Various Parmer Family Bible Records, Montgomery, Alabama ================================================================================ USGENWEB NOTICE: All documents placed in the USGenWeb Archives remain the property of the contributors, who retain publication rights in accordance with US Copyright Laws and Regulations. In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, these documents may be used by anyone for their personal research. They may be used by non-commercial entities so long as all notices and submitter information is included. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit. Any other use, including copying files to other sites, requires permission from the contributors PRIOR to uploading to the other sites. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed and copyrighted by: Rae Venable Calvert ===================================================================== September 2002 FRAGMENTS OF TWO OLD BIBLES [Several years ago, Mrs. Persia Cochran of Selma, Alabama, had the surviving parts of two old Bibles. Her ancestor was Mary Lee Harrison Cochran whose parents were Susannah Murrell and Jackson Harrison. The transcription was sent to Vera Liedka, a Parmer descendant, who then sent it to Rae Venable Calvert. Information in brackets added]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [On the first page of what seems to be parts of two Bibles, both are very worn and old looking, there is no binding and parts of both are missing:] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ann House, my book, my Holy Bible, bought in Hayneville, Lowndes County, 17 September 1836. Rebecca Parmer was born in the year of our Lord A.D. 1807, January 9th [daughter of Mary Moseley and Josiah Palmer (1787-1869)]. E[noch] T. Singleton was born 8th day of October 1838 [He married Parthenia or Polly Palmer, sister of Josiah]. Coleman Parmer departed this life Oct. 15, 1864, age 79 years, one month and 11 days [died in Virginia; brother of Josiah Palmer]. ELIZA TANKERSLEY. [Written in large script on this same page but no dates or other identification; Eliza Tankersley (1805-1864) was Josiah Palmer's second wife]. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Another page, not numbered:] Eliza Tankersley was born 5th Feb. 1805 [daughter of John Roy and Mary Ann Tankersley]. William Parmer was born on the 10th day in February the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and twenty seven [son of Josiah Palmer]. John C. Parmer departed this life March 21st 1851. Neoma Pegler departed this life 17 Nov. 1852. Jonathan Harrison departed this life Dec. 1854. Enoch Singleton departed this life the 8th day of April 1857 [?] Polly Singleton departed this life 10th Aug.A.D.185 [?] Eliza Parmer departed this life the 25th day of March A.D. 1864. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Another page:] William Parmer departed this life 29 Dec. 1844 [son of Josiah]. Died on Thursday the 18th of July 1844, Rebecca Harrison Segrist (age 37). Phoebe Parmer departed this life on the 25th day of June, 1847, at 3 o'clock in the evening, aged about 90 years [Phoebe Westbrook Palmer, Josiah Palmer's mother; his father was Thomas Palmer]. Mary Parmer departed this life on Monday the 13th day of October 1845 at 8 o'clock A.M. [Mary Moseley Palmer was Josiah's first wife and mother of Rebecca Harrison Segrest]. Mary A. Harrison, born 27 Jan. 1826 James A. Harrison, born 10 Dec. 1827 Jonathan Harrison, born 9 Aug. 1829 Josiah Harrison, born 9 June 1832 Jackson Harrison, born 6 Oct. 1834 King W. Harrison, born 17 April 1837 [Children of Josiah Palmer's daughter, Rebecca, who married King Harrison, son of George, about 1825; King Harrison died on 23 January 1837, leaving 5 children and one expected in 3 months; they were reported living with Josiah Palmer on the 1840 census; on 4 November 1841, Rebecca married Reuben Segrest; on 19 December 1842, Josiah became guardian of the minor children; on 18 July 1844 Rebecca Palmer Harrison Segrest died]. Peggy Mosley departed this life on the 10th of Oct. 1849, she being a native of North Carolina supposed to be 80 or 90 years of age [Margaret Vann Moseley, mother of Mary Moseley Palmer]. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Another page:]- Josiah Parmer and Eliza Tankersley was married on 10 April 1846 by Thomas E. Rieves, Esq. Nov. 13th 1851 David Morell [Murrell] and Sarah A. Parmer was married. Josiah Harrison and Julia A. Parmer was married 8 Sept. 1858 by F.M.T. Tankersley, Esq. Jackson Harrison and Susan Murrell was married 22nd March 1855. Josiah Parmer was born 21 Sept. 1787 [Prince Edward Co., Va.]. [Josiah Palmer died in Pintlala community, Montgomery County, Alabama, on 1 August 1869 and is buried in the Palmer/Murrell Cemetery on the old Federal Road].