Shelby County AlArchives Biographies.....Wilson, Henry 1850 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher September 12, 2011, 11:08 pm Source: See below Author: Smith & De Land, publishers HENRY WILSON, Attorney-at-law, was born at Montevallo, Shelby County, this State, February 21, 1850. lie was reared and educated at Montevallo. He studied law there for a time with B. B. Lewis (late president of the University of Alabama), and afterward read law at Columbiana with R. W. Cobb (afterward Governor of the State), and was admitted to the bar in April, 1871. He was appointed Solicitor of Chilton County in that year, and remained such until 1873, when he removed to Montevallo. He has practiced law throughout Shelby and adjoining counties from 1873 until the present time, 1888. Judge A. A. Sterrett and Gov. P. W. Cobb were his partners until the death of Judge Sterrett, after which time the firm name became Cobb & Wilson, including Mr. Benjamin F. Wilson, brother of Henry. They had office sat Montevallo and Columbiana. This firm was dissolved in 1884, and a new partnership effected with E. P. Lyman, of Montevallo. In 1887, another change included J. L. Peters, of Bibb County, and the firm name became Peters, Wilson & Lyman. In 1880 and 1881 Mr. Wilson represented Shelby County in the Legislature and was on some important committees, including the Committee on Judiciary and the Committee on Commerce and Common Carriers. Mr. Wilson is a son of Dr. John B. Wilson, of Montevallo, and his grandfather, Benjamin Wilson, was one of the pioneers of that village, long known as Wilson's Hill. The Wilsons came from Tennessee and Virginia. Dr. John B. Wilson was a prominent physician of Montevallo, where he practiced medicine for forty or fifty years. He died in 1881, about seventy years old. He was married twice, first to a Mrs. Watrous, who died. He was next married to Miss Amanda Bandy, a sister of Mrs. Judge Leeper. By the second marriage there were five children who grew to maturity: three sons and two daughters, viz.: Henry Wilson, Benjamin F., John B., Ella (who married J. L. Peters), and Leta (who married Joe Slaton). The subject of this sketch was married in 1873 to Miss Augusta Allen, of Montevallo. He is a Mason, Knight of Honor and member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. Wilson stands in Shelby County as a man of high character. He is well known in the State as a fine lawyer, a man of influence, and an adherent of Democratic principles. Additional Comments: Extracted from: Northern Alabama: Historical and Biographical Birmingham, Ala.: Smith and De Land 1888 PART III. HISTORICAL RESUME OF THE VARIOUS COUNTIES IN THE STATE. MINERAL BELT. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb