Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for OCT 1922 October 1922 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: C. Teal Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net April 10, 2006, 11:51 pm The Roanoke Leader October 1922 NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama for OCTOBER 1922 (NOTE: The newspaper issue of Wednesday, October 4, 1922 was not filmed for this microfilm roll) NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 11, 1922 MALONE News Oct. 10th Last Wednesday the death angel saddened the home of Mr. Henry Fetner when the spirit of Mrs. A.M. Camp left her. She was 86 years old, had been a member of the M.E. Church for 74 years and had been blind and helpless for 23 years. Rev. R.M. Allen conducted the funeral. ---- ROCK MILLS News Oct. 9th Mrs. M.J. Bartlett of Bowdon, Ga., is visiting her son J.A. Bartlett. She is 84 years of age, is the mother of nine children, has forty-two grandchildren, fifty-eight great grandchildren and seven great-great grandchildren. --- Mr. Olin Burdett of Clanton, Ala., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Burdett. --- LOCAL News Mr. Bowdon Brown and quite a number of his family and friends celebrated his birthday very pleasantly at his home several miles south of town last Sunday. --- IN MEMORY OF J.T. NELSON Whereas God, in His incrutible providence, has taken out of this world the spirit of our beloved Bro. J.T. Nelson, we feel that Roanoke Lodge No. 132 A.F. & A.M. has lost one of its most beloved members, yet we humbly bow to the will of Him who doeth all things well. Be it resolved first; that in the passing of Brother Nelson from this world of trials, troubles and tribulations to that better world above, our lodge has lost a valued member, the family an affectionate husband and father and the community a high-toned christian gentleman. Second; that while it is natural for us to mourn for those we love, we have that sweet hope and consolation of mind that some day the earth and the sea will give up the dead and in that bright morning of the world's resurrection we know and feel that we shall see those that have been near and dear to us in this life. Third; that our whole lodge tenders to the dear wife and children our deepest and affectionate sympathy, and commend them to the infinite Heavenly Father who will love and protect them that put their trust and confidence in Him. Fourth; that a copy of these resolutions be given The Roanoke Leader for publication, a copy to the family and that a copy be spread on the minutes of our lodge. E.M. Moore S.H. Tatus W.E. Hester, Committee ----- LOCAL News Mr. Jake Moon died Monday at his home in Hillsboro, Texas. Funeral and interment are at Lineville on Friday. --- WEHADKEE News Oct. 9th Mr. Luther W. Stitt happened to an accident last Wednesday morning. While dehorning a cow the animal fell on his right leg, breaking it below the knee. He is doing as well as could be expected. --- Mr. W.W. Green was stricken with paralysis last week at his home at Paran and is not expected to live but a short time. --- Liles Gay, who underwent an operation a week ago, died last Thursday night. The deceased was just entering into mahood, being twenty years old. He leaves a wife and little babe and a large circle of relatives. Funeral services were conducted at Big Springs on Friday afternoon. --- MT. ZION News Oct. 9th Mrs. Pearl Swann went to Shawmut last week to attend the funeral of her sister Mrs. Bishop, formerly Miss Jennie Faulkner. ---- NEW HOPE News Oct. 9th Mrs. Lecta Wilder has been sick several days. It is feared that she has the fever. 000 Mr. T.C. Wilson is sick with the fever. --- Leonidas Payne and wife and also Amos McManus and family visited Mr. J.D. Washington in Roanoke on Saturday and Sunday. --- Mr. Arthur Bailey and family from Rock Springs community visited Mr. H.R. Nix and family Saturday and Sunday. ---- LOCAL News Mr. Sam Green has been attending his father near Paran, who has been seriously ill. Milton Green, another son, arrived Tuesday from Fort Pierce, Fla. ---- Gaute Hornsby returned to Birmingham yesterday after a visit in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Hornsby. --- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 18, 1922 TOM HUDDLESON KILLED SUNDAY IN NORTHERN PART OF COUNTY; Three Men Arrested Wedowee, Oct. 16th A sad tragedy