manuf’g Co. Philadelphia. Petroleum VASELINE Jelly. Grand Medal Philadelphia at Exposition. Silver Medal at Paris Exposition. This wonderful substance is acknowledged by physicians throughout the world to be the best remedy discovered for the cure of wounds, burns, rheumatism, skin disease, piles, catarrh, ---. In order that every one may try it, it is put up in 15 and 25 cents bottles for household use. Obtain it from your druggists, and you will find it superior to anything you have ever used. Opium, morphine habit speedily cured by Dr. Beck’s only know and sure remedy. No charge for treatment till cured. Call on or address Dr. J. C. Beck, Cincinnati, O. Daniel F. Beatty’s Organs 14-Stops, sub bass & Oct. coupler. Four set. Reeds Only $65 Pianos $125 up. Sent on trial Warranted. Catalogue Free. Address Daniel F. Beatty Washington, N. J. On 30 Days trial. We will send our Electro-Voltaic Belts and other Electric Appliances upon trial for 30 days to those afflicted with nervous debility and diseases of a personal nature. Also of the liver, kidneys, rheumatism, paralysis, &c. A sure cure guaranteed or no pay. Address Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. Estey Organ – the Home and Chapel Organ. J. Estey & Co., Brattleboro, Vt. 70,000 Sold yearly. The growing popularity and usefulness of cabinet or parlor organs is shown by the fact that seventy thousand are sold yearly in the United States. The best are the MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS which have been awarded highest distinction for demonstrated superiority of every one of the great World’s Industrial Exhibitions for thirteen years, without one single exception. New Styles are ready this season with important improvements. For large churches, splendid organs, with great power and variety, at $370, $480, $390 and less prices; For smaller churches, schools, &c., $81 to $200 and upwards. Superb drawing room styles at $200 to $340 and upwards. A great variety of smaller organs of equal excellence, though less capacity, or in plain cases, at $31 to $200 and upwards. Also furnished for monthly or quarterly payments, $5 and upwards. These organs are certainly unrivaled in excellence, while the prices are not much higher than those of very inferior instruments. Before purchasing any organ send for latest illustrated catalogue (52 pp.), containing full descriptions and prices, including new styles, and much useful information for the purchaser of any organ, which will be sent free and post-paid. X’Mas presents free. Send address for particulars. F. Trifet, 27 School Street, Boston, Mass. Do Your Own Printing. Presses and outfits from $3 to $500. Over 2,000 styles of type. Catalogue and reduced price list free. H. Hoover, Philadelphia, Pa. Boneset Bourbon Tonic in an elegant combination of Boneset and other tonics with a pure old Kentucky Whisky, such as connoisseurs approve and invalids must have. A most valuable tonic, a rich, wholesome and delicious stimulant, admirably adapted to such troubles as proceed from Dyspepsia, malaria, etc. Delicate women over-worked clergymen and physicians, worn-out nurses, and the feeble of every age and class will find it a grateful invigorant. Chambers & Brown, Louisville, Ky. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 89.1 Kb