Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper abstracts for NOV 1905 November 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net September 5, 2005, 12:24 pm The Roanoke Leader November 1905 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for NOVEMBER 1905 NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, November 1, 1905 SPRINGFIELD News We regret to note the serious illness of Mrs. J.T. Adams who is suffering from a severe cancer. --- On the 26th of October, the Lord released from the suffering of this life, Mrs. Alfonza Pittman. She had been a sufferer for a long time but she bore her afflictions with christian fortitude. She was devoted to the church of her faith, which was the Baptist. She was a kind, loving mother, a true friend and a good neighbor, which made her a person to be loved and admired by everyone. We extend our deep and affectionate sympathy with most sincere hearts to the bereaved children and relatives, as they mourn the loss of one whom they so truly loved and will so sadly miss. ---- WEHADKEE News Our people are rejoicing with Roanoke over the building of the A & B Railroad which will be a great blessing to the county. The taxes on the road will bring several thousand dollars into our county treasury. --- Mr. J.R. Gladney died at his home near High Shoals, after a short illness of paralysis. He leaves a wife, several children and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his death. The deceased was a member of the Christian church. He was a good neighbor and a loyal citizen. He will be sadly missed. We extend our sympathy to all the bereaved ones. --- LOCAL News W.J. Breed was called here last week from Mississippi by the serious illness of his brother in Lowell. --- Sam Tatum left this morning to accept a position with a dry goods house in Prattville. His friends regret his going. --- Mrs. Worrell, we regret to note, suffered an attack of facial paralysis last week. --- The Daughters of the Confederacy are requested to meet at the home of the president, Mrs. M.W. Carlisle, next Tuesday afternoon the 7th at 4 o'clock. --- Mrs. Z.P. Gunn was called to Oxford, Georgia today by the illness of her sister Mrs. Allen. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, November 8, 1905 LOCAL News A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emory Mapp in Lowell on Sunday. --- Monday, a son took up abode in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glover Holley. --- Luther Embrey of Birmingham arrived Saturday to visit his father's family at Level Road. --- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Radney visited their brother-in-law, J.M. Thompson in Tallapoosa County on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Thompson has been critically ill but is some better. --- Since noting the fact that James Riley and Miles Smedley, negroes, gave the right of way through their lands for the new railroad, another negro, Emanuel Johnson, has given the right across the corner of his land near town. The colored citizens have acted nobly for this big enterprise. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, November 15, 1905 WEHADKEE News J.W. Veal has sold his farm and will locate near Mason, Georgia. --- HAPPY LAND News W.M. Pinkard moved from Elmore county to this place a few days since. --- YOUNG MAN DIES One of the saddest deaths we have had to chronicle is that of Rippey Lane, which occurred at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lane, two miles south of town, last Friday. The deceased had several attacks of appendicitis and was last stricken with the dread malady a week ago last Sunday night. He continued to grow worse, submitting to an operation Thursday. It is sad to note the untimely death of a young man who had made such a noble beginning in life and who gave promise of such a useful future. Rippey was a member of the Methodist church at Lane's Chapel and in his social, moral and business life was a worthy example to his companions. A particularly sad feature of this case is the blighting of a budding romance, and among those who weep in one fair but broken-hearted. In the presence of a large congregation of friends and relatives at Lane's Chapel Saturday, funeral services were conducted by Rev. G.W. Hamilton and the remains of Rippey Lane were laid to rest with wreaths of flowers and garlands of love. ---- Tomorrow night will occur at the bride's home near Gold Hill, the marriage of Mr. George Wright of Tuskegee to Miss Caro Thomas, thus uniting two of the most prominent families of East Alabama. Mr. J.C. Wright and Mrs. Wright and Moses Wright will leave in the morning to attend the nuptials, the groom being the brother of the Messrs. Wright of this city. ---- BYRON TRAMMEL'S CASE Dothan Ala., Nov. 9th - - - The trial of Byron Trammell, charged with the murder of Robert J. Barnes, was continued to next term of court to be held in May on account of the serious illness of Hon. Richard H. Parks, the solicitor. Both sides were ready for trial but the court ruled that it was not advisable to go into the case without the solicitor. Trammell has entered a plea of insanity. After adjournment of court, Trammell