occurred yesterday about 10 miles north of Wedowee in the Charles Boyd community. Tom Huddleson, a young man and two others were passing along the road and Huddleson was shot in the back and died at once. Late yesterday evening, John Henry Craft, Grady Craft and Kara Haynes were brought to Wedowee and placed in jail. I understand that Kara Haynes and Grady Kraft have made a statement that John Henry Craft did the killing. ---- IN MEMORY OF MRS. F.P. MULLENDORE In the early morning of October 3rd, the sweet spirit of this good woman took it's flight to the Great Beyond. For several weeks those around her realized that disease had triumphed over medical skill and that it was only a question of a short time till the dread summons would come. Yet it came as a shock for we are never prepared for those things. With sad hearts and bowed heads we can submit to God's will for he makes no mistakes. A devoted wife and mother, a kind, good neighbor, a faithful church member, we shall all miss her. It was my privilege to be with her in her last moments and as I sat by her bed and held her hand and knew that her life was fast ebbing away I felt how sweet it was to die the death of a christian, and as her life passed away and her soul went back to the God who gave it, I thought that over on the other shore loved ones were awaiting her coming, mother, sister, friends, all there to welcome her. It was sad to see the grief othe little grandchildren, when they knew that grandmother was gone. One precious little girl said to me, her little eyes full of tears and her little heart almost broken, "we can see grandmother up in heaven." Yes, for we all know that grandmother is there. "Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of the lord." Mrs. Mullendore was born at Talladega, Ala., on August 25, 1857 and died October 3, 1922 at her home at 2300 McKleroy Avenue, Anniston, Alabama, aged 65 years, 1 month and 8 days. She was married to F.P. Mullendore on Nov. 14, 1877 and for nearly 45 years their love and devotion to each other was beautiful to see. At the age of 17 years she joined the Presbyterian church at Owen Springs and after her marriage she joined the Methodist church at Bethlehem, Talladega county and for 47 years lived a consistent faithful member of that church. She leaves bereaved a devoted husband, two sons, G.A. Mullendore of Anniston and O.L. Mullendodre of Roanoke, and eleven grandchildren to mourn her going away. We carried her back to Bethlehem, near Munford, where for so many years she had loved to go and laid her remains to rest beside the loved ones gone before. The funeral services were conducted by Bro. R.M. Phifer of Oxford, her former pastor, assisted by Bro. Bob Jones of Oxford and Bro. Dobbs of Munford. Just as the sun was going down we laid her body quietly to rest and covered the mound with beautiful flowers, and left her there to await the resurrection morn. The large concourse of friends attested the esteem in which she was held. "Thou hast gone from us, oh, loved one, O'er the dark and chilly tide, In the home of many mansions, with the blest thou dost abide. We shall now be sad and lonely, since thy voice we hear no more, But ere long we hope to meet thee On the bright, eternal shore." A true friend, Mrs. F.A. Pearce ------ WADLEY News Oct. 16th Mrs. Ventress of Collinsville, Messrs. George and Martin Kilgore of Tifton, Ga., and Bradford Kilgore of Weofufka were with their aged mother last week who continues very ill. --- Mrs. J.P. McGill is visiting her daughter Mrs. Jack Conway in BIrmingham who is the happy mother of a boy. --- Mr. Clyde Hodge returned from Akron, Ohio on Thursday. He will assist his father J.L. Hodge in the store. --- Mrs. J.M. Atkins of Stamford, Texas moved to Wadley. Mr. Charles Atkins and family has moved into the house with Mrs. J.M. Atkins. --- Mrs. W.L. Elmore and little daughter of Savannah, Ga., are spending some time with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Weldon. --- LOCAL News The sixth son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. McDow was born last week. --- We regret to note that Mr. W.H. Knight continues in a wretched state of health. --- Mrs. W.D. Gaines died at her home in LaFayette at 5 o'clock this morning, following a stroke of apoplexy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Noel and Dr. and Mrs. Liles are with the stricken family. The funeral will be at ten o'clock Thursday morning. --- Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Meares of Taylor's Cross Roads community expect to leave tomorrow to spend the winter with their son in Muscogee, Oklahoma. --- ROCK MILLS News Oct. 16th Mrs. Charlie Stalnacker of Tallasee is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Quint Foster. --- Mrs. Lenda Weathers was stricken with paralysis on Sunday morning and is very low. --- Mr. H.N. Owens received a telegram from his granddaughter in Florida stating that her father Mr. John Collins died on Friday. His companion proceded him on the 8th of the past August. ---- DINGLER News Oct. 16th Mr. Wyley McCollum list his right arm in a cotton gin last week. The arm was severed by the gin at the elbow but the doctor amputated it near the shoulder. Mr. McCollum's many friends regret his misfortune. --- WOODLAND News Oct. 16th Mr. Jim Lee Wright of Bristol, Tennessee arrived last week to visit relatives here in his old home community. --- Last Saturday in Providence cemetery the remains of Mrs. Robert Fincher were laid away for the last long rest. Her death did not come as a surprise as she had been in failing health for several years. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her death. She will be missed in the home, in the community and in the Baptist church of which she was a devoted member. ---- NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, October 25, 1922 ROCK MILLS News Oct. 23rd Mrs. Mettie Holder of Shawmutt is by the bedside of her mother Mrs. Lenda Weathers who is very ill. --- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Yarbrough and mother Mrs. W.M. Cooper spent Sunday in LaFayette. --- Mr. Sam Manley is able to be out after a short spell of the fever. --- MT. ZION News Oct. 23rd Mr. and Mrs. Jim Taylor Keeble and the former's mother visited Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Siggers at Level Road on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday Mr. Keeble killed a monstrous rattlesnake near the house four feet long with ten rattles. --- BROUGHTON News Oct. 23rd On Monday afternoon of October 16th at 2 o'clock, the death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Shipp and took away the spirit of the former. Mr. Shipp had been in declining health for some weeks. He was about 75 years of age and had been a member of the Baptist church for many years. The deceased leaves a wife and five children and a host of friends to mourn his death. The remains were carried to Rock Springs on Tuesday where the body was lowered to its last resting place. Bro. Browning officiated. ---- MALONE News Oct. 24th Mrs. W.L. Daniel will leave soon for Mashall county to reside. --- Mrs. Burt Benefield and children left yesterday for Birmingham to make that their home. Mr. Benefield has been there for some time. --- OPHELIA News Oct. 23rd Mr. Aubrey Wilson and family and also Mr. Dewey Knight's family left last week for north Alabama where they will make their homes. --- LOCAL News J.B. Fincher has gone to Texas to make his home. --- W. Lee Carroll went to Atlanta on Sunday where he has a good job as shipping clerk. His family will stay with his mother for the time being. --- Mr. Thos. M. Blake of Blake's station was married Sunday afternoon to Miss Nannie Moore at the home of the latter's father, Rev. H.R. Moore in Roanoke. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W.P. Hines and was witnessed by a few friends. --- Mrs. Ira McClendon died Friday night at the home of her son W.S. McClendon in Lowell community. She was 80 years of age. The remains of the deceased were carried to Providence church in Lamar for interment on Sunday. --- WOODLAND News Oct. 23rd Mrs. Arrie McClendon whose death occurred in Roanoke was laid to rest in Providence cemetery on Sunday. --- Mrs. W.A. Benefield visited her sister Mrs. H.F. Burns in Wedowee last week. --- Mrs. Henry Horsley had as her guest on Sunday her brother Mr. Tom Clack and family of Atlanta and her father of near Roanoke. --- The three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kirby died last Wednesday after a short illness of diptheria. The interment was at Big Springs on Thursday afternoon. --- File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/newspape931gnw.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 13.4 Kb