Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper abstracts for SEPT 1922 September 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net April 8, 2006, 11:46 pm The Roanoke Leader September 1922 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for SEPTEMBER 1922 NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 6, 1922 WOODLAND News Sept. 4th There were many from Bowdon, Roanoke, Malone, Wedowee and other places who attended the funerals at Zion on Saturday and Sunday when "Uncle" Johnnie Traylor and Dr. George W. Traylor were buried, the former on Saturday and the latter on Sunday. --- LOCAL News The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Patterson died suddenly early last Thursday morning. The interment was made at Mt. Pisgah the following morning, services being conducted by Rev. Claude Orear. Only a few weeks ago twin daughters were born to Mr. and Mrs. Patterson but one only lived a few hours. In the sorrow of losing the second babe the afflicted parents have the sincere sympathy of all their friends. ---- WEHADKEE News Sept. 4th Roy Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young, is quite sick with typhoid fever. --- Mrs. Henry Duke has been confined to her bed several days with typhoid fever. --- Mrs. Geo. L. Cox was buried at Big Springs last Thursday afternoon in the presence of a large congregation. The deceased was 46 years old, was the mother of thirteen children, eight children living. She was a member of the First Baptist church in LaGrange, Ga., and was a devoted christian. Revs. W.P. Cumbee and R.B. Hester were in charge of the funeral service. --- MALONE News Sept. 4th Last Friday about one o'clock occurred the death of "Uncle" Johnnie Traylor. He was 82 years old. He leaves a wife, four daughters and two sons to mourn his death. The remains were laid to rest at Mt. Zion cemetery. --- Mr. Geo. Henry Traylor was called to the bedside of his father last Tuesday night. The writer has been informed that he died Friday night. --- MRS. HELEN FLOYD DIED AT NEW HOPE ON TUESDAY After an extended illness Mrs. Helen Floyd died last Thursday at New Hope in Chambers county. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Manning and was an aunt of Mrs. Wm. J. Mann of this city. The deceased was 72 years of age at her demise. She was a consistent christian woman and was a member of the New Hope Christian church where the funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Friday, conducted by Rev. G.D. Hurst. Four children survive this good mother. ---- LEVEL ROAD News Sept. 4th Mr. Howell Horton left last week for Erick, Oklahoma. --- WEDOWEE CIRCUIT COURT Sept. 4th The following is a result of the criminal cases in Circuit Court: Joe Douglas, assault to murder, given two to three years Zeke Adams, profane language, fined one cent Emmett Mickle, profane language, fined one cent Will Johnson, distilling, given 18 months to two years Harland Knight, distilling, given 18 months to two years Grover Shockley, profane language, fined one dollar Russell Cofield, assault with a weapon, fined $50. Eli Hester, distilling, given 18 months to 2 years John Parmer, murder in first degree, sentenced to ten years Raven Buchanan, murder in second degree, sentenced to ten years Will Grant, distilling, given one year and one day Son Phillips, distilling, given one year and one day ----- WEDOWEE News Sept. 4th Last Friday the sad news reached Wedowee that "Uncle" John Traylor was dead. He was born and reared in Randolph county. Before his health failed four years ago, he was a noted hunter and fisherman. I have heard him say that he had seen as many as 75 deer in one drove. He was 82 years old. He never signed a note in his life nor had anything charged to him in a store. He was well known throughout the county. I don't suppose he had an enemy. All who knew him loved him. He never spoke evil of anyone. He was a Confederate soldier, had a host of relatives and reared a large family, all respectable citizens. He was buried at old Zion church on Saturday afternoon. A large crowd attended. By his request Bro. Mack Prescott conducted the funeral. All of his children who are living except three, attended the funeral. "Uncle Johnnie" will be long remembered. The same day of his death, his nephew Dr. G.W. Traylor of Lamar died. Dr. Traylor was 55 years old. He had been practicing medicine for 32 years. He was buried at old Zion church on Sunday at 11 o'clock. This writer had the opportunity of attending. There were supposed to be about three thousand people present. Dr. Traylor was one of the most successful doctors in the county and one of the best citizens. He was a member of the Baptist church. His pastor being absent, Rev. J.E. Johnson of Wedowee conducted the funeral services. Dr. Traylor will be sadly missed in this county. He had a host of relatives and friends. ---- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 13, 1922 PATIENTS AT LOCAL HOSPITAL DOING WELL Mrs. L. Bennett of Rock Mills and Mrs. Robert Albright of Welsh community are patients in the Roanoke Infirmary, having undergone major operations. Mrs. Jesse Hendrix of Graham community was brought to the Knight Sanitorium a few days ago for a serious operation. Another patient in this institution is Mrs. Aldora Champion of Abanda community who underwent an operation yesterday for the removal of a sightless eye, the other one being affected. ---- JOHN L. STEWART VERY SICK Mrs. Cliff Barron was called late Tuesday afternoon to Lanett by the news that her father John L. Stewart had been stricken by paralysis. We learn this morning that Mr. Stewarts' entire right side is paralyzed and he cannot speak, though is conscious. His many friends hope that his strong constitution will enable him to rally quickly. --- DEATH