Shelby-Talladega County AlArchives Biographies.....Mardis, Samuel Wright June 12, 1800 - November 14, 1836 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Golowka July 10, 2008, 6:38 pm Author: "Alabama: Her History, Resources, War Record and Public Men From 1540 to 1872," by Willis Brewer, published 1872 One of the earliest and most gifted public men of the State was Samuel W. Mardis, of this county. He came from Tennessee, and was probably a native of the State. When a young man he came with his father, Mr. Reuben Mardis, a farmer, to the county, and opened a law office in Montevallo. He represented the county in the legislature in 1823, and for several successive years. In 1831 he was elected to congress, his competitors being Gen. Garth of Morgan and Col. Baylor of Tuskaloosa; and was re-elected over Hon. Elisha Young of Greene. At the Expiration of his second term, he removed to Mardisville, Talladega county, and continued the practice; but died there November 14, 1836; aged about forty years. To a mind gifted above his fellow men, he added all the virtues of the purest heart. With his gentlemanly bearing, high-toned feeling, Christian piety, and open-hearted generosity, and benevolence, he won the esteem of all. “His education so far as books are concerned, was defective; but his knowledge of men, and of the motives which influence men, excelled that of any man I ever saw. To his superiority in this respect, and to his quick and clear perception of the turning points of his cases, is mainly attributable his success at the bar.”* He married a daughter of Robert Taylor of this county. His half-brother, Judge N. B. Mardis, is a citizen of this county. *Hon. W. Moody of Tuskaloosa. Additional Comments: From Biogrphical Directory of the United States Congress at: MARDIS, Samuel Wright, a Representative from Alabama; born in Fayetteville, Tenn., June 12, 1800; received an academic training; attended an “old field” school; studied law; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Montevallo, Ala., in 1823; member of the State house of representatives 1823- 1825, 1828, and 1830; elected as a Jacksonian to the Twenty-second and Twenty- third Congresses (March 4, 1831-March 3, 1835); moved to Mardisville, Talladega County, Ala., in 1835 and continued the practice of his profession until his death in Talladega, Talladega County, Ala., November 14, 1836; interment in Oak Hill Cemetery. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb