Benton Co., AR - Biographies - Dr. C. F. Baker *********************************************************** Submitted by: Date: 20 Jun 1998 Copyright. All rights reserved. *********************************************************** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCE: History of Benton, Washington, Carroll, Madison, Crawford, Franklin, and Sebastian Counties, Arkansas. Chicago: The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1889. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. C. F. Baker, a successful practicing physician of Maysville, was born in Franklin Parish, La., March 25, 1836, son of William and Sarah (Howe) Baker. William Baker was born either in Maryland or Virginia, but no positive information has been obtained as to what State he was born in. He was married in Virginia, and was also a practicing physician and a graduate of the University of Philadelphia. After receiving his diploma he returned to Virginia, and there began the practice of his profession. He continued there for a number of years, and then left for Franklin Parish, in Louisiana, where he practiced for a number of years. He then began the establishment of the Medical and Surgical Institute at Cincinnati, but had not completed the same at the time of his death. After his death Mrs. Baker was instrumental in seeing it completed, the State also taking an active part, making a large endowment, and when the work was completed Dr. A. H. Baker was made president of the institution, and professor of surgery, which positions he held until his death. Sarah (Howe) Baker was married in Virginia, also received a good education and was an accomplished musician. She is now living in Franklin Parish, La., and is ninety-two years of age. She was the mother of eight children, four now living. Dr. C. F. Baker was reared principally in Franklin Parish. La., and was educated under private tuition until fourteen years of age, when he went to Schenectady, N. Y., and there entered Union College or the University of New York. He remained there as a student for about two years, and then went to Oxford, Ohio, where he took a short course, after which he entered the Ohio Medical College and took one course of lectures. From there he went to Indianapolis, where he attended the medical department of the Asbury University, from which he graduated. He then went to Cincinnati and attended the Medical and Surgical [p.807] Institute, where the degree of Doctor of Medicine was conferred at the annual commencement of this institute, and afterward having the degree conferred by a regular course of study. Dr. Baker, after finishing his medical studies, went with a number of gentlemen to Fort Smith, and organized a company for the building of the Northwestern Border Railroad, but on account of the breaking out of the war was never able to carry their plan into execution. He then returned and enlisted in Company C, Third Louisiana Regiment, but remained with that company but a short time, when, under the orders of Gen. McCullough, he started for the Indian Territory, where he organized a company of Cherokee and white scouts, and rejoined Gen. McCullough in Benton County, at Camp Walker. He was then transferred, and did duty for Gen. Price on Cow Spring Prairie under special orders. After his duties as scout had been accomplished in Missouri, he rejoined his regular command, marched to Fort Wilson Creek, and there participated in that bloody battle. He then went to Lexington with Gen. Price again under special orders, being at the capture of that city. He then returned to Springfield, and there went into winter quarters, remaining only a short time, being forced to evacuate before Gen. Curtis' army. He then went down and participated in the Pea Ridge battle, after which his army retreated to the Arkansas River and continued on down south until they reached Memphis. Tenn., where they remained a short time. From there they went to Corinth, Miss., and participated in that battle, thence to Tupelo. Dr. Baker was then ordered back to Little Rock. from there to Fort Smith, and then joined Gen. Raines. He then went to the Indian Territory, and was on general duty, after which he went to Missouri, and then drifted into Louisiana, where he was on post duty at Alexander. He was paroled at Shreveport. Dr. Baker then went to New Orleans, but returned home and subsequently went to Mississippi, and afterward to St. Louis and then to Canada, being there during the Fenian invasion, and was on military duty, He participated in the capture of Fort Erie, after which he received orders from Gen. Barry to withdraw from the British territory. Dr. Baker then returned to the United States, settled at Bentonville, but his professional work was after his location at Maysville, which was in 1867. Since that time he has been thoroughly identified with his profession. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity and is politically a people's man, being now allied with the Union Labor party, but formerly being a strong Democrat, never having voted any other ticket.