Obituary for Irving Disharoon, Randolph, Alabama ============================================= USGENWEB PROJECT NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Project Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file is copyrighted and contributed by: William Fischer, Jr. ============================================= January 2004 MANLY LITTLE SON OF DR. DISHAROON IS DEAD ---------------------------- Irving DISHAROON, the 14-year-old son of Dr. H. B. DISHAROON, died at noon Saturday [19 June 1915] in a hospital in Atlanta, where he had been taken some weeks ago in an effort to baffle the encroachment of a fatal disease. Both Dr. and Mrs. DISHAROON were with the manly little fellow when the end came. The remains, escorted by the parents and several friends, arrived in Roanoke Sunday at 12:50. A large party had gathered at the station to offer sympathy and help and to accompany the sorrowing ones to their home, where the remains rested till 4 o’clock Monday afternoon. At that hour a large congregation assembled at the Baptist church, where many beautiful floral offerings had been placed. The school mates of the departed were present in rank before the church as a mark of respect. The services, which were very touching, were conducted by the pastor [Rev. J. W. RUCKER]. This untimely death, following so soon upon the demise of a little girl in a neighboring family, evoked much sympathy, which was manifested in many beautiful expressions. Irving was a much admired child, and his modest life, though now gone out, will leave a hallowed radiance in many hearts that will abide beyond the twilight where time and eternity meet. [From The Roanoke Leader (Randolph County, Alabama), 23 June 1915, p.1] ---------- Irving DISHAROON, Abt 1900/1901—19 June 1915, Emma A. DISHAROON, 26 October 1867—17 November 1904, his mother, Bela MAYFIELD DISHAROON, 4 November 1882—14 August 1959, second wife of Dr. H. B. DISHAROON? There is an unmarked child-sized cement-covered grave in the DISHAROON family plot; this is probably the grave of Irving DISHAROON, There are also two adult cement covered graves in the DISHAROON family plot, All in Cedarwood Cemetery, Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama.