Madison County AlArchives Wills.....Lumpkin, Robert February 14, 1866 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Caroline Mohr September 6, 2011, 3:08 pm Source: Recorded In Probate Court, Madison County, Alabama, Will Book 1, Page 459 Written: February 14, 1866 Recorded: July 31, 1871 In the name of God, Amen, I Robert Lumpkin, of the City of Richmond, in the state of Virginia, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this, my last will and testament. Item 1st, I give and bequeath to Mary F Lumpkin, who resides with me, my real estate in the City of Richmond, consisting of a lot of land lying on the east side of Brick Alley in said City, fronting on said alley and running back to Shockoe Creek; also my lot on the west side of said alley, sometimes called 15 Street, fronting ninety feet and running back to a ten foot alley and also two other lots numbers fifty-eight (58) and fifty-nine 59 taken from a part of two lots that fronted on Union Street (now 16th Street) lying in rear of my old ____, and each fronting twenty-two feet on said 16th Street, and running back from said 16th Street across the creek to my brick wall that was. I also give and devise to the said Mary F Lumpkin all and any other real estate in the city of Richmond, or elsewhere which I now poses [sic], or which I may here after acquire. Item 2nd I give and devise to the said Mary F Lumpkin my house on South 11th Street, in the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, with all its appurtenances. Item 3d I bequeath to the said Mary F Lumpkin a bond due me from Thurston Lumpkin of Huntsville, Alabama, for fourteen thousand, one hundred and five dollars, dated on the 19th of February, 1856, and I give her, also, the house and lot in the City of Huntsville, conveyed by William Echols and Mary, his wife, by deed dated the 16th day of June 1863 and duly registered in the office of the probate judge of Madison County, Alabama, on which said lot the said Thurston Lumpkin now resides. My will is however, that the said Thurston Lumpkin shall continue to hold and enjoy the said house and lot during his life, and if before his decease he pays the aforesaid sum of fourteen thousand, one hundred and five dollars and interest thereon, the said house and lot shall thereupon be conveyed to him in full or if the said sum be paid by his personal representatives within a reasonable time after his decease, the said house and lot shall be thereupon conveyed to his devisees or right heirs at law, but if the said bond shall not be paid by the said Thurston Lumpkin during his life, or by his said personal representatives within a reasonable time after his death, then and in that event, the said Mary F Lumpkin, if she be then living, shall have and poses [sic] the said house and lot. And I hereby authorize and empower the said Mary F Lumpkin, at anytime during her life and while she remains unmarried, if she should think proper to remove from the City of Richmond (or for any other cause to do so) to sell and convey the said real estate (except that in the town of Huntsville) but in that event the proceeds of sale shall be invested in other real estate to be held subject to the provisions and conditions of this will. Item 4th I give and bequeath to the said Mary F Lumpkin fifteen shares of stock in the Traders Bank of Richmond, Va; also, one share of Richmond and Danville Rail Road stock held by me, all my household and kitchen furniture; all money on hand at the time of my death all debts due me by, bond or otherwise. And all other property of every kind, real person, or mined; wheresoever the same may be situated. Item 5th It is my further will and desire that in case the said Mary F Lumpkin, marry, the above devises shall be wholly void and of no effect. And in that event I give and devise all of the above described property, real and personal, to her children, Martha Dabney K who was Martha Dabney Lumpkin, Annie E Lumpkin, Robert Lumpkin, Richard C Lumpkin, John L Lumpkin and any other child she may hereafter have by me. And furthermore it is my will and desire that if the said Mary F Lumpkin die in my lifetime, then I give devise and bequeath all of the said property, real and personal, herein before given to her to the above named children, and such as she may hereafter have by me, to be divided equally between them, the shares of the female children to be held in trust for their separate use, so that the same shall not be liable for the contracts, debts or engagements of any husbands they may then have or thereafter take. Item 6th I constitute and appoint the said Mary F Lumpkin my sole executrix of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all previous wills made by me, and will and direct that no security shall be required of her as such executrix. In testimony whereof, I the said Robert Lumpkin have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this, the 14th day of February 1866. Robert Lumpkin (seal) Signed sealed and published by the testator Robert Lumpkin as and for his last will and testament in his presence and at his request, and in the presence of each other as subscribing and attesting witneses [sic] to said will. Edward Y Cannon I S Robertson Mordecai Levy City of Richmond to wit: At a Court of Hustings held for the said City at the Courthouse on the 6th day of November 1866, This last will and testament of Robert Lumpkin, late of the City deceased, was this day proved by the oaths of Edward Y Cannon, and J S Robertson, two of the subscribing witneses thereto, and was thereupon ordered to be recorded, And on the motion of Mary F Lumpkin, the only executrix named in the said will, who make oath as the law directs and entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of forth thousand dollars, conditioned according law, (but without security, the will directing that none shall be required of her, and which bond is ordered to be recorded) certificate is granted the said Mary F Lumpkin for obtaining a probat of the said will in due form. Also attached is a sheet with the following: STATE OF VIRGINIA City of Richmond to wit: I Benj. H. Berry, Clerk of the Chancery Court of the said City, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true transcript from the records of the said Court. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and annexed the Seal of the said Court, this 31st day of July 1871. Signed Benj. H. Berry, Clk. STATE OF VIRGINIA City of Richmond to wit: I EDWARD H. FITZHUGH, Judge of the Chancery Court of the said City, do hereby certify that Benj. H. Berry, whose name is signed to the foregoing Certificate, is, and was at the time of signing the same, Clerk of the said Court, duly qualified; that his attestation is in due form of law, and that all his official acts are entitled to full faith and credit. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND, this 31st day of July 1871. Signed Edw. H. Fitzhugh STATE OF VIRGINIA City of Richmond to wit: I Benj. H. Berry, Clerk of the Chancery Court of the said City, do hereby certify that EDWARD H. FITZHUGH, whose name is signed to the foregoing certificate, is, and was at the time of signing the same, Judge of the said Court, duly qualified; and that his signature is genuine. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND, this 31st day of July 1871. Signed Benj. H. Berry, Clk. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 7.7 Kb