Lowndes County AlArchives History - Letters .....Letters by Samuel E. Winnemore ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kathleen Groll http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00024.html#0005944 April 1999 Samuel E. Winnemore, MD., was born July 7, 1838 in Pennsylvania and died March 7, 1906. He married Mary A. J. Kelly on July 23, 1861. She was born May 6, 1844, died 1892. Through the 1880 US Census, they had no children. Both are buried in the Benton Baptist Church Cemetery, Benton, Lowndes County, AL. Robert Jackson Staggers was born Nov. 10, 1866, died July 10, 1928. He married Sallie Kendall Ernest, born April 3, 1867, died April 8, 1909. One of their sons, James Winnemore Staggers, born June 27, 1899, was obviously named for Samuel E. Winnemore. S. E. Winnemore, M.D. Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, Oils, Stains, and Drug Sundries Benton, Ala., November 23, 1902 Mr. R. J. Staggers Dear Friend: As I have appointed you my Administrator, you requested me to write down some points in regard to my business and especially how I came into possession of my wife's Father's property after her death. First I will inform you of what that property consists - viz. The Hotel and Lots in Benton, owned by Mr. Y. W. Kelly at his demise also 165 acres in Dallas Co., Ala. He died before his wife without a will. --some time after his death a note on which he was security was presented to his Estate. A Mr. W. Y. Ives, a former merchant here was principal Cadon Hill, a son of Mrs. Anna Kelly by a former marriage came to me and my wife, and stated if Mr. Ives would send on the money for that note it would be a good time to let the Town property be sold at Sheriff's sale at Hayneville and have Mrs. Kelly to buy it in and so give time to pay other debts, if any, against Mr. J. W. Kelly's Estate - My wife and I agreed provided it was for that purpose alone . After Mrs. Anna T. Kelly's death, you may judge of our great surprise to find a Will made by Mrs. A. T. Kelly on a sick bed and a short time before Mr. Hill and family left for Texas. I could not permit my wife to be cheated out of her ------ from Canon Hill had no right or interest in Mrs. Jms. W. Kelly's estate. When Mr. Kelly and the widow Hill ---- she had a slave named Jack which Mr. Kelly paid J.C. Hill on reaching his majority. I have got the Bill of Sale for Jack among my papers. I filed a bill in Chancery through Judge Stone and setting forth the facts easily gained my suit and brought the Estate back to Jas. W. Kelley by setting aside Mrs. A. T. Kelley's Will, Judge Stone said the Hill family were foreign heirs. Now Jack, if any of the Hill Family are not satisfied with the bequests I have left them, (much more than they would have rec'd under the Will of Mrs. A. T. Kelley) and attempt to set aside my Will, I desire you to defend my Will and I revoke the bequests left them. I hardly think they will give you any trouble. Now besides my wife's property, I own three Store Houses in Benton, one the present Drug Store I am occupying and bought from Odd Fellows at Montgomery -. I also built a nice bedroom in rear of Drug Store. A lot I bought from C. F. Lane formerly known as his Carriage Shop, I built a Store House on the Lot. I own a vacant Lot in Montgomery, situated on Lawrence Strs. adjoining the Ladies Infirmary on one side Mrs. Brown on the other, nearly opposite Dr. Hill's Hospital. I hold some nine or ten thousand Ala Bonds Class A, Eleven hundred of Montgomery Paving Bonds. These Bonds are now placed at Holt & Strauss Safety Deposit in No. 8. Money in Gold, greenbacks and silver, some $1,700 in Montgomery and some here. Will find out before long. Have $915. in Fourth National Bank, Montgomery, also some $800 or $900 in Mercantile Planters National Bank. April 28, 1903 Now Jack, besides my wife's Real Estate, I own in my own right Three Houses and Lots in Benton, one Lot in Montgomery on Lawrence Strs. adjoining the Ladies Infirmary and nearly opposite Dr. Hill's Hospital, about nine or ten thousand in Ala., registered and coupon Bonds, also Montgomery Paving Bonds, Eleven hundred dollars in Fourth National Bank, Montgomery. Nine hundred and Fifteen dollars, the Merchants Planters and Farley National Bank. Eight dollars, I draw interest on the Fourth National Bank amount. The other Bank I check, and add to from time to time. In my Safe ---- and with Holt Strauss Deposit Comp., Box #8, I may have One Thousand or Twelve hundred in paper and specie. I forgot to mention three Negro Cabins in Benton which I rent out. Leasing out my Real Estate I have now in Bonds, Specie and paper money Twelve Thousand dollars, perhaps not so much. The Real Estate including Drugs, about six thousand dollars. In regard to Drugs, have everything put in clean condition, shelves dusted off, then call in an Expert Druggist. I would suggest E. A. Galt of Selma, or any other good man. I desire you to act as though the stock was yours, do the best, not alone with stock of drugs, but everything I leave in your care. I feel you will do the best for all the legatees. Jack, I was going to appoint you Executor without Bond, but my legal adviser Mr. J. Finley of Montgomery advised otherwise. You can very easily get some Bond or Trust Company to go on your Bonds. April 20, 1903 Jack, it is my desire that you settle up the Estate as soon as possible. I owe no debts of any amount. All my Drugs are paid for. The only medicine I have on consignment is "Oxidine", and I intend to close it up as soon as possible. You will find on my Books where I made a settlement for amt. sold. I may owe some local debts. I generally keep them paid up. I may owe a months board. I began to board on the 13th of the month and pay promptly by the month. Jack, I note I have mentioned on pages 4 and 6, my bonds twice, that is owning to different dating. I commenced this letter Nov. 23/02 and on April 20, 03 added more. I forgot to mention you will find in the drawer of Safe, a certificate of Tuscaloosa Coal Iron and Land Co for three (3) shares of Stock now valued at $10.00 per share. When first bought I paid $100 per share. W. J. Hill and myself bought $500 together. I got three shares and Hill two. When they reduced my shares to ten dollars a share, I will owe W. J. Hill's Estate for a half a share which will be Two 50/100 dollars present value of the stock. You may remember I told you though it was non accessible, could not freeze out that way. They got a bill through the Legislature reducing the stock from $100 a share to $10 per share. Jack, I will close for the present, may have something else to send you. If not, will say good-bye and may we both meet in heaven. Your friend, S. E. Winnemore June 6, 1903 R. J. Staggers, Friend Jack The most important matter as regards myself, seems have left to near the last, and that is I desire to be embalmed, whether I die suddenly or linger. As I have often told you, have a great horror of being buried alive, and for fear it may escape your memory, I draw your attention to it. Yours truly, July 29, 1905 S. E. Winnemore March 10, 1904 Friend Jack Staggers If I fail to write you again, I would state to find out the amount of Ala. State Bonds I may have, please visit the Treasurer of Ala. at State Capitol and there learn the true Amt. and take a written copy. There the Montgomery City Treasurer to find the City Bonds. Do not fail to have me embalmed, if I should die suddenly or m.. Think many are buried alive, though thought to be dead. I desire to be ... and sure I am dead ere entombed. That does not cost much, and I am satisfied, and you have done your duty. I am in serious in earnest in this matter. Jack, while I am on the subject of dying, have Manly Hill of Springville and Bolle Hill, same place, notified of my death, also my niece Agnes J. Alleman of Hanover Pa. By the way, I may have some unregistered bonds which you will find among my effects, probably at Holt & Strauss in their safety box #2. Yours ... Samuel E. Winnemore File located at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/lowndes/history/letters/winnemore.txt