Lamar County AlArchives News.....Vernon Courier December 16, 1887 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Veneta McKinney March 8, 2008, 4:54 pm Microfilm From AL Dept Of Archives And History December 16, 1887 Microfilm Ref Call #371 Microfilm Order #M1992.4966 from The Alabama Department of Archives and History THE VERNON COURIER ALEX A. WALL, Editor and Publisher VERNON, LAMAR CO, ALA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1887 Vol. II, No. 28 PAGE 1 THE COURIER ONE DOLLAR A YEAR AN EDITOR’S LIFE – Poem NOTHING TO DIE FOR THE NEW CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY DOWN ON THE THEATRE – meeting of the South Carolina Methodist Conference PAINTING A TOWN – Minister Graves on a Wild Drink at Marion – Marion, Ala, Dec 10. SELF-MADE WRITTEN BY A WOMAN, SURE – [San Francisco Chronicle] POINTS OF A GOOD COW FARMER’S WAREHOUSE We again offer our Warehouse for the Storage of Cotton for the season of 1887-88 and our facilities are unsurpassed by any other warehouse in this city for handling and storing cotton. Our camping house and stables are large and comfortable, for both man and beast – plenty of good water in yard for stock. We will give to our customers our personal attention, and see that no one goes away dissatisfied. We will have with us this season JOHN MARCHBANKS, of Lamar County at the stable; JAS. L. PETETE, of Pickens will be at the Shed; MART WOODS of Pickens will be the night watchman. Our Mr. FELIX GUNTER will have charge of the Cotton shed. All cotton shipped to us by river or railroad will receive our prompt and personal attention. No charge for drayage. Thanking you for your patronage and past favors. We hope by kind treatment to receive a continuance of same., J. G. SHULL & Co., Columbus, Miss. Sept 9, 1887 City Shaving and Hair Dressing Parlors. TITUS GILMER, Proprietor. The best Hair oil, Bay Run, and Tonic always s on hand. Razors put in order. Hot, cold and shower baths at all hours. Under Gilmer Hotel., Columbus, Miss. G. W. RUSH J. W. CLEARMAN New Cash Store. G. W. RUSH & CO., Vernon Alabama. We take the liberty of enlightening the World and the community particularly with the information that our full stock of dry goods, and groceries, boots, and shoes, hats and caps, hardware, cutlery pocket knives, Queens ware, etc. A superb and well selected lot of notions. Which is offered at bottom prices for cash or produce. Look! Look! The Train is coming. Get ready for a ride but before starting call and let G. C. BURNS sell you a nice bill of groceries at rock bottom figures. West side Court square. MAX NATHAN, for MIRLOR BUSECK Dealer in Wines, liquors, cigars, and tobacco. Capt. ECKFORD’S Old Stand, No. 63, Main Street, Columbus, Miss. Established 1867. Cash Store. A. A. SUMMERS S. F. PENNINGTON SUMMERS & PENNINGTON’S , Special announcement for Fall and Winter. The best selected stock of general merchandise ever brought to Vernon. Now on exhibition fine clothing and dress goods at giving away prices, hosiery and furnishing goods at astonishingly low prices. A fine line of notions in abundance at a great discount. No lady can afford to buy elsewhere before seeing my goods and prices. Bargains in shoes, boots, and hats, never heard of before in Vernon. A full line of medicines, hardware, and goods of general utility. Call and see the attraction for yourself. A full line of groceries constantly in store. W. G. RICHARDS & Son – Dealers in general merchandise and country produce. Fernbank, Alabama. Not in favor of two weeks court, but selling goods low for cash. Headquarters for dry goods, notions, general merchandise, hats, caps, boots, shoes & clothing. Choice family groceries, including the best coffees, crockery, queensware, earthen and wooden ware, and a thousand and one “Nick Nack’s” which can not be enumerated always in stock. A car load of flour just received, which will be sold at a small margin above cost. We mean business, and I will sell any and all of our goods at rock-bottom prices. Columbus prices paid for cotton, hides, chickens, eggs, and