Roanoke Rural Free Delivery Route #1, Randolph, Alabama ============================================= USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file is copyrighted and contributed by: William Fischer, Jr. ============================================= January 2002 ROANOKE’S RURAL ROUTE ---------------------------- The postmaster at Roanoke has received official notice that a rural free delivery route is to begin at this office on March second. We give the main points on the route: From Roanoke via Double Head, Happy Land, New Hope Church, Driver, Pool’s Mill, and returning via Happy Land and Squire Sedge’s. The route will be 24 1-4 miles long and will cover an area of 16 1-2 miles. The number of houses on the route are 101 and the population served 505. There will be collection boxes for the reception of matter to be mailed at Double Head, Happy Land and Driver. The carrier will leave Roanoke at 11:15, a m, just after the arrival of the train mails, and will return to this office at 6 p m. This will afford the people on this route a splendid service. Applications are on file in the [Post Office] department for two more rural routes, leading out from the Roanoke office. Let them come! [From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 4 Feb 1903, p.3] ---------------------------- LOCAL NEWS AND COMMENT ---------------------------- John SLEDGE has received notice of his appointment as mail carrier of rural route number one, from Roanoke to Driver and other points. His examination averaged 98 -- a fine grade. Mr. SLEDGE will move to the Bob PHELPS place near town and be ready to begin his duties the first of March. The salary attached is $600 a year. [From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 11 Feb 1903, p.3] ------- Double Head, Happy Land, and New Hope Church are all in extreme northern Chambers Co.; Driver was probably located near the Chambers--Randolph boundary; Pool’s Mill is possibly known today as Pooles Crossroad (a mile west of High Pine). ---------------------------- LOCAL NEWS AND COMMENT ---------------------------- John SLEDGE, the R F D carrier, rolled out Monday [6 Apr 1903] morning in a bran [sic] new, spink-spank, made-to-order delivery wagon. It is white, with proper trimmings, and is bound to attract attention. It is so constructed as to be a regular little office in itself, having pigeon holes, writing desk, stamp drawer, glass doors, etc. [From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 8 Apr 1903, p.3] ---------------------------- LOCAL NEWS AND COMMENT ---------------------------- On the 15th of this month the post offices at Double Head, Happy Land, and Driver were abolished and all mail directed to those points is now stopped at Roanoke. [From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 22 Apr 1903, p.3]