Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for SEPT 1914 September 1914 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net December 5, 2005, 6:33 pm The Roanoke Leader September 1914 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for SEPTEMBER 1914 NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 2, 1914 WADLEY News Aug. 31st Mr. Charlie Yarbrough of Texas is the guest of relatives here. --- Hurley Pearson of Tifton, Ga., has been spent the past week in Wadley. --- Mrs. Zula Cobb and children left last Thursday for an extended visit to relatives at Colquit, Ga. --- WILL TURNER IS ARRESTED IN THE DEATH OF JIM HOLLIS Mr. Jim Hollis died Saturday at his home in Rock Mills as a result of knife wounds inflicted by Will Turner, his brother-in-law. The latter was located in Texas and Sheriff Ford left Monday to bring the accused back to this county. --- WEDOWEE News Aug. 31st Circuit court was held here recently. Martin Morris was given sixteen years for murder. Walter Etheridge, convicted of criminal assault, was sentenced to hang Oct. 9th next. --- Miss Juliett Matthews returned to her home in Langdale after spending several weeks with her sister Mrs. J.H. Kerr. --- Roy Clifton is the proud father of twin girls. --- LOCAL News E.W. Ross has been confined to his home by illness the past ten days. --- The remains of Mrs. Jim Phillips, who died in Birmingham where she went for treatment, were brought to Roanoke last night and taken to Wehadkee burying ground near Rock Mills. --- I.F. Parker and daughter Cadie visited the former's daughter Mrs. R.S. Moon, at Columbus from Saturday till Monday. --- Mr. J.L. Chatham and his sisters, Mrs. J.E. Seegar and Mrs. N. Wheeler, left Monday for Decatur, Alabama to visit another sister. Thence they will go to Mr. Chatham's home at Hurtsboro where he will serve a barbecue in honor of his sisters. --- T.L. Weaver is spending this week at his old home, Weaver's Station in Calhoun County, attending a family reunion. --- Oscar Holliday, an industrous colored farmer, brought The Leader a fine box of peaches on Friday. He is among the best citizens of the negro population. --- Many friends throughout this section will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of Mr. J.O. Holloway and Miss Annie Gillam which occurred in LaGrange last Sunday. Prof. Holloway formerly stayed in Roanoke for several months, having been instructor of a band at this place and has many friends here. Miss Gilliam is a daughter of Mr. R.L. Gillam, a prominent citizen residing just east of town and is greatly admired for her many charming qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway proceeded to Oglethorpe, Ga., where they will reside. The Leader extends good wishes. --- WEHADKEE News Aug. 31st At the last regular conference of Big Spring church, Burrell Hester was licensed to preach. He will attend the next session of Howard College. --- LIME News Mrs. F.M. Adams has been visiting her brother W.H. Gamble. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 9, 1914 RAID RESULTS IN KILLING When Marshall J.S. Stevens and two or three assistants attempted to catch some negro crap shooters in an old empty house in Wadley last Saturday night, they misjudged the temper of the quarry. No sooner had Marshall Stevens entered the house than the order was given by one of the negroes to 'blow out the light and shoot." Stevens carried a flashlight which he put into action simultaneously with his pistol. Investigation after the fracas disclosed the fact that one negro, Oliver Flakes, had been killed instantly and two others, Beryl Wood and and Adams negro, were probably fatally injured. Stevens' hat and shirt were cut, but he was not hurt. Not one of the raiding deputies were hurt. It was impossible for Policeman Stevens to say whether shots from his gun or from those of the negroes took effect. Later it was learned that another negro was dead. --- DRESS MAKING SOLICITED - - - On account of the health of my parents Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, I have returned to my home in Roanoke, where I am prepared to take orders for all kinds of sewing. Good work at reasonable prices. Have room to myself and there are no children to handle goods entrusted to my care. I cut, fit and make any grade of ladies or children's clothing. Call at or phone residence of A.E. Tucker. Respectfully, Mrs. J.W. Franklin ---- NOTICE OF DISSOLUTON OF PARTNERSHIP The Roanoke Marble Works, a partnership composed of A.J. Langley and J.H. Jackson, and