all country produce. Please ask for what you want, we like to show our goods. Spring and Summer Goods. F. OGDEN & Son. Cansler, Alabama. Dry goods, boots, and shoes. Dress goods, prints, notions, etc. Also keep constantly on hand, flour, meat, sugar, and coffee all of which will be sold as cheap as the cheapest. A fine line of snuff and tobacco and in fact everything usually kept in a first-class dry goods store. Give us a call and be convinced that we mean what we say. We wish to call especial attention to our wool carder which is now in first-class repair. We have with us Mr. W. T. TROTTER, an experienced hand in carding, and who will take pleasure in giving prompt attention to all wool brought to our carder. F. OGDEN & Son. Cansler, Ala. COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS. Monuments and Headstones of every description furnished to order with the best of stock. I invite orders for anything in my line from all parts of the country. Don’t be deceived before calling at my yard, for seeing is satisfaction. Everything warranted. LIST OF PRICES OF PLAIN HEADSTONES LENGTH WIDTH THICKNESS 3 ft. 0 in. x 1 ft 0 in x 2 in $12 3 ft 6 in. x 1 ft 2 in x 2 in $15 4 ft. 0 in. x 1 ft. 4 in x 2 in $20 5 ft 0 in. x 1 ft 6 in x 2 in $25 All work done on short notice. Material and work warranted the best. Correspondence solicited. W. H. NEWLON, Columbus, Miss. Miss TILLIE H. BAILEY, Columbus, Mississippi Fashionable Millinery. Hats and bonnets trimmed to order. Hats, bonnets, plumes, ribbons, feathers, and flowers of latest styles always on hand. No shop worn-goods sold. I have also a large stock of Hair goods for sale cheap. Also Sole Agent for Mme. Williamson’s Corsets. Everybody invited to call and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere. Place of business-dwelling between Morgan, Robertson, & Co. and Dowing Boarding House on Market Street. PAGE 2 THE VERNON COURIER Published Every Friday Vernon, Alabama AROUND THE HEARTH – Poem THE FORTUNES 0F WAR – A Romantic Tale of Life in Goats Hollow THE ROME OF TODAY AMERICA’S NEW ERA – The Grand Spirit of Nationality Developed by the Democratic Party A BRAND NEW SOUTH – Wonderful Developments of the Former Slave-Holding States IN A TIGHT PLACE – The Uncomfortable Dilemma in which the G. O. P. Finds Itself THE IOWA EVICTIONS PUBLIC OPINION PAGE 3 ---- MATERIALS CARE OF THE FEET SOME STRANGE CONFESSIONS NEW ANAESTHETIC Small advertisements PAGE 4 THE COURIER Published every Friday LOCALS Dr. MARLER left last Saturday for his home in Florida Mr. HENRY, a pioneer citizen of Fayette County was in town Tuesday. The church was crowded to its full capacity Tuesday night. Mr. M. A. COBB, the popular merchant at Sulligent has our thanks for a beautiful pipe. The closing of the concert Tuesday night brought tears to the eye of a majority of the school. Capt. G. W. BETTS and his most excellent wife attended the concert here last Tuesday night. The Vernon High School we hear will give an entertainment at the College on the night of the 23rd inst. The boarding place of our worthy congressman, JOHN H. BANKHEAD, is the Metropolitan Hotel, Washington. Mr. MAT SMITH was married to Miss LOVICE SHELTON, at her mother’s residence, by Esq. LOFTIS, on November 24. The Misses JERNYGAN, and Mrs. MITTIE DUNCAN, came over last Tuesday evening and attended the concert at night. We don’t know the number of letters the Governor has received from Lamar’s prominent citizens within the past fort-night. Mr. JAMES LOCKHART died at his home near Buttahatchie, Miss on the 10th inst. He was the father-in-law of JAS. SPRINGFIELD, Esq. The Enquirer, published at Hartselle, Morgan County, Ala. has nineteen candidates announced, and says: Its columns are still yearning for more. Squire WALTER NESMITH and “ye local” made a flying trip to Detroit last Monday. This town can boast of as social and intelligent citizens as the county contains. R. E. BRADLEY, C. C., informs us that the cars on the K. C. railroad have recently killed near thirty-five dollars worth