Letter from William C. Montgomery, September 21, 1838, Lowndes, Alabama http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/lowndes/history/letters/wdmontg3.txt ================================================================================ USGENWEB NOTICE: All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed and copyrighted by: Beth Collins ================================================================================ July 1999 Letter from William C. Montgomery, September 21, 1838 to Georgia Allabama louns county suptember the 21 day 1838 Dear mother i have taken my pen to try to writ a few lines (smudged) in (UREADABLE WORD) that we ar all in comon helth at present thank the lord fore his merces to us all and i hop these lins will find you all in Joying the blesing of helth and i wish to in form you that i reed brother Samuels letter dated these of august in 20 days after date and he in formed me that you did grat be desire me to come and se you and he in formed me that you told him that you had two hundred dollars that you wanted to give to me and i humble thank you for the kind offer i wald recev it thankful at youre hand as a gift of charrity to a pore (SMUDGED) aflaked sole but i do not se any chans for me to come at present if i could com i would be glad to se you and all my frends but i am not able to come at this time fore i have no horse but wone mare and she has young colt and i can not com with out i can git a nother horse and i ant able to by but i will try and if i can git on if the lord is willying i live i ___ will try to come in a bout november and if ia am not thare in november it will be out of my ____ to come atole so if i cant come then you need not luck for me any longer and if i never git to se you i hope the lord will bless you with better and more lasting comforts than i culd be to you if i was thare and i will in form you that i recd a ltter the last male frome Jon Pirkins all was well and well sattesfied and resurs me and all thare consetion(?) to com to that cuntry for it was the best land thet iver had sed but for my one part i thank i can do us well whare i am for i am vary on able to trvel bout much and to cussel (?) with the hardships of this worlds but nedsesity derives me often thre more i am well able to have and all our relations living in this neberhod is well but thare is a goo deal of sikness in sum parts os this cuntry at this time corn crops is ginerly vary good as i iver seed in this sextion of the cunty but our cotton crops is out of milk a drout we have not had rane enugh to make as son sine Juley and cantieus dry yet no more at present but wish to give my best respets to you all and excuse my bad writing for i have got to trimbling so bad with the palsey i do not expect to write much longer so you cud understand it William C Montgomery