Perry County AlArchives Court.....Smith, David - Estate Papers April 11, 1859 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Frances P. Morrison December 1997 THE ESTATE SETTLEMENT PAPERS OF DAVID SMITH 1779-1855 THE PROBATE COURT OF PERRY CO ALABAMA REGULAR TERM APRIL 11TH 1859 David H. Smith admin. 10014 of David Smith dec'd This day came D.H. Smith administrator of the estate of David Smith dec'd who at a former time of this court filed his account and voucher for final settlement of said estate and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that three weeks notice has been given by publication in the Marion Commonwealth a news paper published in said county notifying all heirs interested in said matterof the time and place of hearing the same that they may attend and contest the same that if they see cause.and it futher appearing to the satisfaction of this court thus John H. Stone was duly appointed guardian ad. of thye minor heirs of said dec'd to protect their interest at the hearing of the same and appeares in open court and accepts said appointment and having examined said account consent to the allowance of the same the court therefore proceeded to audit state ___ allow said account whereby it appears to the satisfaction cout that said administrator is cahrgeable with the sum of eleven thousand and forty nine dollars and is _____to audit to the amount of five hundred and eleven and 40/100 dollars leaving in hand of the administrator of Ten Thousand five hundred and thirty seven 15/100 dollars to be distributed as follows to heirs. 1. To D.H. Smith is decreed the sum nineteen hundred and seventeen 14/100 dollars his distribution share of said estate and having recieved in the lifetime of dec'd the sum of Five hundred sixty dollars it is ordered that the ____be credited therewith leaving a balance due him of Seven hundred and fifty seven 14/100 dollars which amount he is ____to retain in hand. 2. To W.D. White in trust for his wife Nancy White is decreed the sum of Nineteen hundred and seventeen 14/100 dollars her distribution share of said estate and she having recieved the sum of two hundred and eighty dollars Hotch Potch property it is ordered that the ____be credited there with leaving a balance due her for which execution may issue. 3. To Robert Young in trust for his wife S.J. Young is decreed the sum of nineteen hundred & seventeen 14/100 dollars her distribution share of said estate and she having recieved the sum of four hundred and fifteen dollars Hotch Potch property it ordered that the ____ be credited therewith leaving a balance due her of nine hundred and two 14/100 dollars and for which execution may issue 4. To Joel Smith is decreed the sum of Nineteen hunred and seventeen and 14/100 dollars amount of his distribution share of said estate and he having recieved the sum of three hundred and seventy dollars Hotch Potch property it is ordered that the decree be credited therewith leaving a balance due him of nine hunred and forty two dollars 14\100 with excution may issue. 5. To J.H. Smith is decreed the sum of Nineteen hundred and seventeen dollars 14/100 of his distribution share of said estate, and he having recieved in his the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars Hotch Potch property which amount is ordered to be credited leaving a balance due him of one thousand and fifty seven 14/100 dollars for which amount execution may issue. 6. To E. W. Pounds is ordered the sum of nineteen hundred and seventeen 14/100 dollars her distribution share of said estate and she haveing recieved Four hundred and fifty dollars hotch potch property it is ordered that the ____be credited therewith leaving a balance due her of Eight hundred and sixty seven and 14/100 dollars for execution may issue. 7. To Nancy Skinner by her guardian is decreed the sum of two hunred and nineteen and 57/100 dollars her distribution share of said estate and her mother in her lifetime having recieved the sum of Seventy five dollars hotch potch property it is ordered that the ___ be credited therewith leaving a balance due her one hundred and forty four 52/100 dollars for which execution may issue. 8, To Polly Skinner is decreed the sum of two hundred and nineteen 57/100 dollars her distribution share of said estate and her mother having recieved her her life time the sum of seventy five dollars hotch potch property it is ordered that the ___be credited therewith leaving a balance due her of one hunred and forty four dollars and 52/100 for which execution may issue. 9.To A.M. Skinner by his guardian is decreed the sum of two hundred and nineteen 52/100 dollars his disatribution sahre of said estate and his mother having recieved in her lifetime Seenty five dollars Hotch Potch property it is ordered the the ___ be credited therewith leaving a balance of one hundred and forty four dollars 52/100 for which execution may issue. 10.To F Leach in Trust for his wife E. Leach is decreed the sum of Two Hunred and ninteen dollars her distribution share of said estate and her mother having in her lifetime the sum of seventy five dollars in hotch potch property it is ordered that the ___ be credited therewith leaving a balance of one hundred and forty four and 52/100 dollars for execution may issue. 11 To W.G. Leach in trust for his wife Hannah Leach is decreed the sum of two hundred and nineteen dollars and 52/100 her distribution share of said estate and her mother in her lifetime recieved the sum of seventy five dollars it is ordered that the ___be credited therewith leaving a balance due her of one hundred and forty four dollars and 52/100 dollars for which execution may issue. 12. To S.F. Skinner by her guardian D.H. Smith is decreed the sum of two hundred and nineteen dollars 52/100 and her mother having received the sum of seventy five dollars in her lifetime in hotch potch property it is ordered that the ___be credited there with leaving a balance of one hundred forty four and 52/100 dollars odf her distribution of said estate and which amount he is ordered to retain as guardian. 13 To O. Hughes in trust for his wife Amanda Hughes is decreed the sum of Six hundred and fifty eight dollars 57/100 and her mother in her lifetime having recieved the sum of three hundred and ten dollars hotch potch property is is ordered that the ____ be credited therewith leaving a balance due her three hundred forty eight and 57/100 dollars amount of her distribution share of said estate and for which execution may issue. 14 To J.M. Weaver is decreed the sum of Six hundred and forty eight 57/100 dollars amount of his distribution share of said estate and his mother having received in her lifetime the sum of three hundred and ten dollars hotch potch property it is ordered that the ___be credited therewith leaving a balance of three hundred forty eight 57/100 dollars for which execution may issue It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that said account be allowed as stated recorded and filed . File located at: