Shelby-Saintclair-Talladega County AlArchives Biographies.....Chandler, Edward P. March 2, 1844 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Golowka June 18, 2009, 2:44 pm Author: "Memorial Record of Alabama", volume 2, published by Brant & Fuller in Madison, WI (1893), pages 894-895 E. P. Chandler, M. D., one of the most prominent physicians of Shelby county, was born in Talladega county, Ala., March 2, 1844. He is a son of Mordecai and Elizabeth (Bauts) Chandler, the former of whom was a native of South Carolina and a tailor by trade. In an early day he removed to Alabama, and was one of the first settlers in the town of Talladega. Here he followed his trade for a number of years, and then retired to the farm where he spent the remainder of his life. He served as a soldier in the Mexican war. His wife was a native of Georgia. Dr. E. P. Chandler was reared on the farm until he was seventeen years of age. In 1851 he enlisted in company B, First Alabama infantry, and served as a brave and true soldier should till the close of the war in 1865. While in the service he received one wound – in the foot. Among some of the hardest battles in which he was engaged were those of Franklin, Tenn., Waterloo, Peach Tree Creek, the battle of Atlanta, New Hope Church, Island No., 10, and numerous smaller ones. Up to the time of entering the service he had very limited opportunities of securing an education, and upon returning from the war he found that his father’s estate was in great part destroyed. He was, therefore, left without education or property to make his own way in the world as best he could. Notwithstanding these disadvantages, he went to work with a determined will and in a year saved enough money to enable him to attend school one year. He then studied medicine one year privately and entered the medical college at Augusta, Ga., which he attended one term. He then located in Saint Clair county, where he continued in the practice of medicine twenty-seven years. At the expiration of this period he removed to Birmingham, Ala., where for two years he engaged In the drug business, and he then removed to Vincent, Shelby county, where he resumed the practice of medicine, in which practice he continues to the present day. He came to Vincent at an opportune period, for just at that time Dr. Singleton, who had for many years been the leading physician of that place, gave up his practice to a considerable extent on account of failing health, and this large practice fell into the hands of Dr. Chandler. His practice is now very large, extending even into his old territory in Talladega county, and is well deserved. In 1869, Dr. Chandler married Miss Lula Allen, by whom he has five children, now living, viz.: John E., Mary A., Cornelia W., James R., and Ella May. Mrs. Chandler was born in Saint Clair county, in 1848. Both Dr. Chandler and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, and he is a member of the temperance society. Dr. Chandler and his family stand deservedly high in every respect in the estimation of their fellow-citizens of Shelby county. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.5 Kb