Tallapoosa County AlArchives History - Letters .....House Letter 1880 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/al/alfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda House-Houlroyd houlroyd@oakharbor.net December 16, 2011, 3:35 am Washington, D.C. October 3rd, 1880 My Dear Nieces, It has been sometime since I received your letters. I hope that you will not attribute my long delay in writing to a want of interest in you for I do assure you I am very glad to make your acquaintance and often in the years that have passed I am so glad to know that I can hear. Since I know where to find you I feel richer in this worlds friends. I judge from your letters that you are warmhearted good girls. That is what I count of more value then precious stones hearts and stations for one. I feel that I love you dearly. I have very few relations and cannot afford to give up one. In me you will ever find a heart open to receive you but if we should never meet in this world I shall always be very glad to hear from you. And if I am a long time in writing it is because mine is a very busy life. I have a comfortable home and pleasant surroundings, kind friends, a loving husband and children but I work very hard I keep no servant when I feel well enough to work. Indeed they are more of an encumbrance than a help when anyone has every convenience that I have for doing my work. You ask me to tell you about your Uncles and Aunts. On your father's side there is only one uncle that is my youngest brother, Lucius House who is now living in San Francisco, Cal. publishing a paper called The People's Tribune. Your Aunt Laura is a widow teaching school in Arkansas. She had two daughters. Your Aunt Martha died years ago in Montgomery, Alabama. She left two girls and a boy. The girls are both married. Brother William died during the war. He was our pride. Young and talented, beloved by all who knew him. A lawyer with bright prospects and hopes for the future and above all else a Christian. He left a widow and son who is now grown up. A nice young man they tell me I have never seen him. My sister Hellen's boy she left only one is now living in New Orleans . Has for a number of years. He is about 26 years old his name is Willie Arms. We hear from him often and if anyone can judge from letters he is a noble man. I have no doubt about him. His step mother often speaks of him in her letters to me and says how proud they are of Willie. Now about my children. I think I told you about Emma before. Lewis Livingston my oldest is in New Mexico he is 20 years old. Bertha Gardner is ten and a rather smart for her age. I mean a good scholar and bright generally. Arthur my next is only six years old just started to school. Then little Susie has just turned her first year can walk alone and manages to get around pretty fast. Keeps us all busy but we love her more than anything else. She is a little torment still our pride and pet. I sent your letters to your gramma. She was very much pleased said she knew that you must be sweet girls and that she meant to write to you soon but her eyes are very bad and she does not write often. Give my love to your mother and father and write often. I shall always be glad to hear from you. Affectionately, A. Gardner 613 East Capitol Street P.S. I should like very much to have a good __________of your father. I will send you one of our daily papers you can see what the news in this vicinity is. Goodbye A. Gardner Additional Comments: Letter written by Sarah Adeline House Livingston Gardner to Harriett (Hattie) House German and Melissa Elizabeth House Beckham , daughters of George Washington House and Susannah Caroline Conerly . Sarah Adeline must have gone by the name Adeline. William Wallace House was married to Carrie E. Brown and their son was William Lucian House. “Gramma” is Nancy T. Franklin House, wife of William H. House. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/al/tallapoosa/history/letters/houselet48ms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/alfiles/ File size: 4.3 Kb