Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper abstracts for AUGUST 1912 August 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net November 2, 2005, 10:31 pm The Roanoke Leader August 1912 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for AUGUST 1912 NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, August 7, 1912 ROCK MILLS News August 5th Tuesday night the death angel came unexpectedly into the home of Ernest Hollis and took his wife of only three months to the beyond. The deceased was stricken with acute indigestion in the morning and died about midnight. Mrs. Hollis was a member of the Baptist church. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor at Wehadkee Wednesday afternoon. We extend our sympathy to the grief stricken family. --- S.T. Keeble and wife came from LaGrange to attend the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs. Ernest Hollis. --- Willie Howell is recovering from a case of typhoid fever. --- BACON LEVEL News August 5th "Uncle " Johnnie Phillips is quite sick. --- Mrs. Jim Talley of Texas, Georgia is here to attend her father "Uncle" John Phillips. --- CARD OF THANKS My brother, Solomon Nevelson, who has been making his home with me the past fifteen months but who left Sunday for Atlanta, asks me to express his thanks to all of his friends and brother K.P.'s for the friendship shown him. Respectfully, Dr. Samuel Nevelson --- WEHADKEE News Aug. 5th Last Thursday, R.M. Hood and Miss Mentorie Mitchell were married. Rev. W.J. Layton performed the ceremony. --- "Uncle" Jack Green is very sick at his home near Omaha. --- Judson Hester and family of Bear Creek are visiting relatives and old friends in this section. --- WADLEY News Aug. 5th Miss Ruth Gay is visiting her brothers Drs. C.P. and J.S. Gay in Lineville and Delta. --- We regret to note that both Burrell Welch and Scenus Adamson are sick with the fever. --- A.F. Duffey of Jackson's Gap has purchased the Swett Blacksmith Shop and has moved his family here. We welcome these people to our town. --- LOCAL News Mrs. W.T. Owen returned Monday to Anniston after a brief visit to her brother J.R. Simms. --- Miss Mary Oldham left yesterday to spend a month with her brother at Cisco, Texas. --- Mrs. J.E. Barker of Chattanooga is spending some time with the family of her uncle, H.H. Pitts on Route 2. --- Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Hooper have as their guests the former's mother Mrs. J.F. Hooper of Albertville and Mrs. M.C. Dunson of Alexander City, the mother of Mrs. J.W. Hooper. --- Luke Cox, foreman of the brick mill at Dickert, had his left hand mangled between cog wheels last Wednesday afternoon. --- Mrs. J.Z. Collier was called last Friday to attend the funeral of her sister Mrs. A.T. Cranford, which was conducted at Friendship church by Rev. S.L. Dobbs. The deceased had been ill a long while. --- Mrs. Wm. A. White and Mrs. E.P. Mickle and children left this morning on a visit to Anniston. --- DEATH OF "AUNT" SUSAN HAND; WIFE OF J.H. HAND On Sunday night, July 21, 1912, the hand of death touched the home of Mr. J.H. Hand and bore from his embrace his faithful wife. Mrs. Hand ("Aunt Susan", as she was affectionately called) was eighty-four years old the day before she died. This is, indeed, a remarkable age for one to live, but her life was more remarkable than the number of years she enjoyed, in that the greater part thereof was spent in God's service. When quite small she gave God her heart and united with the church to which she remained faithful until God called her to higher service in heaven. Not only was she faithful to her church, for her family and her friends shared the blessing of her noble life. To her family she was thoroughly devoted and her friends were often benefitted by her deeds of unselfish service. Besides the sorrowing husband and children, a host of relatives and friends are sad because Aunt Susan can be with us no more in the flesh. And yet we know she is now in that country where sin cannot enter and where the weary finding abiding rest. The funeral was conducted by her pastor Rev. G.O. Lankford, assisted by Rev. G.D. Hunt. A Friend. ---- BROUGHTON News Aug. 5th Mrs. Geneva Love of Virginia and Mrs. Nora Parker of Florida are the guests of W.D. Duke's family. --- Dallis King of south Georgia is here for a few days visit with relatives and friends. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, August 14, 1912 RANDOLPH COUNTY MEN CONVICTED Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 19th J.D. Dollar and Bud Heflin of Randolph County, were convicted for conspiracy and arson in the federal district court yesterday after a trial that lasted throughout the greater part of three days. The two men were charged with having conspired to burn the barn of United States Marshall Hiram Gibson, who had been active in securing evidence to show that the men were guilty of illicit distilling. They were charged on the moonshining charge during the first part of the court session and found guilty. --- MRS. J.A. HOLDER PASSES TO REST Exceedingly sad was the death at 6:30 o'clock Monday morning, of Mrs. J.A. Holder, at her home on Rock Mills street. She had been a patient sufferer for many months and her death was to her in the nature of a release from suffering, and an entry into rest. Mrs. Holder was a modest, faithful christian woman whose virtues shown brightest in the circles of home. She will be most sorely missed by her husband and three children who have the sympathy of many friends. The funeral services were conducted from the Methodist church at 10:30 Tuesday morning. The pastor was assisted in the service by Revs. G.A. Grille and F.H. Farrington. The interment was in Cedarwood cemetery. ---- LOCAL News Mrs. J.D. Weathers was called to Atlanta on Thursday by the death of her sister Mrs. Mitchell. --- Miss Eloise McCain of Talladega is visiting her cousins Miss Orr and Mrs. Awbrey. --- Among those who came to Roanoke to attend the funeral of Mrs. Holder were her brothers H.A. and G.Y. Bartlett of Lineville, A.E. Bartlett of Talladega, T.A. Bartlett of Atlanta, O. Bartlett of Manchester, and R.W. Manning of Montgomery, an uncle of the deceased. --- Mrs. R.B. Hester is spending the week with her daughter Mrs. Calhoun at Potash. --- A.E. Tucker is improving after a spell of the fever. --- J.L.B. Green is in town to meet his brother Gid from Texas. He comes to see his father A.J. Green who is seriously ill. --- WADLEY News Mrs. A.M. Riley of Andalusia with her children, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schuessler. --- J.T. Motley and wife of Alex City visited their son Coley last week. --- Mrs. Noel Murray of Columbus, Mrs. Park Nichols of Roanoke and little Willie and Mary Nichols visited Mrs. M. Hendley last week. --- Jim Luther Hodges of Level Road, boarded the train here Saturday enroute to Flomaton, his future home. --- BACON LEVEL News "Uncle" Jess Lane of Johnson's Cross Roads was the guest of relatives here last week. --- Mrs. Will Adamson is in a hospital in LaGrange with the fever. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, August 21, 1912 ROCK MILLS News Mrs. Gregory, who was badly shocked by lightning Sunday afternoon is better this morning. The clock on the mantel was torn to pieces. --- Mr. Jack Prather and daughters Misses Hattie and Odessa have returned to their home near Opelika after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Yates. --- The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Borders was buried on Saturday. --- WADLEY News Aug. 19th Mrs. Fletcher and baby of Opelika are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Thompson. --- "Uncle" Archie Fuller who has been quite sick is some better. --- WEHADKEE News Aug. 19th J.V. Young is on the sick list. --- Mrs. J.M. Fletcher is quite sick at this writing. --- "Uncle" John Shelnutt is quite sick at this writing. --- Gid Green of Farmer, Texas is visiting his father A.J. Green who has been very sick but is some better now. --- Hutt South and MIss Etta Whatley were married last Sunday, Rev. J.C.A. Henderson officiating. --- A week ago Sunday, Elias Fincher and Miss Lucy Heard went over in Georgia and were happily married. --- LOCAL News C.J. Birdsong called yesterday to have us send the paper to his daughter Mrs. J.P. Falls in Greenville, Ala., who recently married and moved down in that country. --- Mrs. Fannie Crabtree is the guest of Mrs. W.E. Chase and other relatives in this vicinity. --- Mrs. P.A. Hurst left this morning to spend some days with relatives in West Point. It is expected that her brother Jeff Gauntt and family will return with her. --- George Y. Bartlett and wife have moved here from Lineville and are occupying a part of the J.A. Holder residence. The former has a position at the Oil Mill. --- Mrs. W.T. Hilton of Rushton, La., is spending a few days in the home of G.H. Handley. --- Mrs. G.H. Handley has as her guest her aunt, Mrs. W.S. Horn of Albany, Texax. --- The Leader enjoyed a call on Saturday from W. Howell Morrow of West Point, who succeeds W.J. Oliver as office man of the Wehadkee Yarn Mills at Rock Mills. --- Walter Marion returned to Eagan, Ga., yesterday after a visit to relatives in this county. --- P.D. Wilson of Glenn, Ga., is visiting his sons Olin and Homer Wilson. --- Mrs. C.D. Atchison of Texarkana is visiting relatives in this vicinity. --- NEWSPAPER issue of Wednesday, August 28, 1912 WADLEY News Aug. 26th J. Thos. Kirk was buried here Friday, having died in an infirmary in Birmingham on Thursday, where he had gone for treatment. He leaves a wife and one small son, with a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. --- MR. HARDY GONE TO REST Mr. T.L. Hardy, known as "Uncle Doc", died at one o'clock Tuesday morning at his home near Forest Home church. He had been ill a long while and his expected demise comes as a release from suffering. The deceased was over 72 years of age, was a Confederate veteran and a prominent citizen. He was a brother of Mesdames I.G. and G.W. Hill of Roanoke. His remains were interred at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Springfield, after services conducted by Rev. W.J. Layton. This was the first interment in the new cemetery recently donated to the church and the community by J.S. Hunter. ---- LOCAL News Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Daniels came over from Americus on Saturday bringing home their niece, Sarah Brannan. Mrs. Daniels will remain for some time. --- Mrs. Z.P. Gunn and son Paul arrived Monday from Atlanta. --- Mrs. E.E. Williamson of Newberry, S.C. is the guest of her sister Mrs. A.C. Brannah. --- SURPRISE MARRIAGE OF TWO ROANOKE YOUNG PEOPLE OCCURRED IN LAGRANGE YESTERDAY Yesterday morning, Baxter C. Taylor and Miss Etta Hester were passengers to LaGrange via A.B & A railway. They failed to acquaint their friends and relatives of their plans before leaving, but their movements aroused the suspicions of the reporter and the few others who witnessed their departure. Arriving in LaGrange, the formalities were soon attended to which made the romantic lovers husband and wife. Later a phone message announced the news which created no little interest among their many friends. They proceeded from LaGrange to Birmingham to spend a few days. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Hester while the groom is the son of J.O. Taylor. --- WEHADKEE News Aug. 28th H.T. Ussery and Miss Lemma Young were married Sunday morning at the bride's home. Rev. W.J. Layton performed the ceremony. --- A family reunion was held at the home of "Uncle" Jack Green last Sunday. All his children were present. Mr. Green has relapsed from his sickness and is not expected to live very long. --- NAPOLEON News Aug. 23rd Mrs. Mira Gregg and children, accompanied by L.S. Hill of Macon, Ga., are visiting relatives here this week. --- ROCK MILLS News Aug. 26th Jesse Turner and Miss Minnie Lee Yarbrough went over to Mr. O'Neal's and were married Sunday. We wish for them much happiness. --- Ben Laws and wife of Atlanta visited the former's brothers, Paul, Tom and Ed Laws last week. --- LOCAL News C.J. Sudduth has improved from a recent illness and returned to his brick yard business at Dickert, near Roanoke. The Opelika News --- Miss Lurline Griffin will return this week from a visit to relatives in Texas and a tour through the west. She will be accompanied home by her little niece, Hortense Curry who will attend school. --- Guy S. Weathers and family returned to their home in Frederick, Oklahoma after a visit to his father's family Dr. W. Weathers and other relatives in this county. --- Saturday afternoon, Dr. J.W. Hooper suffered an acute attack which resulted in temporary paralysis. His condition has improved, though yet serious. --- Mrs. Ella Odom of Spartanburg, S.C. and Mrs. Lissie Threlkeld of Altanta arrived yesterday to visit their sister Mrs. N.S. Daugherty. --- G.W. Edmondson has returned to his father's home in Beat 4 where he will make his future home. --- Will Ragland has come to make his home with his father J.J. Ragland and has accepted a position with the Mitchell Iron Works. --- Mrs. Josie Carlisle is moving to Atlanta this morning. Her mother Mrs. Mattie White will move there next week. --- Last Sunday morning in Bethel Cemetery in the Welsh community, in the presence of a large concourse, the Woodmen of the World paid a tribute of love and loyalty to a fallen Sovereign when they unveiled a beautiful monument erected by this order to the memory of John F. Tison, who died a few months since. Music was furnished by a male quartet from the Roanoke Lodge. Each and everyone, especially the officers, carried out their part well. The crowd enjoyed a beautiful oration by M.A. Key. It was one of the most impressive talks the writer ever listened to. After the unveiling, the Woodman marched from the cemetery to the school house and from there to the church where they heard a good sermon delivered by Rev. C.J. Burden. ---- Mrs. W.J. Snow fell last evening and fractured her left arm. --- Mrs. P.B. Mize and daughter Aleen returned to their home in Birmingham Tuesday after a visit to the former's sister Mrs. J.T. Lyon. --- F.C. Hodges of South Carolina is visiting his brother F.D. Hodges. --- J.T. and J.E. Baird have had as their guest the past several days their venerable mother Mrs. J. Tom Baird of Texas, Georgia. This good lady is about 74 years old and is remarkably agile for one so aged. --- WEDOWEE News Arthur Sikes continues very ill with the fever. A trained nurse is with him. --- Mrs. M.J. Ussery is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. S.J. Holder. --- BACON LEVEL News Aug. 26th Mrs. Sidney Hicks is quite sick. --- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape743gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 15.4 Kb