of hogs for him. The Company should pay for them, and no doubt will. We hear that on last Saturday night near Pikeville, Marion county two men were shot dead and one seriously shot, a Mr. BOB TERRELL, and one man hung. TOM BANISTER was one of the men shot. It seems these men were directing revenue officers to a still when they were fired on from the bush with the above result. It is the duty of Post Masters to deliver newspapers as much so as a letter with a two cent stamp upon it. A subscriber complains to us occasionally saying he does not get his paper. We do know the paper leaves this office in good shape and should reach each named addressed to, and the Post M. would do their duty. Last Saturday two amiable, intelligent and admirable young ladies, Misses BEE JOYNER and LONIE ARCHER, chaperoned by the accomplished Mrs. HATTIE SHIELDS, gave us a most pleasant pop call. The ladies expressed themselves as highly delighted with the workings of the Art Preservative, which we are always happy to explain, to the ladies. Call again ladies, you will always meet a cordial welcome in our office. Ad for Webster’s Dictionary BIT BY A MAD-DOG – Chattanooga, Dec. 3 NOTICE All parties indebted to A. COBB & Son either by Note or Account will please come and make settlement, as I must have the money. Respectfully, R. W. COBB NOTICE All parties indebted to my husband, ALEXANDER COBB, deceased, by Note or account, are requested without further notice to call on my son, W. A. COBB, and make payment, who is authorized by me to collect and receipt for same. MRS. P. M. COBB NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Huntsville, Alabama, Nov. 21, 1887. Notice is here by given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge, or in his absence the Clerk Circuit Court of Lamar County, Alabama at Vernon on January 21, 1888. Viz: Homestead No. 7117, SAMUEL H. HANKINS, for the SW ¼ SW ¼ Sec 27 and NW ¼ Sec 34 T 14 R 14 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: JOHN E. GRAVES, ELISHA ROBERTSON, JOSEPH H. COLLINS, JOHN ROBERTSON, all of Vernon, PO Ala. Frank Coleman, Register SHERIFF’S SALE By virtue of Fieri Facias issued out of the Clerk’s office of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, and State of Alabama, in favor of W. Y. ISBELL, Defendant, and JOHN T. MILLER, Claimant for the sum of $36.80, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained against Z. R. GUIN out of the goods, chattels, lands, and tenements of the said Z. R. GUIN. I have levied on the following real estate, to-wit: NE ½ of SE ½ Sec 5 T 13 R 14, ten acres of the west side, west lying and being in this county and state. Therefore, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, for cash all the right, title and interest of the above-named Z. R. GUIN in and to the above described property on the second day of January 1888, it being the first Monday in said month, during the legal hours of sale, at the Court House door in the town of Vernon in Lamar County and state of Alabama. Dated at Vernon, this 16th day of November, 1887. S. F. PENNINGTON, Sheriff NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Land Office at Huntsville, Ala, November 4, 1887 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of this intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Probate Judge of Lamar County, Ala, at Vernon, Ala on Dec 28th, 1887, viz: Homestead No. 11492 MATTHEW T. DAVIS, for the NW ¼ Sec 32 T 14 R 16W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: JOSEPH SLOAN, J. C. LOGGAINS, WILLIAM SMITH, and SAMUEL SLOAN, all of Vernon PO, Ala. FRANK COLEMAN, Register BUENA VISTA NORMAL COLLEGE – Buena Vista, Mississippi – Some Advantages – Short-hand, type-writing, telegraphy, music, art, elocution, and a fine library. Remarks: Expenses per month, for board and tuition $10.00. Thirteen courses of study and nine teachers. Six states represented, besides twenty-two counties in Miss. Enrollment is 271. Ladies board with one of the Principals, gentlemen, with W. J. Parker. Next session opens