OF MRS. OLDHAM OCCURRED ON THURSDAY At eight o'clock last Thursday morning occurred the demise of Mrs. J.H. Oldham at the home of her daughter Mrs. H.H. Cauthen. Other daughters who were present when the good mother took her departure for a better world were Mrs. M. Schuessler and Misses Emmie and Mary Oldham. The funeral services were conducted at 3:30 from the Methodist church Friday afternoon. The pastor was assisted by Revs. I.F. Hawkins and W.P. Hines. Tender words were spoken over the remains as they lay surrounded by beautiful flowers, manifesting the love and sympathy of friends. Interment was made in the family lot in the city cemetery. Mrs. Oldham was 76 years of age. Her husband, Capt. J.H. Oldham, a gallant Confederate soldier during the Civil War, preceded her just three years ago. Mrs. Oldham was a woman of more than ordinary achievements and in her active life she was a worker in the Methodist church of which she was long a devoted member. She was ready for the change and has no doubt entered upon the reward of the faithful. ----- MR. J. FRANK PITTMAN DIED AT SPRINGFIELD ON SUNDAY Last Sunday morning, Mr. J. Frank Pittman died at his home at Springfield, after an illness of only a few days. It was not generally known that his condition was serious and his demise was a shock to his family and friends. He is survived by a widow and ten grown children. The deceased was a Confederate veteran and a well known citizen and had resided at his last place of residence many years. The interment was at Lebanon, where the funeral was conducted at 11 o'clock Monday morning, in the presence of a large congregation. Mr. Milligan Earnest was in charge, assited by Mr. O.A. Moore. Mr. Pittman was a member of the Christian church. Mr. Pittman's two surviving sons, W.B. and T.A. Pittman, reside in the West and were unable to be present at the funeral. ----- MR. J.T. NELSON DIED SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME ON SUNDAY This community, as well as friends and relatives in other places, was shocked Monday morning to learn that Mr. J. Thomas Nelson had died at an early hour that morning. So peacefully did the end come that his wife, though occupying the same bed, did not know that the spirit had left the body until she arose about the hour of six. Mr. Nelson had shown some restlessness during the latter half of the night but made no complaint. He was known to be alive as late as four o'clock. Mr. Nelson had been a constant sufferer for a year or more, but was in his usual state of health Sunday, attending church services both in the morning and evening. While his sudden going away comes as a shock, yet after all, the circumstances attending make a fitting close to this life so devoted to his family and his church. He was allowed to pass peacefully to rest in his own home, his last day on earth being the holy Sabbath; in the morning he partook of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper with his brethren in the church, while the ladt discourse he heard was upon the resurrection and the future life. Mr. Nelson had been an energetic business man during the major portion of his life, part of the time in Roanoke, then moving to Dallas, Texas for a stay of some ten years. He was a gentleman of many fine qualities and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. He was a faithful member of the Baptist church. Morris Nelson, son of the deceased, was in Dallas, Texas when the sad news of the loss of his father reached him. The daughter Miss Annie Lula Nelson was in Wedowee where she is a member of the faculty of the County High School. The funeral will be conducted at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Baptist church by the pastor. Interment will be made in the cemetery in this city. ----- CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking our many friends for favors shown us during the recent illness and death of our dear beloved husband and father. Especially to we thank Dr. Robert Lovvorn for his faithfulness in coming to his aid and relief. We never called for him but what we was ready to do all he could. We feel that all was done for our beloved husband and father that could have been done; but it was the Lord's will that he should go, and we will only have to submit ourselves to His will. We also want to thank the quartette who rendered such sweet music at the funeral services. It was very thoughtful and nice of the quartette to come and render it. Mrs. G.W. Traylor and children ---- CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the good people of Malone and elsewhere for kindness so tenderly rendered us during the sickness and death of our dear husband and father. We feel sure that each of you did all that you could for him but He who doeth all things well knew best and took him from us. Let us all live such lives as will enable us to meet our loves ones at the throne of God where there will be no more sorrows. May God's richest blessings forever be upon each and everyone of you is our prayer. Mrs. Fannie Traylor and children ---- CARD OF THANKS We, the children and grandchildren desire to express our thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the long illness and death of our dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. E.A. Floyd. May the Lord richly bless each one is our prayer. W.H. Floyd and family Mrs. Exa Hodges and family W.H. Burdett and family Dr. J.T. Clack and family Mrs. Thyra Swint and son D.W. Floyd and family Ralph Melton ----- LOCAL News Mr. George H. Clack, a well known citizen of the Double Head section of Chambers county, aged 72 years, died of cancer on Sunday night and was buried on Monday. ---- Dave Hammock went to Talladega on Tuesday to enter his little son Riser in the School for the Blind, his eyesight being very deficient. ---- Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Baxley of St. Charles, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Park of Grantville, Ga., visited the family of D.H. Braswell on Sunday. --- Mr. G.A. Sears was able to get out last week after an illness of the fever. --- Mrs. Caroline Nolen of Delta Rt. 3 is seriously ill at this time. Her sister Miss Senda Stephens and Mrs. J.E. Nelson have been summoned to her bedside. It is reported that Mrs. Nolen can't live but a short time. --- OFELIA News Sept. 11th Miss Ruth Heard of this place and Mr. Rebrus Willingham from Haywood community were happily married at the home of the bride's parents on Sunday. --- LEVEL ROAD News Sept. 11th A sad occurrence was that of early last Thursday night when the death angel took away from this world the life of Mr. Tobe Gibson. He was laid to rest in the Macedonia cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J.E. Johnson of Wedowee after which the Masons took charge. He had been a member of the Methodist church and a member of the Masonic Lodge for quite a number of years. He leaves a widow and 8 children, 54 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. He was near seventy-two years of age and had been ill several months. ---- Mr. Howard Horton who got his foot seriously cut about four weeks ago and who spent two and one half weeks in the Knight Sanitorium in Roanoke was brought home Sunday morning. He isn't well but we hope he soon will be. ---- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 20, 1922 DEATH OF J.L. STEWART OCCURRED ON THURSDAY Mr. John L. Stewart was stricken last Tuesday afternoon with paralysis upon his return to his home in Lanett from LaGrange. Death ensued two days later. His remains were brought Friday afternoon to Roanoke, his former home, for interment, the services at the grave being conducted by Rev. Mr. Grey. Mr. Stewart was noted as a singer and had been doing considerable work in evangelistic meetings in late months. He wes well thought of by many friends. He leaves a wife and six children, the three elder children being married. ---- LOCAL News Mr. and Mrs. William Alonzo Wilfe of Roanoke announce the engagement of their daughter Mary Will to Mr. Milus l. MacGregor of New Orleans, formerly of Corpus Christi, Texas, the marriage to be solemnized in October. --- HOPEWELL News Sept. 18th Mr. and Mrs. John Holloway were called last Wednesday to attend the burial of Mrs. Waldrep near New Harmony. Mrs. Waldrep was a sister of Mrs. Holloway. --- WADLEY News Sept. 18th Mrs. Hiram Hensley and baby of Vining, Ga., are the guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Stephens. --- LEVEL ROAD News Sept. 18th We are sorry to learn that on last Saturday Mr. T.J. Embrey fell down the stairway of his barn, receiving several bruises. --- Bill Haynes of near Lineville is visiting his grandfather Mr. W.A. Camp this week. --- WEDOWEE News Sept. 19th We learn that Mr. Buck Wallace of Corn House community came near getting killed yesterday. He was hauling logs and the log rolled off on him. --- DINGLER News Sept. 18th Mr. Bill Abner, an aged man of this community, departed from life last night, leaving fifteen children. The body is being held over until tomorrow for arrival of three of his children who live in Winston county. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, September 27, 1922 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the good people of Roanoke for their token of love shown us during the recent death of our father and to the Women's Missionary Society for the beautiful floral offering. May God richly reward each of you. Mrs. Sam F. Abernathy and sister ---- LOCAL News Mrs. E.W. Ellis of Birmingham spent the weekend with her sister Mrs. R.L. Burgess. --- John Jordan will leave Friday to make his home in Monroe, Louisiana. --- Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Cummings will leave October first to visit their daughter Mrs. Bowling in Birmingham. --- WADLEY News Sept. 25th The town of Wadley was saddened by the death of Miss May Seymour last Wednesday morning. She had been sick for several months but always bore her afflictions without a murmur. Those who knew her best loved her most and the sorrow was especially intense to her family and many friends in this town. The funeral was conducted at the Christian church by Rev. C.W. Carter assisted by Rev. Mr. Owens, after which the body was laid to rest beneath an embankment of beautiful flowers to await the resurrection morning, when friends and loved ones will meet again in that beautiful city above. ---- DINGLER News Sept. 25th Mrs. Mandy Freeman of Birmingham is the guest of her niece, Mrs. J.T. Yates of this place. --- UNION HILL News Sept. 25th G.W. Hanvey and family of Pool's Cross Roads and George Rice and family of Mt. Zion visited the latter's brother John L. Rice on Sunday. --- MT. ZION News Sept. 25th Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seymour spent Saturday night and Sunday with relatives at Haywood, and attended the reunion held at Mr. Jim Williams in honor of the latter's mother's birthday, Mrs. Nancy Williams. --- CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the people in and around Wadley for the love and sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our dear daughter and sister. We thank you for the beautiful flowers and the wonderful trays received. All this helped us to bear our great loss. May God bless each and every one of you is our prayer. Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Seymour and family, Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Harris ---- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape919gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 17.6 Kb