Shelby County AlArchives Biographies.....Du Bose, Wildes S. 1837 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 12, 2011, 11:53 pm Source: See below Author: Smith & De Land, publishers WILDES S. DU BOSE, M. D., was born in South Carolina in 1837, and spent his youth at Columbia. He attended Mount Zion College, at Winnsboro, that State, three years, and spent the same length of time at the State University located at Columbia. He graduated in the classical course from the University of Louisiana, in New Orleans, and after studying elsewhere, graduated finally at the Atlanta Medical College, in 1858. He practiced medicine at Decatur. Ga., until 1861, when he entered the Confederate Army as captain of the Anthony Greys. This company was captured at Roanoke Island, February 6, 1862. Dr. Du Bose afterward served as surgeon of the Eleventh Confederate Cavalry, and other commands. After the war he practiced medicine in South Carolina until 1872, when he came to Columbiana. He has been Chairman of the Board of Censors of Shelby County almost continuously since its organization, and is now Senior Counselor of the State Medical Association. Rev. Julius J. Du Bose, our subject's father, was a minister of the Presbyterian Church in South Carolina, and a man of great ability. He died in 1843. His wife, Margaret, was a daughter of Col. Wm. Thompson, of Savannah, who was a contractor, and built the railroad from Charleston to Augusta, said to be the first railroad begun in the United States. In this venture he performed a large part of the work with the labor of his own slaves. Dr. Du Bose was married in 1859 to Miss Anna, daughter of James M. Calhoun, of Atlanta. Mr. Calhoun was a lawyer of distinction in Georgia, and a man of great personal popularity. He was elected Mayor of Atlanta eleven consecutive times, and held that office when the city was surrendered to Sherman. He was a member of the Georgia Senate for many years, and wielded a great influence in regulating the banking interests of that State. He was a cousin of John C. Calhoun, of national fame. Dr. Du Rose has seven children living. One of them, Clarence C., is editor and proprietor of the Shelby Chronicle; another, Gordon, is an attorney-at-law in Columbiana. The Doctor is a Freemason, and he and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Northern Alabama: Historical and Biographical Birmingham, Ala.: Smith and De Land 1888 PART III. HISTORICAL RESUME OF THE VARIOUS COUNTIES IN THE STATE. MINERAL BELT. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb