Randolph County AlArchives Obituaries.....McKeen, Jim Tom January 1936 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace (Teal) Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net February 4, 2007, 11:31 am "The Cleburne News" Heflin, Cleburne Co., Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Thursday, JANUARY 30, 1936 McKEEN KILLED LAST TUESDAY Wedowee, Ala., Jan. 24 Jim Tom McKeen, 40, was shot and instantly killed Tuesday afternoon by Tom Wortham, a brother-in-law. It is said that McKeen and Wortham had been having trouble for the past few months. Witnesses state that McKeen fired his pistol six times at Wortham, three times through the wall of the store of A.J. Roberts. Wortham then shot McKeen one time, the shot killing him. Wortham gave himself up to the sheriff and was brought to jail pending action of the grand jury. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/randolph/obits/m/mckeen835gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 1.2 Kb