Russell County AlArchives Court.....Joel Mizelle October 5 1840+ ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Walter Ward October 6, 2003, 10:28 am Source: LDS microfilm #1295788 Written: October 5 1840+ Joel Mizelle; Guardianship of Gabriel Mizell's minor children Source: Microfilm of the actual courthouse records: LDS microfilm #1295788 Russell County, Alabama Orphans Court Minutes 1838-1842 Page 116, Oct. 5, 1840 Came Joel Mizzill and makes application to the Court in terms of the law to be appointed Guardian for Elizabeth, John and Nathan minor heirs of Gabriel Mizzell, deceased. It is (ordered?) that the said Joel Mizzell be appointed said Guardian upon his entering into a bond in the sum of twelve hundred dollars with good and sufficient Security. Whereupon the said Joel Mizzell presented to the Court his Bond for the Guardianship aforesaid in the sum of Twelve Hundred dollars with Gordan H. Davis, John Bishop and William Stubbs as Securities which was approved of by the Court, and the said Joel Mizzell was thereupon duly qualified as Guardian aforesaid and Letters of Guardianship granted him accordingly.----- Page 274, 4th April 1842. Came Joel Mizzell Guardian for John Mizzell Elizabeth Mizzell & Nathan Mizzell and presented to the Court a return of his actings & doings as guardian aforesaid which being examined Stated & reported is received & ordered to be recorded.----- Orphans Court Minutes 1842-1847 Page 340, Nov. Term 1845. #108 Joel Mizell Guardian for Minor heirs of Gabriel Mizell, deceased, vs The said Wards.} Came this day Joel Mizell Guardian of Elizabeth, John, & Nathan Mizell Minor heirs of Gabriel Mizell deceased, and files his account and vouchers for his annual return, and the said account and vouchers, having been examined, audited, and stated by the Judge are reported for allowance on the first Monday in January next. It is therefore ordered that publication be made by posting up notices in three public places in this County for forty days to all persons in adverse interest, to appear and show cause if any they may have why the said account should not be allowed. Page 359, Jan. Term 1846.(note: the Book of minutes index had the note "final order" for this entry.) #108 Joel Mizell Guardian for Minor heirs of Gabriel Mizell, deceased, vs The said Estate.} Came this day Joel Mizell Guardian of Elizabeth, John, & Nathan Mizell Minor heirs of Gabriel Mizell deceased, and prays that his account and vouchers, as Stated by the Judge of this Court at a former term for allowance be allowed, and it appearing that notice of the intention of the said Guardian to have his said account so stated as aforesaid presented at this term of the Court for allowance has been posted up at three of the most public places in the County of Russell for forty days previous to this term of the Court and no objection being made to the same or any part thereof. It is ordered and decreed by the Court that the said account of the said Guardian as aforesaid be allowed, and it is futher ordered that the said account be filed and recorded. Transcriber's notes: 1) The four entries above are the only ones shown in the index of Orphan Court books for Joel Mizelle as guardian for the minor heirs of Gabriel Mizell. It is possible that the person preparing the index may have missed an entry or two, especially for the years 1843 & 1844, which are missing. However, I did not scan all of the entries in the entire roll of microfilm to find these missing entries, if they were there. 2) Gabriel Mizelle, who died ca 1840 in Halifax County, North Carolina, is believed to be a brother of Joel Mizelle, the guardian of Gabriel Mizelle's children. 3) Words that could not be identified are shown in parentheses with my best guess & a question mark. 4) Spelling of words are exactly as written in the records to the best of the transcriber's ability. WHW. Orphans Court Minutes 1842-1847. (Transcriber's note: For some reason unknown to me the following information was also included in the Orphans Court Minutes of 1842-1847.) Page 24, Nov. 30, 1842. The reverend William Mizell having produced his credentials of Ordination as a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church from under the hand and Seal of Joshua Soule one of the Bishops of said Church. It is therefore decreed by the Court that the Said William Mizell be hencefourth from the date of these presents be authorized and empowered to Solemnize the rites of matrimony agreeable to the forms of said Church. This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.4 Kb