Randolph County AlArchives News.....Newspaper Abstracts for JUNE 1897 June 1897 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net January 28, 2005, 10:36 pm The Randolph Toiler NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS FROM "THE RANDOLPH TOILER", Wedowee, Randolph County, Alabama for JUNE 1897 NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, June 4, 1897 LOCAL News Mrs. "Bud" Carpenter, who has been quite sick, is reported by Dr. Dean to be convalescent. __ Mrs. Wood of Roanoke, Mrs. Hoyt Enloe's grandmother, came up Sunday and remained with Mrs. Enloe until Wednesday. __ Mr. C.F. Birdsong and his wife and little daughter came up from Roanoke on Tuesday on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Ford, returning on Wednesday. __ Messrs. Sam and Clifton Oliver of Dadeville, the first named a brother and the latter a cousin of Col. J.W. Oliver, were up on a visit to Col. Oliver the first of the week. __ Mr. Westley DeVaughan, whose sudden affliction with a stroke of paralysis was noted last week, died Monday night last, after remaining for a week in an unconscious condition. Mr. DeVaughan lived near Blake's Ferry and was a prominent citizen. __ Rev. and Mrs. S.J. Parish, who arrived from their home at Wilsonville on Friday night, have spent a week with Mrs. Parish's parents and their many friends here. __ Mrs. J.V. Metts of Pratt City, with her three children, came over to attend the memorial service in honor of her brother, the late Dr. W.H. Mitchell. They remained with Mrs. Mitchell until Wednesday. Mrs. Metts is the only sister of Dr. Mitchell, the two being brought up as orphan children together and her sorrow at his loss may well be imagined. __ NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, June 11, 1897 LOCAL News The readers of the Toiler will remember that John Shaw got into trouble and into jail the latter part of last summer about a woman, one Mrs. Liona Murner is her name, and he being of the opinion that she belongs to him, although not his wife. On that occasion he is alleged to have assaulted her in such a violent manner that she was in bodily fear of him and took measures to have him placed under bonds to keep the peace. It seems he has not given up the project of bringing Mrs. Murner under subjection. It is alleged that three weeks ago last Sunday, he went, in company with her brother-in-law, Mr. Will Parmer, to the house of a family near Milner, where she was living, and finding her alone quickly doubled her all up in a pile and placed her in a buggy and took her forcibly away to Georgia. He left her at a house over there, telling her to remain until he returned for her, but she made her escape and returned, much the worse for the trip, arriving at Milner on Sunday, just a week from the time she was abducted. She had warrants issued for Shaw and Parmer, charging them with kidnapping. The officers found the two in a field on the place of Parmer, arresting the latter, but Shaw out ran the posse and dodged bullets and made his escape. He has not yet been arrested. Mr. Parmer was tried before Justice Lee and Landers at Wildwood last Saturday and his bond was fixed at $200. It is said "the course of true love never runs smooth". Perhaps the love of Mr. Shaw for Mrs. Murner is exceptionally "true" and this may account for the violent form it has assumed. ____ Oney Padget, formerly of this county, was arrested in the edge of Clay County last Friday by Sheriff Harris and Deputy Kent. He is charged as an accessory to the killing of a young man named McKinley at a picnic at St. Clair Springs recently. Sheriff Brown of St. Clair County came down and conveyed Padget to Ashville on Tuesday last. __ Sheriff Harris left an an early hour last Saturday morning to convey to the coal mines Isaac Clifton, who as convicted at the last term of the circuit court of murder in the first degree and sentenced for life. The public had no intimation of the sheriff's intention and Isaac was far on his journey before it was known that he had been removed from mail. It seems that Col. Sam Henderson, leading counsel for Clifton, had given notice of appeal and Circuit Clerk Ford, after delaying for some time at Col. Henderson's request, sent up the transcript in the case; but when it came before the court the case was dismissed at Col. Henderson's motion and the judgement of the lower court was allowed to stand. What Col. Henderson's object was, we know not, but the result was to keep the prisoner in close confinement in the county jail for more than three months longer than necessary at the expense of the county, without any benefit to himself or any other living soul on earth. ___ NAPOLEON News Mance Hester has been lying very low for two weeks. We believe now that our efficient Dr. Traylor will pull him through though the odds at first were against him. __ Uncle B. Nail is still very feeble, but hopeful. __ NEWELL News Mr. Mige Traylor and wife visited friends and relatives at Kaylor, Ala., a few days ago. Mrs. Traylor had some teeth extracted and she has been suffering very much for the last week from the effects thereof. __ We regret to learn that Mr. M.B. Bradley, father of our County Treasurer, suffered a relapse recently after his long illness and was yesterday reportedly at the point of death. __ POTASH News J. Tom Owens will let off his mill pond soon to repair his dam and water house. __ Mr. Jack Freeman is probably one of the oldest native born citizens of Randolph County. He is 61 years of age, born and raised within 5 miles of his present home. His talks about the earlier days in Randolph are quite interesting. __ GRAHAM News Mr. William Bozeman's little boy was returning from the mill and the horse threw him off and knocked him senseless but he has recovered. __ BILLVILLE News Billville is a charming little village situated in Randolph County, Ala. on a beautiful site overlooking the fertile valley and the rippling stream that glides down nature's pathway, forming the picturesque scenery of the beautiful valley of Billville. __ A physician would almost perish in this community if he had to depend on some fellow getting sick. It is too health for our town for a doctor to get a living practicing medicine. News is scarce. __ WEHADKEE News Mr. Sam Arnett of Texas, Georgia was here Sunday evening to see his best girl. __ NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, June 18, 1897 LOCAL News We learn that Mr. Cameron, who is operating a gold mine near Goldville, a few miles southeast of Ashland, strated for a United States Mint a few days ago, carrying with him a gold brick estimated to be worth from $4000. to $5000. which was moulded at his mill and which he will have coined. He says he will bring the money back with him and circulate it among our people. Clay County Advance. __ Mr. W.N. Clifton and his son Dave are down from their new home at Anniston on a visit. __ Mrs. Robt. Merrill who has been suffering from an attack of slow fever the past two weeks is reported better. __ Mr. Canara Green of Midway who has had a serious attack of intermittent fever is now reported convalescent by Dr. Dean. __ It was reported yesterday that Mr. M.B. Bradley was no better, being very low. Mr. Elias Bradley has been at home with him constantly since his relapse. __ Mrs. H.C. Camp and Mrs. H.R. Gay gave us a pleasant call Thursday morning which was appreciated very much. It encourages us greatly to have a cheerful word speken by elderly ladies. __ Mr. W.M. McMurray expects to start for a trip to southwestern Texas about July 1st, to be gone a month or more. Hope he won't fall in love with that region and be moving away. __ Rev. G.T. Harris visited his old home in Tallapoosa County last week and his sister returned with him on a visit. Bro. Harris had the misfortune to lose his horse on the trip, the animal having sickened and died but a kind friend supplied him with another and he is still "in the fight." __ OFELIA News Mrs. Swancy Burrow is quite sick. __ Stacy Burrow is on the sick list. __ Mr. George Hendon of Haywood was the guest of his sons George and Tom Hendon on Saturday and Sunday. __ The beautiful Miss Julia Burrow spent last week week with her Aunt, Mrs. Barefield. __ Quite a number of our people attended the funeral of Larcus Barefield last Monday. It was said to be the largest crowd that was ever seen at that place. Truly, "death loves a shining mark." __ Mrs. Kelly died of cancer and was buried in the family graveyard near here Wednesday. __ NEWSPAPER issue of Friday, June 25, 1897 LOCAL News Will Lanier, against whom several charges are docketed in Chambers County, and who has been on the dodge for over a year, was arrested by the officers in St. Clair County last Monday a week ago and lodged in jail. It is said he made a desperate fight and it required four men to put hand cuffs on him. Sheriff Harris went up after him on Wednesday of last week at the instance of his bondsmen in this county and conveyed him to his quarters in the LaFayette jail. ___ DEATH OF MR. M.B. BRADLEY After an illness of several weeks, M.B. Bradley breathed his last at his home four miles east of Wedowee on the 18th of this month. It is with painful regret that we note the death of this good man and much respected citizen of Randolph County. Mr. Bradley was born in Morgan County, GA., on the 22nd day of December 1822, and hence had passed the allotted three score years and ten. He moved into Alabama in the year 1873 and resided continuously in this county until his death and was a model citizen. Very few men, if any, have performed better than this departed friend, their duty both to god and man. In his private dealings and character he was honest, upright and fearless in the right, the qualities which give tone and strength to a community. In his life we can see the beauty of the poet's meaning when he said "an honest man's the noblest work of god." As much can be said of his christian life. His devotion to the maker did not seem to be of the kind which was expressed in loud professions but was of the better kind, showing forth in good deeds and a consistent life, which impressed the hearts of men and inspired faith. Like him, may we all so "number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." ___ Capt. Geo. P. Good is opening a gold mine six miles south of Edwardsville. __ Rev. F.W. Vaughan and wife left Edwardsville for Texas on the 13th to make their home there. __ WEHADKEE News Mr. W.A. Seegar and wife of Rock Mills visited the former's parents here Sunday. __ Mr. H. Hester and daughter of Potash visited the former's father near this place Sunday. __ Mr. J.W. Veal is all smiles over the arrival of a fine boy. __ Mr. R.L. Hester has been confined to his room several days with fever. __ Uncle Tapley Hester was thrown from a horse a few days ago and seriously hurt. He is convalescent now. He also has two sick children. __ Mrs. Hughes, who resided near Oxford, accidentally shot herself Saturday while handling a pistol and died from the effects the next morning. She thought the pistol was not loaded. __ File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/newspapers/nw134newspape.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/alfiles/ File size: 11.7 Kb