doing business under the general name of the Roanoke Marble Works, has been dissolved. Sept. 1, 1914 ---- WADLEY News Sept. 7th Miss Bernice Gay will leave Thursday for the university where she will enter school. --- Miss Ruth Gay who is teaching music near Sikesville spent Sunday at home. --- LOCAL News Mrs. S.R. Akin of Opelika spent the past week with the family of Mrs. S.M. Akin in this place. --- Mr. and Mrs. Z.J. Wright left Tuesday for Battle Creek, Mich., for the benefit of the former's health. The Dadeville Spot Cash --- Maddox Brittain is ill with the fever. --- C.B. Taylor of Kentucky is spending a week with his mother here. --- Dr. Swann and A.L. Kent were in town Sunday evening, returning from LaFayette where they accompanied Mr. A.J. Kent who was carried there for a serious surgical operation. We are pleased to learn that his condition is satisfactory at this writing. --- Green Fargason arrived last Monday to visit his sister Mrs. S.W. Lane. --- Mr. Wykle of Talladega visited his brother-in-law Dr. Parker, the first of the week. --- O.L. Mullendore has rented the residence of W.H. Stewart on Price Street and will move his family here from Talladega county this week. --- Rev. W.P. Cofield will move this week to LaGrange where he will be more convenient to the churches he is to serve the coming year. --- Gen. Weathers returned Friday from a five weeks stay at Borden-Wheeler Springs, looking the picture of health. He gained ten pounds while his grandson, Jim Simms Jr., who accompanied him, gained seven pounds. --- Loo Sing, a chinaman, has secured a location for a laundry in the room in the rear of J.H. Strong's and will open business in about three weeks. --- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith of Wilmington, N.C. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.W. Smith. --- Raymond Trammell left Monday morning for Nashville to enter school. --- Dr. Charles A. Ford left the first of the week for Shreveport, La., where he will locate to practice his profession. The Randolph Star --- Mr. and Mrs. Marion Brown announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Annie to Mr. James Cottle, the nuptials to be solemnized on the afternoon of Sunday, the twentieth day of September, 1914, at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents in Broughton, Ala. --- BROUGHTON News (by G.W. Poore, correspondent) Sept. 7th The twin infants of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown are not expected to live. --- The writer and his mother had a narrow escape from death recently when thrown from a buggy. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 16, 1914 LOCAL News Mrs. Brit Hollifield spent last week with her mother Mrs. Widner. --- James Market, a well known citizen of Standing Rock, died Saturday night of typhoid fever. --- Mrs. Annie Lee McCarley returned to LaGrange Saturday after a visit to her sister Mrs. W.T. Smith. --- Mr. M.P. Pittman was in town Monday making use of a walking stick. He has been laid up at home a week with an aggravated old war wound, having stopped a minnie ball at the Battle of Chancellorsville while reloading his musket. --- Mrs. H.B. Radney is at her father's home near Daviston where her sister Miss Esther Allen is critically ill with the fever. --- Miss Claudie Waldrep is ill with the fever in Lowell. Her sister Miss Susie has just recovered from the fever. --- Dr. and Mrs. W.S. Trent and Mrs. R.G. Crain were baptized in the river Sunday last by Rev. T.M. Hammond, and were received into full fellowship in the Baptist church at the evening service. All three had been members of the Methodist church. The Franklin News and Banner ---- A surprise to her friends in this vicinity was the marriage of Miss Elsie Widner to Mr. Herman Neely. The ceremony was pronounced by Esq. Market in LaGrange at 5 o'clock last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Neely came to Roanoke the following day to spend a few days with the latter's home people, returning Sunday afternoon to their future home in Antioch, Ga. There is an element of romance in this affair of the heart. The couple met two years ago when Miss Widner visited relatives in the Antioch community. This summer she went to teach a summer school there, whereupon the friendship of the former years developed into a love affair which culminated as above related. The bride is the estimable daughter of Mrs. S.V. Widner of this city. The gentleman she married is a successful farmer of the Antioch neighborhood in Troup County. --- WEHADKEE News Sept. 12th Luther Moman is sick with the fever. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 23, 1914 WADLEY News Sept. 21st Mrs. Stonewall Gay of Lineville and Miss Lillian Killgore of Ashland are the guests of Mrs. R.B. Killgore. --- AN AGED MOTHER GONE Monday, Messrs. J.T. and J.E. Baird were called to Texas, Georgia by the serious illness of their mother Mrs. J.T. Baird Sr. A phone message was received at the Leader office Tuesday morning that the venerable mother had passed away shortly after 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. She was 75 years of age and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. --- LOCAL News Loyd Cole has gone to Shawmut to accept a position in a drug store. --- Mrs. B.F. Rodgers was the guest of her daughter Mrs. W.S. Green last week. She was returning to her home in North Randolph from Anniston where she has been in an infirmary for some time. --- W. Hamp Adams left yesterday afternoon for Memphis, Tenn., called there by the death of W.C. Bailey whose widow is the former's sister, being Miss Della Adams prior to her marriage to Mr. Bailey some years ago. --- Mrs. J.H. Harris of Opelika is here to attend Mrs. J.P. Harris at Abanda who is quite sick. --- Mrs. J.P. James has returned to her home in Roanoke after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson. The Lanett news --- Charles B. Taylor left Monday on his return to Indiana. --- Mr. P.E. Wilson, father of Olin and Homer Wilson, is critically ill at Glenn, Georgia. --- Mrs. Annie Ray Trammell went to Atlanta yesterday to spend the winter with her brother Mr. J.W. Trent. --- Mr. and Mrs. W.F. Handley are expected home today from Talladega where they were called by the serious illness and death of the latter's father Mr. Edward Brown. --- FOR SALE - - - 315 acres of good farm land, good houses, 3 horse farm. Apply to J.H. Strong --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 30, 1914 MR. P.E. WILSON DEAD Mr. P.E. Wilson, whose critical illness we chronicled last week, died Wednesday afternoon at his home at Glenn, Georgia. He had been in failing health for many months. Mr. Wilson was the father of Messrs. J.O. and H.V. Wilson of this place and had long been a prominent citizen. --- BAIL FOR WILL TURNER Deputy Sheriffs G.N. Cofield and W.B. Ford arrived here Saturday afternoon from Texas with Will Turner, who is charged with the killing of his brother-in- law, Jim Hollis, at Rock Mills some weeks ago. A preliminary trial was held at once before Justices Cofield and Harris and Turner was admitted to bail in the sum of $200. which he promptly made. --- LOCAL News Mrs. Elizabeth Driver is recovering from a severe illness. --- Mrs. Rucker has gone to her former home in Greene county where she will spend several weeks. --- Mrs. J.A. White of Ashland is spending several days with her daughter Mrs. S.J. Parker who is now recovering from a weeks illness. --- Mrs. Mary Jeffers left yesterday to spend some months at her old home at Perkins Junction, Georgia. --- Invitations have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Brittain to the marriage of their daughter Miss Ruth to Dr. James Daniel Wilbanks on Monday, the 12th of October at one o'clock at home. --- Dr. and Mrs. I.H. Lane announce the engagement of their daughter Clyde to Mr. Warren Frank Ridley of Ridley, Ga., the wedding to take place November fifth. --- WEHADKEE News Sept. 28th Homer Prestridge and Miss Mattie Scott were married Sunday. C.H. Green, Esq., officiated. --- ROCK MILLS News Mrs. E.B. Hearn is recovering from an operation which she underwent while in the Gaines-Wheeler sanitarium. --- Since our last writing the marriage of Miss Berta Allison to Mr. George Cook occurred. --- J.H. Johnson and G.W. Prata who are in LaGrange undergoing treatments for cancer are reported as doing nicely. --- WADLEY News Sept. 28th Mr. J.M. Carter of Gadsden and Miss Linna Chapman were married Sunday night at seven-thirty. Mr. and Mrs. Carter left on the nine-thirty train for their future home in Gadsden. --- BROUGHTON News Sept. 28th Mrs. Frank Mickle, an aged and esteemed lady, was buried here last Friday. The deceased had been in feeble health for a long time. --- Mrs. Dock Caldwell who has been quite sick several days is improving. --- BACON LEVEL News Sept. 28th J.A. Wilson was called to Glenn, Ga., last week by the death of his brother P.E. Wilson. --- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape772gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 14.0 Kb