August 30th, 1887. For a new catalogue, Address: J. S. DICKEY, A. B. Buena Vista, Miss. Chickasaw County. Mention this paper. VERNON HIGH SCHOOL – Vernon Alabama An English classical and mathematical Academy for the education of both sexes. Instrumental and vocal music a specialty. W. K. BORWN, L. I. Principal. B. H. WILKERSON, Assistant Teacher. Mrs. S. J. SHIELDS, Music Teacher. The scholastic year is divided into two sessions – the Fall and the Spring. The falls session opens Monday October 3rd, 1887. A systematic Course of Study has been arranged, and students on entering will be examined and classed with reference to what they know, afterwards thoroughness alone will secure promotion to higher studies in the course. Much attention will be given to the government and discipline of the school and this as well as the methods of instruction will be in every way up with the times. MUSIC. This important department will be ably presided over by Mrs. S. J. SHIELDS, who is a teacher possessing every ability natural and acquired, and of successful experience. Those who place their daughters here may safely expect their advancement to be commensurate with that of those in the best schools of the county. Thorough Base will be taught free of charge. Mrs. Shields will also instruct the entire school will be drilled daily in Penmanship, Dictation, Vocal music, and Calisthenics. This school offers great inducements to those who wish to secure a thorough and practical education. No place can offer better advantages for establish and maintaining a good permanent school than Vernon. The refinement and culture of the society and the healthfulness of the locality makes this a place well suited for educating the young. Expenses are as low as any first class school can offer. TUITION Primary Per month $1.50 Intermediate Per month 2.00 Common School Studies 2.50 Languages 3.00 Higher mathematics sciences &c 3.50 Music 3.00 Contingent Fee Per Term .50 Board $7.00 per moth. For further particulars, address the Principal at Vernon, Ala. FERN BANK HIGH SCHOOL – The Premium School of Lamar. Enrollment last session 112. The 6th Session will open October 24, 1887, and continue 9 scholastic months. J. R. GUIN, Principal. Miss JALA GUIN, 1st Assistant. This school is in a very prosperous condition. The Faculty is able and fully up with the latest and best methods of instruction. the school is carefully graded and no pupil is permitted to advance until thoroughly prepared. Special inducements given to boarding pupils. Every effort will be made to improve those entrusted to our care, both morally and intellectually. The resent faculty having been elected unanimously for three years feel somewhat flattered; and feel safe in guaranteeing perfect satisfaction to all. We especially invite young men and young ladies who intend teaching to give us a trial. We know of no town offering better inducements to educate the young than Fern bank. The people are social and refined. The locality is remarkably healthy. The school room has been enlarged and is well fitted up in way of charts, maps, globes, etc. Expenses are lower than any other first class school can offer. Tuition: Primary per month $1.25 Intermediate per month $1.50 Common School $2.00 High school $2.50 Incidental fee per quarter 20c. Board $7.00 per month. Two lessons in Vocal Music per day free to the entire school. For full particulars address the Principal at Fern Bank, Alabama. BILL HAMILTON with S. BAUMGARTEN dealer in staple and fancy dry-goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps, etc. Aberdeen, Mississippi. Highest market price paid for cotton. IMPORTANT NOTICE Owing to the continued ill health of our Mr. TOPP, it becomes necessary for him to retire from the present business, and in order for the speedy closing of the same, we will from this date sell all desirable goods at Greatly Reduced prices, and all unseasonable goods at a sacrifice. This notice closes all old accounts and prohibits the opening of new ones. Country merchants and others desiring clothing, hats, shirts, underwear, &c., &c will do well to see our stock before buying elsewhere. Remember this means Cash on the Counter. BUTLER & TOPP Columbus, Miss. November 1, 1887. HUGH PENNINGTON’S Livery and Feed Stable. Centrally located within 50 yards of the Court House. Vernon, Ala. My Price for feeding and taking care of horses shall be as cheap as the cheapest. The public generally is invited to five me a call. Respectfully, HUGH PENNINGTON. DR. R. L. BRADLEY, Dental Surgeon. Vernon, Alabama. Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent counties. All work neatly executed, and satisfaction guaranteed; but in no case will responsibility for breaks, warps or shrinkage be assured. Positively no work done on time, unless a satisfactory note be given. Grateful for the liberal patronage extended heretofore. Hope to merit a continuance of the same. Clothing! Clothing! At A. COBB & Son Dealer in General Merchandise. Ladies best fitting (picture of a corset) always in store, and at prices to suit the ladies. Our summer stock is complete – consisting of ladies fine dress goods, ladies shoes, men’s shoes, boots, hats, etc. Our stock of clothing of the best quality, which we are offering at a small margin above cost. We are selling cheap. We mean what we say. Don’t fail to call when you are in town. We have a lot of Iron Foot plows which we will sell very low (picture of iron foot plow). Very Respectfully. A. COBB & Son Ho! (picture of canteen) Every one that Thirst food and lodging for man, and provender for horses can be had to live and let live prices at the WIMBERLEY House, Vernon, Ala. L. M. WIMBERLY, Proprietor Gilmer Hotel. Columbus, Miss. This establishment has changed hands and will be thoroughly overhauled and refurnished and first-class accommodations guaranteed and charges will be moderate. A. W. KING, Proprietor ABRAM I. HUMPHRIES. Attorney at Law. Columbus, Miss. Special attention to collection of claims SAM’L M. MEEK, WM. C. MEEK - S. M. & W. C. MEEK, Attorneys and Counselors at law. Office on Military Street, (Opposite Court House), Columbus, Miss. Will practice in the Courts of Lamar County, Alabama J. D. MCCLUSKEY – Attorney-at-law and Solicitor in Chancery Vernon, Ala. will practice in the Circuit Courts of Lamar, Marion, Fayette, and Walker. The Federal Court and Supreme Court of Ala. Special attention given to collection of claims. NESMITH & SANFORD, Attorneys-at-law will practice in all the Courts of Lamar, Fayette, and adjoining counties. THOS. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. J. B. SANFORD, Fayette, C. H., Ala. S. J. SHIELDS – Attorney-at-law and Solicitor in Chancery. Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the Courts of Lamar and the counties of the District. Special attention given to collection of claims. VERNON CIRCUIT, FAYETTE C. H. DISTRICT, M. E. CHURCH SOUTH APPOINTMENTS Vernon, 4th Sunday 11 am and 7 ½ pm. Springfield Chap. 11 am, 1st Sunday, Moscow 3 ½ pm 1st Sunday. Lebanon 11 am 2nd Sunday. Newman Chap. 3 ½ pm 2nd Sunday. New Hope 11 am 3rd Sunday. Mt. Nebo 3 pm G. L. HEWITT, Pastor District Conference will embrace the 5th Sunday in July. M. B. PITTS Aberdeen, Mississippi Cheapest grocery house in the city. Staple and Fancy groceries. Bargains for cash every day. J. R. BANKHEAD, of Cansler, Lamar County, is with this firm, and respectfully requests his friends to visit him when in the city. He will sell goods very low. C. S. W. PRICE JAS. A. HUDSON PRICE & HUDSON Corner Main and Market Streets (Blair’s Corner – 69 Main. 76 Market) Columbus, Mississippi. Shoes, boots, hats, rubbers, umbrellas, shoe findings & c. Our Specialties – Zeigler’s Hand-sewed and custom shoes, Boyden’s Hand-sewed and custom shoes, Fanst’s Hand-sewed and custom shoes. New firm, new goods, and satisfactory prices. Location convenient. Business solicited. Equity and promptness assured. Come to see us. Ad for Webster’s Dictionary Winchester Repeating Arms Co. (picture of a rifle) File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 21.2 Kb