Talladega County AlArchives Court.....Worthington, Robert April 27, 1870 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Diana Quinones audiana@msn.com October 15, 2006, 4:22 am Source: Book N P 134 Written: April 27, 1870 Recorded: May 26, 1870 State of Alabama, Talladega County, Probate Court, Special Term, 4/27/1870 Estate of Robert Worthington, dec'd As to final settlement. This day came Theodore R Burns as administrator of the estate of Robert Worthington, deceased, and filed his statements, accounts, vouchers and evidences, for a final settlement of his administration, and said accounts having been examined by the Court and found apparently correct, and being now reported for such settlement, IT IS ORDERED that the matter of said settlement as set for hearing on the 26th day of May AD 1870, and that notice of the time and nature of such settlement be given by publications for three successive weeks in 'The Sun', a newspaper published in this county. It is further ordered, that, Green T McAfee be and he is hereby appointed guardian ad litem, to represent Mary Alice Worthington, a minor child under 14 years of age, and to protect her interests in such settlement. It is further ordered that said Green T McAfee have notice of said appointment. State of Alabama, Talladega County, Probate Court, Special Term 5/26/1870 Estate of Robert Worthington, dec'd: This dau having been set to hear and determine all matters as to the accounts heretofore filed by Theodore R Burns, as administrator, now comes the said Theodore R Burns and moves the court that his said account may be passed and allowed, as the same have been filed by him, as aforesaid. And it appearing that due notice of the nature of, and of the time set to make such settlement has been given, in all respects according to law, and strictly in pursuance of the order in said estate, made and entered on the 27th of April 1870, and G T McAfee who was heretofore duly appointed by the Court to act as guardian ad litem, to represent and protect the interests of Mary Alice Worthington, the only minor concerned in this proceeding and settlement, now appearing and in open court, consenting to act as guardian ad litem, and proceeding to contest said settlement, the court proceeds to hear the patter pertaining to said accounts, and to consider the evicdence submitted relating thereto. Whereupon it is shown by sufficient proof, that said administrator has received of the assets of said estate, the sum of $586.68 in money, and that he has justly expended in and about the cash and charges necessary and incident to said administration, and in the payment of the just debts of said deceased, the sum of 167.33, leaving a balance of 419.42 (amt's don't compute) subject to futures charges and for distribution among those entitled. And said account appearing to be full and correct.. It is ordered and decreed by the court that said accounts be and the same are hereby, in all things, passed and allowed as above stated. Administrative report the following notes belonging to said decedent's estate reported in his inventory filed which cannot be collected out of the making, to wit: One note on John Wister due 2 May 1862 (dead and insolvent) $17.20 One note on J F Dill due 25 Dec 1861 .......................$37.50 The State of Alabama, Talladega County Before me George P Plowman, Judge of the Probate Court of said county came Theodore R Burns, administrator of the estate of Robert Worthington, deceased, and being sworn makes oath that the herein stated account contains a full true and correct account current, between himself as administrator of aforesaid and said decedent's estate, which he files for final settlement of the administration of said estate. That the heirs and distributees of said estate are Mrs. Lucinda C Belue, wife of Stephen D Belue, formerly Lucinda C Worhington, widow of said deceased over 21 years of age residing in Talladega County, AL, and Mary Alice Worthington, minor under 14 years of age, residing with her mother, said Lucinda C Belue, in said county, on whose estate this administator is guardiian by said appointment of your Honor's court. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of April 1870.... signed.....T R Burns Geo P Plowman, Judge of Probate Received this 26th May 1870 T R Burns Administrator of the estate of Robert Worthington, deceased, $209.71 dollars in full payment of the distributive share of my wife, Lucinda C Belue, formerly Lucinda C Worthington, in the estate of Robert Worthington, dec'd on final settlement of said estate as per the forgoing account, settled this day. signed ---Stephen D Billie, L C Billue, by S D Billue. It is ordered adjudged and decreed that the Administrator as Guardian ad litem retain and keep in his person, the sum of $209.17 for the use of Mary Alice Worthington, her distributive share of said estate and account for the same at future settlement. The other heir, Mrs. Lucinda C Billue, wife of Stephen d Billue, formerly Lucinda C Worthington, widow of said deceased with administrator's account correct, her receipt for her distributive share (see acct) It is further ordered that all accounts, vouchers and evidences and statements in file, relating to this proceeding and settlement, and all other paper writings on file respective to said estate, be recorded. Accounting of Theodore R Burns as administrator of the estate of Robert Worthington, dec'd: Dec 2 1869 - to amt cash rec on inventoried note on G L Ragland oncomiss. 400.00 interest from 12/21/1869 11.13 Jan 1870 recd on Jesse Hardin note inventoried 157.27 interest from 1 Jan 70 4.10 April 26 1870 note James Montgomery and Interest 14.29 ====== total $ 586.68 Dec 21 1869 by amt paid Walker and Bowie atty on collection Ragland note 15.00 interest .50 by amt Wm H Thornton, court fees 5.05 interest .24 by amt 'Talladega Watchtower' for advertizing 7.00 by amt 'Sun', advertizing settlement 4.50 by amt G P Plowman, Judge Probate 9.50 by amt paid G T McAfee, gdn ad litem 5.00 by amt Wm H Thornton, attny settlement 5.00 commission to admin on 586.68 at 2 1/2% for receiving and disp 29.33 paid for board of widow and child 86.16 remaining $ 419.42 Book N p 134 Additional Comments: The two distributees in this estate were the widow, Lucinda C. (nee Sisson) Worthington who had remarried Stephen D Billue by the time of this probate action, and her daughter, Mary Alice Worthington, who was still a minor (born 10/14/1860). Each share was $209.71 for which Lucinda signed receipt and the share to her daughter was to be held by the guardian ad litem Mr. Green T. McAfee. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/talladega/court/worthing167gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/alfiles/ File size: 7.3 Kb