was remanded to jail to await trial. ---- LOCAL News Mrs. M.W. Carlisle left for Wewahitchka, Florida on Saturday to visit her sister Mrs. Hollinger who is critically ill. --- Mrs. DeVaughn died in LaFayette last Friday evening after a long illness. She was the widow of the late Dr. J.W. DeVaughn and a sister of Dr. W.D. Gaines and was an esteemed christian lady. A number of friends from Roanoke attended the funeral at Milltown on Sunday. --- Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Manley visited their brother-in-law, J.M. Thompson on Sunday. They report him some better. --- J.D. Wood of Paran community, left Monday for Tampa, Florida where he will work for awhile. --- W.A. Ford, a Confederate Veteran in the Paran community, went to the Soldier's Home at Mountain Creek last Friday. --- Dr. Geo. A. Pate, formerly of this place, is to be married at 3 o'clock this afternoon to Miss Lala Denney, daughter of Mr and Mrs. J.D. Denney of Milltown. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, November 22, 1905 LOCAL News Walter Redmon has moved to Columbus. --- Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Simmons of LaGrange spent Saturday and Sunday in town visiting the former's brother, J.Y. Simmons who has been quite ill but is some better. --- Walter Y. Wood left yesterday with his family for Guymon, Oklahoma where he has entered some land. --- At the home of the bride's father J.T. Clark at Center Point last Wednesday night, Miss Lillie Pauline Clark was married to William Green. The Leader extends congratulations. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, November 29, 1905 BACON LEVEL News J.D. Phillips visited relatives near Texas, Georgia on Friday, returning Saturday. --- AN OLD LETTER The editor of this paper now has in hand a manuscript letter legibly written and well preserved, addressed to Mr. John Blake and signed by W.A. Handley. It is dated February 6, 1862 and is therefore nearly 44 years old. The letter is headed "Headquarters 25th Regiment, Ala., Vols., Camp Memminger near Mobile, Ala. The name of the company is given as "J.T. Heflin Highlanders". The gentleman to whom it was addressed was the father of Dr. W.H. Blake, Mr. Young Blake and Judge Stell Blake who was then living at Blake's Ferry, this county. The letter was recently sent by Dr. Blake to Capt. Handley who kindly allowed this writer to inspect it. The letter is of some length, describes the camp and some of the regulations of Army life and gives account of the health of the men in Capt. Handley's company, recording the death of several and his hard but successful efforts to have their bodies sent home. Perhaps the most significant feature of the document is an earnest apeal which the writer makes in conclusion, for quietude and harmony in Randolph. Mr. Handley especially deplored strife among the people at home at such time as was then upon the country. ---- LOCAL News Last Sunday at the home of the bride's father Mr. S.D. Lewis, his second daughter Miss Ollie, was married to Mr. James Young. This is a very worthy young couple and the Leader joins their many friends in wishing for them a life of happiness. --- CEPHAS STEVENS CAUGHT Int he spring of 1900, Cephas Stevens, a negro boy, shot and killed another negro, a man named Henry Houston, over in the negro quarters of Roanoke. As soon as the shooting took place, Stevens fled and for more than five years nothing was heard of him until Sheriff Kent was notified Monday by the Birmingham authorities that they had Stevens under arrest and to come for him. Mr. Kent left on the morning train yesterday and will arrive in Roanoke sometime today. The negro who was killed, Houston, was a well known well digger. While Stevens is the son of Charlie Stevens, a negro still living in Roanoke. --- NEGRO KILLED Last Friday afternoon about dark out near Center Point, Will Farr,a white man, shot and killed a negro named Joe Owensby, with a double barrel shot gun. The cause leading to the killing is not known further than that given by negroes who were near at the time but as Farr left immediately after the killing and nothing can be obtained from him as to his version of the killing we refrain from giving any report. The negro was shot just behind the left shoulder and in the back of the head and from the testimony of those who saw the wound it seems as if the negro was shot with both barrels. Another man with Farr, named Holliday, left as soon as the shooting was over going in a different direction. Sheriff Kent was telephoned for but has not succeeded in catching Farr. ---- LOCAL News Mrs. Martha Boykin and two little children of Nashville, Tenn., have been the guests of J.A. Carlisle and wife for several days. --- The many friends of Rev. W.W. Turner will be pleased to learn that he has moved from Anadarko, Oklahoma to Paul's Valley, Indian Territory where he has charge of a fine station. He writes that he expects to do good work the coming year. --- Mrs. Ida Hurst of Columbus is spending a week in Roanoke with her sister Mrs. J.P. Jordan. --- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape664gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 10.7 Kb