Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for NOV 1924 November 1924 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net May 29, 2006, 2:09 pm The Roanoke Leader November 1924 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for NOVEMBER 1924 NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, November 5, 1924 TRAGIC DEATH OF MRS. W. BASS IN TAMPA, FLA. From "The Tampa, Florida Tribune", Nov. 1st Following the death of Mrs. Gladys Nancy Bass, 1302 Madison St., victim of an automobile collision on Nebraska avenue near Nordica street shortly before midnight on Thursday, a charge of manslaughter was filed yesterday against Bernard Haenal, 1115 26th St., a chauffeur for the Hillsboro Auto Service Co. and driver of a Cadillac car which crashed into Mrs. Bass' car, destroying both. Haenal who sustained a broken arm and minor injuries was removed last night from Gordon Keller Hospital to jail. The manslaughter charge was brought upon the grounds of culpable and criminal negligence. According to persons in the vicinity of the accident, Haenal's machine was speeding at a rate of sixty miles an hour or more. Mrs. Bass, 24 years old, wife of Wyatt Bass, who operates a grocery at 2702 Nebraska avenue, suffered a fractured skull, internal injuries and her left arm and shoulder were shattered. She died early in the morning within a few hours after she was removed to the Cook sanitorium immediately after the collision. Three sailors from the U.S. cruiser Milwaukie, passengers in Haenal's car, escaped serious injury. Mrs. Bass had taken a number of friends home following a Halloween party and was returning to her home, a few blocks from where the accident occurred, driving north on Nebraska avenue at a moderate speed. The sailors in Haenal's car are said to have been urging him to make all speed possible in order for them to reach the cruiser in time to answer midnight roll call. The taxicab had left Sulphur Springs only a few minutes before midnight it is said. The Tampa Florida Tribune, Nov. 1st Mr. Wyatt Bass is a former resident of Randolph county and the news of the tragic death of his wife will be learned here with regret. Two children besides the husband survive the deceased. ----- MCDOW - TERRELL MARRIAGE Last Thursday, Mr. Bonnie Terrell and Miss Eula McDow who reside in the Valley, were married at LaFayette by Judge Fuller. They are now at home at the residence of the groom's parents in Shawmut. Both young people are well known here where they formerly made their home. --- WALKER - STILL MARRIAGE Last Thursday, Mr. Walter Still and Miss Eva Walker drove to Wedowee where they were united in marriage by Justice Perry. After a short visit to LaGrange they now at home, having taken rooms at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Striplin. These fine young people have the congratulations of their many friends. --- MOUNT CARMEL News Nov. 3rd Thursday night about 8 o'clock, the death angel visited the home of Mr. Rufus Morgan and took his loving wife. Interment was at Rock Stand Friday afternoon. She is survived by her husband and two daughters and many other relatives to mourn her passing away. --- LOWELL News Mrs. Chatham enjoyed her seventy-fourth birthday last Sunday, having with her four of her children, thirteen of her grandchildren and several other relatives. --- LOCAL News FOR SALE - - - 40 acres of land with house located near good school in Chambers county. Apply to J.B. Farrar in Hogansville, Ga. --- Mrs. J.F. Gittings recently enjoyed a visit from her mother Mrs. Thomas and the latter's two sons, Chilton and Wortham Thomas of Dadeville. --- WEHADKEE News Nov. 3rd Clarence Heard left last week to seek his fortune in Oklahoma. --- Mrs. Mary Walker passed to her reward last Saturday at the home of her daughter Mrs. Olin Blackmon after a long illness. The deceased was 80 years old and was a devoted member of the Baptist church. She is survived by two sons and one daughter. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. C.W. Hollaway at Big Springs on Sunday afternoon. --- ROCK STAND News Nov. 3rd Mrs. Willie Morgan, a former resident of this community, was buried at Rock Stand cemetery last Friday afternoon. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J.D. Dollar. --- A marriage of interest to this community occurred last Sunday afternoon when Miss Maude Harmon was wedded to Mr. Olin Kirby. Mr. Kirby is the youngest son of Mr. J.B. Kirby Sr. of this place. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mr. J.P. Harmon also of this community. --- LOCAL News Reid Seymour, a well known colored citizen of long standing, left last Thursday to visit his sons in Detroit and Philadelphia. He expects to remain until next summer. --- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gore were here last Thursday, moving back from Bear Creek, in north Alabama. They will locate near Frolona, Ga. --- A Mr. Runyan of Clay county died rather suddenly while attending court in Wedowee on Monday. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, November 12, 1924 MISS MARY WHITE'S LONG ILLNESS ENDS IN DEATH Last Spring, Miss Mary White returned to the home of her mother Mrs. Mamie White, this city, from West Point, where she had been working and had become ill. Tuberculosis developed and in spite of all that oculd be done she gradually declined in strength until life ebbed out at six o'clock Tuesday morning. She was a bright, attractive girl, just entering upon womanhood and her death is a sad blow to her family and friends. Funeral services were conducted this morning at the home on Franklin street in the presence of many sympathizing friends of the deceased and of the family. Rev. H.F. Keeble was in charge. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery of this city. --- FINE COUPLE REACH THE FIFTIETH WEDDING DAY Monday, Nov. 10th, marked fifty years of wedded life for Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Gresham, an estimable couple of this city. The "bride" informed a newspaper reporter that she believed Mr. Gresham would be willing to live with her fifty more years if she did not decide to bob her hair. Certain it is that these good people have had a happy married life thus far and carry the years which have come to them with ease and becoming grace. Mr. Gresham was the first superintendant of the Roanoke Methodist Sunday school over forty years ago. In honor of this good couple, their daughter Mrs. Joe Allen served a splendid dinner for them on Monday. In the center of the table was a golden cake, with the necessary number of candles. Also when Mr. and Mrs. Gresham turned over their places Monday morning they found underneath of each one a five dollar gold piece presented them by Mr. and Mrs. Allen, and a dollar each by Mrs. Geo. W. Stevens, with whom they live. Later they received five dollars in gold from Mr. and Mrs. Carl Crouch and five in gold from Mrs. Frank Pate. ---- NAPOLEON News Nov. 10th Mr. Nathan Langley and Miss Evie Davis were happily married yesterday afternoon. Mr. Langley is a promising young man of the Napoleon community. Their many friends wish for this young couple much happiness. --- ROCK MILLS News Nov. 10th Mrs. Cresent Allmon of Cullman is visiting her brother Dr. W.W. and Mr. Whit Bonner in this place. --- WHITE'S CHAPEL News Nov. 10th "Uncle" Jim Weathers celebrated his 79th birthday at his old home at this place last Saturday, surrounded by members of his family and a host of friends. A nice dinner was spread about 12 o'clock and everyone seemed to enjoy the day. Rev. J.P. West, Rev. J.H. Hughes and Rev. W.L. Groover made some interesting talks in the afternoon. After they were through, Uncle Jim himself made a good talk. Uncle Jim has been serving the Lord for 79 long years and says he is not tired yet. ---- A large crowd at Mr. and Mrs. Warner Fowler's on Sunday evening had a good old Sacred Harp singing at the request of "Uncle" John Shelnutt who is quite feeble. --- NEW HOPE News Nov. 10th Clifford Washington of Alexander City spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Washington. --- UNION News Nov. 11th Mr. Jeff Key of Thomaston, Ga., visited his brother T.S. Key last Saturday in the interest of the Martin Key estate. He reports favorable prospects for the heirs. --- LOCAL News Mrs. A.C. Allison spent the latter part of the week with her sister Mrs. W.L. Meredith, returning to Talladega on Monday. --- John R. Roach recently made a trip to Florida and is advertising his farm for sale at Five Points. He expects to move to Plant City, Fla., by Dec. 1st. --- Mrs. John Jordan arrived the first of the week from Louisiana, being called here by the fatal illness of her sister Miss Mary White. --- Mr. and Mrs. R.T. West had the pleasure of having with them Sunday all of their children and the husbands of the married daughters save one. This happy reunion served as a tonic to Mr. West who has been ill many weeks but who is now gradually improving. --- John A. Hornsby and family are here from Sour Lake, Texas on a visit to home folks. --- Mr. Robert Nichols, brother of the late Mr. F.P. Nichols, died suddenly at his home in Anniston on Saturday. --- LEVEL ROAD News Nov. 10th Miss Dillie Mae Waldrop of Level Road and Mr. King Marshall of Broughton were married on Sunday afternoon and will make their home with the groom's father, Mr. J.C. Marshall. --- Mr. Bob West and family will move this week to Cullman. --- WOODLAND News Nov. 10th Mr. J.A. Sears who has been confined to his bed for about two months is not improving any. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, November 19, 1924 FORESTER'S CHAPEL News Nov. 17th Miss Vicie Johns, a former resident of this section but now of Lanett, will be buried at Forester's Chapel today. --- MOUNT CARMEL News Nov. 17th Roy Jeans and family of Cullman county are moving to Roanoke. They are now visiting Mrs. Jeans' sister Mrs. Charlie Dollar. --- BACON LEVEL News Nov. 17th Mr. N.W. Phillips died last Friday afternoon. Interment was at Fellowship church Sunday afternoon after funeral services conducted by Bro. Shadix. Mr. Phillips had been in very feeble health for several years. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his death. --- WEHADKEE News Nov. 17th Mrs. Gus Gladney happened to a serious acident Sunday night by falling from a veranda, breaking her right arm above the elbow. --- LOCAL News Mrs. D.K. Turbeville was called to Newnan on Friday by news that her father Mr. Robert Brown had been stricken with paralysis. She remains with him and late news is that there is no change for the better. --- Last week the Leader reported the celebration of the Golden Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Gresham. After the publication was made, Mr. and Mrs. Gresham received five dollars each from two of their other children, Mrs. T.C. Scroggs of Hazeville, N.C. and Rev. J.B. Gresham of Warm Springs, Ga. The grateful parents asked that mention of this fact be made. --- Mrs. Julien K. Legare has her sister Mrs. Charles Wales of Norfolk, Virginia as her guest. --- Mrs. Wyley Burns and two children arrived Saturday night from Los Angeles, California and are visiting relatives north of town. --- The remains of Miss Delia Vicie Johns who died in Lanett were carried through Roanoke on Monday morning for interment at Forester's Chapel. --- NEWELL News Nov. 17th Sheriff Ballard visited the community west of us last Friday and at the home of Robert Sears captured Kaylor Sears and five gallons of whiskey. --- Mrs. W.A. Wright underwent a major operation at the Knight Sanitorium on Monday of last week. She is reported as doing well at this writing. --- HAYWOOD News Nov. 17th We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Alice Jones who has been down with the fever is worse. --- Mrs. Gleamer Bowen spent the weekend with her sister Mary Harlen near Roanoke. --- LOCAL News Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Willis intend to go to Clearwater, Fla. to make their future home. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, November 26, 1924 MRS. MATTIE FREEMAN TO BE MARRIED TODAY Mrs. Mattie Freeman of this city will be married at three o'clock this afternoon at the home of her brother Mr. Jesse Higgins in LaFayette, to Mr. V.D. Mitchell, a substantial citizen of Opelika, which place will be the future home of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell. The many friends of the bride to be, who is a lovable character, regret to lose her from this city. --- J.L. PEARSON DIES AFTER ILLNESS IN SELMA THE 22nd The people of Roanoke were surprised and grieved Sunday morning to learn of the death in a Selma hospital of Mr. Jerre L. Pearson, the end coming after a weeks' illness of pneumonia. The deceased was a prominent druggist of Marion, Ala., and in November of last year was married to Miss Freddie Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.P. Nichols of Roanoke. The wife and an infant son, Jerre, have the sympathy of all in their great loss. The remains were carried to Sylacauga, the former home of the deceased, for interment, which occurred Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Murray, Misses Julia, Louise and Willie Nichols attended the funeral. Mrs. Nichols was staying with Mr. and Mrs. Pearson. She and Miss Willie accompanied the distressed young widow to Marion. They are all expected to come to Roanoke next week. ---- LOCAL News Miss Annie White, daughter of Mrs. Mamie White of this city, was married on Saturday afternoon in Columbus, Georgia to Mr. Alton McClendon of that city. ---- WEDOWEE News Nov. 24th Mr. W.B. Willingham, one of Wedowee's best citizens, will be locating soon to LaGrange, Ga. Also Mr. Larkin Smith, another good citizen, will move to Oklahoma. --- FRIENDSHIP News Nov. 24th Mr. Victor Lee Earnest will move from this place soon to Douglasville, Georgia. --- BACON LEVEL News Nov. 24th Mr. J.T. Hudson fell from the wagon one day last week and was badly cut and bruised about the head and shoulders. --- Eugene Hudson and Sewell Strickland and some other boys from Hickory Flat had the misfortune to get their car wrecked last Saturday night between Rock Mills and Bacon Level. The car was badly torn up but no one was seriously hurt. Sewell Strickland was the most bruised of the boys. --- LOCAL News Mrs. W.F. Williamson of Heard County, Ga., was recently operated upon at the Knight Sanitorium. --- UNION HILL News Nov. 24th Mr. Dillard Brewer and Miss Carrie Will Henry drove up to Rev. H.J. Browning's on Sunday and were happily married. --- ROCK STAND News Nov. 24th Last Tuesday the children and relatives of Mrs. J.R. Kirby, widow of the late J.R. Kirby of this community, gathered with her at the home of her son M.B. Kirby to celebrate her birthday. A large number of the friends of the family were present to enjoy the day with them. In this afternoon several interesting talks were made and the day was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Kirby is in normal health for one of her age. --- MALONE News Nov. 24th The birthday dinner at Mr. Ed McGills' Sunday was real fine. A large crowd attended. --- WEHADKEE News Nov. 24th Mrs. Lizzie Hester was carried last week to the Knight Sanitorium where she underwent a serious operation. At last reports she was slowly improving. --- Mr. and Mrs. T.V. Jones arrived Saturday night from a tour of four weeks in Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. They failed to find any place like old Randolph which is the garden spot of the world. --- LOCAL News Mr. A.C. Fincher and Mrs. Reevie Fincher were married in Lowell on Saturday night by Justice Cofield. --- Mr. W.A. Yates, a good citizen of Lamar beat, called on the Leader on Saturday, that being his 74th birthday, which he celebrated by giving us five dollars to be forwarded to the American Orphans. --- Three negroes, John and Tom Higgins and Tobe Veal, were brought in Monday and bound over by Justice Cofield under bond of $500. each for distilling. They went to jail. Two weeks before, Justice Cofield put J.O. Duke and Edgar Blackmon, white, under a like bond for the same offense, we are informed. --- Mrs. Frank Cox, after a visit to home folks here, will return this week to her home in Texarkana and will be accompanied by her mother Mrs. Docia Manley who will remain there quite a while. --- Henry Higgins, a well known negro citizen living a few miles from town, was thrown from his buggy Saturday afternoon and was rendered unconscious and taken to the hospital. On Sunday he was able to be carried home. ---- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape1004gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 17.1 Kb