Monroe-Wilcox-Conecuh County AlArchives News.....Patrick Millinery Shop in Monroeville,Alabama 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Lambert September 10, 2005, 1:39 pm The Monroe Journal 1924 Call at the Patrick Millinery Parlor in their home and see the refreshing new novetlies in shades and shapes decreed by fashion.Those who buy with a regard for style are assured of finding in our parlor what is considered the smartest and the most correct and the most favored. For Spring 1924 We invite you to visit our Show room and see our attractive pattern hats in the latest styles and materials.We are receiving each week throughout the season.See our shipment Friday & Saturday.A nice line of novelties. Notice of Mortage Foreclosure Whereas,Fannie Patrick & Annie Patrick did in the 17th day of February,1920,execute & deliver to Alvin B. Coxwell, a certain mortage on property described therein,in Monroeville,Monroe Co.Alabama Book 90__Page 267 to Monroe Co. Bank. Default has been made in payment of money secured by said Mortages & notice is given that the Monroe Co. Bank on Monday November 10,1924 in front of the Courthouse in Monroeville,Al. will sell at Public Auction to the higest bidder for cost their property "Hat Shop along Mt. Pleasant Rd". File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb