Madison County AlArchives Biographies.....Duncan, William T. 1844 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 20, 2011, 8:13 pm Source: See below Author: Smith & De Land, publishers WILLIAM T. DUNCAN, Merchant, Huntsville, a native of Buckingham County, Va., was born January 31, 1844. His parents Geo. M. B. and Mary Jane (Gills) Duncan, were natives of Tennessee and Virginia, respectively. He was graduated from the Virginia Military Institute in 1864, and was at once appointed to the Engineering Department of the Confederate Government with the rank of captain. He was connected with the service until the close of the war, and surrendered with Gen. Joe Johnston at Greenboro, N. C. Returning home he taught school one year, and in 1867 embarked in mercantile business. In January, 1871, he came to Huntsville, in a clerical capacity, and in 1876 formed a partnership with Mr. E. S. Johnston. In addition to his general merchandise business, he is prominently identified with the Huntsville Compress Company and with other important industries. He was married in February, 1869, to Miss Louisa Johnson, the accomplished daughter of Alex. Johnson, Esq., of Virginia, and has had born to him six children, three only of whom are living. The family are members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Duncan is a Knight of Honor. The senior Mr. Duncan, a planter by occupation, and teacher by profession, was a graduate of Nashville University, and died in Virginia in 1885, at the age of 69 years. His father, William Duncan, was a native of Virginia, and migrated in an early day to Tennessee. The Duncans came originally from Scotland, and the Gill family came to this country from England. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Northern Alabama: Historical and Biographical Birmingham, Ala.: Smith and De Land 1888 PART IV. MONOGRAPHS OF THE PRINCIPAL CITIES AND TOWNS IN NORTHERN AND CENTRAL ALABAMA, TOGETHER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF MANY OF THEIR REPRESENTATIVE PEOPLE. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb