Madison County AlArchives Wills.....Dickey, George August 14, 1817 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joseph H. Howard May 7, 2007, 11:28 am Source: Dar Library, Vertical File Written: August 14, 1817 George Dickey (1742-1817) – Mary Polly (Scott) Dickey (1746-after1826) Will of George Dickey, Alabama Territory, Madison Territory (Vertical File, Library of the DAR, Washington, DC) George Dickey ALABAMA TERRITORY 1817 MADISON COUNTY In the name of God, Amen. I George Dickey, [etc., the usual kind of preamble]. 1. I bequeath to my wife Polly my sorrel mare, saddle, bridle, brindled cow and calf and brindled steer, two bedsteads with beds and furniture, chest, wheel, and cards together with shelf furniture and kitchen ware, excepting one large pot. I will my horse, saddle, balance of cattle, sheep, hogs, waggon, gearing, farming tools, together with balance of household furniture to be sold at public auction also one grindstone, the money arising from this sale together with my other money, after my lawful debts are paid to be divided in the following manner, that is to say: it is my pleasure my children, that is - 2. Rebecca, Ephrim, Martha, Jean, Molly, Eleanor, Nancy, Sarah have an equal part of money. 3. My son, John, however to have one dollar and my suit of clothing. 4. To my son George all that tract or quarter section of land on which I now live reserving the present crop and future rents etc. for disposal of my wife Polly. 5. I also appoint my son George, my nephew John Dickey as executors also my wife Polly as executrix. Signed: Fourth (4) day of August, Eighteen hundred and seventeen George Dickey (seal) Witnesses: James Dongan [i.e., Dongan], David Dickey, John Allyson. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb