Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper abstracts for OCT 1926 October 1926 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net July 5, 2006, 9:44 pm The Roanoke Leader October 1926 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for OCTOBER 1926 (NOTE: There are large sections of the newspaper issue for October 1926 missing from the microfilm roll) NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 6, 1926 ROCK MILLS News Oct. 4th Walter Truett and Miss Estelle Griffin, both of this place, were married Saturday evening. --- BIRTHDAY DINNER ENJOYED On Sept 26, 1926, a large crowd of relatives and friends gathered at the home of H.C. Vickers to celebrate the 85th birthday of "Grandmother" Vickers. She was cheerful and happy. There were 5 of her children present, 23 grandchildren and one great grandchild, five nieces and 18 other relatives and 20 visitors. The people gathered in the house and sang songs, after which the good ladies served a sumptuous dinner out under the trees in front of the house. This was enjoyed very much by all present. This good mother was the wife of Rev. A.Y. Vickers who passed away some thirteen years ago. Three of her children have gone on before her but she has living 8 children, 62 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren. Mrs. Vickers joined the M.E. Church, South, when she was about 18 years of age and has lived a consecrated member for 67 years. Fifty-two years she has been a member of Mt. Moriah church at Bluff Springs. She is making her home with her son, H.C. Vickers. ---- FORMER RANDOLPH COUNTY MAN IS HELD ON MURDER CHARGE LaGrange, Georgia, Oct. 4th Heflin Gunn is held in the county jail at LaFayette charged with the slaying Saturday night at Lanett of W.J. Shadwix. The authorities charge that Gunn shot Shadwix three times with an automatic pistol after being ordered out of the latter's store for alleged intoxication and disorderly conduct. ---- LOCAL News The many friends in this section will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. S.D. Chewning which occurred Monday morning at her home in California. She was a sister of Mrs. C.H. Stephenson of Roanoke, who received a telegram on Tuesday, conveying the sad intelligence. --- Mr. John Whitley, prominent citizen of Glenn, Georgia, had his left arm cutt off in a gin a week ago. --- Mrs. R.A. Caldwell spent Friday in Tallageda with her parents Mr. and Mrs. N.L. Long. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 13, 1926 TRAGIC DEMISE OF GUS STRAIN ON SATURDAY NIGHT Shocking was the tragic death on midnight last Saturday night of Mr. Gus Strain, a well known and esteemed young man of Roanoke. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Strain, prominent people of New Hope, was a graduate of the county high school and later worked in Wedowee, but for the past month or so had been in the employ of W.H. McMurray and Co. in Roanoke. Mr. Strain left Roanoke on Saturday night, and, as reported, attended an entertainment several miles from town. Afterwards he and a number of young men gathered at the bridge on the Roanoke - Wedowee highway, two miles from town. Here is is said, Durrell May got into Strain's car with him, it being a Ford roadster, and they went up the road about half a mile when the car turned over on a small embankment, pinning Strain under it, resulting in his death before help came to his rescue. The body of the unfortunate young man was brought to this place and prepared for burial, then taken Sunday to the late home of the deceased, and on Monday morning, interment was made at Green's Chapel, after services conducted by Rev. S.R. Towns, the pastor. The church was overflowed by the large number of friends who gathered with the sorrowing family to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of this good hearted, popular young gentleman who came to his premature death in his twenty-sixth year. ---- HIGHWAY News Mr. J.C. Robinson went last Friday to his daughter's, Mrs. Jeff Cummings, near Bowdon, Georgia. --- LEVEL ROAD News Oct. 11th Mrs. Mace Stewart had the misfortune of falling a few days ago and breaking her arm. She has been in bad health for some time. --- LOCAL News Horace Kirby is convalescent after nine weeks of illness of malarial and typhoid fever. --- Comer McDow was taken from LaGrange to a hospital in Atlanta yesterday. He is in a very serious condition. --- Mr. and Mrs. R.M. Kirby and son Robert Amos and Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Weston of Birmingham spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Holliday. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 20, 1926 MRS. RALPH SMITH BURIED AT FIVE POINTS The remains of Mrs. Ralph Smith were brought through Roanoke last Thursday and interred Friday morning at Five Points, where she was reared, and where she has many friends who regret her untimely death which occurred at Birmingham. Mrs. Smith's home was in Albertville. A husband and one child are left in the saddened home. ---- LOCAL News J. Arthur Gladney and family were the guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Lovvorn, Mrs. Gladney and Mr. Lovvorn being sister and brother. --- Miss Isabel Wood, aged 84 years, was buried at Mt. Zion this morning, her death occurring Tuesday after a few days illness. Rev. J.D. Dollar conducted the funeral services. The deceased was an aunt of Messrs. John Wood and George Wood and Mrs. G.W. Falkner. --- Mr. and Mrs. L.H. Harmon of Carrollton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Landers. Mrs. Harmon is a sister of Mr. Landers. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 27, 1926 WADLEY News Oct. 25th Mrs. Walter Pearson of the Almond community died at her home Friday night. Her sudden death was a shock to all their friends and relatives. Her remains were interred at Almond. --- Mr. H.D. Pearson, prominent citizen of Wadley, was married on Sunday to Mrs. Mae Smith of Americus, Georgia. The bride is a relative of Mrs. Thyra Swint. --- BRUTAL MURDER OF THE SON OF ROBERT DUDLEY Shocking in the extreme, in all its details, is the murder of Howard Dudley, the fourteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dudley, which occurred Monday afternoon in Chambers county, nine miles southeast of Roanoke. The lad had alighted from a school truck coming from Milltown to make his way home, and was seen going across the fields with a young white man of that community who was recognized, and who is being sought, but is not yet found. Search for the missing lad was unrewarded until seven o'clock Tuesday morning when his lifeless body was found thrown in a briar patch not far from where he was last seen. We are informed that he had been shot through the heart, and there was evidence that he had been dragged with a chain before being thrown into the briars. The remains were carried to the home of the broken-hearted parents and were brought to Roanoke shortly after noon today for interment. The family formerly lived here and are among our most respected people. Much indignation is expressed over the horrible crime and the greatest sympathy is felt for those so greviously afflicted by this dark tragedy. ----- WEDOWEE News Oct. 26th On Monday, Oct. 25th, there was sold to the highest bidder the property of the late W.C.S. Robertson. A daughter, Miss Byrd Robertson, bought the home place with 20 acres of land. The remaining 110 acres was divided into tracts and sold. R.H. Young, J.F. Needham and Wyatt Wright purchased a tract each. This is one of the oldest, if not the oldest home in Wedowee, having been built in 1858 by Judge John Reaves, and it has been the home of four of Randolph's Probate Judges, as follows: Judge John Reaves who built the house; his son S.E.A. Reaves; his son-in-law Robert S. Heflin, and Judge A.J. Weathers. ---- ROCK SPRINGS News Oct. 25th Mr. Emmett Mickle continues very ill. --- HAYWOOD News Oct. 25th There was a birthday dinner at Mr. John D. Kirby's yesterday. Uncle John, as he is best known, will be 78 years old on Nov. 12th. His wife was 68 years on Oct. 22nd. A large crowd was present including a Mr. Todd and Mr. Cleve Evans and family, Mr. James Bowen and family of LaGrange, Messrs. Will and Jim Evans and their families of Carrollton, Georgia. There was some good singing in both Old Harp and new books and a bountiful table was spread at noon. Although both of these old people have tasted the bitter cup, they are blessed with reasonably good health for their age. We wish them many more such happy days with their children and friends. ---- MALONE News Oct. 20th This community was shocked when the sad news reached here that Mrs. Walter Pearson of Almond had died. She was struck with paralysis Friday night. --- NEWELL News Oct. 25th Mr. H.E. Lovvorn and Miss Ina Meadows were married on Sunday. --- LOCAL News The many friends of Mr. A. Walter Burton will regret to learn of the death of his venerable mother, which occurred in Granville, Tenn., on Oct. 18th, before the devoted son could reach the bedside. --- MISS MARGARET ROBERTS DIED IN LANGDALE THE 17th The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Roberts in Landale on Sunday, Oct. 17th and claimed their darling daughter Margaret. She was sick only 21 days. She spent most of her life in Randolph county but was living in Langdale when God called her away. She was 14 years of age, was kind and loving to everyone. Many hearts are saddened to learn of her death. She leaves a father, mother, three sisters and one brother and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her leaving. The body was laid to rest at White's Chapel on Oct. 18th. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. S.R. Towns. Her friend, Miss Willie Mae White ---- CARD OF THANKS We just want our friends to know that we appreciate the many kindnesses and services rendered us during the sickness and death of our dear old aunt, Miss Isabella Wood. We are grateful to each of you. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Wood ---- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape1037gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 10.5 Kb